Ideas around wifesharing NSFW


Apr 11, 2013
Slut for the king/ruler/Boss
Although they are a well off couple the king claims the wife for a night. Could also be a punishment for wrongdoing. Could also be a husband employee setting. As a kink the king/boss could involve his son or apprentice our business partner...

Wife and ex bf
The wife's ex is in town and stops by the couple's house. The husband has heard how she was his slut over many years and betrayed several of her other boyfriends with him. Can she resist? Does he know secrets about her past?

Wife sharing
The husband wants to see the wife.seduce another man. In this scenario he gives her away so there is no humiliation involved. The husband may be active or passive. The sharing could be a favor. She could seduce the unsuccessful nephew to teach him how to make love. She could be a high school teacher and seduce one of her students. Entertain a soldier who is back home for a few weeks. Husbands apprentice. Husbands best friend who recently got divorced. Old desolated neighbour. The Countess entertaining her most loyal servant. The elven queen entertaining after glorious battle...

My husbands nephew or his apprentice has been staring at me whenever we meet. He loves his uncle but can not help thinking about me... Of course we have noticed that he has a crush... We decide to tease him at first and then to seduce him

Darker variant of Nephew
Same scenario, he stays with us, we get along really well and he has a crush on me. One day there is a home invasion/or mob showing up because we could not pay our debts and they make us do naugthy things, including me seducing the nephew while the husband has to watch.

Listening in
Husband overhears conversation about his wife in changing room. Maybe at local School where the wife is a teacher...

Selected pictures as inspirations for rps

Beginnings used before - for recycling

The Cuckolded king
King William watched as the basket holding him, his new virgin bride Kate on their wedding day, his magician Noben an older, skinny, long and wild haired individual with an equally long and wild beard. His military commander Takbak who long advice his father much like Noben, though not as old but more stocky in his stature, piled on with muscles from long training and fighting with weapons, the family historian Lagous, not that old but still older then the young wedded couple at the end of their teens, but not that much older, his face was younger looking then the rest of him with a youthful lean body ready to do anything, and four guards rounded out the party.

They were all in plain white togas as ordained by all who ascended the the spire mountain and nothing else, having changed by their horses before getting in the basket. It was a plain rugged outcrop of mountain that was a circle weathered by storm gods over centuries but still soared way into the sky. The only way up was a basket, old, rickety, unstable, and basically shoty feeling and looking, as if it had no chance of making it a short distance up the mountain, let alone to the top. The young king looked over the vast plains as they ascended, it was many hours of fast riding to get here to the Oracles Spire before it would be dark, once they got to the top of the spire it might be.

His mind recalled the days events, the wedding itself, saying 'I do', to his long time friend and soon to be lover. Friends since they were kids, playing in the courtyard of the king and queen, his parents, they grew up knowing each other, she the daughter of well known nobles, the lady a personal friend of his mother the queen. The only reason it took them so long to get married, as an older teen marriage of an ascending monarch of high standing it rare, is because Prince William wanted to marry his long time best friend who he continually courted for years. His father the King trying to set him up with royalty of many near by kingdoms, to strengthen the family and the kingdom. The Prince did nobly court or date all the very beautiful and fine ladies of famous families that his father had him go meet. However, the answer was always the same, 'no' plain and simple. Luckily his father didn't force him, but the sudden death of his father did force a rather quick wedding to his long time best friend and only lady he was interested in spending the rest of his life with.

His arm pulled her closer to him once again, giving her another kiss on her perfect lips he knew so well. Courting for so long between his fathers pushing other women on him from other kingdoms, they had long been kissing, though had known nothing else of each other. They were waiting to see the Oracles of the Spire, a long tradition of nobles and common folks who had saved enough money to ascend the spire and have their futures helped here. The couple did it on their wedding day, as the Kings bride was still a virgin, though not for long, but bringing his wife still a virgin to the Oracles would bring better luck to the family, and as the head of the crown and country, it would help with that as well. However, the gods were somewhat more willing to make that luck be quite a bit different way to get their for this young new wedded couple. The gods were even quarreling with themselves as the party climbed the outside of the spire on the rickety old basket, moving into clouds as they kept going up.

In the realm of the gods they argued the fates of the young nobles on their wedded day. The gods all looked into the magical pool of viewing to see the young couple as they ascended the spire, his hand around her waist holding her against him. "Why must he endure this?", bolted out the mouth of Hephaestus, the god of fire protesting the collective will of the others.

"The prophecies will read that going through these trials will bring about a better and long lasting piece to the kingdom, as well as increase the wealth, power, prestige and land area of the kingdom for enduring it", retaliated his most beautiful and smiling wife Aphrodite, god of love and beauty. Both of these gods had the most to say about the couple because William was a follower of Hephaestus, learning the fine art of a smith from his mothers father, who was a very devout follower of the god as well, as were most of the best smiths of this realm. Kate was a follower of Aphrodite, like her mother, and her mother before her. Kate had even gone through all the rituals of a priestess of Aphrodite, in the event her husband had found another to marry, though happily for both of them he did not.

But while these gods had the most to say, they were not the only ones who had a voice, and while Aphrodite on her own can get her husband Hephaestus to bend to her will on her own if she wished, his voice was drowned out by a few other gods who pushed the fates in Aphrodite's favor. Most notably and outspoken of these was the god Ares, and the biggest thorn in the side of Hephaestus, the god who continually slept with his wife Aphrodite. "It is the fault of his father for first of all not building a temple to me, he was not a very devout follower to me, hence his early and sudden death!", Ares said loudly to the other gods, some who nodded in agreement. Finally Zeus spoke up, "let the prophecies go forth, but give them magic to help on their long journey to finish the prophecies you set forth for them, they are both devout followers of Aphrodite and Hephaestus and should be helped to stay that way and not fall out of favor", he finished watching Aphrodite's hands moving over Ares upper body lovingly while her husband was thinking and not looking at her..

Wifesharing with the countess
The count winked the servant into the room. He had not been in the countess private chambers before. The count pointed to a chair for him to sit down. He was clearly uncomfortable to sit in the presence of the count. He thought the count and him had been alone when we was starled by another presence. The countess stood in corner of the room he had not been able to see before. She looked different. She did not wear the heavy robes he was used to see her in during the day. Instead she wore a light, silky dress. He glanced at her exposed legs. They were stunning, smooth and slender and ended in a pair of heels. He held his breath - he had never seen her exposed legs before. "Well, then..." the count broke the silence. "I have seen you glancing at the countess in inappropriate ways far too often!" The count looked at him strictly; thinking that he may as well have a bit of fun with the boy. As he saw the horror in his eyes he quickly continued "..,Therefore in honour of the service and loyality you showed us today, I allow you to spend a night with the countess - in my presence of course!".

The husbands younger boss/colleagues
Steven was in a great mood, just having a couple drinks with his beautiful wife at a restaurant around the corner for his bosses place. Where he kept giving her little kisses on her lips and neck while they stood at the bar, since all the seats were taken. He told her how good she looked, and noted when guys checked her out. Passing the information along to her, each time making comments to her about how he wouldn't mind if she wanted to play around a bit. He didn't push hard, he had brought it up before many times, he had tried to get her to roleplay in bed using himself and a dildo as another guy. He pulled her hand on to the crotch of his dark blue slacks each time, so she could tell he was hard over the idea. Each time his average cock throbbed when her hand touched it, his other hand was usually on her, mostly her back, waist or shoulder, but his hand did venture down on her butt, feeling her up. He asked her before they left, when she told him she had to go to the ladies room, that he wanted her to go to the party with out ANYTHING under dress.

When she came out from the bathroom, he kissed her long and hard, he was still able to taste her drink on her breath. He took her hand, walking with her hand in hand to the car. Letting her in first, he watched her legs as she entered, he wondered but didn't ask if she took anything off under the dress. The ride was only a few minutes, and Steven's free hand, not on the wheel moved up and down his ladies leg. Feeling how smooth her skin was, he moved the skirt up a little but didn't venture a look to see if she did or not, preferring to think she had, turning himself on more.

Driving the short distance, he was pretty quiet, day dreaming of her having too much to drink, and one of the guys at the party talking her into a room to fool around. He didn't really think she would do it, but the dream was good to keep his cock hard. They entered a security gate, then took the main road, with huge immaculately sculptured lawns, with flowing shrubs, big beautiful trees, and flowers galore. Each house seem to try to out do the next, as he turned right down the side street. More houses, still huge, just not as big, instead of being 10,000,000, these were probably only a few million. Driving a couple blocks before Steven turned onto his bosses street, more big beautiful houses on each side of the road. Steven was even more quiet, looking on at all of the houses, thinking of the jobs these people had to afford them, or companies they owned. He thought of how almost had one such job, maybe not to live there, but much better. The job his boss took, fresh out of college, 'know it all boy', got the job Steven trained him as the father wanted him to know everything about the business for when he took over everything. Steven felt he was going to get it, after the owner fired his previous boss right before the son graduated, with a 6 year degree in 4 years at 21. Knowing now his boss was going to give the job to his son, even though he hinted to Steven that he seemed to best person that knew the business. He did finally speak, "honey, you know I don't like to dance and suck at it, but I want you to have a good time, I know guys will ask you to dance and you should", he said again thinking of it leading to something more.

Four weeks of training his owners son, and now he pulled down the brick paved driveway, up to his house, now his boss, and it was impressive. Looked like a mini white house in the front but with marble instead of stone, not all white, with finely manicured lawn and flowers, and a big fountain in the center of the wraparound brick driveway. Valet at the front, took the car to be parked around the side. Steven took his wife's hand, as they walked up the marble steps, with huge pillars of marble holding up the main entrance, two very massive exotic wood doors, with big brass door nobs and door knockers hung in the center of each well carved doors. Within seconds of Stevens knock, the door was opened by a well dress man, welcoming them, asking for their names, checking them off, and telling them to have a great time. Steven noticed and reveled at the looks both these younger middle eastern looking boys had over his wife and her dress. Looking around the room, several middle eastern looking young men where carrying around trays of drinks and hors-d'œuvres. Some had champagne, others wine, red and white, and others with martini's. The men with food, all with different small finger food, none of the items had pork, as a lot of Stevens coworkers and the bosses buddies also here, were not allowed for religious reasons. There were lots of vegetarian items, as well as lots of spicy items for the dinners to enjoy.

The foyer was as big as a living room, coat racks with the doors opened for people to leave them before joining the party were on each wall. Immediately it opened into a big round room over two stories high, two wide sets of steps ascended with more marble on either side of the room up to a walkway, joining the two stairs, as well as leading further around the next open room beyond. The handrails where another exotic wood, intricately carved, there was fine red carpeting up the center of the stairs. Big windows on either side, on both levels, were adorn with fine curtains, all drawn open, with fancy ties in the middle. The marble in the center of the room, had an unknown different colored inlay of other marbles, Steven thinking one need to be on the second floor to see what it was.

As the couple walked around Steven introduced his wife to many faces as they walked through, the small crowd of people. Most are guys he works with, about three quarters middle eastern men, a few women, many are married but didn't bring their wives, believing they might be temped by something. The others are a mix, most everyone is polite, the older men much more polite than the younger ones are, especially as more drinking goes on. There are some not drinking as well, mostly the older men, where as the younger ones are more of the drinkers and the ones drinking more. Grabbing drinks for both of them, Steve hands one to his wife as he took sip, again he noticed the looks from men about the party.

As they walked under the archway for the stairs, there was mistletoe hanging from above, Steven stopped and gave his wife a big long kiss. When he felt her resisting, he pulled back and pointed up, then just pulled her into the bigger more oval room. The walkway could be seen going all the way around the room on the second floor with several door along the wall, all exotic carved wood, fancy gold picture frames between each doorway hung with unknown artistry from what you could see on the first floor. Above there were five crystal chandeliers, one after the other, very big and ornate, shadowing over the whole room, with skylights along the edges of the room in the ceiling, with intricately ornate cross work, either painted or carved about the ceiling as well. More marble, of various colors adorn the floor, unable to tell if there was a pattern or not with all the people about the room. The down stairs had marble pillars holding up the walkway, opening the room up three times as big, with equally big openings on each side as big as the main room they looked about. Both sides had lots of separate areas with lavish couches, love seats and chairs, each with different colors, woods, fabrics and patterns. At the far end was the band, set up on a 3 step stage, big glass windows two stories high behind them, in the background the huge pool area with gardens around and behind it. The music is that of a restaurant with belly dancers or from a bollywood movie, and there were women who looked like belly dancers, from their fancy dresses and the way they danced in front of the band on the marble floor. "Your the most beautiful women here", he told her pulling her up close to him, a little tipsy already as this was his third drink in a short period of time. Steven knew there were a few of them who were escorts, paid by his boss to entertain his friends who were here, as well as some of the workers. He didn't think any of them match his wife at all, even if they were younger.

"See I told you I should have gotten that job", Steven whispered to his wife as he couldn't help but be impressed by his young bosses mansion. Wondering what his bosses fathers place looked like, hearing it was even nicer than this one, from some of the middle eastern employees he knew well, who had been over there on high holidays, as several of his co-workers were not from Pakistan like his boss and his father, but shared the same religion. Again, as guys would look over his wife's body, Steven would let his wife know, asking her what she thought of him, when she saw who he was talking about. It felt a little different in the party because about three quarters of the guys he worked with were middle eastern, a lot were Pakistani. The thought of his wife with one of those guys if anything seemed more kinky, running through his head were images of his wife on her back with a brown butt thrusting bareback into his unprotected wife. He came out of his daze, took another big drink, looking at his wife, not knowing what his face looked like after imagining that.

Karen was mesmerised when she entered house. They had a wonderful house in a good area, but this was like living in a five star hotel. The whole atmosphere, the oriental men, the music and the exotic drinks made her feel adventurous, as if on an exotic holiday. She enjoyed the teasing of Steven, how much he desired her after so many years made her feel sexy and confident. She regretted now that she had not taken off her panties when he had asked her earlier. She knew how happy she could make him with these little teasings. She handed him his drink and went to the ladies'. A luxurious marble bathroom awaited her. She looked into the mirror - hmm she looked good today. She took off her pants and stuffed them in her handbag. When she returned to Steven, she gave him a deep kiss, whispering :"for you darling...", handing him her tiny panties.

GoT - Catelyn and Joffrey
The Court has been aware of Lady Stark's arrival shortly after her husband, the Warden of the North Eddark Stark of all men was captured and is currently being held in the royal dungeons by the Lannisters. It's like waiting for the other boot to fall because no one knows exactly what will happen, the nobles are nervous and so are the people in the streets, so the modest procession of guards leading Catelyn to the Palace today is met by only a few curious gazes and eyes avoiding her own, since they are well liked but no one can really tell what's going to be happening over the next few weeks. On the Iron Throne Joffrey now sits alone. Even his guards are asked to leave (he can handle a single woman after all, especially one who's been very carefully searched before she was allowed anywhere near him), dressed in a rich royal red vest and matching pants -- he's a good looking boy about whose cruel nature only certain rumors have began to spread so far. "Let her in, let her in!" he yells impatiently when he hears footsteps coming down the corridor.

Karen and the scouts
Karen had just finished doing the dishes when her sister Anna called to ask her for a favour. Both the sisters had been scout leaders since they had been too old to be scouts themselves, but Karen stopped a couple of years ago, when she had her first child. Now her sister asked, whether Karen and her husband could organise and lead this years summer camp for Annas scouts, because she was about to start a new job. Actually, Karen had always enjoyed being a scout leader, and her son would be in a summer camp around that time anyways. She just had to convince her husband Tom, who had never been in a scout camp and was usually more in favour of hotel vacation. They had a very successful business and had not taken time off in ages. Annas scouts were only boys and it would be their last camp before turning 18 or 19 and therefore being too old and “graduating”. What Anna did not tell her 35 years old, elder sister was that her group had turned into the horniest bunch of boys the scouts had ever seen… But she knew if there was one person who could handle them it was Karen. Anna just wondered whether her sisters amazing looks, would help her or make it more difficult to keep the boys calm…

The same evening Karen tells Tom what her sister´s phone call:"It has been ages since I have been out in the wild. Heading our company and playing the business woman is not really me... please Tom...? Besides it would be good for you as well, you have never been camping! And... its their last year, so they are all 18, so they should be quite mature, which will leave plenty of time for us!"
Well, Tom, was not happy with her plans at all and he knew by the way Karen talked that there was no way out. He had hoped for a relaxing vacation somewhere in the carribean, but the last thing Karen mentioned made him think:"A group of boys, that just turned 18, why would she think that will be an easy task...? She always underestimates her looks. That could turn out to be an interesting vacation..."
Indeed, Karen usually underestimated the effect her looks and teasing nature had on employees and virtually every man she met. Tom enjoyed other men looking and appreciating his wife. It would be fun to catch the boys talking about her, or trying to get a look now and then...

One month later, in the late evening, a bus arrives at a plateau in the Rocky Mountains, the place that will be the home base for the last summer camp of the "blackfoot" scouts...

"Everybody out of the bus!" Karen screamed "Set up your tents, the whole north-western territory is our space and then we will meet here around the fire, since you are my sisters group, you need to introduce yourselves..."
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