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The Bet (Potter and Darkest)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
Michael let out a small sigh as he sat on the desk in one of the classrooms on the fourth floor. He still wasn't quite sure how he had gotten talked into this, but he figured it was worth a shot. He was tall and lean, with short brown hair and hazel eyes behind a pair of black rimmed glasses. He was in casual clothes, his Ravenclaw emblem sewn onto his polo shirt.

He had taken a bet from some of his Slythern buddies, to fuck the unfuckable, so he was told. Hermione seemed like a bastion of virtue and prudishness. Even though she was dating Ron, there was a rumor going around that they hadn't even kissed, let alone had sex. She simply wouldn't allow it it was told. Thus it was that his friend had made him a bet; if he could fuck Hermione and show proof, they would give him an obscene amount of money. They were all the sons of rich men after all, they could throw away vast piles of wealth like it was nothing, and they didn't expect him to accomplish the task anyway.

Thus it was that he was now sitting here, waiting for Hermione to possible show up. He wasn't sure if she would at all, he just mentioned to her that he had something to talk to her about in private. While they had been in classes together before, it's not like either of them really knew each other that well. He also planned to be as blunt as possible, mentioning the bet and offering to split the reward with her if she went along. He figured that was the easiest path that granted him the best possible outcome of success, he wasn't much of a flirt after all.
Dammit Ron. Hermione was fuming after her latest "discussion" with her "boyfriend." So she didn't particularly fancy snogging in public. So what? That was her decision, and if Ron kept being an arse about it, she was going to end up hexing him. She'd probably done so already if Harry hadn't intervened. The idiot had never really gotten it; it had taken forever and a near crisis for them to even end up together as it was.

The frustrated, flustered Gryffindor only just remembered her meeting. She had been championing inter-house relations lately, to try and stave off future problems, plus there was a slight chance that this "Michael" may have heard about S.P.E.W. She'd made certain to grab a few badges just in case: the more support the house elves had, the better off everyone would be. Plus, there was the added benefit of Ron not liking her meeting another boy alone.

Well, next time he can not be a complete idiot. Hermione huffed as she yanked back some unruly hair. The soft brown hair had a tendency toward getting absolutely everywhere. It frizzed at the slightest change of weather and would take charms or potions to get into a manageable style. Oh, if she tried, Hermione could look downright beautiful. Even now, someone would likely call her cute: sharp brown eyes, pleasant features, a smattering of freckles. She had a girlish build, sure, but everything you needed was in the right spot. Said spots were currently covered by the school uniform and robe, all the way from Gryffindor tie to regulation Gryffindor panties (which Hermione had bought several sets of, thank you very much).

So to the classroom. Hermione entered at a near run, her hefty bookbag threatening to upset her. "Hello Michael," she called as she entered. She paused to look at him again: nothing spectacular. Very run of the mill, really. He did seem vaguely familiar, maybe they'd had a class together. "I've had a truly awful day, and I'd rather not get into it," she said, reaching up to pull back another unruly strand. She'd tied her hair back, but it didn't seem to want to cooperate today. "You said you wanted to meet in private? Is this about tutoring or maybe S.P.E.W.?" she asked, turning to look up at him. She didn't see any books, so it was mostly just guesswork on her part...
Michael watched as Hermione ran into the room; he stood up from his desk as he got a good look at her. Even now, with how stressed she looked, she still had that bookwormish, cute charm to her. He did find himself looking at her during class at times, but he was good at keeping that a hidden fact. He pushed his glasses up a bit as he let out a small chuckle.

"It certain seems like you've had a day. " He mentioned as he took a step towards her. How to brooch this topic...should he be delicate about it or just blunt? He figured being blunt was likely the best method for both of them. If she was going to deny him one way or another, best to just get it over with quickly. If what little reputation he had was going to sink, better to go down quick and painless rather than slowly and awkwardly.

"While I would be interested in talking about S.P.E.W later, that isn't what I called you here for. " He cleared his throat as if to prepare himself before his hazel eyes locked onto her own.

"Right, to be blunt. A bunch of my rich friends offered me a bet; if I'm able to have sex with you, they will give me an obscene amount of money." He mentioned, seeming to draw in a deep breath again before continuing onward before she could interrupt.

"If you are willing to do this with me, I'd be more than happy to split the money 50/50 with you, as well as help out with S.P.E.W." He offered both the money and his help and time for SPEW if Hermione would merely sleep with him. He braced himself for a slap or being shouted out for being an idiot, a perv or both.
Hermione just bobbed her head slightly as Michael agreed to her having a day. Sadly, she had more 'days" than she had not at this point. She folded her arms and waited (im)patiently while he worked through figuring out what he wanted to talk. Her brows rose as he mentioned S.P.E.W., and she was glad to hear him actually spelling it out instead of using the stupid nickname that Ron had come up with (another point against her idiotic boyfriend).

Then it came out.

Hermione blinked, not sure she quite heard him correctly. He kept going, mentioning money and S.P.E.W. and seeming to be fairly upfront about it. But surely Hermione had heard him wrong?

"I must not have heard you correctly," she had to say, shaking her head ."Because it sounded like you just propositioned me to have sex with you," she said, pointing a finger at him, "for money. Which means you think I'm a... prostitute?" She let out a tight laugh. "Who put you up to this? Because this is just--an incredibly dumb idea." She rose up then, uncrossing her arms. "There's just---did Ron put you up to this? Merlin's beard, he can be just so--" she threw up her arms, clenching her fists for a moment in raw frustration. 'I swear, I should just accept. Show him who's the blasted prude. Willing to sleep with a near stranger for a few knuts."

Hermione huffed, starting to pace now. "This is just... unbelievable. You're kidding, right? Like, why would you even ask? You had to know what my answer was going to be."
Michael let Hermione vent at him, let her have her moment. He certainly deserved it for asking such a thing. Indeed, when she said it back to him, it certainly sounded like an outrageous thing to ask. Still, he wasn't willing to back out just yet. He admitted that he wanted the money, but Hermione was indeed cute and sleeping with her would definitely be a nice thing, even if it was awkward. Once she was done, he nodded he his softly.

"I mean, I was pretty certain of the answer, but it never hurts to be direct about it. I mean, I think you are a cute girl so sleeping with you even once would be amazing and we would both get a lot of money out of it. I don't think your a prostitute at all, but the money we get from this could be put to good use, you know? You could use it to really help S.P.E.W get off the ground." Michael decided to pressed his case, a small blush on his face as he himself couldn't quite believe he was arguing such an issue, but now that he was, he was going to go for it all the way.

"Also, Ron didn't put me up to it, but two Slythern boys I know. Their daddies are rich, so I know they are good for it if we go through with it. It would just be once and once we get the money we can erase all the evidence. I won't force you of course but it is just an offer." Michael ended by trying to give her a small smile.

"I mean, I sure you think I'm an idiot for asking, I said before. You are super cute so I it wrong for a guy to dream?" He rubbed the back of his head meekly, expecting to be scoffed at again.
He was serious. That took Hermione by surprise, simply because she hadn't expected him to actually be serious. She almost didn't quite catch everything else he'd said, compliments and so forth. Clearly he had some issues if he thought Hermione was one of the prettier girls in her class, what with her always carrying books and dressing frumpy and the hair, god, the hair. Sure, she'd fixed her teeth and she looked alright when cleaned up, but hardly cute enough to dream over, regardless of what Rita Skeeter had said only a few years ago.

"The money would come from Slytherins?" asked Hermione, folding her arms. "I'm... just two Slytherins? How could they get so much money?" she was ignoring his compliments and the other nonsense. They needed to treat this practically, like a transaction. Much easier to handle if they thought of themselves as two people about to engage in a business deal. Funding for S.P.E.W., nothing more.

Didn't stop Hermione from flushing slightly. "And why do we actually have to go through with it? Couldn't we just," she gestured with a hand, "fake it? You'd have to provide evidence, correct? I could just hand you some of my undergarments or something, then confirm it in front of them. How would they know? Because we certainly couldn't take pictures, and even if we could, they'd just say it was doctored. And I'm not going to let someone else watch me--' she gestured again, "do that."

She folded her arms. "Did you actually think this through at all? Because you really should have, if you're going to be trying to talk me into this---this insanity." Which she was actually considering, for some reason. Fuck Ron and his stupid prude nonsense. She could just sleep with someone, make money for S.P.E.W, rub it in Ron's face...
Michael raised an eyebrow as Hermione didn't seem to outright deny him, and instead seemed to be debating the merit of the plan itself. That was...rather surprising to him but his plan of just being upfront with her seemed to not be dead in the water just yet. It seemed to her the most important thing was making money for S.P.E.W. He could respect that, but the guys had actually given him some pretty specific guidelines.

Thus, when she mentioned trying to fake it, he shook his head and tapped his head. "That's not going to work. See, they want to confirm it in one way, and that is by view my memories. I know a spell that can allow others to view my memories for a limited amount of time so that's the only proof they would accept." She seemed to object to people watching her have sex directly, but he shrugged his shoulders at it.

"I mean...they won't be watching you directly and they won't be able to show the memory to anyone else. So if you really want that money, you'll have to be fine with two Slytherin boys viewing you and and me having at it....they won't actually be here of course so that's a plus I suppose?" He let out a small chuckle before letting out a sigh. In terms of planning things out, this was mainly his plan, just be as upfront and frank about it as possible.

" I did think this through. I know you care about S.P.E.W and could use the money and if rumors are true, you are upset with Ron at the moment and I mean...well, if you want to get back at him in someway and do good while you're at least you know I'm clean, and I'll use a condom." He pulled out a sealed condom for her to inspect, and he pulled out a piece of paper that held test results that revealed he was clean of STDs. It seemed he had at least prepared on his end for every eventuality, though in all honesty he hadn't even expected to get this far.
Right, legillimens, Hermione should have thought of that after Harry's lessons in the subject. She chewed her lip: that should work, but, well, you could alter memories too. It was slightly more vivid than some other options, and it wasn't like many students at Hogwarts could manage it. Hermione wasn't even sure if she could do a memory alteration charm good enough to withstand scrutiny. Slugworth's had been sloppy, and he had a few decades on Hermione.

So yes, they wouldn't be there, but they would see. "They'd actually only need to see the initial penetration," She pointed out, "as that would be confirmation of you having sex," she considered again, tapping one hand against her arm. He had thought it through, even prepared in case she agreed. She took the paper, scanning it: this had been done by a quite thorough physician. In truth, it provided more on Michael than she could provide in return. Hermione didn't have any sexual partners though, so it wasn't as if she had a point of comparison.

So yes, she could get back at Ron, and make money, and screw over Slytherins, and apparently make a Ravenclaw boy quite happy. But... Hermione chewed her lip, shifting. "I don't know, I haven't exactly..." she trailed off, gesturing with her hand. 'I mean, you would be---" how to word this, exactly? Hermione shuffled again, flushing almost beet red as she turned away for a moment. Could she just... sell her first? Then again, think practically. She only had one first. This way, she could get something for it, help an organization in need of helping.

Hermione fingered the guidelines. Then looked to him. "You donate half of what you'd get to S.P.E.W., at least," she said, pointing, "and I get to oblivate you after the confirmation. And we're both taking potions before hand. And we do it off the school grounds," she reached up, brushing back hair, "I don't want to get in trouble," she mumbled, flushing again. She paused, considering. "Also, I want to know upfront how much money we're talking. It's pointless if it's not enough, and if you lie to me or try to take more, then obviously I'll feel cheated. Everything I've heard and read says this is going to be much better for you than me," even if Hermione did get to enjoy fucking Ron over... though not in the literal sense.
"They're going to want to see a bit more than that, but we can work that out with them later if you accept." Michael mentioned as he thought about the boys. He knew them well enough to know that watching the initial penetration wouldn't be enough, they'd definitely want to see more but that was a problem for another time. It still seemed like Hermione had some trepidation about the whole thing. Her reaction made it clear that she was a virgin and that this would be her first time. It seemed the rumors about her and Ron not moving along were true but he decided not to bring that up.

"It my first time too...if that makes you feel any better." He meekly rubbed the back of his neck as he let out an embarrassed sigh at the admission. He had got the tests done more to just reassure Hermione that he was clean if she didn't believe the fact that he was a virgin. Still, he wondered if that fact would make her more nervous or less.

At her added conditions though, he scoffed slightly. Not at the money part, but the part about being oblivated. "I'll donate all of my money to S.P.E.W if I don't get my memory wiped." Michael offered, it seemed to him, the memory of his first time was more important than earning money. That and he did actually believe in and support what S.P.E.W stood for, so at least the money would be going to a good cause. "Which potions, exactly....and I know a place off campus, an inn we can go to....I know the guy who runs it so its no questions asked. Here is the amount....." He pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket. It was a notarized form claiming that two boys would pay Michael what amounted to 100,000 pounds if he fulfilled "the bet".

"So....if we are in agreement...shall we do it this evening?" He offered, not sure if she was ready to do this tonight or not, or if she needed more time or if she would even agree...but he felt like he had to press onward to convince her.
Great, see even more. Hermione flushed, wondering if they could somehow tweak it so that their viewers only saw a few portions. She did not like the idea of these boys getting enough to get aroused or, even worse, seeing her get cummed in or whatever else may happen during this stupid idea. And no, hearing that he was a virgin did not make it any better. If anything, that made it worse, and Hermione winced.

"So you'll have no idea what you're doing either?" she pointed out, not caring if her voice sounded harsh. He'd been the one to try and talk her into this stupid, crazy idea in the first place. He should've been ready for that. She frowned, rubbing at the back of her neck. Nothing about this---well, he did just agree to donate all his money to the account, which would be worth it. Really, Hermione didn't care that much if some random person remembered it, she supposed.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Infertility potions," she replied quickly, taking the claim. That was... a lot of galleons. Her eyes widened at the sight. She literally could not see any of her objections matching at least 50,000 pounds dropped into her organization. With that much, it would go from a dream to something very, very real, and that was assuming she didn't pour most of her money into it as well, which of course she would.

"This evening?" she repeated, looking up and frowning. "It'll take me at least a few hours to get ready," because no way was Hermione letting someone see her looking scruffy, particularly not in a scene that was going to get rewatched. "And I'm not sure that'll be enough time to get everything prepped..." her mind was already making a mental checklist: certain undergarments, arrangements, the potion itself... there was a lot that they'd have to get together. It would take at least until the weekend, wouldn't it? Wasn't that the next Hogwarts visit? Or did she just want to sneak out of the castle. She could borrow Harry's cloak...
Michael seemed to scowl somewhat when Hermione accused him of not having any idea of what he'd be doing. "Hey, I'm not that ignorant on the matter....I've seen in read things." He rubbed the back of his head, trying to defend his inexperience, he was willing to bet he at least knew more about it than her. He had been taking her berateings up to now but he was growing more and more unwilling to put up with it as it became more obvious she intended to go through with it.

When she mentioned infertility potions, he raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "So you want to do it raw then? I mean I have condoms prepared, or do you just trust potions or than muggle made things?" He asked; he wondered if maybe she just had some kind of ideal version of what sex should be and for her it was raw...well, he doubted that but Hermione, he couldn't be sure.

He nodded his head when she questioned the time. "Yes, this evening. I don't need to make arrangements at the Inn, I can just show up and we'll be fine. It's still more than a few hours before sunset. I know how to brew infertility potions, so I can take care of that while you prepare?" He suggested with a small grin. It seemed like Michael was eager to get this done tonight and not put it off. Putting it off meant giving Hermione time to change her mind or back out. He at least was now gung-ho about losing his virginity, but he was doing his best not to show it.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, I've read things too," she replied. Things that convinced her this was going to be utterly awful. Virginal boys were to be avoided; any girl with sense knew that much. They were fun for older women at best, and still teenage Hermione hardly counted at that. But whatever, it would be quick, she supposed, and she'd earn a tremendous amount of money, get to rub it in a few faces, all made quite a bit of sense.

"We use both," she insisted firmly. "It's called a safety net. Should the condom break or the potion fail, the other will be sufficient. If we had time, I'd order Muggle birth control or look up spells..." she was tempted to beg for more time. He kept insisting, sounding more and more, well, male with each insistence. Though he was still conceding: he'd brew the potions. They would only take a few hours, and it wouldn't take much to brew a dose strong enough for two people. Plus, Hermione highly doubted that Michael wanted a child any more than she did.

She bit her lip, shifting again. She'd need at least a few hours to prepare, to ask favors, to primp, to make up an excuse. "Which inn?" she asked after another beat, meeting his gaze again. She'd need that much. Then they could just... get on with it, she supposed.
Clearly Michael would be fighting an uphill battle in order to actually pleasure Hermione during this encounter, but he was a stubborn soul and part of him took it as challenge. Well, he wouldn't say that out right but he was certainly going to do his make her eat her words. When she mentioned the safety net, he nodded his head firmly, that all made sense to him.

"You like to take every pre-caution, don't you? Well, better to be over-prepared than under-prepared, right? I wouldn't worry to terribly much about it." He tried to alleviate some of her worries and fear, but he doubted his words did much to soothe her mind, but he couldn't be faulted for trying at least.

When she finally asked which inn, it finally dawned on him that she was actually going to go through with this, no backing out it seemed. His face flushed slight as he met her gaze...had she always been so cute? He shook his head to escape his stupor.

"It's the Quill Tavern, it's located in a small hamlet just outside the outskirts of Hogsmead. I'll go and get to brewing the potions, I'll see you there around 8?" He asked if that time would be good for her, more than a few hours for each of them to prepare for the upcoming event. He had already started moving towards the door, a million things running through his mind now.
"Precisely," said Hermione, keeping her voice clipped, almost too clipped. She still wasn't completely satisfied with this whole... idea, but she knew it would be utterly stupid to not accept it. Some part of her almost wanted to request that Michael do something to make sure that it would be a good one, since it was her first time. But Hermione had already decided to treat this like some sort of business arrangement. Pleasure would be an afterthought, if it showed up at all.

"Quill tavern, around eight," Hermione agreed, nodding, moving toward the door herself. "If you don't have the potions, we don't do this tonight, understand?" She held a finger up to him, gave him a look, then left. She couldn't believe she'd actually agreed to this. It was stupid. It was foolish. It was crazy. It would... get her ridiculous amounts of money. And again: Fuck. Ron. That thought made her smile as she hurried back to the dorm. She'd need every bit of the few hours remaining to get ready for this, since she'd be visible for at least three people.

First, to Ginny. Borrow some clothes: a nice dress robe, some lingerie, go all out. If Hermione was going to be seen, she wanted to blow Slytherin minds. Ginny likely wondered, but, well, she'd done her fair share of fooling around with boys before. Thus she became a fountain of advice, most of which Hermione took to heart. Spells were laid upon her body, smoothing out bits, straightening others, getting everything together and in its place. The lingerie had to be spell-adjusted, but it would fit quite well. Same with the dress robe.

At least two hours were spent on her hair and face alone. Taming the frizz into soft, luxurious curls took forever, which is why Hermione normally didn't bother. She finally threw on a cloak, then had Ginny borrow Harry's (she'd keep him distracted). It was out the secret entrance, through Hogsmeade, and asking a few directions.

Hermione would arrive a few minutes early, sliding the invisibility cloak off, but keeping her own hooded, normal cloak on. She looked about the in, trying to get her bearings, to see what sort of locale Michael had selected. Was it private, was it a place void of disease, would there be people they knew... many more questions that were assailing an already nervous Hermione, her gut twisting in her stomach.
Michael had done his share of prepping in the hours that he had prior to their arranged meeting. His mind had calmed down and he had gotten to work on what needed to be done. First thing was first, he had brewed the infertility potions for them bottle. Careful to make sure the dosages were just right, the potions would make them both infertile for a few days, just to be safe. Once those were bottled up, he began to get prepared himself.

He had done a little studying on a potions and some spells that would help Hermione feel good during her first time. He had brewed up a rather potent aphrodisiac and he had learned a spell to help make her body more sensitive to pleasure. He hoped that would be enough of an advantage to combat his inexperience. Michael made sure his short brown hair was look prim, proper and clean. He had washed up and cleaned and put on some cologne. Just the right amount to where he would smell nice but not enough to be overbearing. Not wanting to stand out too much, he wore just a regular blue polo shirt and some dress pants.

He had arrived the Quill Tavern early as well to make the arrangements with the owner. His family had been friends with his family for years and so when he said he needed a room, no questions were asked. The Quill itself was a rather nice Tavern. It was still your local village inn and tavern, but it was clear the owner worked to keep it clean and good looking. It had a decent amount of people meandering about, drinking and talking. A piano in the corner was being played to some cheers and there was a fire roaring in the hearth even though it wasn't too cold out. It seemed like a quaint enough of a place, and there wasn't a Hogwarts student or teacher in sight, just the locals.

Michael was sitting at the bar, drinking some mead when Hermione came in. He couldn't help but chuckle as she stood out a bit with her hooded cloak on. He walked towards her and gently grasped her hand. "Come on, I'll take you to the room before people think some shadowy cabal is here to do something." He joked as he led her up the stairs and down a hallway to the last door at the end. He opened it up with a key he was given.

It was a decent sized room with a queen sized bed, a love seat and a vanity with a mirror connected to a small bathroom with a tub and toilet. It was quaint, just like the rest of the inn.

"Make yourself at home." Michael offered as he pulled three potions out of his pocket and set them on the vanity as he took as he turned to look at Hermione. Because of her cloak and hood, he hadn't gotten to see how she really looked under it yet. Part of him waited with baited breath to see just how much she had prepared for this.
A nice, village inn. Something about it felt ripped out of history but, well, a lot of Hogsmeade, a lot of the Wizarding World, felt anachronistic. Hermione had adjusted to that years ago. She did feel a little too warm: her outer cloak was quite heavy to compensate for the thin, borrowed dress robe that covered her lithe form.

She shot Michael a quick, slightly teasing glare as he teased her, but took his hand all the same. she felt her heart flutter for a moment, a few more butterflies stirring around in her stomach. Business deal or no, she was about to lose her virginity. At least it would be planned and worthwhile.

A nice room: probably the inn's suite. Hermione looked around, not quite moving from the entrance at first, still keeping the hood up. The mention of home had her looking back to Michael, and she stepped forward as he started getting out potions. Two she recognized immediately: infertility drugs. The last didn't seem all that familiar... it's color almost reminded her of the potions the Weasley twins sold. Surely he wouldn't think to bring a love potion?

"I'm not drinking a love potion," she informed him, reaching up to start unlacing the cloak. "This is already quite insane enough, thank you, "she pushed back the hood, revealing her perfectly curled and styled hair. The brown curls fell in gentle waves instead of jutting out, almost without a bit out of place. Light, natural, makeup brought out the girlishness in Hermione's features, without covering up the light dusting of freckles. Somehow her brown eyes seemed to almost pop.

Hermione worked at the bit of cloak, removing the traveling one. A deep green robe, clearly borrowed for a Weasley to wear, showed. It clung nicely to Hermione's lithe curves, showing them off without being obscene. Daring, perhaps, with a slight slit to show off just a hint of pale flesh, but nothing risque. One may even call it classy. Hermione hung her cloak up, then turned back to Michael. She gestured toward the potions, waiting for an explanation, at the least.
Michael just nodded her head at her statement. It wasn't a love potion and he'd explain that in a moment. for now, he simply watched as Hermione began to take her hood and cloak off. His face tinted red at once at the sight of her styled her. Her complexion was brought out by the makeup and seemed to blend together quite naturally with her skin tone.

As the traveling cloak was removed to reveal the robe, his blush intensified. It seemed to fit her perfectly, showing off and articulating her curves withing being too showy. It suited her quite well. "You look beautiful...amazing. Sorry, I'm sure you think I'm just trying to butter you up, but I really mean that...." He had to at least tell her that, she looked stunning right now. He wondered to himself if she had every prettied herself up this much for Ron. Well, either way, he would consider himself lucky.

Now that he had his wits back, he looked towards the potions, picking up the first two bottles. "As you could tell, these two are the infertility potions. I brewed them so we'll both be infertile for a few days, just in case something goes wrong with the condom as you mentioned before. " He set those bottles down before he picked up the one that was really in question.

"This is not, however, a love potion like you first guessed. This is simply an will heighten your arousal and help you feel more pleasure." He set it down as he let out a sigh, rubbing his head before locking eyes with her.

"I know you are seeing this as basically a business arrangement of a kind...but it's still your first time and well...I want you to enjoy it as best you can and I know I'm inexperienced so I'm doing what I can to make up for it. I want us both to enjoy it, even if it is just for the money." He grasped the bottle with one hand again as he stepped towards her. He used his other hand to grasp her right hand, gently opening it before placing the bottle in her hand and closing it.

"Just...consider it, alright? It's not like it'll make you fall in love with me or anything." He sheepishly grinned as he picked up his own bottle of infertility potion, popped it open and drank it.
Hermione had to fight the urge to roll her eyes yet again. Why did he insist on flattering her? She was going to sleep with him one way or the other. Though, she did have to admit to some pride. "Hopefully the Slytherin fools agree," she said primly, running her hands down the borrowed robe again. She felt a bit like she was just putting on false finery ,but, well, that was what most of this was.

She looked to the potions. Infertility, as agreed, and an... one of those? Hermione flushed at the mention, staring at the potion. He either didn't have much faith in his own abilities or he really wanted Hermione to get rather randy. She pursed her lips as he handed it to her, holding it cautiously in her hand. "These could interact poorly," she pointed out, nodding. "I've read studies that suggest that aphrodisiacs and fertility potions can almost result in a near frenzy..."

Though it was fairly common among more... salacious witches. Hermione moved back toward the infertility potion, setting down the other for it. A quick quaff let the thing run down her throat, and she paused, tasting it. "You added a flavoring agent," she observed. "That seems rather unnecessary but, well, thank you all the same," she set it down, already feeling a strange burbling in her stomach.

Her gaze and hand fell on the other potion. "I'm not a slut," she insisted, turning to look back at him. "I'm only doing this because I figure I might as well get something out of it," she looked back, chewing her lip and running her hand along it. Would it cancel out her potion? Well, Michael would still have his... and the condom. But she wasn't sure she liked the idea of handing over control. Then again, it may make the experience look more natural. Hermione kept waffling, rubbing the potion bottle as if a genie would appear and answer her question for her.
"I've read that they might, so I brewed the aphrodisiac with ingredients that are less likely to react with the ingredients in the infertility potions. Of course I can't guarantee, but I did my best to minimize an extreme reaction." Michael stated as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. It was clear that he had done his research in the little time he had had. He had put in the effort and done his best mainly because he did have something of a crush on the fellow bookworm.

He watched as she drank her infertility potion and then began to question wither or not to take the other. Michael screwed together some courage and stepped towards, her, gripping one hand in his own and squeezing it as he looked her in the eyes again. This time, his gaze had a fiery passion and affection to it as he gazed upon her beautiful face.

"I know you aren't a slut, Hermione...I would never think that. I understand why you are doing this and what not...but I like you and want you to enjoy yourself. " He squeezed her hand as he confessed his small crush for her before he moved to pop open the bottle in her other hand as he lifted it up gently towards her lips.

"I know I'm a virgin, alright? I know I'll be sloppy and not the best, and you have all people deserve the best for your first drink." His voice had become more stern, more commanding, almost domineering in a way, but it was still soft and affectionate. It seemed Michael was a mixture of emotions and thoughts right now.
Of course; he was a Ravenclaw. Somewhere in the midst of this utterly insane plan, Hermione had forgotten that very key detail. She fought back a slight flush as she recalled it now. He probably had done the research, and he'd known enough to add a flavoring agent into the potion and---

and he was holding her hand? Hermione looked up, brow furrowing. Had she wanted that assertion? Maybe...? The more he spoke, the more Hermione wondered if he wouldn't have suggested doing this without the bet backing them up. Maybe that had been where this started: Michael had defended her or admitted to having a crush on the bookworm and been laughed at. Despite herself, Hermione found herself spinning a little tale.

Sloppy, not the best, details she knew but--suddenly there was a burst of command, of authority. Despite herself, Hermione found a little stab of actual arousal coming through. Could he actually take control? Would Hermione like that? Maybe... a bit? She did like following rules and suggestions and authority figures to some degree... if they were right. But he'd raised the potion and, perhaps despite herself, Hermione found her delicate lips opening. The potion slid into her, and she swore she could already feel it spreading its warmth throughout her body. She'd felt that little stirring before, some with Krum, who'd actually been rather sweet, definitely with Ron, and it fluttered a bit now, perhaps catching onto something else.

"I'm feeling warmer," she mumbled, raising a hand up to brush back a loose curl. At least it didn't seem to be an immediate potion? Or perhaps her body was resisting? she didn't quite know which potion he'd brewed, so it could just be in her head.
Michael had noticed how Hermione had reacted when he asserted himself. She enjoy it. Was that the kind of play she was into? Did she enjoy being commanded and being made to do things. Michael decided he to experiment to find out. His face was definitely red, but his gaze was firm as he squeezed her hand again, his other arm going to wrap around her waist, pulling her into his chest which was surprisingly firm and sturdy. It seemed like he would be taking the lead here.

"It takes a few moments." His voice was deeper now, full of longing and lust as his eyes looked at her lips. He licked his instinctively as he moved forward, his face nearing her own before finally his lips meshed against her own. He kissed her with a hunger and need she had never felt from Ron. His tongue lashed at her lips, seeking to gain entry to her mouth and to play with her own appendage as well.

As he kissed her, his hand began to rub her back gingerly, his fingers running through some of her locks of brown hair. He could feel his cock starting to harden inside his trousers and the bulge was starting to press up against Hermione's thigh. After tangling his hand in her hair for awhile, his hand ventured down her back and towards her rear. He gave her ass a playful and firm spank before groping her rear, stopping to gauge her reaction and enjoyment or dislike of what he just did.
A few moments for what? Hermione nearly asked, confused, not sure what precisely sort of potion she'd just drank... willingly? Was that willingly? She swore she could feel her blood pumping in her ears, her heart thudding loud enough that surely Michael heard it. Its constant beat underlined the action. Hermione's gaze fell to licked lips, her own parting for a moment, to question, to receive, she wasn't sure.

She found his lips taking hers. A squeal of surprise, of slight protest, jerked from Hermione. But her mouth opened as his own demanded. She felt her tongue willingly going forward to meet his. Kissing him... it felt... it felt somewhat like Krum? When Krum had fully been himself, not the shy, bumbling man he sometimes showed, but the real Krum. That had been Hermione's favorite part of dating the burly Quidditch player... that and the sweetness that underlaid it.

Hands trailed, making Hermione shiver. What was he-- they grasped her head. She gasped, her own hands going to his shoulder, fingers digging for support. The hand controlled, and she found herself mostly letting. A sharp slap made her gasp, dislodging their lips.

"What--what was that for?" she demanded, feeling a flush growing on her face. The potion surely must be taking effect? She could feel the heat rising on her bottom: a tight little apple shaped thing perched atop her lithe legs. "We don't need---shouldn't we just be getting on with it?" she was getting flustered, pink rising, her lips already feeling slightly swollen. She... she definitely hadn't expected this. Just to be lain back, an in and out sliding, that's.. that's what...not this...
The potion seemed to be doing it's job as Hermione seemed aroused and taking pleasure in his actions. That was good, and Michael was pleased with how things were going. Kissing her was rather enjoyable, his tongue swirling around her own, their appendages dancing a waltz inside her mouth as they kissed. He felt her hands on his shoulders, it pushed him forward slightly, pressing his bulge into her thigh even more, letting her feel his growing desire for her.

He chuckled at her reaction to his seemed she enjoyed it, even if the sensation confused her. "For giving me a hard time earlier today." He playfully teased her before spanking her ass again, this time with a little more force since he was now sure she enjoyed it. He started planting kisses up and down her neck, his tongue like a brush on canvas as he stopped to nibble and suck on her earlobe, his hand continuing to grope her rear.

"Get on with it....well, I'm not ready for the main event yet, but I'm certainly ready to see more. "Michael chuckled, seeming more confident in himself now. He had to be, he had to take charge and be the leader for Hermione's sake. He let go of the girl, stepping back to look at her, his gaze that same firm and domineering one from before, this time mixed with a hint of affection and playfully.

"Well then, Hermione...take that robe off and lets see what's underneath." He commanded again, his voice stern as he himself removed his polo to reveal his physique underneath. He wasn't as muscular or fit as Krum had been, but he was at least as fit, if not more so than Ron. His pectorals were developed and his abs were coming along well enough. It seemed he kept in shape, despite his bookish outwardly appearance.
Hermione's eyes narrowed, though she was torn between saying that he shouldn't do that again and teasingly offering to make more trouble. Even just having that latter thought made her flush slightly. Not helping was the potion. Or the kisses and nibbles that started working their way up. By the time he started nibbling her ears, Hermione felt her knees begin to buckle. Had she not been holding Michael, she may have outright fallen.

"Right, the main event," she reiterated, trying to hide some of her breathlessness. At least he let her go, though she almost wobbled. The mention of removing the robe had her flushing, and the flush only darkened as she saw his bared chest. Not... bad. She did like some definition, and he hand it. Before Hermione could really process it, she reached out and ran a hand along his chest, feeling his muscles. A shiver shook her ever so slightly, and her big brown eyes looked up at him.

"You're, ah, bigger than I expected," she offered, not seeming to realize the double entendre. She moved a hand to the robe, playing with the lacings a little. "Um, I'm not sure I can take this off by myself?" she admitted. "Ginny had to help me put it on..." she felt a little squirmy too. Just what had been in that potion? Hermione was almost tempted to just outright ask its effects, see what parts of what was happening to her body were real and what parts were potion... though did that line even really matter?
Michael was surprised slightly when he felt her eyes gazing upon his form with what seemed to be a feeling of longing and desire. He was even more surprised as he felt her hand on his chest, her soft and delicate fingers tracing across his muscles. He chuckled softly, enjoying the sensation of her fingers. It felt...surprisingly good.

"Like what you see?" He gave her a teasing wink as he placed his hand on top of her own, lacing their fingers together before watching her struggle to take her robe off as she got flustered with her words. "You are adorable when you are flustered, you know that?" He teased her more, his lips planting themselves over her own again, his tongue pushing against her lips against as his hands moved to her robe.

It seemed he was able to work the lacing well enough, even while they kissed. Soon he had the lacing undone and he let the robe slip off her body and pool around her ankles as he took a step back to gaze upon the figure that had been hiding under the robe, now bare and in the open for him to see.
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