PrincessWolf's Character Journal

Nov 27, 2017
Hello people,
Welcome to my Journal here I will have a list of characters I have played in the past and I have fallen in love with them, they are separated into two different categories, one is for Anime, the other is real for different pictures for different roleplays I have done in the past. So I hope you all enjoy what I have written down and maybe even give me some positive feedback on what I have. \

Thanks again :)
Anime Characters

1) Riko Kyuu (Sesshomaru-Inuyasha)
Name: Riko Kyuu
NickName: Ri, Kyuu
Age:Unknown, looks to be about 16-17
Race:Nine tailed dog Demon
Height: Five foot
Eyes:One blue, one green
Special Features: She has a north star on her forehead She also has a True Form
History: Riko was born to the lord and Lady of the North long before anything had happen (Naraku). Riko was born into a loving family, she had a mother who had a heart of gold, her father was one of the best warriors. The North and West were great allie's so when Toga ( Inu no Taishō) always had parties or gathering's he had invited the North. Riko and Sesshomaru meet when they were still very young, and from that moment, the West and North had always had plans to have the two mate and bring the North and West closer,
but soon something bad happened and the North was badly attacked,
so the Lady did something she hoped would save her only daughter, which was to put her in the Bone eater's well, but unknowning to everyone,
the small child had been moved to the future era, where she was soon raised by a family who was close to the Higurashi family as she grew up next to Kagome, her demon traits had disappeared and her memory had vanished as Riko grew up believing she was a human.

2) Aita (Soul Eater-Soul Evans)
Race: Shinigami
Weapons: Aika carries two Sai's Who are twins named Joseph and Luke.
Family: Asura (Big Brother) Kid (Brother) Death (Father)
History: Aika was born as a miracle child, she was just a few minutes later after her Brother Kid had come out, Death wasn't expecting to have a daughter but he was happy none the less. Aika grew up always around her father and brother Kid as she grew up, she is more one for the books, and unlike her brother, she likes to have things in different places and not all lied up. Though Aika dose have some problems, Aika was born with a bad heart, so her father had kept her close for that not wanting anything bad to happen to his baby girl. But as Aika got older, she started to rebel a little, fighting with her brother and wondering off. That was until he had decide to put her in school with her brother where she meet Joseph and Luke, they became great friends and they are great protecting her. Aika also has some time with the Cello, and has become a master at it.

3) (Sanji/Zoro-One Piece)
Name: Aquamarine
Nickname:Aqua Marie
Powers:Aquamarine can control the water around her, no matter what type of water, she can control the storms that happen, but all in all she can go from Mermaid to human when ever she comes out of the water
Family: Neptune (Father)
History: When Aqua was a small child, she would always go and see her mother, who was always on land, and while she was visiting her mother, she had came across a small boy who she had talked to and learned what had happened to them, so she made it her duty to try and cheer them up, soon her mother was attacked by pirates and she was forbidden to go to the surface again.

4) Charlotte (Alucard-Hellsing)
Name:Charlotte Eleanor Francis
Nickname:Char, Elea, Princess
Height:Five foot
Weight:Not saying
Hair:Dark Brown
Eyes:Blue eyes
Special Features: Has a scar on her shoulder from her childhood
Family:Queen Elizabeth (Grandmother) Unknown Parents
History:Not much is known about Charlotte, just that her parents were killed by a band of vampires when Charlotte was only small so her grandmother had to raise the child.

(More is coming)
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