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You've Got Your Arms Wide, and Sin in Your Eyes (Daunte and Potter)


Nov 25, 2017
NSFW: Ciri
NSFW: Also Ciri!
NSFW: Weiss
NSFW: Also Weiss!

The vibrant shining ball of fire was high in the sky, a perpetually active fusion reactor which gave Earth the warmth needed for the creatures that dwelled upon it to survive. While cloud coverage was readily obscuring the serene blue of the miday sky, it appeared that none of the clouds had the courage to challenge the sun on such a beautiful morning. All seemed peacful and immaculate on the outskirts of the college campus save for the bustling noise of students moving to leave or attend their extracarricular activiites. It was on umarred days like this that one had to question if their really was anything wrong with the world. Of course the answer to that was a resounding 'yes', but if you were one of the sheltered students who could afford college then it must have seemed like a perfect world. That was assuming that the stress of college itself didn't dampen the mood of the wonderful atmosphere. Some people swore by the college experience while others absolutely despised. Even the ones who disliked such ordeals would have to admit that it was a seemingly perfect day though.

That was until the sky turned a dark blue-gray, clouds moving in finally to assault the sun's dominion of the air. The temperature seemed to drop suddenly from the comfortable warmth it was earlier to a now freezing chill. It was as if the world itself had suddenly reversed nature in the area. With a swirling swoosh of rushing air, a vortex much like a wind tunnel forming seemingly out of nothing, began spinning up. To the untrained eye it must have looked like what uneducated people assumed a tornado began as. Contrary to that though tornados started from the sky and touched down. This was moving upwards, reaching towards the clouds like a windy tendril as loose things nearby were picked up. It wasn't strong enough to pick up anything remotely heavy, but the whipping of leaves and college litter was obvious to anyone who caught a look at it.

Finally though, a swirling mass of objects about fifteen feet high now, it picked up speed until a glowing purple void opened up at the top. Many of the objects that had been lifted up seemed to get instantly sucked within the portal, but afterwards the swirling seemed to die down. Moments later though the portal brightened to a blinding flash of light. Through the mouth of it fell two bodies which collided with the ground resulting in a dull thud as the two impacted with the earth below. Then, as quickly as it had shown up, the portal was gone. The clouds seemed to dissapate back to the shy movements they held before the weirdly sudden storm, and once again the incandesecent sun held it's grip on the tiny planet which it sustained.

Piercing emerald eyes snapped open and the Ciri woke with a start, head jerking at quick angles to make herself aware of her surroundings as she'd been taught growing up. You were never truly safe even when everything was at ease, and waking up in an unknown location didn't quite come close to being at ease. The architecture was foreign to anywhere she had ever been before and that sent alarm bells ringing through her mind. It suddenly clicked in her thoughts that she wasn't exactly sure how she got to the weird city in the first place. The last thing she could recall was training in the moonlight before bed... Now it was midday and she was lost. Not alone though as it seemed someone else was in the same predicament as her. Ciri analyzed the other female from a distance to the best of her abilities while slowly getting to her feet which ended up being a lot harder than she thought it would be. Apparently falling fifteen feet was fairly taxing on the body.

Finally though about a minute after Ciri, the other girl who had fallen through the portal seemed to stir. Weiss groggily opened her eyes and moved to sit foward, but a weak whimper fell from her high-pitched voice as pain shot through her body. She managed to sit up though, yet it was fairly obvious that she wasn't as accustomed to pain as the battle-worn warrior that had come through the portal with her. That wasn't to say that she wasn't a fighter herself, quite the opposite in fact, but the pain of the fall had definitely had more of an effect on her then the other female. Despite that though Ms. Schnee persevered and overcame the overwhelming sensations as her senses were assaulted with a new location. Her body was in pain, the scents were far different from the sterile and immaculate home she was used to, and her vision was met with unfamiliar sights. The pressing matter though was figuring out exactly what had happened, or more importantly perhaps where she was in the world. Dad had never spoken about a place matching the architectural intracies of the foreign land she found herself in. Waking up in such a place after having laid down in her bed for the night had maybe scattered her thoughts in panic though.

"Where... Am I?" Weiss questioned, eyes locking on Ciri with a furrowed brow. Generally her voice would have been more demanding and opposing, but as it stood she wasn't in the particular mood for contronation. Especially not with someone who looked like they could and would handle themself in a fight.

Ciri offered the sitting female of ivory a smile, standing to her feet fully and giving a casual shrug. "Heh, your guess is as good as mine. I was about to ask you the same question. I guess that means we're both lost," she mused, hand reaching up to her blade that rested on her back. With a swift, practiced motion she drew the blade before giving it a twirl. It felt comforting to have the steel weapon within her hands, and seeing as no one else was around she figured that there wouldn't be any risk of giving locals the wrong idea. As she thought about it though she realized she could hear voices, several in fact, murmuring on the other side of the wall the two had landed a few feet from. They were distant, but definitely there. "Oh... And just some friendly advice, you might want to handle that before someone sees," she added with an amused look, pointing to Weiss's dress which had unfortunately been flipped up from the fall to expose her usually private areas. That was one of the many reasons why Ciri didn't wear outfits like that. It was just impractical to fight in restrictive clothling like that.

Weiss's face flushed an embarrassed red as she fervently went to work lowering her dress, following it up by brushing off the particles which clung to it while standing up. Apparently she hadn't finished changing clothes last night because she realized a few key articles of clothing were missing, something Ciri had gotten quite the view of. "Hmph," she said, turning away from Ciri to look around at the surrounding area, although the real reason was to hide her embarrassment. "I'm sure someone around here knows where we are and can get us home... As much as part of me really doesn't want to go home," she mentioned with a sigh, mostly speaking to herself, but it seemed like the girl she'd awoken with was in a similarly confusing situation to the huntress. The voices she heard milling about reminded her very much of Beacon so that seemed like a rather good place to start asking around. She doubted that it was a hunter school, but any information on their situation would be a step in the right direction.
The city of Lexington was an ideal college town, not to large and not too small. It was just right. There was enough to do in and around town to keep students busy and having fun, but it wasn't so large that the city felt overwhelming. Downtown had skyscrapers and many other buildings galore. The university was slightly detached from all that though, it's building more diverse as the university had expanded throughout the years. This is the town that Michael called home. He was a graduated student at the University there, studying both history and anthropology. He was a tall young man, with short, crew cut brown hair, hazel eyes that were masked by a pair of black rimmed glasses. His body could be described as average, not in shape but not out of shape either.

He walked down one of the streets down the university, humming to himself gently as he drank his coffee. He was enjoying the crisp early winter air; he was bundled up in a jacket with a blue jeans and a scarf. He himself was a big fan of winter; he never really enjoyed the oppressive heat of the summer. It was truly a beautiful day, the sun shining brightly and not a cloud around it seemed. Then it seemed to darken slightly for a moment and he looked and watched the strange scene play out before him. Though he didn't see the two bodies collide in the air, he never the less made his way towards where the anomaly had occurred.

When Michael arrived at the small plaza in the center of the University, he stared at a moment at the two girls in front of him. Why were they cosplaying? That was the first question on his mind; he didn't think there were any conventions around at the moment. Also, they were damn good cosplays too, they were the splitting images of both Ciri from the Witcher and Weiss from RWBY, both things he was a big fan of. They were both beautiful and stunning, even from the few yards away that he was. He took a sip of his coffee as if to give him courage and then approached the two girls with a smile.

"Hey there! Those are really impressive cosplays! I wouldn't imagine Ciri and Weiss as a pair but the two of you go together surprisingly well." Michael chuckled as he was now just a few feet away from the girls, a rather innocent and affectionate smile on his face. Another sip of his coffee, now that he was so close, they both were really too beautiful to describe and the splitting images of the characters they were cosplaying. It was uncanny how similar they looked.

"What brings you two here though? I'm not aware of any conventions in the area." As he spoke, the bells from the nearby chapter began to ring the hour, 10 in morning it seemed. The plaza they were in would soon fill with students moving between classes, a figurative tidal waves of students would soon be upon them
The trained gaze of the elder blood host locked upon the approaching male far before the newly met companion which she'd apparently ended up becoming stranded with. Fortunately it seemed like they weren't in an inherently hostile land based on the boy's lack of weaponry, but that didn't mean she was going to let her guard down in the slightest. The moment that happened seemingly always coincided with the moment something awful happened. Ciri had been through enough awful events, especially the ordeal with the Wild Hunt, to never want another bad incidenct to occur. That was of course why her blade remained drawn, although the friendly social aspect held within Cirilla's personality meant that it was lowered to reduce any amount of forced intimidation. The sword was a warning and nothing more.

Weiss on the other hand, caught up in panic about the current situation, didn't notice the guy until he spoke which resulted in her quickly snapping to face him. The ivory huntress didn't recognize his outfit since it didn't look like any of the school uniforms she'd ever seen if it could even be considered a uniform at all, something she was skeptical of. Still though he had the look of a student which she could relate to even if their types of schools would be incredibly different. Weiss really doubted that he was a hunter based on the way he looked, but then again surprises lay around every corner.

Both girls were confused by his words though as neither of them had any clue really what cosplaying was. Weiss knew of the concept sort of since she'd heard about people doing it in the less restrictive areas far from her home, but it wasn't even really popular outside of Atlas either. The other confusion thing was that she didn't even know what it was she would be cosplaying, and the mention of her name made her even more confused. How did this guy know who she was and why did he think she was cosplaying?

Ciri's emerald eyes shifted to look at the female standing next to her, eyeing the huntress up and down. Based on the male's assessment it would seem like the white haired fair maiden was named Weiss, but how exactly he knew her own name was beyond her comprehension. Cirilla didn't recognize the male in the slightest and it didn't seem like any area of the world she'd ever been to. Everything including the guy's clothing was extremely foreign to her. That didn't even begin to describe her confusion at the mention of cosplay. Was that a sort of interaction involving costumes? If so, what was she even dressed as? As she looked down at herself she only came to the conclusion that she looked like herself which made her cast a wary glance at the newly arrived male.

"Hey nice to meet you. I'd introduce myself, but well, it seems like you already know who we are. How do you know my name?" Zireael asked, eyes narrowing upon the male in a scrutinizing gaze. Something about the situation didn't sit right with her. It was off in some way more than just having woken up in an unknown land, but what exactly was wrong Ciri couldn't quite place.

Weiss nodded her in turn, agreeing with the sentiment offered by the ashen haired warrior who she'd woken up next to. The fact that the first person they met knew both of their names was extremely discomforting to the huntress. "Yeah that's a good question. We don't even know each other so how do you know us? I mean my family name is rather widespread, but I'm not exactly the face of the family," Ms. Schnee pressed with a certain prideful tone to her voice. She'd definitely become more distant to her family in recent memory, but that didn't mean she wasn't proud of where she came from.
Michael didn't seem to notice the sword until he was already next to them. He had been so focused on the girls themselves that Ciri's weapon didn't grasp his attention until it had some time to wander. His eyes did eventually lock onto it and he let out a whistle at the sight. "That seemed to be some pretty good craftsmenship...though I would recommend putting it away soon since we don't want to get in trouble." He chuckled meekly, rubbed the back of his head as he let out a breath, his breath visible because of how cold it currently was.

Sure enough, already people were starting to emerge from buildings all ready them, it was a small trickle for now, but soon it would become a flood as people went from class to class. Michael could only hope the girl would listen to his words. After all, as they spoke, they seemed almost hellbent on staying in character. That was dedication right there, but he figured there was a time and place for such things.

"Well, I'm Michael. It's nice to meet you both. I'm a student here at the university. As for how I know you two...well, I mean, both your characters are famous, you know? Otherwise you wouldn't be cosplaying them, right?" He chuckled nervously as more people emerged from buildings, the wave of students starting to become a torrent and sure enough, he could feel the gaze of many of them falling on the trio. He had to get them out of here, he didn't want to cause a commotion.

" both seem...a bit confused. How about you come with me to my office and we can talk over some coffee. Sound fair?" He asked with a small smile, offering his hand to both girls to help lead them to his office. Thankfully, the building where his TA office was right in front of them, so it was just a matter of riding the elevator up. These girls made him curious, for sure, he just hoped they would come along with causing too much of a commotion. Last thing he wanted to do was get campus security involved, that would be a real hassle.
Ciri frowned at the male who warned her to put her sword away. Of course no one would want her armed. They never did. That didn't mean she was going to simply sheath her blade though in foreign lands. When she heard the people who began flowing out of the building though she let loose an exasperated sigh before placing her sword back in it's holster across her back. The warrior felt naked without her weapon in her hand, but she was at least comforted by the fact that she hadn't been asked to give it a way.

Finally the pair who had been unwittingly put together got the name of the person who had decided to be so uncharacteristically generous in assisting them. A lot of what he said didn't make sense, but both girls could agree that Michael seemed like a nice guy. He seemed really hung up on the whole cosplaying and character thing to which neither of them really understand to a measurable degree. It just didn't make sense the way he was talking about it.

"I don't really get what you're on about with the characters and cosplay, but it's nice to meet you Michael. I know my stories are fairly widespread nowadays, but I didn't think famous would be the word used to describe them," the ashen haired girl mused thoughtfully, offering the friendly male a warm smile as she brushed her hair from obscuring her vision. Emerald gems scanned over him multiple times to see what she could glean from his body language, but unfortunately she didn't pick up on anything other than his outgoing attitude.

Weiss on the other hand interjected with a smug look upon her face at his words confirmed her earlier suspicions. He was a student after all! "Ha, I knew it!" she said excitedly before looking around sheepishly upon realizing her outburst. The ivory huntress of ice took a moment to clear her throat before continuing. "This is a school, and you're a student! This isn't anywhere near Beacon or the other big schools I've been to though. Where are we?" she asked with a matter-of-fact questioning tone to her high pitched voice which contrasted quite heavily with Ciri's more mature one.

Ciri instead took Michael's hand delicately like she'd learned was proper of a lady, even if the warrior of the elder blood was far from it. "That sounds wonderful. Hopefully you'll be able to help me, or I suppose us, figure out what's going on," the athletic female agreed with another inviting smile. Cirilla was well acquainted with the social asspects of the world and it was one of the things she enjoyed about adventuring, even when it was forced for reasons that didn't involve exploring. Meeting new people was always a pleasure.

Weiss's eyes flicked to see that Ciri had taken the male's hand and she rolled her eyes at the scene. As if she, Weiss Schnee, was going to take the hand of this guy simply because he'd offered to help them. Still though she wasn't going to turn down the offer for assistance. A huge part of her was scared that she was alone in a place she didn't recognize, but the huntress did her best to hid the fear in her eyes. "Yeah that sounds fair. Lead on," she agreed, although it came out as a little bit demanding in the way her voice fell.
Michael at this point wasn't sure if these girls were really just super dedicated to their personas or if something more was going on here. Still, Ciri's smile made him blush as he rubbed the back of his head meekly and chuckled. It was clear he was somewhat flustered from Ciri's smile, he just hoped she didn't pick up on that too much.

Thankfully, Weiss interjected with her proclamation and Michael was able to compose himself as he chucked at her attitude. "Yes, this is a university. The University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. In the United States." Michael explained where they were. Their reactions to his statement might give him a clue as to what kind of situation was going on here.

As Ciri grasped his hand, his blush returned as he gave her hand a squeeze . "I'd be happy to help however I can, of course, Ciri!" He turned to Weiss as she "commanded" him and chuckled. "Of course, my lady. I shall lead the way." He lead the two girls through the crowd to a large, 20 story tower just beyond the plaza they were in. They walked through the front doors and the warmth of the building assailed them, beating away at the cold from the outside.

Michael let out a blissful sigh as he walked in towards the elevator, there were still many eyes on them but it didn't really bother him at this point; the elevator arrived and Michael beckoned the girls to enter the elevator. Once they were inside, he pressed the button marked 16.

The elevator rose, the sensation of rapidly rising was familiar to him as he turned to the girls and smiled, "So what were you two doing before I showed up?" He asked as the elevator setteled on the floor and the doors opened. He beckoned the girls to followe him. A window showed just how high up they were as they passed it and entered a small cubical. In it was a small table with a computer with two monitors, a chair, and a loveseat. Michael motioned for the girls to sit in the loveseat as he moved behind the desk.

"So can I get you two anything to drink before we talk, coffee or tea?" He asked polietly, he felt like this might be a long tong so he was getting ready to get settled in for it.
Much to Michael's chagrin Ciri had definitely picked up on his flustered reaction to her. It wasn't something that she was paticularly surprised by though. Afterall Cirilla was a princess among many other things and it appeared that the male was simply a student of some sort. Such reactions were to be expected even if the female didn't intend for it to happen that way. She just often had that effect on people. Contrary to the guys she was used to who tried to act far tougher than they actually were, Zireael found his personality refreshing.

Caught up thinking about the male Ciri hadn't even payed attention to listen to his description of their location which was quite weird considering that was what the two girls had followed him for in the first place, but luckily Weiss was all ears to his words. And none of them made sense. "Okay... I officially have no idea where we are," the ice mage spoke with a disheartened huff of her breath forming in a very heavy sigh. The huntress had hoped the name of where they are or the school might have helped, but it seemed that plan had gone out the window so to speak.

Ciri took notice of the second flushed look of the male as he held onto her hand with a frim grip to which she quite enjoyed the feeling of. It wasn't often that she really let her self have time for casual playfulness with another and as such it was very welcomed. Everything seemed really weird and advanced like some sort of Elven magic technology that she'd never seen before. Despite the initial confusion though, both girls having felt it to some degree with Cirilla having been affected by it more, they both stepped into the elevator with Michael. The sudden feeling of the floor moving caused Ciri to start looking around in confusion at first, and her stomach felt a little sick from the unfamiliar sensation. Weiss on the other hand didn't think anything of it as she'd seen elevators in different forms back home. This one was certainly different, but it wasn't so far from what she was used to that it bothered the huntress.

"Well... I was trying in the middle of the night before I woke up outside this place," Ciri truthfully answered in the hopes that maybe Michael could shed some light on her situation. It was all quite perplexing to the child of elder blood, but then again she was used to weird space/time incidents because of her connection to the mystical red liquid that ran through her veins.

Weiss recalled the events of night she could remember, but quickly found herself blushing when she fully recalled the reason why she currently wasn't wearing anything under her dress. "I-I was getting ready for bed was the last thing I remember. Then I woke up on the ground really far from Atlas it seems," the dust user explained, hoping that her further explanation of the situation would hide her accidental embarrasment.

Finally inside the two girls took Michael's wordless suggestion to sit on the loveseat. It wasn't exactly the biggest place, but it was definitely enough for the three to have a comfortable conversation about things. The chair itself was particularly comfy which both girls would have agreed upon, even if Weiss was used to more and Cirilla was used to less. In response to his question the two seemed to respond at the same with Ciri asking for "Tea" and Weiss contrasting with her by asking for "Coffee". Ciri crossed one leg over the other to put herself in a relaxed position and leaned back into the chair. "I really appreciate the help Michael. If only everyone was as nice as you," Zireael truthfully mused, a certain look in her emerald eyes as she looked upon him. It was a gaze that showed true appreciation. Cirilla wasn't used to people offering their help without wanting something in return.
Michael was thankful that Ciri hadn't teased him about his embarrassment. He wasn't exactly a ladykiller or anything like that and he often found it hard to be affectionate with girls. Therefore, he enjoyed the sensation of just holding Ciri's hand, it felt nice and comforting. Still, that sensation ended when they all took a seat. Michael nodded at their choices of drink and turned around to a machine. He seemed to put two pods into them and two mugs under it and then pressed some buttons. He listened to what the girls had to say as he closed the door behind them so no one would interrupt. He nodded his head at their explanations, though he wasn't sure why Weiss was embarrassed, but he decided not to press her on the issue. At this point, it was clear that they were more than just really good cosplayers sticking to character.

"It seems you two are the real deal somehow...I don't know what to make of that..." He rubbed his head for a moment before he let out a sigh. "Well, to begin. As you can tell, this world is very different from each of your own. This planet is called Earth, and we are currently in the country called the United States. Now...I'm not sure how to put this lightly....but in this world, you two are both fictional characters...from stories."

He was sure they weren't going to believe him,so he turned to a bookcase in his room and produced two books, a Witcher 3 strategy guide and a RWBY artbook with character and episode descriptions. He handed each books to their respective girl. "You two should look at might help explain. You two are from two very popular fictional series here in our world. To most people are fiction...fantasy." He let those words linger for a few moments before a ding went off, the aroma of coffee and tea filling the room.

He turned to grasp the mugs and gently lowered them down in front of the girls as they read. He figure they needed time to process it all, so he would simply way to hear what they had to say about it all.
At first Ciri was just as confused by his words as she'd been by the male's earlier statements. Of course they were the real deal! Or at least she was. What other options were there? As he continued to talk though things started to both make more and less sense. If what Michael was saying was true then things were certainly going to get very weird. That explained the odd architecture and the futeristic look everything had to it that seemed to border on magic with how advanced it was in her opinion.

Both of the girls sipped from their respective drinks while coming to terms with things in their own ways. Weiss was the first to interject though as Ciri was still deep in thought without even opening the strategy guide, but the ice huntress was hungrily flipping through page after page of the art book. "Whoa... This is insane. You can't be lying though based on this. It just doesn't make any sense... We aren't real to anyone here?" she mused with a confused look upon her face as she continued flitting through the book. Of course Ms. Schnee stopped upon the art of herself more frequently than her friends, but that was to be expected from someone as vain as her.

Finally Ciri opened up the strategy guide and looked more in depth into things. She was a character that people played as, sort of like an interactive magical book? That was really weird and the warrior wasn't sure what to make of things. "Appparently so... Neither of us are real, but yet here we are on this 'Earth'. How do we get back home?" Cirilla questioned, emerald gems staring intensly at Michael. She doubted he knew considering he seemed to be just as perplexed as they were, but it was worth asking just in case.
Michael watched as the girls looked through their books. Weiss seemed to be more into it at first, her expression showing her completely enamored with the art book, especially of the art of herself, which didn't surprise him. He was taken aback by Weiss' question though, he pondered the right way to answer it. He didn't want to come off as sounding harsh or uncaring.

"How to put this..." He murmured to himself, taking a sip of his coffee before letting out a soft sigh. "You are fictional characters, sure...but that doesn't mean you aren't real to some people. Remember that term I said before, cosplay and cosplaying? That is where people make costumes to do their best to look like you and emulate you. Both of you have inspired countless people on this planet." Michael smiled widely as he finished. He wanted to soothe any existential crisis either of them might be having, and he was sure his words would at least help Weiss feel good about herself.

At Ciri's question though, Michael shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "Sorry, if I knew I'd tell you. This is all quite sudden for me too. Still, I can't just not help you two. You two are two of my favorite characters of all time and well..." Michael brushed the back of his head meekly as he blushed and chuckled, "I have a bit of a crush on each of you, so I'll do everything I can to help. As we look for a way to get you two back, you can stay at my place. It's not the nicest, I'll admit...but its cozy and has a bed and bed and kitchen and enough living space for the three of us."

Michael mentioned living together, not at all sure how the girls would respond to that. He imagined Ciri might be okay with it, he was a little less sure with Weiss though. She hadn't been around boys that much and she often held outright disdain for boys she didn't fancy, and he couldn't at all tell if she fancied him at all right now as he took a sip of coffee and awaited their responses.
Weiss's expression turned from soured and sad to a considerably joyous smile. Michael stroking her ego had certainly gotten the desired effect that he seemed to have been aiming for. Ms. Schnee found herself looking at the pictures of herself in the art book again for a long few moments before returning her gaze to the male who'd given it to her. "So people dress up like us because they're inspired by us in this world? I guess that isn't so bad," the female offered forth, but the smile she had about the situation showed a lot more than her conservative words held. It felt good to her that even though in this new realm they were fictional characters supposedly born of someone's imagination, at least they were famously renowned for it and held the admiration of many.

While Weiss was mostly focused on admiring herself and the way she'd been portrayed in the beautifully drawn art book, Ciri was much more focused on Michael. The warrior gave a raise of her eyebrow as he mentioned them being two of his favorite characters. It felt weird to be called a 'character' like someone out of a story, but she was honored to have been among his favorites nonetheless. It wasn't too dissimilar to all the prophecies written about her and the crazy stories which swirled around her presence though. Eventually she'd get used to this just like she had for that.

When told that he had a crush on them and was offered to stay at his place though a much more sly looking smile slashed upon the sculpted visage of Zireael. Michael kept proving that not everyone seemed to have dark or evil hidden ulterior motives like she was used to. He just seemed to want to help two people that he genuinely seemed to like. That or he was extremely proficient in hiding whatever it was he really wanted, and if that was the case then she was simply impressed. This prompted Ciri to stand up from the loveseat and approach Michael with a trained sway of her hips, leaning in so that she could whisper in his ear. "That would be lovely... I'd love to repay you for that kindness," she purred softly to him before letting a hand briefly brush against his inner thigh as an unspoken invitation. It had been quite some time since she'd slowed down to really enjoy herself and well, Michael seemed like the first individual in a long time who deserved to be treated with a good time. The male had a crush on her for quite some time based on the length of the book she'd been given which described the interactive story that she apparently came from; Cirilla was more than willing to make his dreams come true.

Weiss saw Ciri get up and approach the male who'd offered to help them with a lot more than a friendly interaction, but all she did was roll her eyes. The huntress hadn't heard what the other female said nor saw her suggestive motions and so Ms. Schnee was much more focused on the offer to stay at his place. "Well I suppose if we don't have any other options it wouldn't be the worst, just while we figure things out of course. You are nice after all," the ice mage reluctantly admitted before turning her attention back to the art book, flipping through it to examine the way some of her close friends looked.
"That's right, two have both inspired a lot of people! I can show you some pictures later if you'd like!" Michael smiled softly before turning his attention to Ciri. He noticed her gazed seemed to be locked onto him, and it had changed from curiosity to....affection and perhaps even lust and desire. Michael felt his cheeks tint a faint red as he noticed the way Ciri walked towards him, the suggestive sway in her hips.

He gasped softly as he felt Ciri's hand on his thigh, her suggestive words in her ears. "You...don't have to repay me...really...if you don't want to." Michael offerd a small retort...but didn't reject the offer outright. He could feel his cock started to grow hard in his trousers....Ciri would be able to feel just how hard if her hand ventured up more. He looked Ciri in the eyes, his own full of lust and desire...but then he looked towards Weiss, giving Ciri a somewhat concerned looks, as if seeing if she was really fine with doing such things in front of her.

"Like I said, I'll offer any help I can. My apartment is hardly a manor...but I won't charge you two anything and I'll do my best to help provide for you two...." He gave Weiss a small smile, but she seemed to be enamored with the artbook. Meanwhile, his hand ventured to Ciri's rear, giving it a spank underneath the table where Weiss couldn't see. He looked to Ciri, squeezing her rear and seeming to look to see if she was really alright venturing forward here in such a public place.
Cirilla let her curious hand stray upwards to brush against his crotch and it was obvious that her sudden advancment had excited him based on the hardness displayed between his legs. If that wasn't telling enough though the look in his eyes said it all. They were filled with lust and want. She supposed that made a lot of sense though as not only had he been suggestively enticed by a woman, but also because it was by someone who he apparently already had a crush on. Part of Ciri wondered how far his thoughts on her had gone in the past and the idea of him fantasizing abWout her turned the girl on considerably.

Despite the concerned look that he gave her in regards to Weiss who was still present in the room, that didn't seem to have stopped the male from firmly spanking her ass. The lion cub of Cintra gave a roll of her hips in response to his grasping of her ass. It only made the dripping lust in her eyes seem that much more piercing. "But I do want to repay you... You're going to take care of us so I want to take care of you," she purred quietly while rubbing his cock through the front of his pants. Weiss was still in the room, but to be honest Cirilla had never really been one to be afraid of doing things in public. She wanted something and she was going to get it regardless of whether someone saw.

As expected though, at least for the time being, Weiss was absorbed in looking at the wonderfully illustrated pictures of the RWBY cast. At Michael's words though she looked up to see the two getting rather close, but she couldn't see any of what was happening under the table. "It's definitely not what I'm used to, but then again you already know that I guess. How much do you know about us exactly?" she inquried with an inquisitve look at the male who had offered for them to stay with. It was a genuine question that the ice huntress wanted an answer to. How detailed where their fiction? Did it show... everything? Another blush tinted her rather pale features at the thought.
Michael's attention was focused solely on Ciri as their locked onto each other, both so filled of lust and desire for each other. He felt her hand wander up her thigh and to his massive bulge and he let out a soft, barely audible moan as he gripped her ass even tighter. He licked his lips as her rolled her hips, pressing her firm ass back into his hand. It was clear his desire and arousal for her was growing by the second.

"Then start taking care of me." he growled softly as his other hand moved to grip the one on his bulge, he undid his zipper and forced her hand into his trousers and boxers so she could grip his throbbing meat rod directly. His own hand ventured into her pants and began to grope at her soft and lovely ass directly too. All of this was still under the table so Weiss wasn't able to see.

He managed to snap out of his stupor to give Weiss a small smile and slightly nervous chuckle, wondering if she had keyed in on what was happening under the table or not. "Well...I don't know where in the timeline you are from, Weiss...but we know about the Fall of Beacon and Cinder and quite a bit...." He mentioned as he bit back a moan, his smile softening slightly. "Also...well...while people are inspired to cosplay as you...there are also...rather lewd drawings of both of you out there...." With those words, he turned to give Ciri a cheek grin as he squeezed her ass again, as if saying he had definitely looked at that art before.
Ciri smiled as he let lose a quiet moan from her delicate touch and that spurred her on to continue her advances. It felt good to know that she'd ignited his lust driven mind enough to react in such a way. The bulge was pretty enticing and she wanted to do a lot more than just tease him, and luckily he seemed to feel the same way about that sentiment based on his words that followed. They were rather demanding and forceful in their approach, but the female found herself enjoying the sudden switch in momentum.

Obediently she wrapped her hands around his erect cock and began going to work on it, sliding her hand up and down at a comfortable pace to start out with. Weiss was still in the room of course, but Cirilla was entirely focused on Michael who she fully intended on pleasuring to the best of her abilities. The feeling of him gripping her ass only worked to further spur her attention to his cock on, picking up the speed ever so slightly as she also let lose a quiet moan from the enjoyment his hand brought her.

Weiss seemed rather oblivious to what was going on though, at least for now. Michael seemed to be acting rather strangely and Ciri was pretty focused on him, but the girl wasn't really sure what was going on. It looked like he had have a proper answer for her question though as she mentioned the Fall of Beacon. Those memories still hurt her quite considerably as did the fact that it had been awhile since she'd seen her friends. She hated being locked in her room like a disobedient child simply because her dad didn't approve of the way she wanted to handle things.

At the mention of lewd drawings though her eyes went wide and her face flushed into a proper blush. In the same moment she keyed in on them motion of Ciri's arms which made the looks they'd been giving each other make a lot more sense. Half of her was shocked that they were doing such things in front of her, but the other half was jealous that she hadn't been included. "O-Oh really? Have you looked at that kind of stuff...?" She asked, voice shaking slightly with embarassment. Cirilla on the other hand seemed to already know the answer as she gave Michael a rather inviting smile as she played with his cock.
Michael let out a slightly louder moan as Ciri began to pump his throbbing cock in her her. It was certainly a large cock and it fit her hand nicely as she pumped it. Pre-cum began to ooze from his tip as he bit back more moans and groans. He didn't want to totally give away what he and Ciri were doing to Weiss, but he figured it was getting harder and harder to hide it from the girl, even if she was naive. He enjoyed the sensation of squeezing her ass, feeling her flesh molding against his digit and the sound of her moaning ever so softly turned him on more.

He grinned at Ciri's playful smile, but he did notice the expression Weiss now had on her face and the wavering of her seemed she had started to pick up on what was happening between him and Ciri and she didn't seem to totally disapprove. When she finished asking her question, he nodded his head as his attention shifted from Ciri to Weiss...he decided he was going to tease the heiress some.

"I have....I've seen both you and Ciri naked quite a are both so beautiful...and I've seen you drawn to quite a few naughty really made me aroused and turned me on...." Michael's voice was more gruff than it was before, clearly full of lust and desire now. His eyes said it all though, they were the same lust filled eyes that he had shown Ciri...but added to it was this air of command and dominance that Ciri would get to glimpse too if she looked.

Speaking of Ciri, he didn't leave the girl stroking his cock unattended. His other hand ventured down her front side and into her pants and began to stroke at her labia directly, trying to feel out how wet and aroused she was before his fingers moved towards her clitoris, skillfully rubbing and tugging on her sensitive and perky nub.
Ciri took note of the fact that Michael had admitted to seeing both of the girls naked a considerable amount. It made sense though because in this world they were both fictional characters. It was only natural that they would be taken advantage of in such ways since they weren't actually real. Now they were though and the female wondered if Michael was satisfied with her in person. Not only that, but he'd also gotten to be the first person in the world to actually feel her gripping their cock as more than just simple imagination.

The ice mage's eyes went wide as Michael admitted having seen her not just naked, but also having done lewd things. Truthfully it made her wet that he found her beautiful and that she had succeeded in arrousing him in the content he partook of involving her. The female found herself shifting to get more comfortable now that her body had begun reacting against her will. "O-Oh... Wow... I'm glad you think I'm beautiful though, but I assure you I'm much better in person," she responded, doing her best to keep up her false curtain of dominance in the situation.

Ciri's eyes shifted to see the huntress in such a position with Michael teasing her, but her thoughts were interuppted when she felt the male begin playing with her in return for what she was doing to his large cock. A proper moan accidently escaped her from his practiced touch, something that Weiss picked up on with caused the heiress to look away shyly. Even though Cirilla was well aware that Weiss had to have known what was going on now based on her reaction, the host of the elder blood couldn't help but hump her hips against Michael's hand.
Michael was more than happy with Ciri in person; he couldn't think of a better moment in his whole life. Her delicate but strong fingers felt so good wrapped around his throbbing cock as she pumped him up and down. He returned the favor, pushing two of his fingers into the young woman's pussy as he began to pump them in and out of her wet and tight cunt. He was cautious at first, but he soon picked up the pace, slamming his fingers knuckle deep inside her as he didn't even care about trying to hide it from Weiss anymore, her expressions making it loud and clear she knew what was going on.

He looked at Weiss as she shyly turned away and decided to stroke her ego more to help her get more into it, "You are are more beautiful then any drawing of you I have ever seen...I can't even describe it...and I want to see you nude now too..." His voice growing deeper and more domineering, licking his lips as her sent a forceful and lustful glare her way...once that showed his secret and dominating manner. "Now...strip then..."

He then turned to look at Ciri, grinning as he removed his fingers from her pussy and moved them to his lips, licking them clean of her juices, "And you....I'm tired of this teasing..." His growl was back as he forced Ciri's back against his desk. Soon he had her pinned, her chest pressing against his own as his lips hungrily clashed with her own, his tongue lashing at her lips in an attempt to gain entry to her mouth. As he kissed her, his hand moved to unbuckled and remove his pants and boxers, letting them pool around his ankles and giving Weiss a good look at his cock from a distant. He hastily worked to untug and pull down Ciri's pants as well, all the while his needy cock rubbed up against her thighs as they kissed.
Cirilla let out a gasp as Michael finally slid his fingers in her and began moving them inside her dripping pussy, picking up speed as he went until he was rather roughly pleasuring her insides. It had been far too long since the female had someone make her go white-hot with such pleasure and she was enjoying ever second of it, as evidenced by her hungry panting. Each forceful slam of his fingers into her made her release a very audible, very loud moan from the trained warrior now reduced to a needy slut.

At this point Weiss knew exactly what was going on under the desk and it made her extremely arroused. She wanted to be a part of it as well, but the shy and proper girl was far too conservative to simply say so. Instead she found herself looking away while shifting her thighs repeatedly to offer any kind of stimulation she could. Her head snapped back in an instant though as Michael began complimenting her, ego raising and heart swooning with admiration for the kind male. Then his tone took a much more dominant and demanding tone which she hadn't expected, the male ordering her to remove her clothing. Surprisingly though, contrary to what many would have expected from the dust user based on her generally icy personality, but she obediently induldged him. Tenatively she stood up from the loveseat and looked at Michael, lust clouding her eyes slightly despite her shy reaction. "O-Okay... Only because I want you to see what I really look like naked though," she agreed, slowly beginning to remove her dress. That was all she was wearing though since the night she'd been sucked into the portal she had been pleasuring herself so it didn't take too long. Embarassedly she covered her small breast, giving the male an insecure look. Her pussy though was on display as she forgot to cover that up as well.

Cirilla smiled as she watched Weiss obediently strip down, enjoying the direction that atmosphere of the room had taken. Even the huntress seemed to be willing to partake in the situation which only made the female more excited. A disappointed groan followed by a thrust of her hips came forth as Michael removed his hand from between her legs, but moments later she was satisfied by the ravaging of her mouth by his. Ciri enjoyed the lust driven dance of tongues, happily allowing the man to remove her pants while she tasted herself upon his lips. Zireael was also tired of the teasing though; she wanted his large cock impaled within her which she showed by wrapping her legs needily around his waist after her lower clothing was removed. "Take me then," she encouraged, emerald eyes gazing at him with desire written across her face.
Ciri's moaned had only served to turn Michael on even more. He had never heard the moans of a real girl next to him before, only through the videos he had seen. It was so much more arousing and amazing in real life. The kiss felt even more amazing, it was his first one and he was flooded with emotions. His tongue battled with Ciri's for dominance. His tongue swirled around her own appendage and forced its way into her mouth to explore her hot and wet cave. All the while, his hands fumbled with her pants until he tugged them low enough to expose her sleek and wet pussy to him directly.

His eyes locked onto Ciri as she spoke and he nodded his head as he guided his cock towards her entrance. He rubbed his throbbing cock up against her pussy, his tip pressing against her clitoris before it began to slowly press into her. After he looked at her again, and nodded once more, he shoved his cock fully inside her with one thrust. He let out a loud moan as her tightness and hotness enveloped him. It felt too amazing, the grip around his cock was tight and made him crave more.

"Ah, fuck....Ciri....your pussy is so good." He groaned as he moved his hips, slamming his large cock in and out of her like a piston. His girth was enough to start to spread her tight how and his tip was starting to pound up against her cervix even though only half his cock was sheath inside her.

All the while, Weiss had approached them. His eyes moved to look at her as she spoke and got undressed. It was a rather quick undressing as she didn't seem to be wearing anything underneath . He licked his lips at the sight of her, not pausing his fucking of Ciri but his attention focused on Weiss for now none the less.

His eyes locked onto to Weiss' pussy which she failed to cover and noticed how wet with arousal it was. He chuckled before he moaned as he felt his tip pressing against Ciri's cervix, threatening to push past it and enter her womb as he gazed at Weiss.

"Don't hide your me those tits like I'm sure you'd love to show every guy you play the pure girl but I know you are a slut inside..." He seemed to grin as if he knew a secret of Weiss' a secret that seemed to come from the erotic content he read about her. "Show me your breasts and play with your pussy like the good, beautiful little whore you are." He commanded her, mixing in praise and insult which was sure to arouse the girl to no end he was willing to bet.
Ciri let forth quite a loud moan when Michael slowly entered her, but that was nothing in comparison to the gasp of pleasure she let fall from her lips when he thrusted all the way inside of her. Her emerald eyes locked with his and lust was displayed openly upon her features, slightly drooling as she let her tongue loosely hang from her mouth as she focused on the other sensations she was feeling. Michael's huge cock slamming into her repeatedly felt amazing and the lion cub of Cintra would have been content to let him ravage her as long as he'd like.

Truthfully Cirilla couldn't even tell that it was his first time with a woman. How lucky of him that he got the chance to sleep with someone he'd only thought possible on his dreams before that day. "And you're cock feels amazing. It's so fucking big," she purred while panting like the needy girl that she was. Ciri was so arroused and in need of his dick that she found herself humping to meet each of his thrust, trying to force himself even deeper despite the fact that he was roughly slamming into her cervix while being stretched by the thickness he wielded.

Weiss's juices were now freely flowing as her arrousal mounted from watching the two fuck, but for now she'd resisted letting her hungry hands stray from covering her breast. That was until Michael's words directed at her slammed into her full force. The heiress had always tried her best to show herself off as the pure princess who knew how to run things the way she wanted to, but it was as if he had seen right through her without even trying. "I... I'm not a slut..." she protested while giving him a pouting look, but her hands had removed themself from her breast so that he could see them. Even if she openly denied it Michael had hit the nail on the head. Perhaps the erotic content involving her had been created in this world from how they really were, or perhaps the fiction was what made them like this instead; both thoughts Cirilla also held while being pounded by Michael. Obediently Weiss moved her hands in between her legs like when she was alone, sliding two fingers inside of her slick pussy so that Michael could watch her. The way he spoke down to her was something that Ms. Schnee wasn't used to, and apparently something she very much enjoyed. "Like this?" she questioned, picking up the past as she slid her fingers in and out of her wetness.
Michael watched as Weiss obeyed his commands. Her pouting denial of his accusation only served to confirm his suspicions that Weiss was indeed the slutty girl he thought she was. She seemed to be a dedicated slutty girl though...he wanted to make her his slut, and his alone. He smiled as she lowered her hands to reveal her breasts. "They are lovely, Weiss, just like you." He complimented her breasts, they weren't they largest, but they were very cute and would fit perfectly in the palm of his hand.

He watched in glee as the Schnee began to rub and finger her cunt, her fingers deftly sliding into her as she began to pump them and out of her with need. "That's seem quite used to pleasure yourself a lot don't you, Weiss?" He teased her, he was again sure he was right, it was easy to tell based on how at ease she seemed to be at pleasuring herself.

As Weiss began began to pleasure herself, Michael turned his attention back to Ciri; his lust filled eyes locked onto her own and the sight of her tongue hanging from her mouth aroused him beyond belief, his cock seeming to grow even harder inside her. "I'm...the best fuck you've ever had....aren't I, Ciri?" He asked with a moan in a chuckle as he started to meet her thrusts with his own, timing it so they slammed into each other at the exact same time to maximize the pleasure.

He basically ripped open the front of her top to expose her flat breasts to him. His mouth moved to suck on one of the mounds, his tongue swirling around her perky nipple. As he did this, his cock slammed past her cervix and entered her womb, a small bulge now visible in her stomach as he groaned loudly.

" are my slut now Ciri! Say it!" He roared as he seemed to completely give into his lust, pounding her ruthlessly and roughly in a need to fulfill his own desires.
Weiss offered him a rather timid smile at his complement towards her breasts, but her blue eyes shone with admiration for the sweet if dominant male. Validation was one of the things she always sought yet seemed to fail in receiving, however Michael seemed more than capable of giving her what she needed. The heiress found her free hand, the one not plunged deept within her own depths, playing with her breasts in an attempt to please him and give him something he might enjoy looking at. The female was especially trying to entice him since she was jealous of the treatment Ciri was getting even if she wouldn't openly say that.

"Well I... Ahh, yes I do. I can't help it," Weiss acknowledged, trying to stay conservative still at first despite the fingers pumping within her, but a surge of pleasure broke that icy wall down with ease. She had never done anything with anything intimately really let alone pleasure her wet pussy in front of someone else, but she more than happy to do so for Michael. The huntress loved the way he payed attention to her, and the look in his eyes made her feel needed; something she intensely loved the feeling of.

Unfortunately for Weiss though his attention returned to Ciri who was filled to the brim with the largest cock she'd ever taken within herself. Emerald eyes staring up at him with absolute unfiltered lust. The girl quickly nodded her head in response to his question, breath panting roughly from each thrust he slammed into her. "Yes! Oh god you are the best I've ever had! I need you so badly," she begged, stroking his ego while enjoying every last second of his domination of her body. Her body was working on its own now as it did everything in its power to milk his cock, humping to meet his thrusts perfectly and her cunt's muscles stroking his length.

Even though his mouth now latched onto her breast and she could feel her stomach bulge with the length of his cock filling her womb, her body wasn't the only thing he seemed to want to dominate. Ciri wasn't usually one to submit to another due to her feisty nature and independence, but she didn't want to do anything that would make Michael remove his meat from filling every inch of her insides up. The lion cub of Cintra needed him to keep fucking her and she'd do absolutely anything to make sure that happened. "Ahh fuck, yes!! I'm your slut! I'm your filthy slut and I need your cock!" she purred, tongue returning to lolling out of her mouth while she barely resisted having her eyes roll back in pleasure. The female was absorbed wholly in the feeling. If only the Wild Hunt had promised her such pleasure than perhaps she would have willing gave herself over. Instead though it seemed Michael was the one to have the honor of dominating her tight pussy and her wild mind.
As Weiss continued to warm herself up, Michael's attention was solely on Ciri for awhile. Her words had aroused him beyond belief, the idea of being her best fuck just made him fuck her harder and faster, burying most of his cock into her womb as he slammed into her most sensitive area. Pounding in and out of her roughly like a piston, he nibbled on her nipple as one hand moved to rapidly rub her clitoris as the other wrapped around her waist and held her as close to him as he could so he could fuck into her even deeper and faster.

Admitting to being his slut made him let out a roar as his cock just seemed to harden more, a pressure starting to build up inside his cock as he fucked her wildly, like a bitch in heat. "That's right! You're my whore, my slut! You'll fuck me whenever and wherever I want! Hell, I bet you'd even fuck anyone I'd tell you to wouldn't you, you bitch!" He slapped her face and her breasts as he chuckled, his climax building as he fucked her like she had never been fucked before. "Come for me, you slut! Come all over your master!" He commanded before bringing his attention back to Weiss.

His gaze seemed to soften as he watched her pleasure herself. "You want want more than just your fingers...don't you, Weiss....tell me, do you want me to talk to you like I just did for Ciri?" he asked, not pausing his fucking of the other girl to smile at Weiss. He motioned for the huntress to approach the fucking duo.

"Come here, Weiss....I'm going to kiss you and then lick your pussy...I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He showed the girl more affection. For now, Ciri seemed to like being treated like a whore while Weiss seemed to be warming up more to affection...he had every intention of fucking Weiss of course, but she would have to tell him if she wanted to be treated like a slutty whore like Ciri was being treated.
Cirilla's eyes went wide as he began slamming into her womb with the entire massive length of his huge cock. It felt like nothing she'd ever experienced before and absolutely made her lose her inhibitions. Every thrust of his hips had reduced her to a moaning, whimpering, panting female who wished for nothing more than the male to breed her in that moment. She was already building up to her breaking point, but then he went even further when get began stimulating both her nipple and her clitoris at the same time. The feeling was almost too much for the girl to handle as it was and he'd made her feel even better than she thought possible.

With the way he worked her body and completely dominanted her mind the warrior of the elder blood would have questioned that she had been his first time. Every word he spat at her aggressively was true though and she would make no effort to argue against them in any way. In fact the lion cub of Cintra couldn't stop herself from making sure that he knew what he said was true without a shadow of a doubt. "Oh my god yes! I'm your whore and I'd fuck anyone for you! I need your cock so badly and I'd do whatever you tell me for it!" she screamed out as he brought her pleasure to levels which would surely make her addicted to him.

At the command and encouragment of her new master though she could no longer hold back. "Fuckkk I'm coming! I'm coming oh my god ahh!!" she screamed out loudly, no attempt at being quiet about the pleasurable ordeal. Cirilla threw her head back with her eyes rolling back as far as they could go. Her mind went completely blank except the searing fire of the raging orgasm he had forced upon her, commanding her to come; and come she did. The female's body convulsed violently as she had the roughest and most intense orgasm of her life, the juices from her pussy absolutely drenching his cock with her fluids. The entire time though she couldn't help but continue milking Michael's thick rod with the muscled walls of her insides.

Cirilla had been left a twitching mess of sexual pleasure, something Weiss had become insanely jealous of after having watched. Her fingers had gone to work much quicker from watching the two fuck, practically abusing her pussy in an attempt to get the sexual gratification that she desperately desired. Michael was right though... She wanted much more than her fingers. "I..." She began, clearly shy about answering his question despite the fact that she was roughly pleasuring herself in front of him. "Y-Yes please! I-I'm so horny and it's not fair that you gave her so much attention instead of me!" Weiss whined as she walked forward, her fingers never leaving her drenched cunt as she approached.

"I... I would love for you to do that to me. Please..." the huntress admitted, lust evident upon her porcelain features. It was really hard for her to admit such things, but her growing desire was beginning to ovepower her lady-like noble nature. The idea of Michael licking her pussy had only enticed her to open up even more to him and to allow him the chance to please her like she so desperately needed.
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