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Misty's Girls [OpenHentai & Potter-Kun]


Jan 2, 2014
San Diego
It was an exciting day in Cerulean City for a certain gym leader. After over a month of basically begging Lance, Misty finally got her wish. A new gym trainer was joining the Cerulean City gym. Misty had been shorthanded for months now. Trainers were saying her gym was too easy, or missing something. Erika always had her girls, why was it always Misty who wound up short staffed?

It was early in the morning, before the gym opened, Misty was in the main arena of the gym; cleaning the platforms, feeding her Pokemon, and keeping the gym in order. Being a gym leader wasn’t as glamorous and the average trainer might think. It was a lot of hard work and responsibility, but Misty loved every second of it. Plus, who wouldn’t want access to their own, massive indoor pool twenty-four seven.

When it wasn’t being used for official league business, Misty often liked to hold shows or aquatic therapy classes in the pool. There was even a subfloor to the gym with viewing windows for an aquarium. The gym has so many other uses than just Pokemon battles. Though, battling and her Pokemon will always be her pride and joy. Misty just hoped the new girl felt the same. Arceus knew the last thing Misty wanted was to lose another girl and have to deal with being short staffed again. Proxy trainers were usually shared between Kanto and Johto, so getting one to fill in on a regular basis was next to impossible.

It was almost time to open, Misty head to the door, her new trainer should be arriving soon. Misty put all her cleaning supplies away as her other girls came in. She politely greeted them all as they walked to the locker room, where they would change into their swimsuits and head up to the main arena. Misty prayed her new trainer wouldn’t be late, because she needed to get in position too. Lance and the other Elites were responsible for hiring gym trainers, so the new girl was stationed at Cerulean without Misty having ever even met her. She trusted their judgement though, whoever was brought on, Misty will make sure she feels right at home.
Akari was sprinting down the road towards the Cerulean City gym; she couldn't afford to be late on her first day! She was already in uniform, her one piece swimsuit clinging to her form, accenting all of her curves perfectly, especially her front and rear, was covered by a small hoodie as she finally reached the gym.

She caught her breath for a moment before walking in with a smile on her face. She was so happy to finally be working at a Gym, and Cerulean City at that! Akari herself was a huge fan of water Pokemon and swimming, so to work at this Gym was like working in paradise for her. As she walked in though, she wasn't quite paying attention and bumped into Misty.

This caused Akari to stumble and nearly fall but she managed not to as she rubbed her forehead where she and Misty had accidentally bumped heads. She hadn't really been expecting anyone. When she noiticed it was Misty though, her face tinted a dark shade of red as she bowed deeply.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so terribly sorry, please forgive me! " After she said her apologize, she looked back up at Misty and smiled meekly. "I'm Akari...your new's a really big honor to be working here with you, Misty!" She certainly sounded excited and upbeat.
Misty rubbed her forehead, “Ow, nice to meet you too, Akari.” This girl knew how to leave a first impression. Misty just hoped it didn’t bruise. Misty pressed her fingers gently against her forehead and winced, she better ice it later. “Welcome aboard,” she saw Akari was already dressed in her suit. It was cute, modest, but form fitting. Akari would fit in nicely with the rest of her girls.

“Here, I’ll give you the grand tour.” Misty took the lead. First to the locker room. “Here are the locker rooms, staff and guest. You can put your things in there. Staff locker also has a shower. In the mornings you come in here and get changed with the other ladies.” Misty knocked and walked in. A few of the others were still changing. “Ladies, this is Akari, she’s our new trainer. Make her feel at home.” Misty said with a smile.

They waved and said hello, all with polite smiles on their faces. Misty made sure her gym was warm and inviting to everyone. She had a strict policy on gossip and talking behind each other’s backs. Other leaders like Brock and Lt. Surge were always leery about Misty and Erika having all female staff. Saying, they get too catty or gossip and spread nasty rumors. Misty couldn’t deny this, but she made sure to cut that problem off at the head.

Misty next escorted Akari through the rest of the gym. She showed her the aquarium, the backroom, Misty’s personal office, and then, of course, the main arena. The heart of the gym. “This is where all challenges are accepted. Trainers battle through you all here. Once they beat all the gym trainers, they get to face me for the badge. I know, you know this already, but just covering all the basis. We’re not too formal here, you can sit on the landing in one of the chairs, or feel free to take a swim when you’re waiting for a challenger.” Misty paused and thought for a moment, was there anything else?

Misty snapped her fingers, “Right, don’t worry about your win-to-loss ratio, I know the league tracks that stuff pretty closely, but so long as you’re not trouncing every trainer walking in the door, or getting beat constantly, you’ll be fine. It’s a lot less of a problem than some people like to think it is.” Misty smiled and headed for her podium. “Good luck, and have fun.” She took her place at the back of the arena and waited for challengers to start coming through.
Akari was thankful her new boss didn't seem to made at her rather unique introduction. As they toured the gym, it was clear Akari was in awe of it all. This was her first gym assignment after all, and it seemed perfect. She happily greeted her fellow co-workers, waving at them and hoping to get along with them all. When Misty said she could take a swim while waiting, Akari's eyes seemed to light up in excitement.

As they tour concluded, Akari thanked her new boss with a large smile. "Thank you, Misty! I'll be sure to do my best so you can be proud to call me your trainer!" She gave Misty a big thumbs up before turning her attention to the gym as it opened. Right now, there didn't appear to be any challengers, so she decided she would take Misty up on her offer of swimming.

She took her hoodie offer to reveal her complete form to those around her. She was indeed quite beautiful, her breasts sizable and her ass and nice round. Her long and flowing blonde hair matched her perfectly. After a few stretches, she eagerly dived into the pool, showing off just how good of a swimmer she was as she flowed though the water like it was her home. She glided seamlessly and had a large smile on her face, clearly happy and excited.
The gym leader’s life wasn’t always easy. Misty learned that a long time ago. Challengers were coming in and out the whole day. Mostly amateur trainers looking to get their second badge. Blessing and a curse of being the Kanto League’s second gym. Trainers were usually greenhorns, but every now and then she was challenged by a real trainer. Someone with experience who was from another region challenging Kanto and the Indigo League.

Misty had to stay sharp, even if most her opponents were inexperienced, a real gym leader had to be ready for any opponent if they were worth their salt. Plus, there was always the Pokemon World Tournament to keep in mind. The best of the best gathered annually to decide the World Champion. Misty’s never won herself, but she’s gotten top eight more than a few times. Misty competed against the likes of current and former league champions from around the world.

Those matches, the intense battles like those were what Misty lived for. She sat at her podium thinking about what exciting match might come her way next. She took a damp rag and wiped down her Staryu. Staryu’s gem was the picture of perfection by the time she was done with it. A glowing gem radiating with a lustrous energy. Misty looked over at her girls in the gym. One was battling currently. She’d gotten a chance to see Akari battle, Misty was pleased.

Misty wasn’t the only one. One of the ladies walked over to Akari. “Hey, I saw your battles. You’re not half bad. Name’s Salut, welcome aboard.” Salut gave Akari a gentle handshake. She carried herself with confidence. Years of experience under her belt as a trainer and working for the Pokemon league. Salut was one of Misty’s veterans. She wore a red bikini with a stylized Pokeball on it, unlike most of the ladies who preferred one-piece swimsuits. They’d change it up every now and then, but Salut’s mentality was always, if you’ve got it, flaunt it. Which she certain did.
Akari's first day had been going fairly well so far; she had gotten to swim as well as take part in a few battles. She won a few and lost a few, but overall she seemed to be having a lot of fun at her new job. She was hoping she was putting on a good performance for Misty, she didn't want to disappoint on her first day.

Akari was hanging around the pool, sitting on the edge when Salut approached her. Akari herself couldn't help but blush at her choice of swimsuit...she certainly was quite attractive and appealing. She stood up and shook Salut's hand, giving her a large smile as she did so.

"It's nice to meet you, Salut. I'm happy to be here!" Akari's blush was still present on her face as they shook hands, but she did her best to hide it as they began to talk.

"I'm glad you think I'm a decent trainer! I was worried about how I might be doing so I'm happy to hear I'm doing well! How long have you been at the gym, Salut?" She asked, eager to get to know more about her new co-worker.
Salut smiled, “About five years now. I was a trainer for several years before that. I’ve been with Misty since she took over. I’ve proxied at a few other gyms before, none of them are as fun as Misty’s.” Salut looked around the gym. The others were either battling, lounging, or swimming. It almost felt like a lifeguarding job, but with the added benefit of getting to battle every day. Which for Salut, was all she wanted. She was a lot like Misty in that sense, she was always interested in a battle.

“So, what made you want to become a gym trainer?” Salut had her own reasons, they all did. For Salut, it was the opportunity to face new opponents and constantly train herself and her Pokemon. Outside of her gym team, Salut was a competitive trainer. Winning regional and local tournaments. Her team composition was a Shellder, Horsea, and Goldeen in the gym. Her real team used a lot more of a mix, but her Kingdra was her MVP, Most Valued Pokemon.

Salut wondered if Akari was the competitive type. She had a knack for battling. She would have to if she was a gym trainer. Which sadly, not all do, Salut’s seen more than a few girls walk out of the gym and never return. It wasn’t as easy as they made it look. Thankfully, Salut knew the other girls well enough to know that wasn’t happening. Maia loved the job, because she loved water types. While Gia was just as competitive as Salut, if not more.

Misty continued watching over the gym between battles. She was happy to see Salut was talking to Akari. Salut was always the most open of them all. Welcoming them with open arms. Misty was thankful for all her girls. The helped keep the gym running smooth and brought a positive attitude to the gym.
"Oh! So you are really experienced then!" Akari's eyes seemed to gleam, she was hoping she could get some good insights from her Senpai who knew the ropes. When she asked her about why she became a Gym Trainer, Akari gave her a meek smile.

"This might sound odd, but I did it because I want to help people get better. I know I'm just a stepping stone to reaching Misty and eventually getting the badge, but I know that if I do my best, then I'm helping other trainers and Pokemon become better. I also just enjoy Pokemon battles in general. I feel like it's a great way to get to know a person." After she finished her explanation, Akari let out a small laugh. "Sorry, I bet that sounds kind of silly, doesn't it?"

Akari's eyes had not once left Salut's figure however, she was admiring every curve on her body and her blush lingered as she spoke up again meekly. "I...really like your swimsuit, looks amazing on you." Akari couldn't help but give her that compliment. Maybe she would have to try wearing a bolder swimsuit one day.
Salut was glad to hear this. Helping others. She enjoyed it too, but she was a bit more direct. She loved seeing strong trainer come through, and encourage new trainers as well. She still wanted to beat anyone who came her way, but that was not always possible with her gym team. Which was, of course, by design. Compared to Akari, Salut had much more of a tough love approach to battling her opponents. Nothing wrong with that. That’s why she encouraged trainers to work hard, so they can someday beat her.

She smiled at Akari’s compliment. She saw Akari’s lingering eyes. She didn’t wear the swimsuit for her health, Salut wanted the attention. To some it was shameless sex appeal, but to Salut, it was her expressing herself. Misty never complained, though Salut knew Misty wouldn’t. The league never said anything either. She just sometimes wished Maia and Gia would do the same. No, they preferred the league issued suits. They weren’t nearly as cute. Akari’s on the other hand, it was very cute. “Thank you, I love yours too.” It fit Akari well, very well.

Cerulean City had a lot of attention since it was all girls in swimsuits. Sure, Celadon’s gym was all girls too, but they wore very conservative kimonos all day. Sure, it was more elegant, but also modest. Salut couldn’t imagine herself wearing a Kimono all day long, she’d probably burn up in that giant greenhouse of a gym. They knew how to make wonderful perfume though. So, to each their own.

She saw a challenger approaching. “We’ll talk later, I’ve got a battle.” Salut ran off.

Misty continued watching the others. “So, what do you think of the new girl?” Gia walked up to Misty. She was stationed near Misty as the last trainer that stood between the challenger and Misty. A position Salut and Gia fought over a lot.

Misty smiled, “She’s fitting in really well so far. Good battling skills, and a positive attitude. Salut seems to like her too.” This was looking to be the start of a wonderful new addition to the gym.

Gia chuckled. “Salut likes everyone. She’s enthusiastic, that’s for sure.” Gia observed. “I’d like to get to know her a bit better too, later.”

Misty beamed, “Should we have a welcoming party?”

Gia sighed, “Did we just have an anniversary party, and the new resort opening party and a five hundredth badge awarded party?” It was no secret Misty loved celebrating. Anniversaries, birthdays, basically anything reason she could find to celebrate.
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