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Fairy Tail {Shape Of You} Potter-Kun-WinterPrincess


Nov 21, 2017
(Sorry Thought the song would fit the roleplay xD)

Erza and Lucy were in the guild just relaxing since they had gotten back from a mission not to long ago they needed to relax. Lucy was laying her head on the bar table as she said how much she was sore, Erza in the other hand was off walking to the master of the guild about the mission report before she had come down stairs. Erza was about to say something to Lucy, when the door opened up and everyone had seemed to stop talking and just watched as a Girl had come into the guild, she looked so beaten up and torn her clothes seemed to be ripped and she was bleeding as she fell to the floor her long blonde hair flowing behind her as the guild master stood by the balcony and looked on in shock.

Mean while Erza and Lucy had moved as they had heard something as they left the guild and went toward the room of their friend and team mate as some would call it Lucy and Erza had gotten comfortable with the room as they sat there Erza had equipped to wear something better fitting
Natsu had just been lounging around the guild when the girl walked it. It was clear something was wrong with her; she was bloody and her clothes torn. Natsu quickly jumped into action, moving to go grab the girl before she could fully fall to the floor. "Hey, hey! Stay with me!" Natsu called out, it was clear this girl was in critical danger. "Hey! We need a healer over here, quick!" Natsu called out, concern clearly in his voice.

Meanwhile, with Erza and Lucy, they arrived at the room of their friend, Mike. He was a tall man, fit with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was a mage like them, his specialization was similar to Erza's in that he could summon blades. He was walking around naked in his room, as he often did. His well toned and fit body clear for the girls to see as they walked in. "Ah, Lucy and Erza. Good to see you two." Mike grinned as he stood before them in all his nude glory. "So....what brings you two here?" He asked, but already having a good idea. They always dropped by whenever they wanted to have some "fun".
Makarov Dreyar had watched in horror as the girl had appeared in the guild, Wendy had ran over. "I'm gonna do what I can" She said as she had used some of her sky dragon magic to heal the girl as Wendy sat down. "The rest is up to her" She added as Makarov had come over. "Natsu, take her to my room now" He ordered his head down as he didn't keep eye contact with anyone and just walked away. The girl laid there breathing slowly now to almost a normal rhythm as everyone watched Natsu and how Makarov was behaving, some people came to the thought that he knew this girl.

Meanwhile Erza and Lucy both smiled at Mike as he walked around his room all naked. "Well we were bored so we figured we come to keep you company" Lucy said as she had sat down on the couch in her cute way Erza getting up and walked over to him a smile on her face. "Yeah and we figured we could have some fun" She whispered the last part as she leaned in and kissed Mike on his neck as Lucy grinned and removed her keys and placed them on the table to join Mike and Erza.
Natsu watched as Wendy did what healing she could; he was quick to react to Makarov's words, picking the battered girl up and carrying her in his strong arms to Makarov's room. "Do you know here?" Natsu asked once they were away from the crowd in and his room. He gently laid the girl down on Makarov's bed, turning to look at the man as he awaited an answer.

Mike grinned as the two girls spoke. "Well, I'm certainly always willing to have fun with you two." He spoke as he wrapped a strong arm around Erza's waist, pulling her into his firm and strong chest. His lips latched onto her own as he kissed her passionately, his tongue lashing at her lips. One hand slithered down her back and gave her ass a spank before groping her rear as he used the other hand to motion Lucy to join them as his tongue swirled around inside Erza's mouth.
Makarov looked at Natsu as he followed the fire dragon slayer to his room as he watched Natsu put her down and sighed. Makarov came beside Natsu. "Yes she's my only granddaughter, she is Laxus's younger sister" Makarov said as he had looked at her. "Her name is Isabella, Natsu keep an eye on her, I need to know what has happened to her after all these years" He said in a quiet tone and left the room. About an Hour later, Isabella started to stir in her sleep as her eyes fluttered open and that's when Natsu seen her eyes, one was a dark blue, the other was a pale green color as she looked around. "W-where am I?" She asked herself.

Erza had kissed Mike back, feeling his tongue playing with her own as she soon felt the slap to her ass as Lucy soon joined them as Erza had kisses Lucy before they were both clothes less and on their knees, Erza and Lucy licking on either side of Mike's shaft as they kissed a few times before Lucy had soon started to feel Erza up as Erza continued to pleasure Mike with her mouth
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