good girls
w o o f
- Joined
- Oct 9, 2015

Good morning (or whatever position of the sun you might be enjoying right now)!
I'd like to be up front that this thread is about seeking mental and physical degradation and humiliation of my initially resistant submissive by your dominant, as I know that some people are bored to death by that very concept and I wouldn't want to waste their time.
I am very happy to play opposite men, women, or anything in between, though I do admit a tinge of bias toward those who come pre-equipped so to speak.
But of course, what do I want to play ..?
It's the near future, or perhaps simply a sidestep of a reality from our own. The things that can be done with computers and medicine have far outstripped anything that could have been imagined by prior generations, leading to a society that has begun to do things simply because they can without entirely questioning whether or not they should. One result of this has been a recent and sudden rise in boutique temporary mental conditioning. Simply put, you can go to many different clinics offering different services and fantasies and be given chemical cocktails to create vivid hallucinations for (usually) a span of twenty four to forty eight hours.
You may believe that you're a secret agent on Mars (hm, that might make a good movie actually!), that you're a prize winning athlete, or a mermaid swimming the depths of the known and unknown seas. Specific situations and scenes are embroiled in a brand war as various companies try to lock up exclusivity on their unique experiences, but it stands to reason that not all of them are so innocuous. Sex sells, after all, and what better fantasy can there be than to truly give your partner what they've always wanted? Why play dress-up and pretend yourself when a company will happily make you think you're genuinely that teacher husband of yours' sexy student for a weekend?
Obediessence caters to that exact sort of niche, although it's a particular one. A small boutique out of Los Angeles that's gotten some buzz among the Hollywood and aspiring crowd, Obediessence lets men or women experience for up to a weekend just what it's like to give themselves over completely to their partners. Why have a single thought in your head other than pleasing them? For two days, they take a person and let them be the uninhibited, shameless fuckpet that they might have always wanted to be. The affected is exactly as loyal, eager, and loving as any real puppy would be, even if their needs and wants are just a little bit different.
There's just one thing about Obediessence, something that's only started to crop up in the corners of the internet where most people don't dwell. Rumors and hearsay and slander against what really is just one more brainwashing boutique as far as most people are concerned. Some people say they're illegally working on removing the inhibitors on their designer cocktail, which would allow their drug to alter people not just temporarily, but possibly permanently. Some have claimed that it doesn't always function as advertised, and during their weekend of strings-free fun they could still think and feel in ways that left them seemingly mentally trapped in a body they could no longer control. No one can really say that Obediessence is up to anything nefarious ..
But if they are, maybe they just think society could use a few less liberated, opinionated bitches and a few more loyal good girls.
Of course, you and I both know that they're definitely up to no good, dear reader. How can anyone blow the whistle on them if they've been reduced to barking and drooling, after all? Still, it's early going for this kind of thing, and so most people aren't going to suspect the worst .. but I've got a few ladies who might well find themselves as test subjects for the new unlimited cocktail they've dreamed up.
#1.) Anna is a junior reporter for the LA Times who most would consider little more than a glorified intern. She spends more time fetching coffee and doing touch-up editing for her co-workers than she does doing any real journalism, and when she does get to dig into her work it's rarely anything more than celebrity puff pieces. But now she's got a chance to do something that matters. Anna has heard rumors about Obediessence's darker designs, and when she's assigned to do a puff profile on the boutique, she sees her chance to ask a few probing questions of the people in charge and get some answers. It turns out that the life of a nosy journalist can be awfully ruff ..
#2.) She had never fallen for someone so quickly. He just seemed to like .. get her, you know? She had never been the booksmartiest type around, Samantha, but she had always had a level of empathy and emotional intelligence that made her shockingly good in a debate or spirited conversation about morality and societal expectations. Shocking only in that some people still thought a pretty face meant there was no light on up stairs, or that a feminist couldn't also be flirty and enjoy a bit of fantasy. Sammie's new boyfriend didn't agree with her on everything, and that was what made it spark so thoroughly; they argued in good fun, and made up in even more good fun. And something they were both particularly into on the weekends was Sammie spending some time as Goldie down at the clinic around the corner so her man could treat her the way a yappy girl like her should be now and again. There was a little bit of a look he always got in his eye that made her giggle and her heart flip flop, like she couldn't always be sure just how far he wanted to push his machismo posturing about a girl's real place, but it had begun to put a dangerous, exciting idea into her head. What if it wasn't only for a few hours? What if he surprised her with a longer dose sometime, something that would let him really see how far he might be willing to take things? Sammie, to her increasing surprise, loved him -- and loved being his little pet even more than she ever could have imagined. Her twin sister Tiffany frankly had her doubts about her sibling's judgement when it came to her new beau given the way their conversations over the phone went however, and it seemed like her concerns that Sammie was being groomed into something more sinister than she anticipated was falling on deaf ears. It seemed like it was a good idea to drop in and check on her when she was in town the next weekend and spend a girl's weekend together for the first time in a few months.
"There's my good girl," was not what Tiffany expected to be greeted with when she let herself into her sister's apartment that Saturday afternoon, however, the spray of acridly sweet perfume splashing across her face with an abrupt how-do-you-do the minute she stepped into her twin's place.
#3.) Something seemed to snap in Betty Phisher's eyes as the droning recitations of the guidance counselor's suggestions became more and more like the droning hum of a mosquito in her ears, until suddenly they weren't. There was just silence and her own heartbeat, and a sound in her ears shortly thereafter like the ocean rushing in to fill a hole in the sand. "I don't want to do any of that, Mr. Rusk," she said with uncharacteristically impulsive certainty. Every step of her high school "career" had been defined by anything except impulsiveness. Be a Student Council head, but don't go for head cheerleader. Push back on the bullies, but don't be their target. Be pretty, but not too pretty. Be ambitious -- just ambitious enough. It had worked, guided by her parents' expectations and her own tireless drive from third grade onward to have the best grades, the best friends, and the best career opportunities. Burn the candle at all three ends if that's what it took for Ivy League, for a career in law, to run for office, to be an athletic prodigy, to be a superstar singer, to be the BEST. Valedictorian, queen bee, beloved by all, hated by none; true queens of high school were made, not born, and Betty had managed every tight rope step until every student, teenager, and college prospect absolutely adored her and supported her to be that girl who made something out of herself. And yet sitting in the counselor's office, then and there, the world fell away. It didn't matter. None of it had, none of it would. He cleared his throat. "These are your opportunities, Miss Phisher," he tried to guide her back on track. She looked both resolute and dreaming, shaking her head in a daze. "No." She paused, her tongue touching her lips in a nervous tic that made even her counselor just the tiniest tic nervous at how such a small thing could draw attention. "I want to be Adopted."
#4.) "Look, just call Jim and let's get this over with." The little roll of Sofia Rivera's eyes said all that needed to be said. This wasn't her first time being brought in to the county jail to cool her heels until her foster father came and picked her up, the attempts to scare her straight by holing her up in the drunk tank for a couple of hours having pretty much lost all their power the first time she had been rolled up on by the police. They always wanted to know why she did it; the graffiti, the vandalism, the shoplifting. As if she was going to bat her eyelashes and give them some stupid sob story about how she had bounced around from foster home to foster homes almost as many times as she'd had birthdays, or how it was just about the artistic expression of spraypaint, or if there was really any grand master plan for a girl with no real path to education or a future to just fuck shit up where she could. The sheriff made a sound at the back of his teeth that was annoying as he looked down at the fierce but tiny little larceny-machine who treated the jail like her own personal getaway before he shook his head. "Already talked to your dad when they radio'd you were comin' back in again young lady. 'Fraid you're out of chances." Sofia blinked, but didn't back down. "The hell does that mean?" she demanded. "It means you're spendin' the whole night here with us to think about all the trouble you've been causin'," the old sheriff said with a rueful smile. "And then bright and early tomorrow, we're gettin' you ready for a new home."
#5.) Emily Vance has made waves before in protesting prior brainwashing boutiques for being demeaning and degrading to the people who use them, citing that there was no long-term science for what that kind of meddling could really do to a person over time. An outspoken feminist, a prominent protester, and an allegedly literal fire-starter, the proud iconoclast has now turned her sights onto Obediessence as the lowest common denominator of a bad bunch. Why do we allow places that would literally see us as dogs to exist, she asked? Obediessence was all too happy to offer Emily an invitation to see just how safe and harmless their operation really was. After all, they were looking for the perfect face for their new ad campaign ..
#6.) "Listen, all I'm trying to say is that we've got the perfect solution to all of our societal problems now. Homeless? Immigrant? We're already spending good taxpayer dollars on feeding these bottom of the barrel leeches, so why not give them the dependency that they've always craved? And any of them who end up unwanted, I think you'll all agree we've already got a perfectly good solution through our current pounds." Toni Miles smiled primly into the camera before she ended the file and opened up her video editing software. Hard Truth with Toni Miles had a subscriber count that nobody could touch, and a fanbase that would literally go to war for the young woman who was just saying what they were all thinking! And you'd better believe that now that there was a 'humane' solution to all of the country's ills, she had been beating that drum on her videos harder and louder than anyone else. And she argued that anyone would be thrilled to have a happy, simpler life. It didn't matter how more and more folks were trying to play devil's advocate against that .. would she be happier, they asked? Pft, of course, but I have a message to keep spreading to all true patriots! Besides, everyone knew that there was nothing quite like privilege to shield you from any consequences of the things you said ..
#7.) In an instant, everything changed. It had just been Chelsea Campbell and her father for as long as she could remember, and he had been the one who had been there for her every step of the way. From peewee soccer, to violin lessons, to her current academic success, as much of it as could be attributed to her own natural talents as it could be to her father's undying support. Though maybe that was a poor choice of words. A heart attack, at 54. She only had one more year of school before she went off to college, but she was going to stay in the city, stay near home, and now there was no telling what she was going to do. It wasn't a matter of the money left behind, or the house being so utterly empty -- it was something much more fundamental than that. Her dad might have been the only family she'd had or needed, but he hadn't been her only family; and now, Chelsea's guardianship had been officially transferred to someone she barely knew, and who probably best remembered her as the precocious thing asking too many questions at a rare reunion. Someone her father had only muttered about when it came time for another desperate call for bail when, as far as she had been able to glean, he'd gotten in trouble for raising animals for fights. Again. It was only one year, and then she would have access to her trust fund, and any school of her choice. She could handle a year ..
#8.) "People from your company, former workers from your company, have been raising concerns about the ethical decisions being made across every level of your industry --" "Congresswoman, those --" "Let me finish sir, your own workers have raised these ethical concerns among purported leaks of decisions made by your company about fixing prices and lobbying for changes in law across you and your competition --" "At Obediessence, we --" "Let me finish, sir, this is a hearing and not a PR photoshoot, alright?" No matter what people thought about her age or her experience or her politics, it wasn't hard for Congresswoman Álvarez to fill the room with chuckles. Some vindicated, some polite, some uncomfortable. Truth to power wasn't a language usually spoken in those hallowed halls, especially not when said power had been lobbying and buying countless individuals to make the laws on book change in their favor. She was too young, too brash, too untraditional for most of the establishment, and that made her as many friends as it did enemies. And in her first two years in congress, she had made it her pet project to curtail the expansive growth of one industry in particular, culminating in a national dressing down that may or may not have swayed many votes, but certainly managed to make a pop with soundbites on the nightly news and Twitter. She had gotten a reputation as an attack dog against big business, big industry, and corporate lobbying in congress, to the point where she and a few other up and comers had been dubbed "The Pack" by haters and lovers alike. But business was no stranger to making friends and bedfellows of even the most stubborn lawmakers with just the right number of zeroes attached to their offers, and these days if that didn't work? There were other ways of bringing a bitch to heel.
Thanks for reading so far! First a brief note on my availability; if you send me a post, I will respond! Sometimes very quickly, sometimes a few days later. If I've tired of the play, I'll let you know! As it is, my schedule is pernicious and erratic. That being said, let's conclude with the usual Ons / Offs shpiel, and then we're off to the Private Messages (my preferred playing forum, if you'd like to know).
Yes please to: Brainwashing, Puppy-play, Leash and Collar, All Fours, Giving Head, Nude Female / Clothed Partner, Risk of Pregnancy, Humiliation, Hair pulling, Spanking, Training, Dubcon, Renaming
Negotiable additions: Watersports, Bestiality, Physical transformations (to a degree), Violent Noncon
No thanks to: Anal fingering, toys, or rimming., Scat, Vore, Tickling, Foot fetish, Latex/Rubber or Extreme Bondage, Gratuitous pain / Torture
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