F/Fu Looking For Engaging RP set in the Mass Effect Universe (F/Fu preferred)


Feb 25, 2017
Hello there! Some of you may very well remember me but for those of you that don't I obviously go by the handle Mitharyn and this time instead of posting some dry and uninteresting general ad I am getting a bit more specific with my wants/needs. What are these wants and needs you ask? I really, really want to RP in the Mass Effect setting right now. Mass Effect is a setting that I have a huge infatuation with and it was actually more or less where I cut my teeth (E)RPing in the first place. The setting has always captured my imagination in ways that a lot of others previously never really have and I want to sort of get back in 'touch' with my roots and hopefully make a good RP friend or two in the process.

What Kind of RP Mith Looks For:

Here's the deal. While I really do like ERP there's little nagging thing as to like... I don't do it to get jollies so if you want to really just ERP constantly as to where it is more cybers or something than Roleplay with simply adult elements that make sense to the characters and theme, then I am sorry. I want good roleplay with strong characters in a fun setting with ERP as just that, roleplay that sometimes includes eroticism if it makes sense.

I am mainly looking for any RP at the moment and unlike my previous ad I am actually open for RP with any gender pairing at the moment. I will be a little harsher on males however due to some bad experiences with exclusively male character players. Don’t let that discourage you however! A good idea and a personable manner always catches my eye, mo matter what you want to play with me!

Specifically when it comes to Mass Effect I am not necessarily looking for something that has to be grand adventure or even closely entwined with the plot of the games or anything like that. I like playing OC's and that's what I am going to play if we RP and I would appreciate it as well if there was honestly no canon characters involved at all.


Can't stress that enough.
Still keen on this as well. Anything really to keep what was once a wonderful setting alive in my head.
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