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Love Transcending Time ((Demaron19 x Akiravadel))


Nov 12, 2017
Kagome was working on her studies at home. She warned him to give her three days before returning and that she would come back that night. She knew he could be impatient and in all honesty she was waiting for dinner before she went back over. Their food was all packed and ready to go for the gang but she hadn't been home in over a week.

Sighing she sat back and looked at her window. She admitted she wanted to stay with him forever and even told him but the gang kept getting in the way of them having any alone time. She cared deeply for him and wanted to stay with him if she could.

Turning back to her studies she scribbled on the page, but her mind was only on her hanyo.
Inuyasha was becoming extremely impatient the longer he was made to wait to see her, probably way he wasn't waiting any longer and was at her house having come though the well.

If she was going to tale so long then would just have to go and get her was his thought process... to see her again... slowly he moved up to her window and tried to open it without making to much sound.
Kagome didn't notice him since she was so focused on her books. She looked over at the jewels in the container. Soon she would be back there, back with him.

Smiling softly she leaned against her hand turning her back to the window, "I wonder if he's mad at me?... I miss him..." She wondered where he was he should have become impatient and went after her by now.
He was coming after her, there was only one problem... her window was locked. He was trying to open the damn thing without breaking it but it wouldn't budge. He was starting to become a little upset as he kept trying to jimmy it open with just ripping the latch apart, though new problems arouse. Primarily his yelling as his fingers slipped out from the window and he lost his balance, landing on his back on the ground.
Kagome heard and jingle which caused her to turn around and see a red and silver figure yelling and fall to the ground. Opening the window she slipped it open to look down at her Hanyou, "Inuyasha? What are you doing? You could have just knocked."

She leaned against the window and smiled down at him. He always seemed to run into situations without fully thinking them thru and sometimes, like now they made her smile.
He sat up rubbing his head before he looked up and saw her. "I thought it would be... I didn't want to disturbe your family..." he said looking away a little bit as a bit of blush was on his face. He had wanted to be along with her, and sneaking in seemed the best and quickest way to achieve that.
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