Looking for Dominant Male


May 20, 2017
Wouldn't You Like to Know
I am looking for male characters to play general pairings. I require a dominate male who can handle a bit of an uppity character. I will not play dom or switch! I just do not feel comfortable being either. My characters will not be completely submissive at first and I am looking for those who can have good rapport with my characters and are willing to create an actual plot and story. This will be a 50/50 RP (50% Plot and 50% Smut/Romance) I prefer plots that are heavy in Romance though I wouldn’t mind working on some build up as well. I am not great at action so let’s keep that to a minimum. Like everyone else I do have kinks and I certainly have limits which will be listed below.


Dom/Sub (Gentle Dom)

Masturbation (Mutual and/or watching partner or masturbating for partner)

Public Sex and Masturbation

Light BDSM (Handcuffs/Ropes, Blindfolds, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Biting, Rough Sex etc.)

Toys (Mostly just dildos or vibrators)

Non-Con (As long as it is not too brutal)

Multiple Partners (Two or more men only and the focus must be on the female)

Anthros (Mostly wolves or dragons)


Incest (Under any circumstances except certain fantasy settings such as GoT)


Bathroom stuff (Anything to do with bathrooms excepting semi-public sex)



Excessive Blood (Good with biting and breaking skin just don’t go too far with it)

Heavy BDSM




(If you have any questions about anything else just ask)

Plot Ideas:

1. (Fantasy Plot) MC is a young woman/elf who is hunting in the woods. She wonders a bit to far and gets caught in a trap. YC finds her and decides that she will be their catch of the day and takes her home for himself.

2. (Dragon Shifter (Or Anthro Dragon)/Princess) (Fantasy) MC is a princess who has been closely guarded her entire life by her father. On the evening of her 18th birthday a dragon (YC) steals the princess away and takes her to his own castle (or cave) for safe keeping. At first the princess thinks this is just a kidnapping and at first that is really all it is. However, MC starts to notice that the dragon (if shifter in his human form) cannot keep his eyes off of her.

3. (Dragon Shifter (Or Anthro Dragon)/Princess) (Modern) YC is hundreds of years old and has lived among humans for centuries. He is rich and known as a collector of treasures. This could mean anything, art, gold, historical treasures. MC is a simple waitress at a cafe who has had a pretty hard life. YC comes into the cafe on a whim one day and lays on MC. He decides all too quickly that she is the next "object" he would like to procure for his collection.

4. (Human/Human (Or if you'd rather use a supernatural creature we can discuss it.) YC is a therapist who MC has been going to for years. YC has always eyed MC but because she is YC's patient YC has been unable to do anything. During one session YC suggests that you let him hypnotize you as a therapeutic way of relaxing. MC trusts YC enough that she says yes. At first it really is used for therapy but knowing MC won't remember anything YC says or does YC cannot resist the temptation. After the first time this happens MC awakens feeling so refreshed and relaxed that she comes back to YC.

5. (Twisted Fairy Tales) So this is less of a plot and more of an idea that involves several different stories that can be broken down into several different plots. The idea is to twist up some of the more classic fairy tales and perhaps make them a bit sexier. I have sort of plots in mind and images to use for inspiration. The fairy tales I have ideas for are listed below and feel free to suggest your own as well.

Red Riding Hood

Little Mermaid

Beauty and the Beast

Snow White (Maybe)

Cinderella (Maybe)


Alice In Wonderland

6. (Modern Fantasy) (Mermaid/Human) MC is a Mermaid Princess from an underwater Kingdom of Mermaids that has exsisted for thousands of years. Only these mermaids are quite different from the ones heard about in fairy tales. They are more like sirens in the sense that they lure men to their deaths and drown, only to feed on their flesh. They have hidden rows of razor sharp teeth that they use to tear their victims apart. It is a writ of passage for a mermaid of 18 to lure and drown her first man. MC has just turned 18 and is about to go through this writ of passage. Only the night she chooses to do this she gets caught up in a storm and hits her head on a rock, causing her to pass out. YC finds the young mermaid washed up on the beach and rescues her.

7. (Modern MxF) Our characters have been best friends for a long time and now we're in college together and also sharing an apartment. MC has always been in love with YC but was always too shy to admit it. But YC has always felt the same way and one night YC just can't take it anymore and decides to sneak into MCs bed to show MC how they really feel.

8. (Twisted Fairy Tale) ( MxF) A Sleeping Beauty plot where instead of being woken by a kiss Sleeping Beauty needs a more "sexual awakening" YC is a man (Theif, noble man, commoner, you decide) who happens upon the castle where Sleeping Beauty rests. When YC sees the young woman frozen in time asleep in her bed YC just can't resist.

9. (Slave x Master Romance) My character is a young woman/elf who has been raised her entire life to pleasure both men and women. Being an orphan there was not much else for her to do. In this society the slave trade is real and thriving. Girls are raised in pleasure houses to give into their masters every whim. My character is young and beautiful and just turned 18, the age these girls are put on the market. It is no surprise that she is quickly sold to your character. My character thinks some old pervert has bought her and will use her until she grows too old and he sells her off to someone else. Imagine her surprise when she meets her new master, your character. Your character is a young man who is a monarch/noble person/wealthy person that bought my character not necessarily because they need sex slave but a companion to keep them company in more than just the bedroom. They still use my character for their intended purpose but are more gentle and kind than most masters, letting my character slowly get used to the things they want.

10. (Single Mother x Single Man) (For those who want a fluffier and softer plot) MC is a single mother with a baby and the father is nowhere in sight. YC is the single neighbor who lives down the hall from MC. One night MC is having a hard time getting her baby to stop crying. It is in the early hours in the morning and the child is screaming. YC decides they can't take it anymore and marches down the hallway to yell at their neighbor. They bang on the door but when they get an answer they see MC, a poor exhausted mother with a screaming baby in their arms. Instead of yelling at MC, like they had originally intended, YC admits to knowing how to handle babies due to experience (younger siblings, babysitting, ect.) MC accepts the help and YC calms the baby down almost immediately. It isn't long until the two fall asleep as well but when they wake up the two get a good look at each other in the light of day.

11. (Blood Slave) (Human x Vampire) MC is a human in a world where vampires are the dominant species. Some humans have chosen to rebel against the vampires and some coexist with them as Blood Slaves. MC is a rebel who is captured by vampire slave traders and put on the market. YC is the vampire who buys MC and takes them home as their own personal pet.

12. (One Woman x Multiple Men (No more than five)) (Based off of the anime Fruit Basket) MC is a young girl (no younger than 18) who finds herself without a home. Lucking YCs find out that she is homeless and offer to let her live in their home. As MC lives there they find she is sweet and kind and soon one or two of the men in the house start to fall for here.

13. (Blood Slave Reverse) (Male Human x Female Vampire) MC is a female vampire in a world where vampires have over thrown the humans. Now they hold what they call "Blood Auctions" to acquire humans as Blood Slaves. YC is a male human apart of the resistance. He is captured and taken to the Blood Auctions where he catches the eye of MC (or MC's vampire father/mother). YC is taken to MC's home to be their blood slave. YC soon finds out that MC is not like the other vampires. She only drinks when she needs to and otherwise leaves YC alone. The more YC learns about MC the more they feel a certain bond. In public YC acts as a sort of pet like most other Blood Slaves. But in private YC is the one in charge.

14. (Single Father x Ballet Instructor) (Again a bit more of a fluffier plot) MC is a young woman who teaches little girls ballet. YC is the father of one of those girls. One day YC is walking (or out to eat with or something) with his daughter when she spots her teacher, MC. The little girl excitedly brings her father over to meet the instructor. MC and YC start talking and start to find they enjoy each other’s company quite a bit.

15. YC is a Viking raider who is visiting a new land to the West. In a raid of a small village YC captures MC and keeps them as a slave. When they return to the Viking home land YC is very curious about MC’s land and tries to learn as much as possible about MS’s land, language, and culture to gather information for more raids. YC and MC learn each other’s languages and eventually the relationship developes further.

PM if you wish to plot further or are just interested.
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