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Ice and Napalm {Poppy}


Sep 28, 2013
The flames were still rising up in the remnants of Talon-controlled territory, arcs of flame and choking columns of black smoke spiraling into the night sky. It had been a hell of a battle, a mad push to get Talon out of the Temple of Anubis and surrounding regions in Egypt, and they had succeeded for the most part. Talon were routed and in the process of pulling out, but it had not been a clean getaway for Overwatch. Two agents had been left behind and would be stuck waiting until morning for evac.

Jamison Fawkes, almost always known as Junkrat, peered over the destroyed rim of a wall in the recently bombed out building. "Crikey," the slender blond murmured, glancing to the armed patrols still marching through the soot-stained streets. Talon were pulling out, but still hoped to get two Overwatch captives for their troubles. And unfortunately Junkrat had used much of his weaponry in the conflict.

Hence all the fires.

Junkrat fell back, humming something disjointed as he unscrewed his pegleg and raised it up to his eyes. He sniffed with his pointed nose and dipped his finger into the glistening oil inside. "Ahh piss. Not even enough gas for a house fire in 'ere. Not gonna be good for much if we get caught out here."

He quickly screwed his prosthetic back into place and made his way deeper into the destroyed building, the only source of light being a blue glow from Mei's small floating drone. "What about you sheila? Got any secret weapons I don't know about."
Mei had her back to the wall, in more ways than one. Here she was, trapped, inside one of the few buildings in the area that wasn’t actively on fire. She had to wonder how bad her luck was to be in this predicament with none other than the resident lunatic of Overwatch, Junkrat. Her dark eyes observed him coolly from her position, watching everyone of her movements. The worst part about being trapped here wasn’t the agents who were actively patrolling to try to find them. Nor was it the stifling heat that was threatening to force her to strip out of her heavy clothing better suited for the tundra. It was having no buffer between herself and the Australian outlaw.

In the past, when they had the pleasure of being on missions together, she never hid her disdain. He was the embodiment of everything wrong in the world, in her eyes. A crazed pyrotechnic criminal who was more focused on how to destroy the world than how to save it. The Chinese woman had to wonder just what it was about him that made him Overwatch material. Because from her viewpoint, there was nothing about the lanky blonde man that made him worthy of anything more than a long stay at a correctional facility.

Not to mention, there was poor Snowball to think of. Her only companion during her solitude at Ecopoint, the poor floating robot was the only light provided to the pair. And even the little drone had a finite power source. Unless they were extracted soon, Snowball would have to go into power saving mode half way through the evening. And then there was the fact that Snowball’s blue lights could draw unwanted attention. Having her little drone on was acting as a beacon for Overwatch to be able to find their exact location.

Mei frowned at Junkrat’s appearance, focusing on trying to wipe her smudged glasses clean with a cloth she kept in her pocket. Her hair was mussed, outfit ripped and stained. The faint smell of burning hair was in the air, and she wondered if it was coming from the man before her or herself.

“My name is Mei.” The bespectacled woman blistered, not knowing the slang that he was using. Certainly, they had been together enough for him to figure out her name. Her English had a heavy accent to it, but she knew that speaking it would be the only way to talk to him. She was fluent in the language, but she never managed to lose the accent. “And no...I’m sorry to say that my tank seems to have been punctured. And after rooting through the building, there is nothing I can find to repair it nor refill it.” She slid her glasses back onto her face, using her middle finger at the middle of the glasses to position them.

“Snowball is all I have left now. And if I don’t put him in low power mode, Overwatch won’t be able to find us.” Mei reached out for her little drone, which circled her hand, a soft smile on her face. She knew that Snowball would choose her survival over its own. After all, the drone had made the choice for her before. “This heat….is stifling.”
"Aaaaagh..." Junkrat slid down the back wall of the room, his eyes rolling back slightly in the process. "Well I'm not doing much better. Other than the suiciders," he tapped a few bumps on his belt with his prosthetic hand "I'm dryer'n Soldier Boy's sense of humor. No grenades, no traps... I even had to use my beloved riptire early today," he admitted, making a small heave of his chest.

It had been fun during the battle, but if Junkrat had known he was going to be stuck like this... oh who was he kidding? He was going to go hog wild regardless of consequences. Why waste time being careful.

"This? Pfeh. One time when I was six I had to travel across the Coober Pedy Crater. No clouds, jus' storms of radiation and sand. Now that was bloody hot." And painful. And sandy. Just awful really. But the dingos were nice. "Not that it matters anyway." He pointed to a small hole in the ceiling, the darkness in the sky above growing progressively more pronounced as the moon tried to peer through the waves of smoke.

"Night's comin' in, and it'll be colder'n an omnic's arse soon. You're dressed for that, I'll just have to make do like always," he said, pointing first at Mei's coat, and then at his own shirtless nature.
Mei’s eyes glanced up to the hole that he motioned to as he talked about his youth. Honestly, she couldn’t imagine Junkrat younger. Mei had only known him like this, as the unhinged agent of Overwatch with the imposing Road Hog by his side. It was odd to think of a child aged Junkrat, wondering if he had been just as annoying and vulgar then. The thought alone made her giggle a bit to herself, sighing and beginning to strip her top off.

“If you are cold, take my jacket. I’m more than warm enough.” Mei’s tone was a bit warmer. “It will keep me from having to hear you complain. And if it gets cold enough, I’ll just ask for it back.” She opened the few closures on the front of the satin blue fabric, revealing what she wore underneath the down parka. It was nothing more than a royal blue tank top, which was made out of a fabric that hung to her curves. And with Mei’s body type, she had more than enough curves to go around.

She had always tended to be the chubbiest out of the group, but well developed. Her bust size easily eclipsed anyone in Overwatch, something that had been a hot topic of debate among certain male members. The rest of her was proportionate to her waist and thigh size, with bigger arms that looked adorable on her frame. Mei slipped out of the top and held it out to Junkrat, an arm extended to do so.

“Or if anything, it can act as a blanket on the floor. We will have to sleep sooner or later, or we’ll be no good if we are found out.” Mei pointed out, looking away from Junkrat with a slight blush on her cheeks. But it was hard to tell if it was from the heat or embarrassment of revealing so much of herself to the Australian.
"Eh?" He heard her offer, but had to mentally trace the conversation back in his head to make sure he had heard her right. "You're actually offerin'? Woulda' figured you'd rather me freeze up in the night," he said. They had never exactly gotten along, owing to their diametrically opposed views on life and the world. She had been all about conservation, and Jamison had seen no point in planning for the future.

There was no god, there was no destiny, there was no higher purpose to things. The only function of life was to go hog wild for as long as you were kicking, since that was all that mattered. Back home, anyone with 'grand plans' usually wound up in a gulch.

As Mei removed her coat, Junkrat turned his gaze up to the ceiling so as not to stare. But he, as most everyone in Overwatch and beyond, knew how expansive Mei's bust. His soot-covered cheeks seemed just a touch darker. He supposed he was a gentleman in some regards, and didn't need to give any extra reason for her to dislike him. "Ah I can keep watch for Talon. I've pulled plenty of all nighters anyway."

It was just a skill one had to pick up in the Outback. Not having anyone on watch duty during the night was a surefire way to get raided.
“Our chances of survival are higher if you make it out alive.” Mei was pragmatic, knowing that two was better than one if she had to take on the forces that were looking for them. She would hold the coat out for him to wear as long as it would take. Even if she wasn’t his friend, she didn’t want to see harm come to him. And if there was something that she could do to prevent it, the Chinese girl would certainly do her best.

“It would be unfair for you to keep watch all night.” Mei held both of her hands out as the drone landed in them, the soft blue glow illuminating them. A soft smile was on her face which was smudged with dirt, not nearly as filthy as Junkrat. She ran a bare hand over Snowball before tapping the center of his top, putting him in standby mode. Overwatch would be able to track their location, and Snowball would be critical in the role.

“I set an alarm on Snowball. He should start vibrating around 2 am….and you can get some rest.” Mei reassured him, going to take her thick insulated gloves and use them as a makeshift pillow as she tried to find the most comfortable part of the hard ground. She didn’t want to take off her glasses and risk losing them, choosing to sleep with them on her face instead. The brunette had her back facing away from Junkrat, curling up into fetal position as much as she could with her faithful drone by her side.
Jamison caught Mei's coat, his pointed nose wrinkling in his mild confusion. "Feh. Well, if ye insist," he remarked, shrugging and deciding to go along with it, the sleeves wrapping slightly around his slim neck. He doubted he could understand a woman like Mei, no matter what. All the same he found himself watching Mei closely as she turned her back to him, his normally unfocused eyes observing the curvature of her hips.

Hmph. Well he might not be able to understand her, but he could at least admire her... the Egyptian and the lezzie were both nice looking shielas too, but he had a particular fondness for Mei. She was a pain, but a nice looking pain. For now he settled in, seeming to fall into a shallow sleep. He often was a light sleeper, far too used to being awoken by explosions and wild dogs in the dead of night.
Mei was a very sound sleeper, sleeping through all of the explosions outside of the small area they were forced to hunker down into. She did happen to squirm a lot when asleep, rolling over to face Jamison close to the time she was to wake up. Her tank top had rode up on her sleeping form, going so high that it offered a peek as to what sort of lingerie that she wore. It was an ivory color in the dim light, made with lace. It was obvious that she took great care in choosing her garments.

Her hair had fallen out of the signature bun, the hair stick lying to the side uselessly. The brunette locks framed her face, easily getting mussed thanks to how much she tossed and turned. The tights that she wore were made of a thick material, but outlined every curve of her bountiful bottom. The Chinese girl’s glasses were askew on her face, lips slightly parted in sleep.

Snowball began to vibrate, in order to rouse her from her slumber. Mei blinked her eyes slowly, wanting more sleep. But it was unfair to sleep and leave Jamison on guard. She sat up, slipping her glasses off and rubbing at her eyes, looking to Junkrat. Like this, she couldn’t really see what his face looked like. But she was keenly aware of how cold it had gotten in their hideout.

“Has everything been quiet?” Mei asked of him quietly, rubbing her glasses clean on her tank top, sliding it back down to cover up her pudgy stomach. Snowball went back into the powered down mode, giving them a soft blue light to at least see somewhat.
Junkrat's right eye popped open suddenly, drawn in by the buzzing of Mei's drone. He regarded it closely for a moment, with that same eye swiveling up to look at Mei. It was hard not to admire her, the brainy Chinese girl looking rather enthralling when she was just waking up. Her full breasts, her rounded hips... they didn't have gals like her back home. And it was hard not to admire her in that way, as something beautiful and exotic.

"Pretty much. We ain't dead, and that's a plus," he remarked. He had been keeping an ear out in his light daze, and hadn't heard anything draw remotely near their location. "So either all of Talon is as quiet as that short Mexican shiela, or we're alone..." A powerful shiver ran through Jamison's body, his slicked back hair seeming to prick up in the cold. "Bloody hell... the cold'll get us faster at this rate though. I could start a fire," he tapped the gasoline stashed in his prosthetic leg "But that'll turn a few heads."
Mei picked up her hair stick as she listened to Junkrat speak, but it was just so hard to focus on him with how cold she was. The Chinese woman didn’t want for him to feel bad for using her jacket for warmth, but even if she took it back, it still left Jamison out in the cold. And that was something that she couldn’t abide. She bit her lower lip, still feeling a significant amount of adrenaline running through her veins due to their life or death situation.

Short Mexican Shelia…? It took Mei a few moments to realize he was referencing the Talon hacker, Sombra. Honestly, was it so tough to learn names? Or was that all women were to him? She did her best to not look annoyed, wrapping her arms around herself as goosebumps raised on her skin, trying to keep her teeth from chattering.

“Starting a fire will do us no good. That will reveal our position, just as you said.” The brunette styled her hair back up into the typical bun. “We have to think of some other way to keep warm. But there isn’t much in the way of options here...must have been a former storage location.” She crawled over to Junkrat on her hands and knees, breasts swinging as she did so. It would give the Australian a good view of her chest, the top dipping down quite low.

She positioned herself to sit beside of him, reaching out for her jacket and opening it up and wrapping it around the pair like it was a blanket. “I don’t think it even got this cold at Ecopoint…” Mei trailed off, her skin touching his as she looked forward. She chewed her bottom lip, attempting to come up with a plan as brilliant as the one she used to get out of the tight situation at Ecopoint.

“Body heat will be essential to our survival.” Mei nodded resolutely. Glancing over to Jamison, she adjusted her glasses, hoping that he would come up with something more brilliant than using their last line of defense to try to stay warm.
He found himself watching as the climatologist drew in close, his eyes fighting a losing battle to not stare down into the expansive valley of cleavage she had on display. It was hardly his fault, they were really bloody big! And given that Mei spent most of her time covered by a thick coat, it wasn't like he was even particularly used to the sight of them. She definitely didn't flaunt herself, even though he thought Mei looked better than her colleagues.

Body heat? "It's not that cold." His teeth chattered on a reflex, as if to cosmically undermine him, and he found himself grumbling and clasping his flesh and blood hand over his mouth to stifle himself. Junkrat wouldn't lie, there was some appeal to the idea. But then again he'd also be stuck sitting like a rail all night, just so he wasn't accused of copping a feel. It'd be the Junker Queen all over again.

And it wouldn't be the worst person he'd done this with. Not that he or Roadhog would admit to the desperate things they had done for survival in the past.

"Fine," he relented, deciding to just go along with it. They had no other options, and if it got any colder then his testicles would turn into icicles. He raised Mei's coat off his skinny body, leaving an opening for the climatologist to move in through. Junkrat kept his attention on the hole in the ceiling, sharp ears focused for any sounds outside. "Not that I've ever done this sorta thing before."
When Junkrat claimed that he wasn’t that cold followed by a clamping a hand over his mouth, Mei looked to him unimpressed. After all, he was foolish enough to go out and about without a shirt on. But then again, what really was the purpose of the man wearing clothing? All they were with his fighting style was nothing more than a fire hazard, increasing his chances of enduring burns on his flesh.

Mei’s eyes passed over his chest once they were under the coat together in the dim light. His body was littered with burn marks and scars, proof of the sort of life he had to live to survive. Mei knew that Australia couldn’t have been an easy place to grow up, due to the nuclear fall out. In comparison, she was a lucky girl to be born and raised in China with a loving mother and father. But, they were absent in her life, always off trying to explore the world and advance civilization through science. That’s one of the reasons the chubby girl was drawn to becoming so involved in the subject, ultimately choosing to choose being a climatologist. It would give her a talking point with her parents, who were away so much while she was raised by a doting grand mother who never shied away at giving her sweet treats to make her happy.

“Jamison…” She took a deep breath, trying not to shiver. “Please...put your arm around me. The more skin to skin contact, the warmer we’ll get.” Mei wanted to scream at herself not to ask him to do such, but she couldn’t help it. Something about Junkrat was appealing to her, she wanted to understand what made him tick. Why he was as unstable as he portrayed. But more compelling than her thoughts was the human urge to survive. And she would be willing to do anything to make it through the night. After all, she couldn’t let the death of her friends at Ecopoint be in vain. She needed to continue to live and be their living legacy.

Her cheeks pinked. She certainly wasn’t virginal, but she wouldn’t be experienced either. But she had already came to the conclusion that without a vigorous activity, the pair would be dead by sunrise. Underestimating the climate of the desert was a serious danger that many people before them had passed away from. Mei knew what she had to suggest to the man that she would rather put an ice wall between the two of them. But how was the real question now.
She was just so... soft. He became aware of that as her plump frame pressed into him. For a girl who messed with ice and snow for a living, she was also quite warm. "You want me to..." His synthetic digits clamped together a few times as he weighed her suggestion. "Ye ain't gonna scream is ya? Cause that'd be pretty bad," Jamison said, before shrugging and complying as his right arm slid around her shoulders.

He was slender, but there was a decent definition to his arms and a solid warmth to him. His scent was perhaps what one would expect, a lingering smell of motor oil and charred meat. Whether it was something he had cooked, or his own skin, was hard to tell. But given his fondness for napalm and gasoline, it was quite likely the latter.

"So... ah..." He had been with girls before, so why did it feel awkward now? Well he wasn't about to do this one, for a start. And for another the two had been a little standoffish in the past. It stemmed from the two having polar opposite outlooks on life. "You er... alright? Didn't get banged up or nothin' in the fight, yeah? I mean, I ain't much for first aid or nothin', but..."
“Why would I scream?” Mei furrowed her brow and looked to him with the typical annoyed look that was on her face when she had to talk to the Australian. But as his robotic arm slipped over her shoulder, she jumped, making a squeaking noise in surprise. Mei had at least been mindful enough not to shriek when the chilly metal came into contact with her warm, soft skin. But, the squeaking noise ended up being rather adorable, causing her glasses to slide down her nose.

“哦,我的上帝!!!” The Chinese girl did her best not to yell in surprise at the cold contact, instead speaking in a loud whisper. “Your arm is so cold….brrrr. And your body even…your temperature is very low. Due to improper clothing.” She sounded cross, knowing that if Angela were there, she would have a medical trick up her sleeve to fix them up.

“I’m fine, Jamison...just chilly.” Mei adjusted her glasses and pressed her chubby frame into his lean one, trying to exchange body heat like this. But it wasn’t going to be enough. Not by any means. It also was the first time ever she called him by his legal name. “My major concern is your body temperature….you’re like ice. That won’t do.” She shook her head, doing her best to steel herself for what she knew had to be done. Even if she disliked Junkrat, she wasn’t going to let him die there. After all, at least he was trying to help the world by aligning himself with Overwatch. But it possibly also kept him out of jail to do so.
It likely didn't help matters that he was like a rail in some regards. The muscle mass he had was rather lean, toned towards some heavy lifting, but it was the kind of body built to handle harsh weather and extreme heat. The cold wasn't the best environment for his sort of build. He turned his pointed nose up slightly. "What're ya worryin' about? I'm feelin' pretty warm with yourself pressed up like this. I could get used to this..."

Hell, he wouldn't complain. Even if it was a life or death situation, he had a strong liking for being pressed to Mei's soft and comfy body. And those curves... they were to die for! "Besides that, s'not like you can make clothes out of thin air. This's all we got," he said, poking the heavy coat draped over them. "So I dunno what else we could do to get a bit more heat goin for us," Jamison remarked.
Mei listened to what her fellow Overwatch member had to say about the situation and sighed. As much as she disliked it, she would have to be more to the front in regards to how the evening should progress. She rubbed her thighs together, squirming in her seat as it were. The only way the pair would see daylight again would be if they participated in the Chinese girl’s plan.

She clasped her hands in her lap, doing her best to build up the courage as he mentioned being able to get used to this. As far as Mei was concerned, this was going to be a one night only sort of deal. There was no way she could allow her friends and coworkers to know that she slept with Junkrat. Her dislike of him certainly wasn’t unknown to most of the people in Overwatch. Her glasses slipped down her nose as she looked to her hands, waiting for him to finish before adjusting them and looking back up to the Australian man.

“ order to make it through this night...we…” Mei took a deep breath, her cheeks red from embarrassment. “...we need to generate our own body heat. Through physical activity….something that will keep both of our bodies pressed together in order to maintain it.” The Chinese woman hoped that he would get the point, and not have to spell it out for him. All she could think of was how humiliating it all was.
Junkrat seemed suitably comfortable like this. For all the danger that surrounded them, and the fact that Mei had no particular liking for him, he would admit that this felt nice. But that budding sensation of comfort was soon dashed as Mei tried to outline her plan without totally spelling it out to him. Well Junkrat may have had a screw or five loose, but he definitely wasn't a total idiot. He knew what she had in mind.

But still, for her the one to suggest something like this... talk about a plot twist!

"Well er..." his free hand reached up, stroking the underside of his chin in deliberate thought. She wanted to do this, even if it was solely for the sake of their own survival. "If you say so. Guess it beats jus' sitting here, dunnit?" Suddenly his arms slithered around, palms sinking into Mei's rounded hips and hoisting her easily, sliding the plump girl into his lap with her heavy bosom pressed tight against his taut yet thin upper body.

Already he could feel a difference in warmth, and having the Chinese cutie so close was starting to make the junker's weighty dick rise to attention. The impressive girth pressed against Mei, and for as skinny as Junkrat seemed to be it seemed that he had one rather large and thick part to him.
Mei’s heart was thudding so hard after she made the suggestion. She was certain that he would ignore her suggestion, and the pair would freeze to death, side by side. The Chinese woman tried not to think of how their fellow Overwatch agents would react finding them in such a state. But when he easily lifted her up and onto his lap, she realized then that he was willing to go along with her plan.

“Oh my gosh…” Mei gasped as she felt the heat of his cock through his own ragged shorts and her tights. She was impressed by his length and girth, not to mention that he picked he up as if she weighed nothing. But for as scrawny as the man seemed, he did have to carry around a heavy tire filled with explosives for his last ditch effort weapon. That had to build up some serious strength.

She re-positioned her jacket to cover Junkrat’s exposed back entirely, the front open and wrapping a good portion of it around herself. “There...that should help.” Mei wrapped her arms around Jamison’s neck, starting to grind her crotch against his own. Of course, she would have to shimmy them off soon enough, but that was a future problem. For now, foreplay was the best way to guarantee production of body heat. Especially dry humping.
"They sure don't do none of this in the movies," Jamison remarked, his eyes settling on Mei's rounded hips as she eagerly ground herself against him. Generating body heat she said... well, Junkrat would be lying if he said he wasn't a little hot and bothered right now. His left hand roamed up, settling under Mei's right breast and giving her milky bust an eager squeeze through her tank top.

"Guess this'll be just between us. Been a while since I done this though," the blond admitted. He shrugged his slim shoulders. "Ah well! Some skills you don't ever forget."

Jamison would admit that he had had sex with a whopping three women (more than twice with one of them!) in the past, so he wasn't a total stranger to this. But was Mei? She had been on ice for a while, and had spent much of her time engrossed in her work. But before then, had she ever taken the meat bicycle for a spin? Junkrat leaned in, his thin lips meeting Mei's pale throat and giving her a light suckle and nibble.
Mei moaned hotly as he groped her breasts. With such a large coat, there was no use wearing a bra typically. She certainly had large one, and her skin was pale as snow thanks to staying inside most of the time to work on research. Her breasts were certainly soft to the touch, and easily molded into his hands. The Chinese woman bit her lower lip, not wanting to make too much noise to draw any attention their way. But she certainly was enjoying everything that was happening to her. Her plump body was perfect for playing with, soft and supple.

“I’m certain that you are up for the challenge.” Mei reassured him, thinking to herself that it had to be like riding a bicycle. During her time at Ecopoint, she had a few relationships with some of the male researchers. After all, what better way to stay warm in the cold than to have sex? Some of the women were prudes who didn’t participate, which was fine by her. There was nothing wrong with abstaining, but the chubby girl wasn’t going to be joining their ranks. She continued to twist her hips, a damp spot growing on the crotch of her tights thanks to her arousal.

When his lips met her throat to give her some attention, she jumped at the touch, a squeak coming out of her mouth from trying to conceal it. Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment and arousal, mentally chastising herself for making such a noise.

“I...I need to pull back…” Mei gasped softly. “Take tights…” Her body didn’t want to, still continuing to rub the damp spot on his crotch.
For as much as Mei seemed to hold a cool distaste for him, she seemed to warm up quite quickly to his touches. Her cute squeaking sound made his eyes widen slightly, watching as the plump climatologist reeled herself up slightly to work through her tights, "Mm... prolly for the best. Don't want 'em getting all torn up otherwise," the slender man said, flashing Mei a shark-like grin.

As Mei worked to remove her tights, Junkrat gripped his belt and promptly unbuckled it. His worn orange shorts slid down his spindly legs until his weighty shaft was free from the confines and bobbing upward like a sleepy snake. He inspected himself briefly, his grin never fading. Already Junkrat could feel his pulse quickening, and became distinctly aware of his body temperature rising. Seemed Mei might have been onto something here.

"So," Junkrat said, his organic hand giving his cock a few idle strokes to fully wake it up. "We set to go?"
Mei did her best to remove her tights quickly, having to step out of her boots temporarily. She had the most adorable abominable snowman socks, but it was her panties that she revealed that were even cuter. They were soft silk and blue with a polar bear print, similar to the pajamas that she wore. It was bikini style, a bit too small, with thin straps that wrapped around her hips. The thin strip of elastic cut into her curves, but it was attractive. If she would have turned around, he would have seen that the panties couldn’t even cover her entire ass. She took them off quickly, having to peel them away from her damp mound. If there were better light, he would be able to see the clear, sticky substance that the Chinese girl tended to produce when aroused.

When he removed his shorts to reveal his cock, Mei had to adjust her glasses in order to ensure that she was seeing clearly with no distortion. But there was no denying the girth and length that Junkrat was packing. She pressed her lips together, quickly determining that he would be the largest partner to date. And she was certainly up for the challenge. As quick as she removed her bottoms, she slipped her boots back on and got back into position on his lap once he removed his shorts.

She had positioned herself so her plump, lower lips were rubbing against the underside of his shaft near the base. His cock was peeking up between them, Mei realizing that like this, it went past where her belly button was on her body. The Chinese woman swallowed hard, doing her best not to swear under her breath as she moved to put the coat back around herself. There was no way she was taking her tank top off, he would simply have to toy with her breasts through the top or tug it down to reveal them.

Putting her hands against his chest for leverage, she raised herself up, dragging her lower lips over the length of his cock. Mei left a trail of her juices, which would help to lubricate what was to come. She put all her weight on her knees, needing to lift her bottom up high in order to pierce herself on his prick.

“Just remember….we’re doing this to live. So….be certain to proceed at a fast pace.” Mei took a deep breath as she spread her wet slit on his rod. Her cunt was warm and inviting, the innermost walls so soft. It was like they were clinging to his cock as she used all of her weight to completely spear herself on his member. She bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood to keep from moaning and letting him know how good it felt as she finally bottomed out and bounced his heavy balls against her plump rear end.
He couldn't help but try and peak over Mei's shoulders to get a glimpse of her rounded rump, watching carefully as the buxom climatologist worked to remove the panties that seemed just a tad too small for her rounded rump and hips. He licked his thin lips eagerly. The girl was a cracker, plain and simple. Though Jamison would admit it sucked she was such a pain in the arse, because they could have plenty of fun otherwise.

"Fast is me middle name," Junkrat replied, flashing her a wry smile. "Also me last is a little like fast if you remove some letters an' add others in." It was all for survival, so she claimed, and so he was happy to go along with it.

Jamison settled his metal hand behind his head, watching as Mei eagerly sank down the majority of his imposing shaft. He gave a delighted purr, closing his eyes while his human palm settled on the full moon of Mei's rear. He helped set a pace for her, watching like a hypnotized cat once her bosom began to bounce inside the confines of her tanktop. "Hooley dooley," he murmured. Even Pharah's weren't so large. God had spared no expense in sculpting Mei!

He continued his casual groping, and decided to go one further and occupy his mouth. Junkrat leaned in and met the side of Mei's neck, eagerly nibbling her snow white skin and savouring the way she seemed to muffle herself.
Mei listened to what Jamison said in regards to the speed that the act needed to be done in. Mentally, she wondered how someone could give their child the middle name “Fast”. But she then realized it was just a figure of speech, shaking her head. His hand on her bare ass felt nice, connecting their bodies by more than just at the crotch. It made her arch her back, causing her tits just to be jutted forward even more.

In no time at all thanks to Junkrat, they had set a fast pace. Her enormous breasts were bouncing about, looking as if they were about to pop out at any minute. Her glasses continued to slip down her face, so once in awhile she had to push them back up the bridge of her nose. But it was when his lips connected with her neck that Mei had to fight herself to keep quiet. The Chinese woman had never expected to have the Australian kiss her, and it was thrilling.

“M...More…” Mei wanted to encourage him as she lifted herself up and down the length of his member, doing her hardest to try to cram more of him, stretching her insides to fit him the best that they could. She tossed her head back, the hair stick slipping out and tumbling to the ground. Her brown hair unfurled from the bun she wore, shaking out in loose waves that fell to the middle of her back.
"Bloody 'ell," he growled, his tone a breathy rasp from his rapidly mounting excitement. He was the kind of man who, when he put his mind to something, went at it full force. Soon the entirety of his impressive shaft was hitting into Mei, the head reaching her womb with her ample juices lubricating him. He pulled back to catch his breath, but in the process Junkrat ended up seeing Mei in her entirety.

She looked damn gorgeous with her hair down. Not that she ever looked bad with her hair up, but it was a nice change of pace. And this, coupled with the spectacle of Mei's hypnotically bouncing bust, really got Jamison's motor running. The blond grinned up at her, his weighty cock starting to tense and pulse inside Mei's core. "Ya feelin' warmer yet?" the junker coyly asked, giving her rear a quick spank with his human hand.
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