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Dungeons of Erotic Trappings [Penguin x Rei x Prop]

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May 18, 2009
Caranola studied the map. There weren't many details on it unfortunately. "Hey, what do you think of this?" She asked her companion, wondering if she knew more. Most of the previous adventurers in this dungeon didn't really seem fit to be so, they seemed really ditzy, or too fat, one looked to tall to even fit in here. "You don't suppose they were lying to us do you? About this dungeon? They didn't really seem fit to tell us anything about this place." The elf mage stepped through the cavernous halls, too occupied studying the map.
Raphael yawns as he enters with the group. Eying the area he rubs his stubbly chin. His short black hair was gelled up. Scratching behind his short pointed ears he sighs, "I don't know about you two...but, I think we should head back. We can find treasure elsewhere....This place gives off a bad feel to it..."
Helena scowled back at her two companions, placing a finger to her lips to shush them. Didn't they realize she was trying to work? Sure, the place was probably safe, but she knew if they ended up tumbling down a bottomless pit she'd never heard the end of it. "If you want to go watch the horses, then I'll take your share of the loot, Raphael," She whispered back with a grin. Crouching down low, she skulked further into the place, peering through the darkness. Times like these, having a bit of Drow blood came in handy.
"Eh, take it. Just means I get it back when you pay me back from last adventurer." Raphael mutters before turning around. "Don't get yourselves killed. You still owe me money." The rogue said to them before leaving the dungeon and headed back to where they set up camp.
"Yeah fine, ok, I'll deal with it." She waved her hand telling him to go, continuing forward through the dungeon. "You'd think he'd have a sense of adventure or something, we could really use his help." She sighs as her boots tap against the stony floor of the cave, the air feeling stagnant as they got deeper inside.
The walls of the dungeon were crafted with an old gray stone that could be easily found around the area outside of the dungeon. The vast halls seemed to be crafted out for at least a mile long. The halls branch off quickly; North, South, and North East. Two of the halls are poorly lit but, the one leading South seemed remarkably bright. Not to mention the rocks switched from gray to a rare light pink, making the hall more interesting to go to.
She just offered Caranola a shrug, not really minding this time. It was one thing to have Raphael along if Helena was expecting monsters, but in a place like this he'd just end up bumping into things and making her job harder. Stopping at the intersection, she pondered for a moment. Everyone probably went south first, which meant it was likely to be picked clean, but on the other hand, it also meant that people had gone that way and returned alive. They could always check the other passages later. Motioning quietly to her companion, Helena headed south, keeping her eyes peeled.
Caranola stayed with her. Curious at how the halls changed color, from a pale gray to a light pink. "Could this be some sort of sediment?" She asked, dragging a finger along the wall curiously, rubbing her fingers together in case there was any sort of strange residue remaining on the elf's fingertips.
The hall continues further for a few hundred feet. Soon enough opening off to a bright purple room. In the middle as a chest which was quite large. It almost seemed too good to pass up but, at the same time fishy. It was at the top of a small mound of stairs. Each step went to a lighter color till the top step was completely white. The chest itself was embroidered with jewels of every kind.
Helena glanced around suspiciously, automatically assuming that this was a trap, and not a very good one. Now just who would be stupid enough to walk up and open a chest like this? Actually, now would have been a good time for Raphael to be there. "Caranola... don't touch anything. This is way too fishy." Rather than go right up to the chest, she stuck close to the wall and began to circle around carefully to get a better view of the whole place, wondering if there was some hidden mechanism. Maybe a pit that would open up, or poison darts... she was expecting the worst.
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