Gender Bender/Bimbofication Fun!


Nov 14, 2017
Hey there guys and gals, I'm Liquid. This is a bit of a bare boned thread cause I'm rushing, but I wanted to get something out to ya'll.

I'm an avid lover for gender transformations, bimbofication, sexy clothing and just generally crazy transformational goodness. But don't think those are my only interests, they're just my major ones. I usually prefer to play the transformed one, but I've been convinced before to play the transformer rather than transformed. If you've got an idea don't be afraid to message me! Currently, I'm really craving the manipulated prince plot I've got further down. So, if you're down to do that I'd be incredibly happy.

I like creating a new plot that's optimized to both of us, but you don't have any ideas, here are a few plots I really like!

1. Demons and Corruption Plot
Pretty simple, but it could be expanded greatly. Essentially my character has been targeted by a demon or monster to be transformed into their very own little sex bunny. The plot usually would be either modern, or fantastical. I could be some shy or innocent character that your demon finds perfect for corrupting, or I could be some sort of playboy that's in need of some ironic justice. We could end up in a slave/master situation or more of a Dom/sub? Or vanilla romantic? It's a very malleable plot.

2. Sci Fi stuff!!
Use your imagination for this one! I'll add more later, but the term sci fi should give you somethinh to work with. Tentacles, aliens, impregnation... High tech shenanigans?

3. Manipulated prince plot
This is probably my most detailed plot I've got at the moment, and also the one I'm craving the most. So basically there's this prince who is several siblings down the line from being the heir to the throne. Thus, he sometimes gets forgotten about by his parents, and is left to his own devices for the most part. Because of this, he's a prime target for manipulation. My rough idea is that either his advisor or maybe the court wizard decides to turn him into their plaything. They transform him into a woman, and slowly turn him into their sex slave or a slut, or maybe they just use the transformation as blackmail to make him their political pawn. Anyways, I think this is an interesting plot that could go any amount of ways. Specifically, having the prince being forced into uncomfortable situations. Such as being disguised as a sex slave for the local nobles, dressed up in a very slutty gown to go to a royal ball, or maybe being sent to his brother's quarters as a "gift". It's all about corrupting and humiliating the prince, and turning him into a slut, presumably without his family knowing. But, id love to discuss this with you and see how we could modify it into our own unique roleplay.

I'm really flexible with what we could do, just message me your ideas and we'll get the ball rolling! My only request really is that if we do talk and get a good idea flowing, please let me know if you want to back out. Its not enjoyable when somebody goes AWOL, never to return with no explanation. Oh! And also no one liners please, it makes me feel like you aren't interested enough. Unless you've got a REALLLY good one liner, I most likely will not answer.

Last thing! While I very much like smut, and it's the reason I'm here, I've found all of my rp's have died eventually without some substance or story to them. So, to prevent that I'd appreciate it if we followed the ratio 40/60ish roughly. 40% story, 60% smut. My characters may be very sexual, but they're not just sex toys. They can talk too!

Here are a few of my favorite things/kinks, plusses are by what I really, really like:
-Gender transformation (obviously :p) +
-Breast expansion+
-Regular ol' transformational stuff(anthros,body type changes, ect)
-CORRUPTION (gotta love it) +
-Multiple Insertions
-Dom/Sub Master/slave relationships +
-Sexy toys!
-Bimbofication (sluttification might be a better word) +
-Sexy clothing! (And forced wearing of said clothing) +
-Cum inflation (I know this is a weird one and isnt required at all, but I find it oddly hot)+
-Strip club/nightclub scenarios +
- Sex/transformation machines (This one may be a bit odd too, but I like it)
No no's:
-Bathroom stuff
-Excessive gore (It's okay to have a little violence in a story, just not excessive)

Talk to ya'll soon!
- Liquid

Bump? So I'm still a bit new to the bumping rules, I'm an off and on user. I understand you can only bump every 24 hours, but does that mean you can only bump one of your threads per day, or is it that each thread has one bump per day? I'm sure an admin will see this, so if I'm doing something wrong, please let me know.
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