~Missulena's Web~


Tread softly, stranger...
Feb 13, 2017
I post journal entries here. Maybe just to work on my writing or complain about stuff. Whining is nice sometimes. It helps get everything off your chest.

I wish I had more food to eat. I'm really hungry.
~~~Journal Entry~~~

I lost 3lbs, apparently. I now weigh 103 lbs. I really should eat more, but I don't have a lot of food. Prolly should go shopping, soon. I have a sinus infection and my head hurts really badly. It's like someone inflated a balloon in my head. The light is just the worst headache trigger, so I keep everything dark. Except I had to go to the doctor to get prescribed antibiotics and the light was so intense, I had my eyes closed the entire time. The doctor asked me to open them, but I could only get them open a crack before shutting them again. Even my laptop light is hurting my eyes, so I had to dim it.
I drove through Taco Bell because I didn't feel like cooking for myself and they accidentally gave me Diablo sauce. I'm really annoyed that they got rid of the Verde sauce, but since the Diablo sauce isn't really all that spicy, I ate it, anyway. So I went home, ate my food, took my pills and watched Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic on Netflix. Aladdin is adorable in that series.
Work has been getting rough on my body. I have to stand around a lot and my back and legs are just really not all there. I should try and get a desk job or something. As much as I like my job, I can't keep doing physical work. It's killing my back.
~~~Journal Entry 2~~~

Wowee, Tizanidine packs a punch. My muscles have been aching a lot, despite the potassium supplements. So my doc prescribed Tizanidine. It makes me incredibly sleepy.
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