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Fx F or NB Ero-Fantasy Roleplayer looking for Long-Term partners! (FxF/FxFuta)

Nov 13, 2017
Hello again, BlueMoon! I've returned with a few particular scenes I wanted to test the waters with, so I wanted to see how many people I might be able to hook into these little storylines I conjured from the depths. All my previous scenes are being moved into the "Not available" section, so I can put a bit of emphasis more onto the plots I'm currently craving. The rest of my little spiel is still below, so you'll have to suffer through my self-description for a bit.


To start, I'll list off the main kinks I do and don't like so you can see if you're interested or not.


- Female/Female and Female/Futa Couples Only - I love more feminine bodies, as I see them as more sensual and enticing than males.

- Nympho or Highly Sexual Characters - Story and plot are taking a back seat. I like/play characters who absolutely love and adore sex, including those with a libido that is never fully sated.

- Dub-Consentual - My characters might seem reluctant or surprised at first, but deep down they secretly want to play.

- Romance - Just because my characters are very active sexually, doesn't mean they don't want to feel loved.

- Incest - Sisters and Mother/Daughter relationships can be fun! Twins can be even better!

- Endowments - For females, modest curves and decent chest sizes (C-size bust optimal). For futa/herms, decent chest sizes and large genitalia (12'-20' length, 1 1/2'-2' girth. Half-giants or larger races can have 16'-24' length and 2'-2.5' girth). Due to the large sizes, I prefer any oral to be more tongue-based rather than blatantly deep-throating the entire shaft.

- Common Erotica - Vaginal, oral, breast, hand and feetplay are all fair game to me

- Messy - Letting things get a little dirty is always nice. Squirting/Excessive Semen is welcomed, if not encouraged. (Does not include Scat)

- Taste - My characters will be much more inclined to enjoy drinking semen if their lovers (or owners) had a more unique taste. (Sweeter, berry-tasting, etc.)

- Dom/Sub - If the scene is right for it, I don't mind playing both or neither. I make a terrible Dom though, as everything turns out gentle and fluffy towards the end.

- Multiple Partners - While not a must-have in every setting, some characters like a bit of variety in how they have their fun, or enjoy having more fun at one time.

- Public/Exhibitionism - Also not a must-have in every setting, as some characters like their privacy. This goes against my shy/insecure nature, making it a sort of forbidden fruit for me.

- Communication - Let the characters think for themselves, but don't be afraid to talk to me about potential scenes or plots that can help bring the story together!


- Anal - Somehow people keep missing this one, so I'm listing it first here. I only go for anal if there is more than one partner for double-penetrating. No slipping fingers in, no accidents, no exceptions.

- Furries/Anthros - I don't mind girls with monster parts. I DO mind monsters with girl parts.

- The Usual Extremes - Scat, death, torture, and vore. I am simply not into them.

- Gore - A little blood play with a vampire is good, as it's in their nature. Large gashes, gaping wounds or dismemberment? Not so good.

- Bondage - Most forms of bondage are lost on me. A brief time in chains or having a collar+leash is fine, but beyond that I find no enjoyment.

- Ageplay - I absolutely refuse to consider this. All characters must be at least 18+ in human age and have the mental and physical developments thereof.

- One-Night Stands - While having multiple partners is okay, I don't like having to make one character after the next to sate one's desires. It becomes tiring and repetitive.

If you don't see what you're looking for above, I've finally made an F-List that will better detail what I will/won't do. Please check there before PMing me with questions, thanks!

How I Role-Play
I will typically post between 2-4 small paragraphs for the sake of keeping things direct, but also adding a bit of fluff. I don't want, expect, nor can I keep up with someone who is able to write an essay regarding a previous post. I don't mean to say I dislike posts with only a few sentences, but I enjoy having a bit more to work with. Detail in excess is more welcome than a lack of detail. I also try to post as often as I can, which means if I have the option, I will get a reply back as soon as I open a message.

Though Forum posts are similar to how Email plays out, I am actually rather shy and insecure about others seeing my work. I like to keep my work between partners. Recently I've decided to try and not limit myself to one medium, so I've opened myself up to Email, Discord and Google Docs as my RP mediums.

- Available for Email, Discord
- 2-4 Small Paragraphs Preferred
- Can post several times throughout the day, minimum once a day.

You guys or gals (Or other!) reading this. I do not always expect this, but I intend to keep a role-play setting or game going for the long haul. My longest standing setting was six years old, and the development that went with it was something I cherished. In that time, I've grown close to not only the characters in the game, but also the person playing them, which has led me to the best friends I have today. What I hope from you, would be to help share that experience both in and out of character.

I'm hoping to find people who are willing to have a chat as well as role-play, and with that hoping further that the friendship lasts for years to come..

- Looking for Friends, not Drones
- Hoping to chat on Discord to discuss the RP or other things.

Settings and Plots
I'm a fantasy addict, and far from being ashamed of that. I have played more fantasy games than I can count, and that has shown through in my role-playing more than I ever expected or intended to. Elves, wizards, magic, castles and kingdoms are my forte in the role-playing world, and I hope to share that with my partners as best I can. Dungeons and Dragons, Warcraft, or just the generic fantasy world work best for me.

Regarding Story and Plot, I rarely have either of them fully fleshed out when I start up a scene with someone. I create and extend a story/plot as the characters progress and grow rather than trying to create a fully functional storyline for them to follow, as a character may not always be well-suited for the game further down the line; A pub wench being dragged along to fight a dragon simply won't end well for anyone. Similarly, a seasoned warrior being hired to clear a few rats out of a cellar is just monotonous and boring for the character. Manifesting a story as the environment-controllers (Us) gain an understanding of the characters helps create something not only believable for the situation, but more fun all around to play.

At the risk of sounding like a total pervert, I will mention again that I am looking more towards scenes that are highly erotic in nature. The overlying plot does not have to be sexual-based, but I have run one too many games that were simply too plot-heavy for my taste. I'm looking to simply cut loose from the plot-heavy stories, and focus more on the characters and their romances, or lusts, as it were.

- D&D, Warcraft, TERA, RIFT, Generic Fantasy Worlds
- I create plots as we go. No full pre-made stories
- Looking for Erotica with a side of Plot


Now, since I've dumped a fair amount of info on what I'm looking for, here's a few stories I'd love to have a role filled in. These are just ideas, and I'm willing to take on suggestions as well!

-----A Knight Undone-----
Surprise Encounter
Female (Any) x Futa Knight
The road is often hard to travel alone, often finding one's self fighting boredom as much as survival. Several days traveling along the barren trails lead to the mind wandering, and when one sets up camp for the night, there's no telling what could happen...

As the sun begins to set, the lone knight has let the imagination take over what they desire physically. The campsite had barely been set up, unfinished, and the soft sounds of restrained moans could be heard resonating from the knight's location. Most of her armor had been removed, but she couldn't bring herself to finish as her hand stroked along the large shaft jutting outward from between her thighs, demanding further attention that she could no longer deny even as the faint sounds of footsteps began to approach...

This scene drops right into the action right away, hardly allowing introductions to take place before the curious intruder finds the knight with her pants down. A favored couple between these two would be using a blood elf with a night/high elf, creating a bit of diversity between their races and emphasizing how their lust could grow into something a little more fulfilling.

-----A Tormented Soul-----
Power Given, Power Taken
Female Warlock x Female/Futa (Noble/Guard)
There had been rumors circulating about a woman who had gained a substantial amount of power. A wave of her hand would bring forth a crackle of energy, smiting any who opposed her and bringing down any who attempted to stop her. A city had been brought into chaos as one of the ruling class had been targeted by this ruthless being, torn to shreds by the magical energies. This news was joined by several of the criminal heads in the city being eliminated, along with several powerful figureheads.

But one day, the news had simply ceased. The city still in chaos, but not destroyed, it seemed as though this woman had disappeared into the night. What many didn't know, was that the woman was still within the walls of the city itself, fighting to survive and remain hidden. The gods of torment had granted her this unearthly power to sow destruction upon those that had wronged her, but when it came time to serve them, she had refused to harm anyone else. Her powers were stripped away, and she was still hunted by the city guards, the scars of her pact still emblazoned upon her hands and arms. She was helpless in a land that wanted her dead and she was ready to do anything to survive, even if it meant making a pact with someone else to serve them...

This little story focuses more on the warlock being a highly recognized figure, clearly a fugitive of sorts from the law. In exchange for somewhere to hide, she 'sells' herself to a noble for protection, or perhaps she is captured by one of the guards and bargains her servitude in exchange for letting her live.

-----The Dragon's Treasure-----
More Valuable than Gold
Female (Any) x Futa Dragon
The skies had always been peaceful before the powerful beast had arrived, circling the mountain that it had made itself home to. The occasional roar of warning to any who approached would be enough for anyone within miles of it to think twice before wandering anywhere near the entire landscape surrounding the dragon's lair. Some would be brave or foolish enough to disturb the dragon, but they were few and far between, and most would never be seen again afterward...

A single woman would be seen traversing up the road leading to the mountain, likely much to the amusement of the powerful beast that lived upon it. The dragon would remain within it's den, waiting for the woman to approach. It had been so long since she had seen someone so bold as to march straight into her lair. Perhaps she could have a bit of fun with this one, before it became her next meal...

A bit of a note for this particular scene; The dragoness would be intended to have a more humanoid form that they could turn into at will. (Examples below)
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
The dragoness would likely tower over most of the mortal races at roughly seven or eight feet in height in this form, with a futa package to match her size. And as an alternative to start things off, the female side of the pairing could be 'sacrificed' to the dragon, adding more of a sense that she has been made the dragon's "property" to do with as she wishes.

-----No Plots-----
While I don't have a plot or story set up, I would not mind playing these couples;
- Female Blood/Night Elf x Futa Night/Blood Elf (WoW)
- Female Blood/High Elf x Female/Futa Succubus
- Female High Elf x Female/Futa Dark Elf
- Female Elf x Feral Humanoid Wolf Futa
- Female Worshiper x Goddess Female/Futa
- Female x Futa Sisters/Twins
- Female x Futa Daughter(s)/Mother

NOTE: The following scenes are not currently being sought out, but I wanted to keep them here for reference material.

-----Bound by Blood-----
Unexpected Lovers
Female Princess/Noble x Futa Assassin
Many know of the Cinderella tales, upon which a sweet and loving daughter is ruled over by a cruel mother. Years upon years of physical and emotional trauma can set in, leaving the poor girl uncertain of herself and questioning where the rest of her life would lead. But what happens when the mother is struck down by the blade of another?

Perhaps out of guilt, or a sense of sympathy for the daughter left alone in the world, the assassin takes the abused young woman under her care. The daughter, left with no one and nowhere else to go, follows after and feels ever more accepted by the assassin herself, if only for the stark contrast of how her mother had treated her before. With both unsure of how to handle the sudden onset of emotions, something beautiful blooms from the bloodshed..

Though a little abrupt in how the characters meet, the base concept is one that's always intrigued me. Having a sudden rush of emotional affection for someone just because they don't treat them horribly, it may seem a bit whimsical but to me it sounds a little sweet.

-----A Rare Sight-----
The Pale Beauty
Female x Any/Multiple
There had been tales passed from generations that spoke of a race of elves that lived peaceful, wondrous lives. Known as the moon elves by some, star elves by others, they had a transcendent beauty and knew nothing of war, only love and happiness, living in a constant state of bliss that would leave any other settlement envious of their people. Within a single year, all of these elves had suddenly vanished with little trace beyond the few buildings that had not been ransacked by wandering bandits and raiders seeking some form of treasure left behind.

After millenia had passed, rumors spoke of a ghostly woman wandering the woods, speaking in a strange language that none could decipher. Animals did not fear her as she walked among them, her pale beauty leaving a surreal experience wherever she went. It wasn't until she came face to face with civilization that one could tell that she was one of the elves of legend, as the first instinct of this silver elf was to continue sharing the love she had to give from ages past...

This scene could be designed around either a single character or an entire village, depending on where the elf is directed towards. Either way her reaction would be the same, as the first person she meets will instantly have her attention as a lover. She will likely 'speak' with motions until taught a common language, but that would be part of the fun in telling what she wants with actions instead of words. This is a very quick-to-action scene, but has the potential to develop beyond just the sexual appetite of an eternal lover.

-----Alchemical Reactions-----
Happy Accidents
Futa x Female, Sisters/Twins Preferred
Sometimes an alchemist may get strange requests for potions or elixers that could do what seemed previously impossible. A single potion could enhance the size of a member twofold, while another flask when opened could create a mist that acted as an aphrodisiac. But one request had seemed almost silly in comparison; Combining the two to make a member that acted as an aphrodisiac? Madness.

But sometimes madness is what piques curiosity. With the right ingredients, it was presumed an elixer could be made to create such effects, but testing such a creation was in short supply of volunteers as few wished to risk the effects on their body. And so one alchemist made the decision to test it upon herself, being one so lucky as to have the proper equipment both on hand and on body. The effects had worked just as planned, leading the member upon the woman to grow larger than appropriate for the alchemist herself, but with an unfortunate side effect as well. The aphrodisiac did not only work on others, but also herself as her new lust was impossible to ignore...

An exception to my 'size' rule above, as the alchemist's member will likely be described as the half-giant's size, or 16'-24' length and 2' in girth. This is more tailored to the idea that it was an accident that caused her size, but she has no intent to get rid of it. Would like to have a twin or sister being the (un)fortunate one to happen upon the alchemist, but not a requirement.

-----Lost Memories-----
The Lost Princess
Female x Any, Sisters Optional
It is hardly new for slave traders to care where their 'merchandise' comes from or where it goes, as morals were hardly ever on their list of priorities when work was involved. When a particularly beautiful young elf is brought into the trade, eyes blank with unfamiliarity, it was no surprise at all for her to fetch a fair amount of coin. Bruising or scarring a woman would have clearly reduced their value to potential buyers, so certain traders took to a more magical means to train their new slaves. Spells to bring about amnesia were a popular means, leaving the slave as a shell of their former self while still maintaining their beauty and grace.

The young elf was once a princess, pampered perfectly from the day she was born and leaving her as a pristine gem among the other subjects around her. With her memory gone, all she knew was that she was to be given away to a new owner, and that she was to serve them faithfully until the end of her days. And so, sitting alone in her cage, the princess without a name waited for her fate, almost eager to learn of whom her new master was going to be...

There is not much to be said about this scene in particular; The princess is intended to be the perfect lap accessory for her new mistress, being taught quickly to love the lustful ways of her master. One route I would like to explore would be the mistress being from the same homeland as the princess, and always had a very intense desire for the body of the princess herself. The option would certainly be there for the princess to be ordered to remain in the nude and always aroused or playing with herself for her mistress' amusement, and further so that she would always be ready for any enjoyment her master wished for..

-----Blissful Showers-----
A Perfect Bath
Female x Any
War has often fallen upon those who face differences. Whether it be faith, greed, revenge, or simply from lost history and poor choices named by their ancestors. No one ever truly wins a war.

But some choose to try and find peace. Two opposing sides could turn away their differences to accept each other, to embrace what the other can hold. On a single day, two elves from opposing factions find themselves coming together at a small waterfall, secluded and away from any borders or war, free from the taint of hatred. Would they put aside their differences and enjoy what the tranquil water has to offer? Or would they put the water too aside, and enjoy what each other had to offer instead..?

This scene is left a little vague beyond the situation intended to play out; Two opposing factions, whether they are high elves and dark elves, blood elves and night elves, it's open for discussion on which of the two would be played. This is again a rather quick-to-action scene, as a hopeful or curious glance gathers the attention of the other and it quickly blooms from there into something fun.

-----Sweet Dreams-----
From Dreams to Reality
Female? x Any? (See Description)
Many wish for their dreams to come true, some even going to great lengths to try and make their own visions become a reality. Some manage to perform a feat known as "Lucid Dreaming" where they can partially control the world around them in their dreams. But very few could ever shape reality itself around their dreams, making their whims become truth and making a perfect paradise for themselves..

For this scene in particular, it's a sort of infinite 'wild card' in that your, my, or both of our characters would be able to shape reality to their will. Would your character want to be on an island paradise with a beautiful woman? Will it into existence. A dark bedroom with several lovers, luxuries and pleasures? It is done. All I would ask is that before suddenly changing a setting, that I have a little bit of notice so I don't get a situational whiplash from suddenly needing to change a character on the fly. A more permanent 'lover' would be perfect for me, though our characters could easily take turns being either a female or futa. (But not both being futa, sorry.)

-----Hell's Desires-----
Demonic Romance
Female x Any? (See Description)
It is not wholly unbelievable that an elf and demon may cross paths over their long lives. Befriending one-another is perhaps less believable, but pacts and contracts had been made in the past, and those who knew where to look could easily repeat the process with a little academic studying.

Black tomes had scribbled notes regarding the summons of warlocks in the past, some of them being great beasts of destruction while others bore a simple task. One tome however described a luscious beauty who could grant every mortal desire...

Plenty of twists could go along with this one. To start, all could go as planned and the elven summoner would have a lovely succubus to tend to her every need. Or the summoning could go wrong, and it is the summoner herself who must heed every wish of the succubus. Perhaps the summoner found the tome hidden away in her mother's possession, and learned that the demoness may have been the one who fathered her, only to fall prey to the same fate...

-----The Strangest Gift-----
Surprising Desires
Female Princess x Futa Servant
The day a princess comes of age is often a well-celebrated event. Grand balls set into motion, gifts being given, festivities throughout the land, all for the sake of the girl growing to be a young woman. But not all celebrations were made for the public, as certain gifts went unnoticed until the end of the day..

Upon retiring to their room, the princess finds a new servant awaiting her. Already worn out from the day's festivities, the princess bids her new servant to help her with a bath, unaware that the woman sent to serve her had more than expected as none were aware that the new servant had a particular 'gift' of her own to share with the princess that night..

Pretty much anything that needs to be said can be read above. The princess, new to pleasure, would find out about the new servant's traits during the bath and things quickly grow from there. One of few dominant positions I would play as a female character, and greater interest if the servant is a dark elf!

-----Mother's Mercy-----

A New Kind of Love

Female Daughter x Futa Mother

It is not unheard of for families to be thrown into chaos after the loss of a loved one. Some seek comfort by burying themselves into the arms of a loved one, while others bury themselves within work or duties. Some perhaps find new, if not strange ways to grieve that could never have been expected otherwise...

For a special mother and daughter to lose someone so close to them, it could sometimes build a new closeness between them. But as the daughter grows older and begins to look like the deceased of the family, the very same woman that her mother had fallen in love with, would certain desires and urges be impossible to ignore..?

I often don't point out specific incest stories, but I've been feeling this one lately rattling around in my mind. I wouldn't want this to be a non-con sort of roleplay, so I want to nip in the bud that I don't want it to be a "Do this because mommy told you" kind of scenario. I would hope it to be more of a curiosity of exploring new routes of love between the mother and daughter.

Thanks for looking over what I've got to offer, and I hope to hear back from some of you. I don't normally hold pictures as a reference for characters, but if requested I will do my best to find what I'm trying to depict my character as. If interested, please contact via PM with any questions or comments. Do Not send a PM with an immediate post, as I much prefer having a chat with potential partners before diving directly into things. If you wish to chat further about things and wish to speed up the process, I am often available to chat on Skype and Discord, and will give contact info upon request. I'm also up for discussing whatever stories you might have in mind as well!

Thank you again for taking the time to read my post~

NOTE:: Since I have threads up in both the female and futa categories, please let me know where you are reading from so I can tell which gender I'm playing. Thanks. :3
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My first bump here! Oh my. D:
In case it was missed, I have an F-List at the bottom of my likes/dislikes for those curious.
Still looking for another partner or few!
A quick bump, as a partner or two have fallen away due to life obligations.
Added in "The Strangest Gift" to this side of the forums. :D
Bumping up to resurrect my seeking thread! Got four nights off work to rapid-fire posts, but seeking steady partners to continue on long after my long weekend. :3
Got a few new cravings posted! See "A Knight Undone", "A Tormented Soul" and "The Dragon's Treasure" to see if you're interested!
Hoping to get some steady partners again.
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