Mx Female Knight and Queen


Aug 16, 2014
PM if interested

MC will win a tournament to be named his Queen's personal knight and take a vow of chivalry to her and protect her when she travels. We could them do some scenes of them talking as they travel and perhaps he challenges a man who makes uncouth comments about her to a jousting match to defend her honor and then stops an assassination attempt later for more drama.

Eventually an affair will begin. It will either be because the older king is pressuring her to provide an heir and she needs someone younger and more virile or the king is a buffoon and makes her do all the work so she is stressed and takes a lover as an outlet. It could obviously be easy to combine those two. I thought she would be in control most of the time since she's the Queen but he would take control in bed which she will enjoy as a change of pace.

For the third act the King will try to depose the Queen, either because he discovers the affair or just wants to throw her over for a younger princess. MC will arrive to challenge the king's throne at a tournament and defeat him to win the crown back for YC. At which point she'll rule as the monarch and permanently keep MC as her lover for a happy ending.

I did want an age difference here. MC would be in his early 20's since he's just becoming a knight. I wanted YC to be like 35-40. A sophisticated "great lady".
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RE: Musician at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (M for F)

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