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The Lonely Witch (nightsorceress & I)


Jan 9, 2009
Grendel stood with a self-righteous grin in the town square as the people began to crowd around.The young rising hero had just slain the large grizzly that had been plaguing the townspeople for a year now."Wow look, he must have torn it's head off with his bare hands!" stated one of the blushing village women.In truth the smug little shit had found the bear already dead in a hunters trap and had simply brought the head back to claim credit for it.

His short blonde hair shone in the light, casting an almost enigmatic feel to him as he accepted the praise.The mottled old hunter that had actually been the bears downfall glared at him with daggers in his eyes."That's just a mangy old grizzly!.Why not prove to us you're a real hero!.Why don't you go into the swamp and slay that damn old hag, the one who's been cursing our children for no good reason!".The crowd gazed at him with enthusiastic looks."Come on, It'll be no problem for a guy like you!" a young boy called, obviously adoring him.

Grendel gulped thickly, losing his composure for a second though he quickly maintained."Why of course!.That silly old woman and her parlor tricks will fall before me!" he declared to a cheering crowd."By the end of the month I'll have her head on a pike!" he stated, though he was shitting bricks on how he was going to do it.
Lily lived deep in the forest. People had always feared her but she couldn't understand why. the few times she would come out of the woods to offer her help to a few small farms near the forest they attack her. In her defense she would curse them. Not a strong curse by any means but she had to do something to get them to stop.

Lily looked to be around 20 years of age. She had long burgundy hair that fell to the small of her back. Her eyes were the most vibrant shade of purple that anyone had seen. She was slender, with C sized breast. She a very attractive young woman and would have probably had a ton of suitors had people not feared her.
He stood outside the witches shack, glaring at it quietly.There had been shadows of movement inside so he figured she was home.Instead of challenging her openly where he'd most likely fail, he crept right up to her door.He took a few deep breaths and drew his scimitar before planting a boot on the door hard and felling it.Striding inside he gazed about."You're time has come hag!...Grendel The Great has come to put an end to your sickness!" he stated.

His eyes fell onto the woman and his voice trailed off, his eyes wide as they drank in her captivating beauty.This was most certainly no hag, but that didn't mean she wasn't a witch."Y....But they.....You're not an ugly old coot!" he stated, bewilderment apparent on his face.
Lily had just finishing making a cup of tea when she sensed someone outside her home. She strode to the door only to have to jump back when it was kicked in. "what the hell are you doing!" she growled at him "you have no right to do that, this my home and i was not hurting anyone. You must leave now!"
Blinking he quickly hoisted her door up and re-fastened the hingepins, in essence fixing it."I'm sorry for barging in like this!....I think I've got the wrong house.I'm looking for a nasty old witch but, you don't really seem the type" he stated with a little laugh."Rather new at this whole crusading thing, I get it wrong occasionally" he stated.There was most certainly no way in hell this was a witch, and even if she was she most certainly didn't seem evil, if she were he probably would've already been breaking out in hives and wretching from her curses.Smiling he offered a handshake apologetically, "My name is Grendel".
Lily's arms crossed her chest as he explained himself "so just because you believe some one is a witch gives you the right to bust down there door." she wrinkled her forehead "And before you go breaking down some one elses door think about this, how do you know this witch is truly evil, could simply misunderstood? Has anyone ever talked to her before?" Lily's anger showed across her face and she did not shake his hand.
"I...I'm not in it out of any vendetta against a person" he insisted."Being a hero is easy money!, people practically beg anyone who can play the part to help.I'm just trying to make a living, and half the time I don't even do the job they want, I do the job according to my terms!" he stated, folding his arms."And if doing what it takes to feed myself is wrong, than I guess you'd rather me starve!" he said defensively.
"your death over mine!" Lily didn't realize she had just outed herself as the witch. "you think because you need money justifies taking another person's life?! Perhaps you should find another means of making money. Become a farmer, or a knight, or a blacksmith." Lily shook her head "and they say the witch is evil, that's laughable. cause anytime you mortals think something is different you seek to destroy it"
"So you ARE the witch!" he stated, pointing a finger at her."Wait...your the witch?...But you look like you could barely harm a kitten!" he stated, confused."Look, I never SAID I wanted to kill anybody!.I just....find other ways to make peoples problems go Under the carpet so to speak" he stated."I have no more intentions of killing you than I would cutting my own hand off!".
Lily bit her lip when she realized what she said. She quickly washed it from her facing. she had to stay strong and not show weakness to this man "See what i mean about appearances people assume me to be evil because i am different, when really at one point i would have loved so the people that i could help them" Although she was still stern her face and her voice was softer now "so say you don't want to kill me, so what are you going to do now, drive me from my home"
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