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Mass Effect: Trials in tainted space. (firestarter09 & ChrisGabriel)


Feb 26, 2017
Today was a good day, really it was for the twin daughters of Victor Steele, both sat in their humble abode, Meena was currently doing her own things in her personal lab, while Menta lounged around on the couch. Her dull grey silver-ish Kaithrit ears twitched and swiveled around. "Wonder when that stupid kid is coming, he really wants this job." Her amber eyes wonder the dull colored room, watching as sunlight sneaked it's way in through their closed blinds. She let out a sigh of annoyance as stretched a bit, letting her taunt body muscles relax. Her large breast's jiggled a bit in her tight tank top, which she took off and threw to the side. "Doubt he's coming, time to let loose." She murmurs to herself, as she slid off her tight short's and panties showing off her Large Kaithrit cock; cum heavy balls and a wet pussy behind that. The Half-Kaithrit daughter of Victor Steele smirked as she stroked her growing erection. "Mmm, that feels so good." She purrs to herself.

Else where on this planet, known as Draco three was a young Quarian male Que'n Aman, who stood amongst a large group of people, all moving around and heading to places amongst the many ships docked, some ship leaving and entering; the Quarian would be left to wander about and find a way to his destination. There where several kiosks and people directing others to there destinations. What was he doing on Draco three? Well he had accepted a job offer for technical work, from a Miss, Meena and Menta Shepard Steele, who told him to come to this planet as it was where they were currently set up.
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