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Strange Magic (Sausage-sama & Lady Alexx)

Saint Celestine

Feb 17, 2017
He was regretting this deeply, the Bog King had captured Dawn intending to get the potion the sugar plum fairy had created back. However a series of unfortunate events lead to the potion being sprayed in Dawns face and her falling in love with Bog. "Okay enough enough, please someone take her to a dungeon or somewhere out of my sight" he snarled , more than annoyed as Dawn had been singing to him despite being locked up in a cage, professing her undying love for him something which made his stomach churn with disgust.

He wasn't too sure how future events would play out, kidnapping the daughter of the fairy king was bound to bring up trouble. He expected an attack, or at least some sort of rescue in the next couple of days for sure but he would be ready.
Princess Alexx of the Fairy Kingdom had flown into The Dark Forest dozens of times; this however, was the first time she’d been elsewhere except the little pool near the border, and if she was honest, she was a little scared. But she couldn’t dwell on her fears, her little sister was in the hands of the King of The Dark Forest, and after she’d been dusted with the Love Potion, who knew what the younger Fairy Princess had fallen for.

Flying through the darkness, she tried to avoid being seen by the other Goblins in the forest. Then seeing her would put a stop to her rescue mission, although it probably would get her to where she needed to be. Still, she didn’t want to be caught at all.
The bog king was sure there would be someone here anytime now, he had a sixth sense for this sort of thing he asked to be left alone with Dawn with some of the guards looking confused by never the less obeying. He picked up his strong wooden staff and prepared himself, yes he was sure someone was coming he could feel it in his bones. “Come out I know you are near fight me coward” he shouted out to no one.
Pulling out her sword, she charged at him with a scream. And when her sword met with his staff, she glared at him. "Release my sister," she hissed. Subtly, she swept her eyes over his form, the thought that he was quite handsome was pushed out of her mind as soon as it appeared. Her green eyes then moved back up to his stunningly blue ones, and she pushed another thought out of her head that was saying about attractiveness.
"Ha I knew it, I knew someone would come for her" he replied, filled with pride that he had been right once again as he met steel with ancient wood meeting her clash. It didn't take long for him to snap out of his prideful stance, and adopt a more serious fighting pose as he rushed her again trying not to meet her eyes. They were beautiful, but he assumed they must be some sort of magic trying to lure him, and tempt him into loving her.
As they fought, she could feel her body responding against her will to his attractiveness. Something inside of her head tried to tell her that he was a goblin and that they were currently locked in a fight, but that silenced when he made a particularly confident move and her head was left spinning.
The Bog King steadied himself, he had to finish this fight quickly he thought. It was clear to him she was using some sort of fairy magic on him, that was the only explanation for the butterflies in his stomach as he leapt at her swinging his staff in a large arc to sweep her off her legs.
She blocked and parried and in the end she was beginning to get out of breath, and she could tell that he was too. Slowly, she began to lose height, her breath coming in puffs and pants and her cheeks red and flushed.
“Ha I knew it you are getting tired, looks like I am going to win this fight. Your puny fairy magic doesn’t work on me, you tried but you just weren’t good enough” the Bog King said proudly lowering his guard and gloating.
Alexx tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “What’re you on about? What Fairy Magic?” She asked, actually lowering her weapon for a moment. Nothing else was able to be said, as the older Fairy Princess heard the singing voice of her youngest sister. “Oh no, what did she fall in love with?” She asked.
“Please please don’t play Coy with me you know exactly what you were doing” the Bog King said as he took this opportunity to knock away her weapon. “She fell in love with me you idiot fairies and your precious love it makes me sick it only results in misery like your sister thinks she is in love with me but I will never return such disgusting feelings” he said.
Alexx’s eyes widened and she watched as her sword flew across the throne room, before she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “I’m telling you, there is no magic. Not from me anyway, the only Magic here is the potion that’s made my sister fall for you,” she said.
"Shut up, you can't trick me anyway and I know it was some sort of magic making me feel disgusting things" he said his voice trailing off as the fight died down, he started to feel more uncomfortable around her.
Alexx shook her head and sighed. “It’s not Magic for the love of the spirits!” She growled. Her hands came up and gripped at her hair, before she looked over at him. “If I’m using some kind of magic on you then you’re using some kind of magic on me!” She cried.
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