Plot/Smut List, Seeking Dominant Males

Aug 30, 2017
Hi there! I had a roleplay end, and now I am back searching for another to fill that void. Below is my current plot list which I am adding to daily, yay! Please PM me if you find yourself interested.

Davenshore Cove (plot)
Abigail Jewel Roe [MC] is a high-profile actress these days, who goes through painstaking lengths to avoid the paparazzi and tabloids. Privacy is very important to her, for various reasons. And just the same as how she treats her fans with a zero tolerance into her personal life, she has also placed her family upon the same restrictions. Well, the holidays have arrived, and Abigail wants to go home to Sitka Alaska and visit her old town, and spend some time with family and friends. But there is just one problem she must address, and it is that of needing a fiance in tow. So she reaches out to a notable escort service and snags a man [YC] for the holidays. He is expected to be the man of her dreams - at least pretend to be - and is expected to play that role for two months as she treads through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the NewYear with her family. He is so good though, at what he does, that she begins to dream about what it would be like to really have him as a boyfriend and lover. And sometimes, it is hard for Abigail to discern if he is being genuine and sincere, or just playing out the role she has been paying him to do. As time progresses, she tries to sort out these feelings, and tries to understand the darker side of the escort she has hired as a fiance.

For your character, I have a Dominant gentleman escort in mind who decides to show her the ropes of his bdsm world when he decides to become intimate with her.

In Her Eyes (plot)
Vampires, and those who Hunt them down, is a secret relationship as old as time. Our Hunter [YC #1] has been doing this for many years, but he carries some emotional baggage. You see, he once was in love with a simple girl [MC #1] who became the target of a powerful vampire [YC #2] he was hunting down. One night, it all came down to a head, and he was unable to save his love from the vampire's evil. From then on, not a day goes by that he doesn't blame himself for her death. And then one night her spirit appears to him and guides him to a location where he meets her twin sister [MC #2], who is also lamenting the loss of her sister. The Hunter cannot help but feel drawn to her because she resembles the love he had lost. But he also discovers that she is unknowingly dating the Vampire who was responsible for her twin sister's death. How will the Hunter go about introducing himself, breaking the news, and saving her from this Vampire who clearly enjoys playing these sadistic games?

For your characters, you will be playing both the hero and the villain in this roleplay. Their point of interest will be centered around the twin sister who is still alive. The Vampire is abusive, and has her brainwashed into loving him. She doesn't know he is a Vampire, and doesn't even believe in them. The Hunter tries to be a good vigilante but she keeps on reminding him of the love he had lost, and he begins to develop a relationship with her behind the Vampire's back.

Enhanced Cyborg Intellegence (plot or smut)
There is a new experimental technology happening called 'Enhanced'-Cyborg-Intellegence (ECI). If the timing is caught in a goldilocks moment, scientists and doctors can team up to extract the 'mind, spirit, and soul' of a human being right before they perish, and implant them into a Cyborg body. The Coven family [YC's] decided to run this route with Zoey Coven [MC], who had been involved in a serious car accident and wasn't expected to live. Zoey had become a sentient being living in a cyborg body when her mind, spirit, and soul was saved and implanted into the robotic shell. Now, they have their daughter back, but because she is a ECI Unit, she is no longer considered as a human with rights. Her mother, father, and brother turn her into their sexual and domestic slave. And if she doesn't like what they demand, all they need to do is flip a switch that turns off the 'enhanced intellegence' mode and place her into 'artificial intelligence' obedient mode.

For your characters, you will be playing the Coven family (whatever you desire them to be; mother, father, brother, sister, etc.) I will play Zoey Coven. I would like for the family to be 'open' about their treatment of their new Zoey Unit - meaning the mother doesn't care if her husband has sex with Zoey. No one cares what the brother does to Zoey, and no one says anything about how Zoey's mother treats her. When she is not being used, they lock her up in a 'box' that serves as a ECI Unit recharge station.

Sacrifice (smut) craving
The people of the purple mountains believe in a handful of celestial beings who govern their fates. One such being, represented in their primitive drawings as a man [YC] with talon-like nails and glowing eyes, is a god who demands a sacrifice every renewal of the seasons. His temple is a deep cave, where only a few have dared to enter the mouth with offerings of blood, sentimental relics, and riches. It is Aponi's [MC] turn to become the yearly sacrifice, and the young girl is petrified for good reason, knowing that sacrificed meat is never seen from again.

For your character, I was thinking of some kind of demon..but feel free to suggest something else. Basically smut based with all the toppings you desire. And I was even thinking of snuffing her life in the end, but if that is not your thing it is not a deal breaker for me.

Hard Lessons (plot) craving
To strengthen the peaceful treaty between two strong kingdoms, the princess will marry the rivalry King. However, the society and sexual expectations between the two kingdoms are so very far apart and different from one another that extra measures must be taken to 'prepare' the princess for her new life as a married woman. YC has been hired to teach the princess her dutiful place as a female, and to instruct her in the sexual expectations of the society she will be placed into.

For Your character, I was thinking of a Dominant gentleman who isn't afraid to be crude and rough with a spoiled girl. Discipline, protocol, bondage, and servitude are kinks I would like to highlight. He will show her, and teach her, how to be like a slave, and turn her into a sexual doll fit for the use of a King.
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