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The Love Of A Senju (Sausage-Sama & Lady Alexx)

Lady Alexx

Oct 15, 2017
In A Pineapple Under The Sea
Tsunade growled as she glared at the ever increasing stack of paperwork piling up on her desk. If there was one thing that she absolutely hated about being Hokage, it was all the damned paperwork! I mean sure she knew that she would have to do it, she knew that when she accepted the position, buuuuuut it didn’t mean that she had to like it, or that it was number one on her list of ‘fun’ things to do.

“Baa-chan, we gotta talk!”

And constantly dealing with Konoha’s number one knuckleheaded ninja Naruto wasn’t high up on her ‘fun’ list either. She rubbed her forehead as Naruto began to complain about something or another, and wished to all hell that she could just take out her bottle of Sake and drink until she couldn’t hear the kid’s voice anymore. Instead, she looked over at the young ninja that she trained, hoping that he would save the blonde bastard in front of her from a horrible death.
Prem Golden watched the older buxom blonde, and the young hyperactive blonde he was starting to get a headache of his own just looking at the pair and thinking about the inevitable argument and shouting match that would break out between the stubborn pair. He had been Tsunades apprentice for 3 years, after being rescued from a incubation tank in Orochimarus lab. His DNA was a mix of Hashiramas DNA and the third Raikages so in some ways he was related to Tsunade.

“Erm Naruto-san please, me and Lady Senju were just about to do something would you mind coming back later” he asked, seeing the blonde eyes widen as he was about to spout off another argument. Prem leaned in and whispered in Narutos ear “I was about to give Tsu-chan a full body massage, unless you would like to stay?” he said as Naruto quickly left not wanting to see such a sight as he considered Tsunade his grandmother.

Tsunade looked at Prem and gave him a thankful glance. “What would I do without you?” She asked. A small smile appeared on her lips and she leaned back, actually rolling her neck. The muscles in said neck were actually beginning to go into cramp.
“Have a nervous breakdown most likely Lady Senju” he said cheekily as he locked the door to the office, and quickly got behind her chair he had to grab a nearby stool to stand on as Prem was quite small only standing at around 4’4 due to his genetic augmentations stunting his height. He got to work massaging her neck, staring down at her cleavage from above.
Tsunade began to relax with a moan. She’d taught Prem how to give a proper massage, and had even taught him how to infuse chakra into the massage too to make sure that it gave a more pleasant and relaxed feeling. As soon as Prem’s hands found a particular knot in her trapezius muscle, she lost all ability to talk and just started making indecent noises.
Prem grew more flustered as his sensei and recently secret lover began to make lewd noises as he massaged her. "Please sensei, someone might hear you " he said quietly as he continued to massage her using his expert chakra control to work the tension out of her body, unable to help himself as moved both hands to the edge of her grey top and slid it off her. "Sorry can I have a quick peek, I haven't seen them since last week" he said getting off the stool to stare at her bare breasts.

Tsunade knew that she should have been apprehensive about letting him bare her breasts, but with her temper and her perfect chakra control, she was feared by most of the shinobi in the village, in fact only Jiraiya was the one who wasn’t afraid of her.
Despite having seen her breasts being one of the few lucky men who had, Prem could not get over their size they had to be fake he told himself but they looked and felt so real. He wasted no time , pulling Tsunades chair back and taking a seat on her lap as he closed his eyes and opened his mouth sticking out his tongue wanting a kiss from his Sensei and secret lover.
Tsunade sighed. She was sure that she’d taught this lad how to kiss properly, yet he still did that thing with his tongue. Shaking her head, she pulled him a little closer, but instead of kissing him like he wanted, she put her mouth to his ear. “I’ll give you what you want, on one condition,” she said.
Prem groaned as she didn’t kiss him instead he could feel her breath against his neck, “let me guess you want that giant stack of paperwork done? Fine fine I will do it I can stay tonight” he said he had spent enough time with the last Senju to know she absolutely loathed paperwork he was sure she would do anything to get out of it.
Tsunade smirked and then caught his lips in a passionate kiss. As much as she did make promises, she did also keep them, which was a good thing as she did actually make quite a few promises. However, she knew that this would have to be quick, anyone could walk in on them and there was already enough scandal from the elders about how she was so lenient with Naruto, she didn’t need any more.
He leaned into her kiss, as she caught his lips with hers to think he was kissing the famous Sannin Tsunade Senju it made his spine tingle with excitement. He knew if word ever got out Tsunade was in any sort of relationship with her apprentice, especially one nearly 4 times younger than her all hell would break loose for Tsunade so he did his best to keep it quiet never acting inappropriate in public with her.
Tsunade smiled as he leaned into the kiss, and her hand moved down his body towards his crotch. Pulling away, she started to nibble at his jawline. “How about I give you extra incentive to do the paperwork for me hmm? Prem-kun?” She asked.
His cock grew even harder, as he pulled down his pants letting his 11 inch black cock finally spring free breathign a sigh of relief as it was getting painful trapped down there. "I really need a blowjob for all that paperwork to be honest Tsunade-sama" he said kissing her again before hopping off her lap and standing near the desk leaning against it waiting for her.

Tsunade looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “And who’s to say that I wasn’t going to do that anyway Prem?” She asked. She shook her head and sighed, before pulling her tunic back over her breasts and motioning for him to sit on her chair.
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