A Little Bit of Everything! (MxF)


Sep 25, 2014
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Rules and what I expect from a partner
Part 3: Original Plot Ideas
Part 4: TV, Book and Game role-play ideas

Part 1: Introduction​
Why hello there! Thanks for dropping by to read my (hopefully) interesting request thread. So, if you can figure out what I most enjoy doing from my game tag you will have impressed me greatly! But, that's not necessary for me to RP with you. In fact, I like role-playing with just about any female character. But we will get to that part later. This part is all about me and who I am.

So, let's get started. I'm a 32 year-old from the lovely green island of Ireland (if you are Irish send me a message even if you don't want to RP, always like seeing if there are fellow Irish people on here). Even though Chemistry is my true love, English and writing has always been a very close second. I discovered online role-playing when I was fifteen years of age, and it quickly became a passion of mine that hasn't subsided at all in the last 8 years. In fact, it's spread so much that I write short stories and even decided to try and write a novel for the hell of it. It hasn't gotten that far, but I am enjoying the process!

So, in the real world I am a dominant. Just who I am. However, that's not what I'm looking to be here. Well, that's a lie, I want a bit of both. I want to play with a partner who enjoys switching (A.K.A sometimes she is dominant, sometimes I am). I am open to be the dominant in role-plays but I won't be taking on a lot of them and you're far more likely to be replied to quicker if you are after what I am after. Again, more on that below. "But why do that if you are a dominant in real life?". Two reasons: 1. I like women who are assertive and in control. In real life, it's hard to get these kind of women as our personalities clash. In a RP however, my character can be whatever I want it to be. It can be an extension of my personality or it can be someone completely different, that's the joy of it. 2. It actually helps me be a better dom. I know, that sounds weird but you would be surprised. When I first found out I was into the wonderful world of BDSM, I was taken on by a lovely women who taught me a lot. Nothing has changed. People can help each other grow if they show each other what skills they have and what works.

Part 2: Rules and What I Expect from a Partner
I am looking for a literate writer. You don't have to be amazing or anything, just able to spell properly and have proper grammar. Everyone makes mistakes, I can accept that bt if u tlk like dis then we simply aren't compatible and there is no point wasting my time or yours on messaging me. As for what I write it's usually 2-3 paragraphs, 4-7 to start, depending on what my partner gives me. I'll match you as that is only fair. I'm very good at character development, dialogue, opening up the plot and describing what my character is going through mentally and emotionally. I am decent at description but definitely have a lot of room to improve in that department. Another reason to find some amazing RP partners on here! I do, however, have a few rules.

1. Respect- This is extremely important to me. I am a very respectful person and, before I even know you well, will give you a lot of respect. I expect some respect in return. This means that if you message me please don't insult me (unless it's in jest or sarcastically, cause I love that shit), don't criticise any of my RP ideas, don't criticise me, don't criticise any role-plays I am doing or partners I am doing it with. It doesn't take much to be respectful.

2. My Fickle Muse-So, originally, this was don't drop the RP or don't tell me you are fucking off. I can't say that any longer as mental health is a dickhead who won't let my muse stick around for longer than an elephant fart. So, instead, what I'll say is that if I do message you (or you message me), lets try and respect each other. If my muse is in a very deep hole I can't salvage it from, I'll tell you. And you tell me likewise.

3. Character-Your character has to be female. Sorry but not sorry. I don't care what gender you are IRL (in real life) I just want your character on here to be female. I like playing opposite a female. It adds so much more to the role-play (not just smutty stuff but everything from attraction to different outlooks on things). I also usually play a male (but can play Futa on request).

4. Conflict-This is something I need in a role-play. They don't have to be at each others throats the whole time, that's just unrealistic. However, nothing in life is always super rosy and romantic. Sure, romance is great but I can't stand if everything is all fluffy and super sweet. I find it sickening to be honest. I want our characters to have some conflict, I want a bit of darkness to our story.

Sorry if those seem over-bearing, there is no point in not saying it here for you to read. It's good you know what I am expecting just as if you message me telling me what you expect from me I'll have no problem, no matter how detailed it is!

Lastly, here is my F-List
I know there is a lot there but oh well, better to know than not know haha
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Part 3: Original Plot Ideas

So here we go, some of my ideas! If you have an idea and would like to play please message me!

Taming the Core. (Pirate/Alien)
In the future, humanity has come a very long way. They've developed near light-speed travel, expanded throughout the universe, found many worlds and encountered multiple different alien species. However, with all of humanities technological and societal advances, many issues have remained the same. Lust, greed, crime. They are all things that still exist and are not just limited to humanity. We have more in common with the multiple other intelligent life-forms that inhabit the universe.

The issue with space is that is so vast. Transporting goods and people across the Universe is a dangerous task and there aren't always other ships around to help. Hence, a trade that many had long since thought dead continues....piracy. Ships, full of people who want to rape, murder, plunder and steal exist and they come after trade ships and high-profile people, wanting to get their fill.

Hanzo (my character) is one such pirate. One of the youngest ever pirates to captain a ship is after his next prize. The greatest and fastest ship in the universe, captained by someone who has been pirating for decades. However, Hanzo doesn't want the ship, he wants what is rumored to be on it. An alien species long-thought to be extinct, one which is immortal...a Doll'rin.

So, basically, it follows Hanzo and your character (the Doll'rin) in their adventures through space. The Doll'rin controls the ship (she is basically the engine, life support, gravity etc) with her powers. Also, she can pass immortality onto others.

One kink I want in this is sexual wrestling. Basically, it's wrestling but instead of trying to pin/submit the other person, you're trying to make them orgasm. This allows for the Doll'rin and whoever she is with to have a deeper intellectual and emotional connection. Also, she shares her immortality through sex.

We can also include the other kinks in it. I'm thinking sexual wrestling is also a sport around the universe. And it's a way for her to submit to the new captain

Even Detectives Fall for Killers (Detective/Serial Killer)
It's a detective tale and I know, I know clichéd as fuck but listen, this actually has a bit of substance behind it! Basically, my character is on the hunt for a serial killer. It has been 3 years since the killings started. The detective had been put on the case but, after 15 months of nothing, was removed from it. In protest he quit the force and set up his own agency. He now employs 4 members of staff and is looking for a 5th. That's where your character comes in. I would love it if your character was the serial killer but gets hired by mine. Obviously our two characters have chemistry and they have a lot of fun together. But as the detective digs deeper into the cases he discovers that the killer is closer to home than he thinks.

Justice Must Prevail (Super Soldier/Target RP)
Sent on a mission to take out a terroist of the Government, Shaun Hughes is expecting to find a brazen, defiant man in his path. Instead, he finds an attractive, scared woman who has stumbled upon the wrong-doings of a whole Government. Shaun decides to protects her, and eventually begins falling for her. However, now the Government are after them both. Can Shaun ensure the safety of his new entrustee and get the information to the people of the State? Or will he fall victim to a corrupt Government hell-bent on keeping the truth from the public eye?

Coming Clean (Lighter Student/Student RP)
After spending years pinning after one girl in school, James Kendrick decides this is the year to tell her how he feels about her. The problem is, she is dating a guy twice his size. He sits beside her in a few classes and gets to know her. He finds out she is unhappy with her current boyfriend, but is scared of being alone. Will James be good enough to fill the void in her heart, even if it means risking his teeth and bones? Or will he chicken out and leave her in her world of loneliness and sadness?

A Monster Within (Darker Student/Student)
Alex is a quiet, unassuming 17 year old student. A girl he doesn't know has a crush on him, and everyone else ignores him. However, Alex's house is a nightmare. His father abuses his mother, and him sometimes. Alex is a troubled child, and hangs out with fellow troubled teens, who drink and smoke and get a release sexually. The problem with Harry is that some of his father's "monster" has seeped into him, and he uses it to get kicks out of mentally, emotionally and sexually abusing women. Now, after this girl has the courage to tell her she likes him, will she set him free from his monster? Or will the monster tame her and become Alex's plaything?

Solider x delinquent
In this one one of the characters is a person terrorising a local town. A solider comes in to neutralise the target but realises he/she is like them and instead forces them to join the army as part of the Spec Ops team they are part of to be trained under the guidance of the solider.

Below is a list of pairings, if you are interested in any of them PM me and we can come up with a plot and characters together!

Supernatural Hunter/Supernatural Creature
Super Soldier/Civilian
Super Soldier/Target (See Plots Below)


Student/Student (See Plots Below)
Teacher/Parent of Student
Cop/Crime Lord (Mob, Drug, Killer-See Below For Plots)
Cop/Targeted Person (See Below For Plot)

Incest/Near Incest
Friend's Mother/Friend
Friend's Father/Friend
Sister's Friend/Brother
Brother's Friend/Sister


Revenge-Either ex-lover, jealous friend, random guy

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Part 4: Original smut-heavy ideas.

The Arena (Competitor/Competitor)
It's 150 years in the future. While we are more technologically advanced, humanity has somewhat devolved. There are two classes; the nobles, who are extremely wealthy and powerful, and the poor. If you aren't born into the first group, it is almost impossible to get into it. There is only one way. By entering a gladiatorial style competition: The Arena. However, it is not about violence. Instead, competitors compete against each other in sexual match. Basically the aim of the game is to make your opponent orgasm before they make you orgasm. You do this by rubbing/licking/sucking/fucking them to an orgasm while trying to stop them doing the same to you. You have to at least be on your knees at all times and toys and restraints are allowed. The winner gets to use the loser after. Amass enough points in this and you get to create your own wealthy family and are given wealth beyond your wildest dreams. We start with you and I being teamed as training partners on the first day we enter and we can go from there.

Dark Holes (GM/Player)
So, either of us could be the GM or player here. Depending on the case, the enemies in the world would be of your preferred gender (or both, if that's okay). So, imagine Dark Souls, but instead of using your weapons, you have to use your sexuality to defeat enemies. Trying to make them cum before they make you orgasm and their fuck toy. This could have levels of corruption in it where, instead of going hollow, you just become a slut addicted to sex. We could definitely work on it more, I do think it is interesting!

Corruption of a maiden (GM/Maiden)
In a new human civilization, thousands of years after the nuclear bombs fell and humanity scrapped an existence, a large forest is in your country. This forest is full of vile creatures, vying to corrupt anyone that would pass through it. A large city is in the center, with small villages dotted on the edge of the forest. Not many make the trek from village to city and vice-versa. Unfortunately for you, your mother is sick and the only way to save her is to make it to the city and back with the antidote. Best of luck with that Wink
I'm back after a very long hiatus due to my muse decided to fuck off for a few months. In saying that, it's still shaky so I will be very selectively taking requests. I have one craving which I will add soon but, for right now, I'm taking things easy and slow. Good to be back though BMR!
Back! And cleaned up the first post, looking for new (or old!) Peeps to play with for sure!
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