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Strange Magic: Bog King x OC (Lady Alexx & Lady Cleo)

Lady Alexx

Oct 15, 2017
In A Pineapple Under The Sea
Former Crown Princess Alexx whooped as she did a loop-the-loop in the sky; she always felt so free out here, with nothing to stop her. Below her, a flight of dragonflies flew around in a tight formation, the sunlight reflected off of their wings, creating lovely rainbows across the petals of the flowers beneath them.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

Often when she was pissed off with her sisters or her father, she would come out here with the dragonflies and fly around with them. The sound of their wings always calmed her down somewhat, and she would go back with a clear head and be able to sort everything out with her family.

Today though, she was especially happy with her life. Her sister Marianne had come of age and therefore was able to take on the role of being Crown Princess. Ever since her failed engagement two years ago Alexx had wanted to abdicate the throne, not only because she didn't want the responsibility of being queen, but also because she wanted to get her father off of her back about finding someone to be her king.

She watched as the flying insects landed on a field of tulips, and she slowly floated down to the ground, before she began to sneak up on them, her feet making very little noise on the dirt as she moved towards them. When she was close enough, she let loose a gargantuan roar, scaring them enough to send them airborne again, and she wholeheartedly followed.
The Bog King was in a bad mood. After everything that had happened to him, he'd decided that love was something that wasn't needed in The Dark Forest, even if his mother was always trying to set him up with girls. He hated it, and he didn't even know why his mother just wouldn't give up on it. He'd told her time and time again that he just wasn't interested especially after Izzi. Ugh, just her name gave him a bad taste in his mouth, and he found himself wanting to spit over the side of his throne, and found himself wanting to even more so when his mother brought in three more women. "Mother!" He cried.

The short troll grinned at her son; before she began to tell him all about the three girls she'd presented to him, not taking any notice of whether Bog was listening or not.
After a while, Alexx began to make her way back to the Fairy Palace with the dragonflies. However, it didn't seem that her plan wasn't going to happen like that, as she bumped into her younger sister Marianne. She was in her wedding dress, and she was flying around and doing something with the flowers. Alexx watched her with morbid fascination, for she'd never made a boutonnière for her fiancé, mostly because she never really had a chance to. Suddenly; Marianne flew into the path of the dragonflies, and she was almost bashed into the rocks by the waterfall.

"Marianne!" She cried. She flew towards her younger sister and quickly tackled her to the ground, before beginning to check her over for any injuries. When she was sure that Marianne wasn't hurt, she began to lightly beat on the younger fairy princess, causing her to flinch and bring her arms up to shield her head. "What the hell Marianne? You coulda been hurt!" She hissed. The younger princess simply smiled up at her older sister and shrugged a little.
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