A Complete Compendium of Plots and Cravings!


Jul 15, 2017
So, I am finally creating one place for all my plots and cravings. I've been meaning to do this for a while, and I've finally gotten around to it. I normally have a preference for playing the dominant role, mainly as a futa or male character, but sometimes I like to be on the receiving end and watch my character get forced to her knees and robbed of her power. In those cases I will always play a female. In terms of post length, I usually do 3+ paragraphs depending on how inspired I am and how much I'm give to work with. At the moment I am looking for things through email. I do not do IM or Discord. It just hasn't worked out for me in the past.

I am in the process of putting together a more comprehensive list of my ons/offs, but for now I will simply let you know that my hard offs are:
- Gore/Mutilation
- Vore
- Watersports/Scat/ Bathroom play of any kind

If it's not on the list just ask.

~Current Cravings~
If it's Red then that is what I'm looking for.
To Dominate
To Be Made to Submit

I am still wanting to explore darker themes like corruption, incest, and rape and all the emotions that come with them. But now I'm also looking to play the dominant role in some of them. Please note: As a dominant I will only play futas or males. Female characters are strictly for submissive/equal roles. I am also looking for pairings that are human/non-human in nature. Some of the kinks I'm particularly looking for at the moment are:
Cervical penetration
Large insertions
Throat/stomach bulging
Light-medium cum inflation
Size play (height difference of 2 - 3 feet)

And as for pairings, this is what I'm wanting most:
Human/were creature (could be wolf or other animal)
Young Woman/Older Man
Were creature/Human
Older Man or Futa/Younger Man or Woman

Once a year the Hunt takes place. It's part of an agreement made with beastmen to prevent the loss of human life and livestock the rest of the year. Unmarried women from 17 onwards are given a drink that makes their scent enticing to the beastmen, and a short slip to wear. Nobody knows what happens to the women. They never return, and the sounds that come out of the forest are a mix of both pain and pleasure. Not only that, but their population seems to be expanding, and the edges of their territory drawing nearer with each Hunt.
(In this I would be playing one of the women who is chosen. Right now, I envision it being a short one-shot, but if you have ideas on how to add more I'd love to hear them!)

He was dangerous. She knew he was. And he was old enough to be her father. But something about him thrilled her, made her want to know more. All he sees though, is an easy target. A 17/18 year old looking to play with fire and not realizing she's about to get burned. He lures her in with charm and kindness, only to begin to drag her down. To make her his whore and to ruin her as utterly as he can.
(I am now open to also being the corrupter. My character would either be Male or Futa if I'm taking the dominant role. If I'm playing the corrupted than my character will be female)

Like all women chosen to serve a god, she was raised in her local temple and taught all she needed to know about each and every one of them. What they liked, what they didn't, how they wanted their temples kept, what they expected of their new priestesses. But what they didn't tell them was that evil gods get to have priestesses too, and what they desire as tribute from their priestess is something that cannot be taught at the temple.
(Could be a one shot, but it could be a slower slice of life where we see the god gradually introduce her to more and more extreme acts of pleasure as he corrupts her and makes her fully his.)

She's spoiled and has been her entire life. Sure on the outside she's the perfect picture of a well behaved young lady just beaming with innocence. But behind closed doors (if she doesn't get her way) she's an absolute monster. Her parents are fed up and simply don't know what to do anymore. Yes they can keep buying her things, keep pretending like they don't know she sneaks her boyfriend in for sex once a week, but it won't prepare her to be an adult. To be responsible. That's when they see it. An ad offering to turn brats into pleasant little ladies. The methods are .... Vague. Something about discipline and a firm hand, and they're sure if they ask questions they wouldn't like the answers they got. So they don't. They see it as their last chance to turn their daughter into someone respectable. And so they make the call.
(I'm open to this playing out a lot of ways, but in the end I see the brat being put in her place and taught she isn't the center of the universe. Please note that for this one I am open to taking the dominant role and playing it as a f/futa, m/futa, or m/m pairing. Just let me know in the message which one you want)

The kingdom is in ruins. The people enslaved. The war had been lost before it had ever begun. And now all that was left was a king/prince being made to oneel in shame before the conqueror. If he hopes to live and perhaps gain some mercy for his people he must submit to her/his whims. Alternatively, a king sends his youngest son to a Warlord to protect his lands. If he doesn't, then they will be burned and conquered like those of his neighbors'. In doing so, he also accepts that he is no more than a figurehead...But he can't imagine the depths of depravity his son will be dragged to at the hands of his cruel new Master.
(Also willing to play this with the character being sent away as female. Would like to include themes of corruption, mind break, and addiction. Perhaps even a side plot where a rescue is arranged, only for them to arrive too late. Would love to play this as a monstrous futa/male of some kind. Also willing to play as the young woman being sent away. Just let me know which you'd prefer.)

~Plot Seeds~
Pretty self explanatory, but basically these are the beginnings of plots. I don't have anything for them beyond the initial idea, so if something sparks your interest and gives you ideas let me know!
- Werewolf and human were friends and are now enemies
- Siblings/friends turned into vampire and werewolf in the middle of a war
- Fae king seeks his human love in modern day
- Reincarnated lovers must find each other and/or break the cycle
- Monster under the bed/in the house not the worst thing out there

- Enemies bound together by a curse looking to free themselves
- Red riding hood where red is feared by the wolf
- Quest for a magic artifact goes wrong

Nothing yet!

Nothing yet!
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