A few idea's. ?

May 4, 2014
Names Jess, but most people call me Sunny. I have a few role play scenario's in this crazy mind of mine and would love to find someone who is equally open and has a few crazy ideas of their own. I don't have all the details of these roleplays worked out yet. They are still just simply ideas. I love working out details with my rp partner. I find it much more enjoyable.

I do post at a minimum 3-4 paragraphs for the majority of the time. There are of course times of extreme genius where I will post much more, and times where I cannot post more than a paragraph or two for the life of me. Of course quality over quantity is always preferred. Please be literate. I am fine with grammar and spelling mistakes, that is to be expected. I don't expect you to be a walking dictionary, just be understandable, and put some thought and effort into each response and we will get along smashingly.

Idea #1: Beauty and the beast. Like stated above I do not have all of the details worked out. Clearly this will not be the disney version. The basic story would be; A vain, arrogant, greedy, selfish, and temperamental prince is cursed by a witch to live his days as a beast by day and a man by night. That is until he can become humble, giving, and find love. He has to be able to truly love someone else more than he loves himself, and make her love him equally in return. I want him to capture her with intentions of keeping her as his toy, his sex slave basically, he will use her as his maid, and for his pleasure, but he ends up falling in love with her and her selfless heart. (I will be playing belle. Looking for someone to play the beast/prince)

#2: College professor and his student. This one has been done so many times, I know. Not original at all. To me it never gets old. I like to go into depth about the complexity of the characters feelings in this situation. I want the professor to be truly conflicted with the wrong and right of this. With all my rp's I dont do 100% smut. It bores me completely. I like an equal amount of smut, romance, and plot. ( I have had many offers for this roleplay, and this roleplay alone. Needless to say this option is currently closed, unless you can convince me other wise with interesting ideas. Wink)

#3: being a Harry potter fan, I would love to do a Ginny/Draco roleplay. I havent thought much about the details of this one. If your into it we can discuss.

#4: Prisoner. A pirate captain (you) who would normally take no survivors, finds compassion on one of the village women(me) and takes her aboard his ship. He realizes that this girl is the same girl that he used to play with in his childhood days. In fact she had been his dearest friend before he had been banished from their town. (This would be set in medieval times)

#5: A young unmarried princess becomes pregnant and in her shame gives her child (you) up for adoption to a couple who are palace slaves. (The child grows up as a slave never knowing he is truly of royal blood. As a child he has a best friend (me) they do everything together and get into all kinds of mischief. She is his first kiss and at the age of 13 the young boys mother realizes the mistake she has made and takes the son back to live out the remainder of days as the royal prince. Thats the back story, this roleplay takes place when my character gets sold to the palace in the city where you are ruling. Requests her as his personal slave and we go from there. : )

#6: After watching sleepy Hollow last night. (Johnny Depp version of course) I have a sudden craving for an Ichabod Crane/Katrina Rp. Havent figured out any details of this one at all. Perhaps we can come up with an award winning plot together? Smile

I should also inform you that I do prefer to role play via kik, that toes not mean I prefer short term roleplay's, long term please and thank you
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