Perils of Onlineness!

Lady Alexx

Oct 15, 2017
In A Pineapple Under The Sea
Okay so, I used to be on another Adult RP site called House Eros, and for a while it was great! I was having fun and meeting new people and just enjoying my RPing, but then I thought I'd made a friend and gave him my email for Facebook.

I had read the rules of the site and knew that if I'd given my email address it was at my own peril, but I didn't think about any of the consequences of my actions. So the next day, I get a PM from the owner of the site, Eros telling me to answer a skype message from him. So I did, and he said about the fact that I'd given my email to someone and he'd banned me for it.

So I repented and apologised and got myself unbanned, under the pretence that I would be on a short leash, and I had to keep it on site, and that's fine for me because it was until the end of the year, or some when in January. However, I found out that this guy I was talking to was only after one it's not sex as you might imagine, it was $$$. Yeah, money. He said about his son going into hospital for a circumcision operation, and I expect he was waiting for me to ask if he needed help with the funding.

I didn't give the question, and things seemed to still be okay until my mum tried to add him on Facebook to talk to him, and he blocked her. When I tried to tell him that all my mum wanted to do was talk to him, he deleted and blocked me too, which hurt a lot. But what hurt even more, was the fact that he'd told Eros that I'd given him nude pictures, and I most certainly did NOT do this.

So then I was banned again, because Eros took the guy's word over mine, and Eros started to insult me over skype, and stuff. So I was telling him that I HADN'T given the douche-bag of a guy I'd been talking to any nudes, but Eros still didn't unban me, and he still continued to insult me.

So then I made another account, and was happy to just start again, but then THAT account was banned, because apparently I was 'ban evading', and I asked if I could have that account unbanned, because I hadn't actually done anything wrong. So then Eros started trying to blackmail me, and I told him that I wasn't going to respond to blackmail, and he went off on one on me, telling me that he wasn't going to unban me because I called him out on his blackmail.

So a friend of mine who lives with me made an account and she was happy too. But then she tells me that she's been banned, and I get a message on Skype saying the following...

K, you burned your last chance and I'll just throw it all up. Fuck you and fuck off.

There really was no reason for him to be so rude to me, especially since he didn't even know if it was ME who had made the account. Do you think this is pathetic or not?
The owner of House of Eros is 100% a creepy fuck. I joined a few years back, well I wasn't having any luck with BMR, and one of my first messages on there was from him, insisting that he needed to speak with me on YIM. I was into IM rps at the time, so I agreed, and he said it was standard procedure to verify my age. Um, Okay, I guess. *shrugs* He then went on to detail my other social media accounts linked to the email I had signed up with, and how it would be easy for him to blackmail me with that info. I thought maybe he was trying to start some sort of meta-esque rp with me, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. He said things like "What would you do to keep this quiet?" "I could make you do things if I wanted." Trying to play himself off as a nice guy for not actually blackmailing me with the info he had on me from signing up. Fucking gross.

Sorry for your experience. BMR has been just lovely for me, and I hope it's that way for you as well.
It's really odd and (psychologically) interesting to constantly read reports like this.

I've heard the owner is quite the creep. I'e just somehow avoided being one fo those targets. Not that I'm complaining. It's just a bit hard to envision.

I'm still on it, though not nearly as active as I used to be. Worse than anything, he sounds/feels really paranoid. Although given all the crap he's working on doing, maybe he does have a mood disorder of some sort. I dunno, I'm not legally certified to make any diagnoses.

Anyway, that wasn't the main thing I came here for.

Sorry Eros didn't work out for you, Alexx!

But I'm glad to have met you here and you've been an awesome partner thus far!

I can agree that the owner there on Eros is definitely messed up, and the way that he knew it was you Alexx, is because with forums sites, they get your IP, so all they have to really do is compare IPs to people who've been banned. I've seen and heard from others that were banned of all the stuff the owner there has done in the past and its genuinely disgusting.
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