Claire’s “super” idea. (F for M)

Ana Rain

The duchess of diction
Jan 27, 2012
Want to see a "holier than thou" heroine brought down? Love the darker side of a story? Read on...

Key themes in the story: (I figure these go best at the top)
Okay, so here are some of the themes I consider possible in this story: Conspiracy, corruption, intrigue, sexism, powerplay, cheating, manipulation, coercion, a modern or slightly futuristic setting, some potential sci-fi elements (pheromones, drugs, mind altering devices), an independent and strong female lead, an arrogant and powerful male lead... and lots, lots more. I envisage it being 40/60 smut and story. But I'm always open to negotiation.

Perhaps importantly: My F-list

What the story isn't:

I'm sorry to say that this isn't a romance role. There is going to be some action (perhaps a couple of fight scenes), however the mainstay will be subterfuge, the mystery of the conspiracy and investigation are likely to be the key elements. I'm not looking for outright physical force in the "downfall" of the various characters, rather it's going to be brought about by the drugs/pheromones (or other mind-altering elements).

My writing:
So, I write almost exclusively in forums these days, and always 3rd person and past tense. You're more than welcome to go and check out some of my past writing to see if you think I'm actually any good at it at all. I know it's pretty important to match the style and output of your partner, and for this story I'd be looking for quite a high output per post(4+ paras), and probably looking to post once per week.

So...To the plot itself:
The plot revolves around a supervillian and his criminal or perhaps even corporate interest which could be involved in a range of high level criminal activities - from selling weapons and drugs to engaging in corruption and fraud. Of course they might also happen to have interests in the media, online and of course in some solid holdings such as strip clubs and porn studios. The criminal enterprise and it's leader (I figure there have to always be henchmen) have perhaps found a novel way to undermine some of it's adversaries, perhaps targeting it's enemies with some special pheromones, drugs and/or eventually special trinkets (hidden in piercings, wristbands or necklaces) which alter peoples strength, will power and self-control. In a city of superheros and super-heroines can anyone stop the "reign of terror"?

...or something like that. :)

The City was safe, secure, and seemed to be in good hands. The truth was it was a heaving metropolis and it had never been free from the scourge of crime, not now, not ever. Since the rise of the people against the excesses and corruption of the mid to late 1990s the city had been policed by not only the ordinary law enforcement controlled by the local government, but also by a diverse group of vigilantes who some might call "super heroes", yet others would have termed them merely vigilantes. In that time there had developed almost a delicate balance between the forces at play for the heart and soul of the place they all called home. The criminal families and gangs that ran most of their operations underground often did so without too much interference, out of the sight, and often out of mind for ordinary citizens. But for those with more overt displays of power and control there was always an equal and opposite force looking to disrupt and destroy their ambitions. That was, at least, until recently...

The city itself seemed unchanged, but the fight against crime, corruption and sleaze was having an uncharacteristically bad year. In the first 9 months alone more than half-a-dozen of the finest police academy graduates had abandoned the force, along with some of the most promising first and second year officers. A handful of the most up and coming young trainees and first year lawyers on the books at the district attorney's office had similarly stood down in the same time period. When an undercover reporter from one of the cities most prestigious investigative outfits tasked herself with looking into the sudden spate of dropouts in the police she'd found herself stonewalled by the police force itself, and then shut out by the women themselves. Then, in perhaps another rather surprising turn of events the same journalist herself finally came out in the press saying the whole thing was an utter "non-story", with little in it beyond the changing attitudes and aspirations of the women who had stepped down from their roles, away from the daily nitty-gritty of police work or law enforcement. Within 6 months she too had walked from her job... and into something entirely different.

The whole thing was suspicious, but even more so when you looking into where they had ended up and what they had walked into. Some of the women had gone straight into lower paid and less pressured jobs sure, some of them had rather uncharacteristically gotten "attached" to men - often substantially older and seemingly "connected" to the seedy criminal or corporate underworld - and other still, those who were younger - especially those whom some might say were more "attractive" - had gone into stripping or worse: porn! Taken as separate cases there seemed to be little to it other than shocking changes in career and direction, but as a whole the trend was startling, even utterly shocking.

Yet digging a little deeper, the details of each case became more and more suspicious: There was the beautiful, incredibly driven and promising young district attorney, now turned to the personal assistant(and now rumored lover) for one of the cities most notorious corporate cowboys - a man suspected of being at the head of a number of corruption scandals. Secondly there stood the case of the cadets (high achieving twins both born and raised in a law enforcement family) who finished 4th and 7th in their academy class dropping out unceremoniously and within weeks appearing on billboards modeling for a rather ostentatious and even chauvinist lingerie company. These were the tip of the iceberg, it's presentable and visible protrusion into the public world, beneath the surface it went deeper - into porn, into sleaze and graft; at least that was what every right-minded heroine would want to assume... Every woman who wanted to believe in equality and self-respect had to believe it was more than what appeared on the surface, yet the new stories which should have accompanied the scandal never surfaced, the conspiracy theories were reserved only for those who were close to anyone sucking into the sleazy whirlpool. But for the women involved themselves they made out that it was nothing more than exactly what they had always wanted!


Not everyone was willing to stand on the sidelines and wait for the story to break on it's own. Not everyone was sated solely with the conspiracies and hearsay, with the speculations of a few disbelieving souls hiding behind their keyboards on the Internet. So it was that one individual took it on, an individual with perhaps more clout than most... one of the so called "vigilantes", or, in kinder terms - a super-heroine.

"Shade" - as she was now known - was often the very base for rumors and speculation; she was a figment of mens minds, a ghost, a specter or a wraith, even a devil that existed in the darkness. But "shade" was anything but a myth or a bedtime story. She was very much corporeal, and she made no attempt to hide that reality. Sure enough she often hid in the shadows looking to strike at those who would seek to undermine the order and freedom enjoyed by her fellow citizens, but there was nothing hidden in the violence and justice she meted out. Yet now the shadow herself had her own rumor to chase down... it was a myth, a mystery... but one which simply had to be more than it looked, and more than everyone made it out to be.

As she sat quietly in the booth scanning over page after page of leaked emails on her small brightly lit tablet, her finger flicking upward in an endless scroll, she almost didn't want to believe what she had slowly come to suspect... the emails were just a trail of crumbs, but there were small clues here and there...

"Fräulein Ande... er, sorry, Miss Anderson I assume?" Came the tired voice which snapped her out of her trance.

"Oh, yes, you're professor Hadenstadt?" the attractive young brunette shot back, her sharp and piercing blue eyes darting up at him with an almost unnatural speed.

"Yes, that's correct. Your email, it was rather vague, what is it you wanted to discuss..." said the older man as he seemed to reluctantly settle into the seat opposite the suddenly transfixed young woman. His voice had the slightest hint of concern, and his lilting European accent failed to betrayed an unmistakable depth and intelligence behind his words.

"To be honest professor, that is exactly why I messaged you... I'm not entirely sure."

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