A little plot, anyone?


Nov 4, 2017
hey guys, hazy here.

I'm new to this site and looking to start up a roleplay or two. [maybe more, if people are interested]

One of my biggest stipulations is literacy. I love good writing. I pride myself on being a good writer and I enjoy reading well thought-out, detailed posts from my partners. Now, don't get me wrong; literate does not automatically mean I'm expecting a book-length paragraph from you. I do, however, enjoy roleplays that have a little bit more depth to them than just mindless sex. [although that can be good, too]

I enjoy originality. I don't use canon characters, although I'm open to using canon settings / partial plots. I firmly believe in creating my own, original characters with their own thoughts, feelings, and back stories. However, I do use pictures of real people to portray my characters. [I'm a visual person, sue me]

ROMANCE. I am all about the romance. Firm believe in cheesy love stories right here. Although generally mine are a little more than that, and reflect actual hardship and imperfect pairs.

That being said, here are some of my cravings;

  • Post-apocalyptic

- I love post-apocalyptic settings. [ex: Fallout, The 100, The Walking Dead, Revolution, etc.] The ruins of our world become home to a new generation. I love the danger of the unknown and the desperation of a world in shambles.

  • Dystopian

- A new sort of twisted society. [Bioshock, Divergent, The Hunger Games, Maze Runner, etc.] People fighting for their lives and their right to exist; who doesn't love that?

  • Cliche

- The Notebook, anybody? Small town romance, high school sweethearts reunited, good girl x bad boy; I love it all.

  • Fandom

- I am down for fandom-related roleplays. I'm a part of many fandoms [Harry Potter FTW] and I enjoy writing in those universes. Any of the aforementioned games/books/movies that I used as examples are fair game. My only stipulation is the use of canon characters.

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