Looking For A Change From The Usual...


May 12, 2016
Hey there...

I've just come back from a long break and I've found that my old partners are either busy or simply not interested in continuing once I returned, so I figured that I'd find some new ones and broaden my horizons a bit more.

About me:

I consider myself to be an experienced and descriptive writer. I write in third person and my post lengths tend to be 4-8 paragraphs, 10 if I'm really into it. I'm a slut for deep plot-lines that could rival any published book at a library. Because of that, I've only roleplayed a MxF relationship a handful of times and usually have gone for an MxM pairing due to the kinds of Rp partners it attracts. I quickly realized that most of those looking for a MxM pairings breed the deep and interesting plots I've always craved with characters that actually have personality while most of those seeking MxF relationships tend to only want smut and could care less about plot or character development.

Despite all that, I decided that I'd try to find a partner looking for an MxF relationship because one pairing does get bland after awhile, but I have some conditions to weed out those who want the same generic plot-lines (or lack thereof).

First and foremost let me start out by saying that any Rp that I've ever considered/written has been 60 percent plot and 40 percent smut. This is non-negotiable so please don't message me asking me to adjust these percentages. It'd not only waste your time, but mine as well. Also please note that just because I don't want to Roleplay a story run completely off of smut, that doesn't mean I'm opposed to sexual-themed stories.

Secondly (and lastly), I'm looking for a partner who...
  • Is literate
  • Can match or come close to my post-length average of 4-8 paragraphs
  • Communicates. This is a serious deal-breaker for me. If you're unhappy with how the plot is going, have any ideas, losing interest, or going to be busy for a period of time, just shoot me a message letting me know so I don't have to bug you or wonder where the hell you've gone.

Current available plot-points in no particular order:
  • Werewolf/Werewolf
  • Rival kingdom Knight/Princess (who is also a general in her kingdom's military)
  • End of the world survivor/End of the world survivor (Apocalyptic could be WW3 or just zombies. Whatever suits your fancy)
  • Sex slave x Mafia Head
  • Abuse victim x Cop that saved them
  • Any ideas you might have

If you're interested shoot me a message, I don't bite. (Most the time)

Also please try to include what kinks you want to implement and which ones you refuse to write, what plot your interested in, and/or present any ideas that you may have. Despite the clipped tone of this post, I'm actually pretty open to a lot of kinks and other's ideas and suggestions.
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