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Stranger Things - Adventures Outside Hawkins - Open to All


Jul 7, 2017
2 Chicago Police officers chased some teenagers into an alley. The teenagers were pick pocket and thieves that were wanted for some time.

"Freeze!" A plump cop shouted as he spotted the teenagers in the dead end alley and as he approached, a hand grabbed the back of his neck and he can feel his energy getting drained and his eyes rolled back and he collapsed.

Another older cop turned the corner and was shocked to see the plump cop on the ground and a hand covered his mouth and his eyes widened and he felt tired and went limp like all his energy was drained.

2 cops at the entrance of the corridor were grabbed at the back of their necks and they went limp.

The sergeant picked up his radio and his mouth was covered. He tried to scream but had no energy to go on.

Sheena searched the cop's wallets for money and kept it. There was no reason for money to go to waste. She saw the other teenagers cuffing the cops and they quickly left before more came.
Francine saw Sheena taking out the cops. She looked around and found an old cop at the police car. The old cop grabbed the radio and Francine gestured at him. "Sleep..." Francine muttered and her nose started to bleed. The old cop's vision blurred and collapsed in the car.

Francine walked over to the car, opened the door and searched the old cop. She quickly took the money from his wallet and his tazer. "All clear..." Francine waved to Sheena.
Sheena was a pickpocket. She has been running away from people for years. She now has a small group of friends, all street kids and was doing better. They were getting better at their pickpocket and had rented an apartment in the city. Sheena got news that one of her friends was captured by a man and is now in the police station and another of her friends was shot in the head. "What was going on? Are we hunted?"

The policemen were driving the arrested pickpocket back, and at the traffic light, 2 men went beside the police car and fired into the car, shooting the cops. The door was opened and the cops were dragged out and they opened the rear door and shot at the boy's knee and dragged him out into a van.


The door busted open and the immediate reaction was to grab everything valuable and run. Sheena grabbed a bag and leaped out the rear stairwell and ran down the fire escape. Sheena leaped on 2 cops and grabbed their faces and they were shocked and their eyes rolled back and went limp. "Police?" Sheena muttered and quickly hid in the dark alley as she spotted an old cop outside.

"What's going on?" Sheena muttered and checked her bag. There was a Thumbdrive, cash, a few keys and wallets. Then Sheena heard gunshots. She saw a few men shot it out with the police and managed to take out most of the cops and took her friends away. Sheena looked and saw a man choking the old cop outside the alley and the man saw her and dropped the cop and chased her.

She ran and hid in various alleys and did not know what was going on. There were many police cars driving by and she was scared. She went into a door and entered a shop and as she looked through her shop, she was grabbed and a knife placed at her throat. "Who are you..." She whimpered and grabbed the hand and saw a punk collapsed. Sheena turned and ran and was clubbed in the back of her head.

A punk walked over and grabbed a knife to her throat and a lady walked over. "Wait... she looks familiar."
Francine got a text message that her friends were getting captured or killed and went to find Sheena. Francine found few police cars and saw a limp cop outside the alley. She dragged the cop into the shadows and found 2 more cops on the ground. "Whoa..." Francine muttered and heard more police cars arriving.

Francine went in and saw a punk with a knife beside Sheena. "shit...." Francine said and approached. Francine looked at the man and said. "More cops are arriving, go take care of the cops..." The man looked dazed and released Sheena. Francine went over and quickly helped Sheena away from the area.

Francine helped Sheena through the alley and saw a back door opened, they entered and hid inside and heard gunshots and more commotion outside. "Need to stay low profile." Francine said and saw an asian lady approach. "Let us stay here for a while." Francine said to her and she walked away. Francine wiped off the blood from her nose and closed her eyes, she was tired and her head hurts.
Sheena looked at Francine, she seemed to have powers as well. Sheena's heart was beating fast, she was excited and she looked outside the alley and saw many cops. "Shit..." Sheena said as the door closed and it was pulled open and a flashlight entered the doorway. "Cops..." Sheena said.

Several cops began searching and Sheena moved behind 2 short cops and grabbed the back of their necks. They turned around and their vision went blur and they went limp. A cop with white hair took out his radio and Sheena covered his mouth. He was shocked and went limp in her arms. The remaining cop spotted the limp cops and reached for his gun and Sheena grabbed his head and held his gun down. The cop was shocked and he felt weak and gasped before collapsing.

Sheena wiped off the blood from her nose and and searched the cops and took their wallets. Sheena looked at Francine and heard more footsteps approaching.
Francine walked over and saw a balding cop approached and placed a gun to his neck. The cop was disarmed and he put his hands up. "Hey, you are in big trouble. Drop your gun, we can talk..." The cop said.

"We just want to get out of here, drive us out and we will let you go." Francine said and escorted the cop out. There was a police sergeant at the police car and he reached for his gun. "Let me officer go." The sergeant shouted.

"Drop your gun, we just want to leave, no one needs to get shot." Francine said and shoved the balding cop into the police car and got the cop to drive off.

"You look familiar." Francine said to Sheena. "We definitely met before."
Sheena knocked the cops out and dragged them to the trunk of the car. "I can knock them out with a touch..." Sheena said. "What powers do you have?" Sheena asked. They chatted for a few more minutes before more blue and red lights were seen.

2 cops entered the alley and Sheena said. "Let me show you..." She walked behind a cop and grabbed him and he went limp. Drawing the gun from the cop's holster, she placed the gun at the neck of the other cop and grabbed him. The cop was scared and she removed his hat and rubbed his balding head. She kissed the cop and the cop was confused and she turned on her powers and the cop felt his energy drained from his body and went limp.
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