A Disney RP and a Demon/Master RP


Nov 1, 2017
Doing an edit.

I still am very interested in hopefully the Monster's Inc Rp, but right now, I an idea I do want to try.

Is any one, male or female a fan of Disney’s Monster’s Inc and Monsters University?

That was my old search.

Now, here is my new idea.

A Sweet Deal

A loner teenage/collage girl finds a ancient book full of spells how to summon a demon. There are many many types of demons in the book and not believing really that it would work, after all her Ouija board never did.

She performs the ritual. It was just as a joke, a way to pass the lonely Saturday night….little did she know…it would work.

When the Demon shows up, she’s not sure of what she’s seeing until he tells her she summoned him…that she must want something….

Well….she’s not stupid. She knows that she had to give him something in return….

What do you want? She would ask.

Fidelity. A life pack with him. Binding herself to him meant she could have him do her every whim and it also meant he could remain topside and doing this he could take from her.

And what did she want in return?

She wants to be richer, wanted to look beautiful, wanted people to fall all over for her. she wanted to make her enemies pay, to want to humiliate and destroy them. She thinking about all the cruel kids had down to her all her life just cause she wasn’t like them….

And what do he want to show fidelity to him.

His grin would turn nasty and what he wanted wouldn’t be some little animal. It would be more…her virginity.

She would think about it. He could give her anything she wanted…and in return she would just give him sex?

Really, how could she refuse such a sweet deal?
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