A Little About Me:
- I roleplay heterosexual male characters.
- I RP in FIRST PERSON but that does NOT mean you have to. Third person RPers are more than welcome!
- I RP solely on BlueMoon private messages or threads.
Things I'm Looking For:
- Heterosexual Play: Male x Female - I play the male character(s).
- Female Characters: I don't care if you're female in real life. So long as you are playing a female character.
- Literacy: Good spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is an absolute must. I am also looking for partners who write SEVERAL PARAGRAPHS (2+) on average. I can generally write anywhere from 2 to 15 paragraphs. It really depends on the story, content, and characters.
- Story Driven: I'm looking for RPs that will hold substance and story. I like equal amounts of story to my smut, and generally prefer complex characters and plots!
- Creativity: While a pairing may be cliché, I am looking for someone to breathe life in to a story and roleplay by bringing forward creative writing, plot twists, character developments, etc.
- Patience: Do not expect daily responses. While it may be possible, I cannot guarantee replies every day.
Regarding Images:
I enjoy working with imagery and face-claims, so I have compiled an album of varying male face-claims (compilation of all ages). I am constantly adding images to this album.
Got a male model/actor/other face-claim you'd like me to play? Send it my way. I have no preference on age, race, and build.
I make it mandatory for my partners to also submit an image option (preferably more than one for me to choose from) for a face-claim. I'm a visual individual and I find it adds to the eroticism of the play. Additionally, I also have no preference on race and physique for women. I am equally open to fuller figures as I am thin. I also have no preference for breast or ass size. Petite or curvy. Tattoos and piercings are also welcomed. Send me some pictures and we can take it from there!
Particular Kinks:
You can take a look at my F-List to get an idea of my kinks.
However, there are a few that are particularly important:
- Age differences: Although not mandatory, I do have a preference for pairing older guys against much younger girls/women. I will play a man anywhere from 18 to 70 years old.
- Height differences: I like my women shorter than my men. It doesn't mean the woman has to be short, it just means my character has to be taller - even if just a bit.
- Role differences: I love when the male and female characters are different. Not just in age, but in character. Bad guy vs good girl? Lawyer vs delinquent teen?
Sign me up.
- Dominant males: I tend to be dominant or switch. I will NOT play submissive, weak, or frail male characters. Masculinity is a must. However, that does not mean that the female character must be hyper-feminine. Nor does she necessarily have to be submissive.
- Rough play: I do like a varied amount of rough play in my roleplays. And generally, I like my male character to be the aggressor/ assertive. See F-List.
Table of Contents:
1) All in the Family (Incest)
2) Crossovers
3) Crime & Delinquency

Welcome to my "All in the Family" roleplay request thread!
As the title suggests, I'm looking to explore roleplay ideas inclusive (but not limited to) incestuous themes.
- Sister x Brother
- Daughter x Father
- Niece x Uncle
- Cousins
- Mother x Son (will depend on plot)
- Female x Very Close Male Family Friend (this is just as erotic to me as incest)
- Female x Dad's Best Friend (this is just as erotic to me as incest)
- Female x Very Close Male Neighbor (this is just as erotic to me as incest)
(I am not limited to these ideas. I am open to other ideas, as well!)
1) More Than Coffee (Brother x Sister or Stepbrother x Stepsister)
Folger's Coffee Christmas Commercial
I recently watched a Foldger's coffee commercial that was turned in to an incest parody and it was like a "blast from the past" (saw this commercial years ago and thought it had weird incest-y-vibes back then).
The actual commercial (first 35 seconds) is the only important aspect, here. The parody is not relevant in terms of storyline. The actor portraying the brother is Matthew Alan, and the sister is actress Catherine Combs. It is not at all necessary to stick to these face claims. We can choose our own face claims and work from there.
Essentially, I'm looking to play an older brother (in his 20s) who recently returns from a long volunteer trip in West Africa. The producer of the commercial apparently based the brother character on his son, who was a member of the Peace Corps. This can be also something we explore. I'm thinking he could have been gone for several years cumulatively, between his volunteer trip and perhaps college before that. I will also consider the idea of the brother being a SOLDIER. The reason I want him to have spent several years away is simply because I'd like for him to have missed a chunk of his sister's physical development. The two have always shared a deep bond to one another, so his decision to join the Peace Corps/ Volunteer/ Military was devastating to his sister, who knew she would miss him immensely. Has their bond been damaged by the time spent apart, or do they find themselves just as bonded as ever before?
2) A Crime of Passion (Various Pairings)
Your character is a vulnerable teen who ends up in a dangerous situation. She is being sexually molested/assaulted when my character* walks in/ finds them and intervenes. However, seeing his precious daughter/sister/niece/etc. being violated sends him into a violent rage. Rather than simply stopping the assault, my character beats the perpetrator to death. The two are now left with a bloody crime scene and a dead body, an event that will change their lives. Since force used was far too excessive to claim self-defense, the two decide to cover up the homicide by burying the body, and the truth, forever. The secret of the murder remains between the two of them, the trauma serving to only further bond them.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (like a neighbor, or even Dad's best friend).
3) Promiscuous Girl (Various Pairings)
Your character is a troubled, yet curious and budding teenager (15-19 years old) who has become recently interested in sex. She quickly begins engaging in sexual activity with many partners similar to her in age, but has yet to be satisfied by any of them. She begins pursuing risky and/or unsafe sexual behaviour, such as meeting strangers, unprotected sex, and/or engaging in pornographic internet activity. My character* soon finds out of her promiscuous ways, either through a principal, teacher, her concerned friends, or through finding stuff in her room (or on her computer). He confronts her, completely shocked to find out his once innocent daughter/sister/niece/etc. is now a near nympho-maniac, craving sexual gratification. In an effort to stop her from engaging with strangers, he instead convinces her (or she convinces HIM) to have sex with him, instead.
Darker variant: A darker spin on this is that he becomes outraged when he finds her in this position (his idea of her being shattered) and decides to teach her a hard lesson.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (like a neighbor, or even Dad's best friend).
4) The Dildo Lessons (Various Pairings)
This is a variant to #3.
Your character is a shy teenage girl (15-19 years old) who has recently become interested in a guy with a lot of sexual experience. With little to no sexual experience of her own, she orders a cheap dildo off of Amazon and has it delivered. The packaging is under her name, however, but my character* decides to open it (either out of error, curiosity, or confusion) and is shocked to a dildo inside the box. Concerned for his seemingly innocent daughter/sister/niece/etc., my character decides to confront her. Mortified, embarrassed and ashamed, she begins to cry (or becomes enraged). She confesses she doesn't even know what she is supposed to do with the dildo, or how to properly use it, as was just going to use it primarily to practice oral sex. My character pushes her for the truth, soon finding out that the real reason she bought the dildo was because she felt sexually and physically inexperienced, and most of all, inadequate. In an effort to console her, he convinces her to use him as a sex toy and for practice, instead. Or even, she convinces HIM to teach her! We can explore a variant of this idea, as well.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (like a neighbor, or even Dad's best friend).
5) The Good Christian (Various Pairings)
This is a variant to #4.
Your character is your stereotypical good Christian girl. She is kind, polite, and acts seemingly innocent. However, there is a dark side of her. Her hormones are raging, and she has turned to masturbation and strange pornographic websites to keep her horny desires in check. My character, however, is an extremely religious man with strict conservative ideologies. He soon catches her in the act of watching porn and/or masturbating and is shocked to see her legs spread in such a manner. Afraid she will turn to promiscuous ways, he convinces her to use him as a means of sexual release, instead. Or she convinces HIM.
Darker variant: A darker spin on this is that he becomes outraged when he finds her in this position (his idea of her being shattered) and decides to teach her a hard lesson.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (like a neighbor, or even Dad's best friend).
6) Rebel Just For Kicks (Various Pairings)
Your character is a teenager who is going through a vary troubling and rebelious phase. She is not only drinking excessively and doing drugs, but she is disappearing from home for days at a time. She hangs around other rebels, criminals, and dangerous individuals.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), or an older brother (or step-brother or foster brother).
6) Daddy's Little Girl (Daughter x Father)
Your character is a budding teenager (15-19 years old) or young female (college age) who ADORES her father. Everyone always makes fun of her for being "Daddy's Little Girl" and spending so much time with him. However, since the death of her mother a few years ago, her father (my character) has grown increasingly depressed and lonely. He has been unable (or unwilling) to date other women, turning to other means to get sexually gratification, such as prostitutes/escorts and/or chatrooms and webcam girls (live porn). Feeling extremely sorry for him, and also appalled that a man of his good looks has turned to such means of pleasure, she decides to take matters into her own hands - literally.
Darker twist: My character drinks a little too much or takes a drug that lowers his rationality and inhibition. In a distraught or altered state, he finds himself sexually attracted to his daughter (or is unable to suppress an attraction he has always had) and make an inappropriate comment or move on her.
* My character will be a father figure of some sort, either her biological father, step-father, or foster father. Additionally, I will make this option available for NIECE X UNCLE as well.
7) Rebel Just For Kicks (Various Pairings)
Your character is a teenager who is going through a vary troubling and rebellious phase. She is not only drinking excessively and doing drugs, but she is disappearing from home for days at a time. She hangs around other rebels, criminals, and dangerous individuals, engaging in inappropriate behavior. After another disappearing act leave family members in the dark for days (or weeks), she finally returns home... altered. Rather than her normal rebellious self, she is now pierced and/or tattooed and sports colored/dyed hair. Enraged, my character* decides to teach her a hard lesson, for once and for all.
Darker twist: He can either become physically or sexually aggressive with her, OR a bit of both. The extent to his aggression can be discussed.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), or an older brother (or step-brother or foster brother).
8) Goldilocks (Niece x Uncle)
This idea is based on the 1995 film "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". It is not at all necessary to watch the film (it's actually quite terrible but a movie I grew up with). The synopsis for the film is: Orphaned after her parents are killed in an accident, Goldilocks (Hanna Hall) is sent to live with her Uncle Hal (Dwier Brown) in the country. Meanwhile, Uncle Hal, an eco-friendly architect, discovers that greedy developers plan to destroy the wilderness around his home by building a ski resort.
In the film, Goldi (Gabrielle) is a blonde young girl who's parents were never really around. Because of their wealth and their constant travelling for business, Gabrielle spent most of her childhood in boarding schools in the big city. However, when her parents die in a plane crash (or boating accident), she becomes an orphan. Her only other living relative is her Uncle Hal (her paternal uncle), who has been estranged from the family due to a feud for some time now. Because Hal becomes her legal guardian, she is forced to relocate from the big city to a small town to live with her Uncle in the woods (where he is currently doing environmental work).
For the roleplay, I'd like to follow the exact same story line, but have Gabrielle older (15-17 years old) when she is orphaned. My character, Uncle Hal, has not seen his beloved niece in over 5 years as a result of family feuds. I'm also thinking that Hal is the one who gave her the nickname "Goldi" for both her bright blonde hair and for the bed time story he would always read to her when she was a kid. She would harbor both resentments for the estrangement (since they were once extremely close until he disappeared), as well as a reluctance to live with him as he lives in the wilderness for his research and work. In the film, Hal lives in these eco-friendly igloo hut things. But for the sake of simplicity, we'll just have him live in a small log cabin for the roleplay.
Not only will it be difficult for Gabrielle to adapt to living in the woods with limited contact to the outside world, but she will also have no access to internet or cable tv while in the house (only way for her to have access is through school or the nearest town, which is a 30-45 minute commute). Additionally, she will have missed her Uncle deeply but will pretend to hate him out of spite (and from being a generally difficult, moody teenager who is on top of raging hormones, dealing with grieving over her deceased parents).
* My character will be Goldi's biological or step-Uncle. Which ever you choose. I will ALSO make this pairing available between SIBLINGS or STEP-SIBLINGS. Gabrielle would have a significantly older brother who can replace the role of Uncle Hal.
9) A Wedding Family Reunion (Various Pairings)
This idea is really quite simply. A family with estranged members reunite again at the biggest celebration of the decade - a big, expensive, spring wedding (wedding couple can be discussed). For this idea, we can have various pairings under various conditions, however I think the most suitable are niece x uncle, sister x brother, or first cousins. I will also be open to step-siblings, step-uncle, a close male family friend or neighbor, or even Dad's best friend. For any of these pairings, however, I am looking to play an estranged member of the family. Meaning, for whatever reason, a feud lead to my character having a falling out with the family. The wedding would be the first time our characters meet again in several years.
Darker twist: My character (and perhaps yours) drinks a little too much or perhaps takes a drug(s)/ substance (maybe with your character, too?) and makes a sexual advance at her. I am open to the possibility of her being afraid/rejecting at the beginning. We can discuss.
10) Nerdy Things (Sister x Brother or Cousins)
Your character is your stereotypical high school nerd. She is sexually inexperienced (does not have to be virginal, but can be) and is trying to either impress a guy (even a nerdy boyfriend) or is trying to re-invent herself as someone with more sex appeal. The only problem? She does not know how to be sexy, and have virtually no sex appeal in the current clothes she wears. She asks her cool/popular/jock/rebel older brother to help her become "sexy". At first he finds the task to be impossible, but as he slowly helps her transform, he finds himself more and more attracted to her.
My character can also be an older first cousin. OR if we want to cater the idea to an older gentlemen, my character can be an uncle, father, family friend, or dad's best friend who has a particular reputation as being a lady's man and/or dresses well and in high fashion, and who is up to date with trends.
11) Black Lipstick (Various Pairings)
Similar concept to idea #10, except your character is an alternative teenager (tattoos, piercings, etc.) or a goth of some sort. She is very head-strong and proud of her style, despite criticism. My character* will be much more conservative, never understanding why girls choose to deviate from such normal standards of fashion and living. Despite pretending to be disgusted by it, he is actually secret attracted to it and it is his biggest fantasy to bed such a non-conforming woman.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (like a neighbor, or even Dad's best friend).
12) The Grand Masquerade (Various Pairings)
Your character is a teen or a young female (15-25 years old) who attends a risque masquerade party sporting a sexy outfit with all of her friends. The event is luxurious, and one widely known to have a reputation of attracting older, wealthier men looking for "sugarbabies" or younger women of some kind to swoon and spoil. Your character likes the idea of not only sleeping with an older man, but benefiting from his wealth as a result. My character* and yours meet later in the night when both are intoxicated and possibly under the influence of drugs. They end up sleeping together with masks on, unbeknownst to them that they are actually related (or know each other very well).
How they figure it out can be discussed.
* My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (like a neighbor, or even Dad's best friend).
I'm willing to incorporate taboo/incest/familial pairings to any of my Crime & Delinquency pairings,
so if that is something that may interest you, SEE MORE DETAILS BELOW!

I'm willing to incorporate taboo/incest/familial pairings to any of my Crime & Delinquency pairings,
so if that is something that may interest you, SEE MORE DETAILS BELOW!
1) Military Man (Various Pairings)
[Female x Male Pairings]
- Delinquent x Military Father/Step-Father/ Foster Father
- Delinquent x Military Uncle
- Delinquent x Military Father's Best Friend (good family friend)
- Delinquent x Military Older Brother or Cousin
For these above pairings, I'd like for the storyline to include a defiant, feisty, delinquent female teenager who is arrested and posted on bail. She is being charged with serious crimes and is currently awaiting trial. However, her parents are divorced. Her mother recently died of fast-progressing cancer and her and her father have a shattered and estranged relationship. Although staying with a foster family, she is often a runaway and/or spends nights elsewhere. As part of her bail, she is released into the custody and care of my character (who can be any of the above listings). My character is a conservative hard-ass with career in the military. He possesses dignity, discipline, and respect - all things your character lacks. He will be outraged by her behaviour, and will go to great lengths to teach her a lesson and change her ways.
2) Man of Law & Order (Various Pairings):
[Female x Male Pairings]
- Troublemaker x Lawyer or Judge
- Teenager or Troublemaker x FBI/CIA Agent
- Criminal x Probation Officer
- Criminal on House Arrest x Probation Officer
- City Girl Troublemaker x Country Man
- Juvenile Offender x Ranch Owner (see idea for "Juvenile Offender Ranch" under Young Offenders Programs in Crime & Delinquency section)
- Juvenile Offender x Charity Owner (see idea for "Charity Youth Ranch" under Young Offenders Programs in Crime & Delinquency section)
For these above pairings, I'd like for the storyline to include a defiant, feisty, delinquent female teenager who is arrested and being charged with serious crimes. She could either be on probation, house arrest, or even be currently awaiting trial.
My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (or even neighbour). The plot will depend on the pairing, and in areas where legal cross-over is "unlikely" due to family relationships, we can discuss work arounds!
3) Sex Sells
[Female x Male Pairings]
- Prostitute or Escort x Family Member
- Stripper or Poll Dancer x Family Member
- Webcam Porn Model x Family Member
- Nude model x Family Member
- Pornstar x Family Member
My character will either be a father (or step-father or foster father), uncle (or step-uncle or foster uncle), older brother (or step-brother or foster brother), older first cousin, OR very close male family friend (or even neighbour). Depending on the pairing, the two would cross paths somehow by meddling in the sex trade/business.
I am also open to other similar ideas. Don't hesitate to send ideas my way.
If you wish to incorporate incestuous relations in any of these pairings, that is also a possibility.

If you wish to incorporate incestuous relations in any of these pairings, that is also a possibility.
General Teen Troublemakers:
[Female x Male Pairings]
- Troublemaker x Cop or Private Investigator
- Troublemaker x Lawyer or Judge
- Teenager or Troublemaker x FBI/CIA Agent
- Criminal x Probation Officer
- Criminal on House Arrest x Probation Officer
- Student x Teacher
- Student x Principle
- Troubled teen x Psychologist/ Therapist
- Graffiti Teen or Squeegee Girl x Other
Young Offenders Programs:
- Juvenile Offender Ranch:
Your character, a juvenile offender, gets convicted of crimes (breaking and entering, trespassing, drug possession charges, theft, grand auto theft, etc.) and is sentenced to mandatory behavioural and therapeutic rehabilitation at a horse ranch out of the city and deep in the country. A city girl, she despises the sentence and resents the conviction. She is on house (or ranch) arrest, and would be wearing a ankle monitory.
My character can be a worker there, the owner, or even a client. OR can also be the probation officer checking in on her.
- Charity Youth Ranch:
Your character, a juvenile and convicted criminal, is sentenced to obligatory COMMUNITY SERVICE where she is sent to work on a horse ranch. The ranch is a charity, and would be a rehabilitation center for either children with special needs (physical or intellectual), or perhaps for drug addicts.
My character can be a worker there or the owner. OR can also be the probation officer checking in on her.
- Community Service:
Your character is convicted of crimes (breaking and entering, trespassing, drug possession charges, theft, grand auto theft, etc.) and is sentenced to hundreds of hours of community service. The community service and your character can be discussed!
- Juvenile Offenders Cabin Retreat:
Your character is convicted of crimes (breaking and entering, trespassing, drug possession charges, theft, grand auto theft, etc.) and is sentenced/recommended to several young offender programs. One of them is a psychological/ therapeutic retreat to a cabin in the woods. Although over a dozen young offenders and several workers are supposed to be partaking in the retreat, a wild snow storm leaves our two characters stranded. I'm thinking for whatever reason - our two characters go up to the cabin early, perhaps to set up or due to a time mix up. A storm picks up quickly and the retreat is cancelled/ postponed leaving the two of them snowed in and alone. My character can be discussed! He can be a probation officer (perhaps he is the one who drops her off at the cabin), therapist, worker, volunteer, or even someone from the adult offender program who is doing community service.
Gangs, Mobs, & Other Crimes:
[Female x Male Pairings]
- Biker Girl (part of a gang) x Cop/ Private Investigator/ FBI or CIA Agent
- Biker Girl x Rival Biker Gang Member
- Biker Girl x Undercover Cop or Agent
- Imprisoned Gang Criminal x FBI or CIA Agent looking to use my character for information
- Imprisoned Gang Criminal x Someone who bails her out
- Mob Boss' Daughter x Cop/ Private Investigator/ FBI or CIA Agent
- Mob Boss' Daughter x Rival Mob Member
* For the mobs, this can include mafia/mobs/gangs of different ethnicities and organizations including (but not limited to) Italian mob, Russian mafiya, Latin drug cartels/ crime lords, etc.! *
- Rookie Cop x Gang Criminal
- Graffiti Artist x Other
Sex Sells (Sex Trade):
[Female x Male Pairings]
- Prostitute or Escort x Cop or Private Investigator
- Prostitute or Escort x FBI or CIA Agent
- Prostitute or Escort x Lawyer or Judge
- Stripper or Poll Dancer x Cop/ Private Investigator/ Agent
- Stripper or Poll Dancer x Mob Member
- Stripper or Poll Dancer x Celebrity (model, actor, musician, athlete, politician, etc.)
- Nude model or Fetish model x Any/Other
Law, Order, & Death:
[Female x Male Pairings]
- Serial Killer x Detective/ Cop/ Private Investigator/ FBI Agent
- Rookie Cop x Serial Killer
- Rookie Cop x Assassin/ Mercenary
- Rookie Cop x Violent Criminal
- Junior Detective (assistant) x Senior Detective (trainer/ partner)
- New/ Replacement Detective x Criminal/ Killer
- Assassin/ Mercenary x Cop/ Private Investigator/ FBI or CIA Agent
- Assassin/ Mercenary x Target
- Target x Assassin/ Mercenary
- Target x Cop/ Private Investigator/ FBI or CIA agent
- Virtual Terrorist x FBI or CIA Agent
- Hacker x Cop/ Private Investigator / FBI or CIA Agent
- Hacker x Business Victim or Other Victim
- FBI or CIA Agent x Terrorist or Hacker
- FBI or CIA Agent x Criminal or Mercenary
- Serial Killer/ Terrorist Idea:
For this idea, my character is also a serial killer who has been recently labeled a "terrorist", as most of his victims serve a significant politic and economic influence. Every death is carefully calculated, and he is virtually untraceable. For months police have been in hot pursuit but unable to keep up. He is one step ahead of investigator forces at all times.
- Fallen Soldier x Other:
A male soldier suffers from PTSD and other psychological issues deeming her "unstable". He is medically discharged from the military but swiftly turns into a mercenary/ assassin. With specialty training in sniper rifles and gun weaponry, he plots a plan to assassin the president (or another important figure) and someone must stop him.