Contemporary sets, asian sub f, blackmail-prositution-coercion-corruption via Discord


Jul 13, 2013
Good day.

I am looking for roleplayers & cowriters for stories in a mundane, contemporary background. Characters are my submissive female (often asian) girl, woman, lady characters against devious, manipulating and often unpleasant male or males. With some domme maybe thrown in once in a while as an additional character. Or another submissive female - I am fine with covering side characters.

For details, see below: My medium is play by IM on Discord (or Skype) - as the mood strikes and time permits. So not very scheduled, on and off - but Discord saves my old messages so I can always read up on transcripts and even months later can reenter a story if we wish to.

Below I cover some elements of roleplays. Summary you can read right away, for more details click on the spoilers. This is to help you as to not waste time on pitching a story which I will not be interested in. It will cut back your guesswork in that regard immensely, whether you like to do that though is up to you.

How I like to design the background of a story: Down to earth and keep it simple.​
I like to keep the background down to earth so that the smut part can be over the top. I find porn at its core ridiculously unrealistic, which is part of the fun. But if I add an unrealistic background on top of that it just becomes too silly to me.

I dislike baggage. Keep it simple: Don't add elements to the story that add work to write, but no fun. Think before you write, don't blabber stuff into the story which then later only gets into the way. If you do not plan to use something, double check why you start writing about it in the first pace.

I like to work with clichés. I do not mind a twist to things, but just making things complicated for the sake of 'originality' is not my thing. Go ahead and design some high school boy who inherits 5 building blocks to blackmail a business exec lady from Soviet Russia - just play it with someone else please. I meanwhile will play something simper like: "white landlord blackmails asian exchange student" because pulling off a simple story convincingly and in proper detail is already enough work.

Likewise: I dislike my stories too artsy, angsty or artificial. I do like detail - but for entertainment, not to 'appologize' for the smut.

Backgrounds Likes:
- Contemporary & Realish
- Mundane people in run off the mill settings (office, landlord, school, work, travel etc.)
Background Dislikes:
- Fantasy, Sci-Fi and anything else unrealistic
- Too unusual backgrounds (secret agents, army, politicians, multi-millionaires, crime cartels etc.)
- Too artsy, too angsty, too artificial

What basic characters I work with: sub females, often asian vs. dominant males​
I'm basically into straight male-female abuse and use - female me as the submissive. I am very fine with adding some bi parts to this thru additional characters, be them domme or sub too and also do not mind adding more dominant males to the plot. I can handle side characters and can assist with them.

I really like to base my character on a picture. I got character files, but if you like to provide one I will take a look. Please make it a full body shot though (I like to see how she is dressed usually). A good site to find youngish Asian models in a lot of outfits is Beautyleg. Just do a google search for that and you will understand what I mean.

I quite often play asian characters, but I can work others too, especially if it makes more sense from a story perspective.

Basic Character Likes
- Submissive females (though side characters can be dommes)
- Dominant males (all of them, no exceptions)
- Unattractive, skewed males (can be physical or personality wise - or both)
Basic Character/Partner Alternatives
- I may consider female-female scenarios as either the dom or sub character. Not much practice with that, so beware.
- I may cover as a male character in a story (male still dominant then)
- Not always in the mood for these alternatives
Basic Character/Partner Dislikes
- Submissive males (not even as side characters)
- "Rich, charming & handsome" males. I find those dull and lazy
- Canon characters or celebrities

How I like to drive a story: Different agendas and sex in 'exchange' for something​
To explain: A 'plot dynamic' is to me what drives the story along. My roleplays are of course mainly about smut, but I am not into "people drop from the sky and fuck". So besides some interesting characters there needs to be some kind of dynamic that drives these characters into the sex scene. And if it is long term then over to the next. And the next. And the next. For that there needs to be a dynamic at play. Some kind of general 'plan' how to drive the story.

My stories usually evolve around some kind of 'exchange' in the widest sense. Sex (which your character is after) in exchange for something else that my character wants - or not wants. It could be as simple as money or as non-consual as to avert blackmail. I find such kind of a 'deal' or 'negotiation' an effective tool to string along a story about smut.

Dynamic Likes
- blackmail (non consensual - my characters has to go along or suffer some ill)
- coercion (semi-consensual - my character could possible avoid sex but decides to go along to avoid troubles)
- corruption (reluctant - my character may not be eagerly into it initially, but can be bribed or talked into sex)
- prostitution (consensual - my character is open to exchange sex for whatever else she may want - money, a job, a room, money, whatever)

Dynamic Dislikes
- just lust (not much into "they are hot for each other, they want sex, they have sex" - too dull)
- love & romance (which is the same dull flatline as above - just more schmoozy)
- grab & rape (too anticlimactic: character grabbed, sex ensues - same flatline again as above, just less schmoozy)
- anything where the "victim suddenly begins to like it" Let's not be half-assed if you start a non-consensual story
- anything involving family or even boyfriend/girlfriend relationships

What roles I enjoy to write: mundane pairings​
As my backgrounds preferences already may suggest: I am not into anything like vampires and demons and space cadetts and all the like. So below I will only cover those roles which fit my basic background preferences: Contemporary, mundane, down to earth roles.

Roles Likes
- office ladies, secretaries, executives, typists, interns
- school teachers, uni professors, freelance tutors, music teachers
- hotel staff, maids, waitresses
- high school students, college students, university students, exchange students
- tourist, business travellers, tour guides, stewardess
- tenant, neighbor
- prostitute (usually low level), part time prostitute
- illegal immigrant, hitchhiker, in debt or otherwise out of my element
- perhaps prison - but not in a Western society, needs to be somewhere with less rule of law

Roles Dislikes
- Medical (nurses, doctors, patients - I make an exception for psychologists though)
- Incest (maybe could handle some uncle or aunt be involved at best)
- Marriage & Relationships (so: no cheating wives, cuckolding etc. also not into playing fiances or girlfriends)
- "Doms & Subs" "Slave & Master" (I view these as a sexual kinks, not a proper role)
- The Rich & Famous (boring - see above)
- army, police, secret agents or other environs under a lot of scrutiny

The kinks: humiliation, control, abuse​
I think the main elements that drive me well are humiliation, control and abuse. All else is usually just attached around it. If you can put any of your interests in context with one of the three, it will probably work. E.g.: I am really not much into tatoos. But: If it is framed in a context of controlling or humiliating me, a bit may be fine.

Sexual Likes
- the usual: oral, anal, vaginal sex and cumplay in all kind of variations and positions
- Humiliation (verbal abuse, racism, unattractive males, degrading clothes and tasks, rimming, some watersports, at times bestiality)
- Control (dress codes, speech codes, rules & punishments, taking over her life, flat, daily schedule etc.)
- Abuse (spanking, face slapping, hair yanking, oral, anal)
- EITHER consensual OR non-consensual (no so fond of half assed mix here)
- lopsided and unfair deals, impossible tasks: see to it how far you can exploit and abuse the situation
- an element of discretion (people don't flaunt their sexuality on main avenue)

Sexual Offs
- cheating, adultery and in general putting men down or humiliating them
- dungeons and a lot of machinery (keep it simple)
- grab & rape or kidnap (both too anticlimactic on their own)
- too much pubic exposure ("they fucked in broad daylight and no one noticed = stupid")
- "pleasing my character" and generally putting much into focus "what a swell guy your character is"
- masturbation (not interactive enough)
- drugs or intoxication
- piercings in general and too much of tattoos
- petplay, food fun
- lactation, pregnancy
- vore, mutilation
- foot fetish, scat
- incest

Sexual Ons/Offs can be discussed to a certain leeway. If a certain background is convincing for a dungeon or kidnap or such, why not. But the above list is a good guideline for what you will need to convince me about and what not.

How I like a story to be written: with premediation, cooperative and 'constantly typing'​
I prefer a cooperative style of writing, where we take the liberty to rewind and rewrite things when we hit a dead end and were we openly discuss options of all characters. Not god-modding each others' characters, but if you can't stand suggestions and alternatives to what you write, you will not like me.

I practice what I call "constant writing". This means: While you are writing about what your character says and does, I will not stop writing myself but instead cover things that add detail to the story but do not get into the way of your action / talk. This means mostly inner monologue, descriptions of the surroundings. I basically never stop writing while in a roleplay and ideally you would do the same. So: While I write about my action & speech, you write about your inner monologue & add details. While you write about your action & speech, I write about my inner monologue & add details.

Writing Likes
- cooperation and suggestions how to improve the text, dynamic or plot
- flexibility to rewind if something does not work out well
- details besides what is done and said, otherwise the story will be too wooden
- non verbal part of a conversation (adding an adjective of how you say something is usually enough)
- having a plan to where your actions will lead to, feel free to let me in if you need me to act in a special way for it to work out
- sketching the general development of a story (brainstorming) and then jumping to a scene within that which we find particularly interesting.

Writing Dislikes
- lack of detail, if it is asked too much for you to add an adjective for how you do or say something, then please do not bother.
- lack of attention, I dislike to remind you constantly what happened before or where we are at
- laziness, the occasional "up to you" is fine, but if I get that answer too often I may as well write on my own
- mind reading, just because you read my inner monologue does not mean your character does
- stubbornness, if you wrote yourself into a dead end it is often better to just rewind and take a different path
- blabbering mindlessly off into some direction, then expecting me to get your non-idea back on track
- blobs of text where you do 5 things at once while my character seemingly is paralyzed. If you like to play solitaire, you do not need me.
- fapping yourself off as we write (especially as an excuse why your text suddenly drops in quality)


Instead either PM me or add me on Discord: JingA#0040.

Either way: Please also pitch a story when you contact me. When you pitch a story, please cover the following points.

- a pair of roles and characters
- what dynamic does the story follow
- three specific kinks you are particularly interested in

You may of course also go into more detail that that, but remember:
The more you write, the more waste in case you barked up the wrong tree or I am too busy to pick up the game. If you like to, just cover the points above with a few flashwords.

Thanks for Reading!​
Last edited:
RE: Skype, contemporary sets, asian sub f, blackmail-prositution-coercion-corruption

And bump.
RE: Skype, contemporary sets, asian sub f, blackmail-prositution-coercion-corruption

Edited: Moving my games to Discord now.
Bump. And again mentioned Skype (for those who prefer it there).
Okay ... today I go totally wild and bump again! Even though less than half a year has passed!

Crazy, huh?
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