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The Fire Lord's Daughter (Mambo3 and Dake21)

Majima Goro

Oct 29, 2017
It's early morning in the Village of Konoha, the large gates of the village opened wide. As a massive adorned carriage hauled by 4 strong men was hefted through the village. The towns folk stopped and watched as the regal looking hand carriage is brought in. The heavy built men not noticing a thing when their darling Princess Mari the daughter of the Lord of Rice, a man who could be considered the wealthiest individual in the known world.

His daughter had been sent to Konoha when the Lord of Rice felt his life was in danger, to protect his lineage he had his daughter shipped off to the Leaf Village so she could be kept safe from the assailant's he believed were after his life. Princess Mari tanned skinned beauty, with double d breasts blue eyes, blond hair, which was done up in two cascading braids, that spiraled and connected at the crown of her head, her garment a loose fitting short skirt kimono with swooping dangling sleeves, it was a light blue shade and decorated with a cloud pattern.

Tsunade and Shizune were likely out waiting for the princess to be delivered to them, after all Mari's father did pay Tsunade enough money to buy off all of her gambling debts she still had built up. But low and behold, the spoiled princess was bored and as she was chewing gum, she saw a small little ramen stand, looking around calmly. She called out. "STOP!"

The guards abruptly stopped, and looked around they weren't at their destination yet. Then one of the men got down on hands and knees and he was used as a footstool outside the carriage door, the other three burly fellows using their shoulders to hoist the carriage. As Mari descended down her purse dangled from her fingers and she looked around her high raised blue sandals looking much like platform shoes.

As the man then let her walk right onto his back and then settle onto the dirt path of the village. "Wow! It's so rustic.. and... and..." She looks down the road was just a path made of dirt. "OMG! A dirt road." Her stomach grumbled as she then looks around at all the people standing around gauking at the display, the young woman's Japanese crown upon her head as she looked and blinked pointing to a random pink haired girl in the crowd.

"You there. Tell me what is that place." She then points to the Ramen shop, the man inside had stopped to gawk at the unusual entourage that Mari was sporting, royalty did not grace the streets of Konoha often, sure there was Ninja nobility like the Hyuuga household, but nothing quite like an actual princess in town could match up. The arrogant princess had never smelled ramen before and to be frank it smelled awesome, much better then what she was used too.

"Y...Young lady we should..." A bumbling man who was her squire began stuttering and stumbling. "Shut it Mishihara! Go with the boys to tell this H...H...Ho...erh Ho~whatever person that I am here and they can come find me at this place with the delicious smell." She then saunters up swinging her purse on its leather sling round and round and round like a flail, before stopping her stride to stand before the Pink Haired girl, her stomach growling sure, but she'd spotted something oddly cute in the crowd, forgetting she'd actually just asked her to explain what the Ramen shop was. Her bag stopped swinging, the princess was a tall girl without the platform shoe sandals, but she just looked down at the girl she was speaking too.
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