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A Princess In Konoha ( Kobi, Mambo)

Majima Goro

Oct 29, 2017
It's early morning in the Village of Konoha, the large gates of the village opened wide. As a massive adorned carriage hauled by 4 strong men was hefted through the village. The towns folk stopped and watched as the regal looking hand carriage is brought in. The heavy built men not noticing a thing when their darling Princess Mari the daughter of the Lord of Rice, a man who could be considered the wealthiest individual in the known world.

His daughter had been sent to Konoha when the Lord of Rice felt his life was in danger, to protect his lineage he had his daughter shipped off to the Leaf Village so she could be kept safe from the assailant's he believed were after his life. Princess Mari tanned skinned beauty, with double d breasts blue eyes, blond hair, which was done up in two cascading braids, that spiraled and connected at the crown of her head, her garment a loose fitting short skirt kimono with swooping dangling sleeves, it was a light blue shade and decorated with a cloud pattern.

Tsunade and Shizune were likely out waiting for the princess to be delivered to them, after all Mari's father did pay Tsunade enough money to buy off all of her gambling debts she still had built up. But low and behold, the spoiled princess was bored and as she was chewing gum, she saw a small little ramen stand, looking around calmly. She called out. "STOP!"

The guards abruptly stopped, and looked around they weren't at their destination yet. Then one of the men got down on hands and knees and he was used as a footstool outside the carriage door, the other three burly fellows using their shoulders to hoist the carriage. As Mari descended down her purse dangled from her fingers and she looked around her high raised blue sandals looking much like platform shoes.

As the man then let her walk right onto his back and then settle onto the dirt path of the village. "Wow! It's so rustic.. and... and..." She looks down the road was just a path made of dirt. "OMG! A dirt road." Her stomach grumbled as she then looks around at all the people standing around gauking at the display, the young woman's Japanese crown upon her head as she looked and blinked pointing to a random pink haired girl in the crowd.

"You there. Tell me what is that place." She then points to the Ramen shop, the man inside had stopped to gawk at the unusual entourage that Mari was sporting, royalty did not grace the streets of Konoha often, sure there was Ninja nobility like the Hyuuga household, but nothing quite like an actual princess in town could match up. The arrogant princess had never smelled ramen before and to be frank it smelled awesome, much better then what she was used too.

"Y...Young lady we should..." A bumbling man who was her squire began stuttering and stumbling. "Shut it Mishihara! Go with the boys to tell this H...H...Ho...erh Ho~whatever person that I am here and they can come find me at this place with the delicious smell." She then saunters up swinging her purse on its leather sling round and round and round like a flail, before stopping her stride to stand before the Pink Haired girl, her stomach growling sure, but she'd spotted something oddly cute in the crowd, forgetting she'd actually just asked her to explain what the Ramen shop was. Her bag stopped swinging, the princess was a tall girl without the platform shoe sandals, but she just looked down at the girl she was speaking too.
Among the commotion in the streets, a young Kunoichi was merely trying to pass the crowds to get to the Hokage, Lady Tsunade's place in a timely manner when she was singled out in the crowd by a louder, cheerier and chipper voice.

Sakura Haruno was a young girl of about 5'2 and 16 years of age. The pink haired ninja who's locks were roughly cut and kept short - neck length, was a thin pale ninja. Her chest was small, almost flat, and she was none too curvy either. Sakura was a Ninja, small and fast, her form a tad tomboyish to a degree and her personality rough when it was warranted.

Her attention was caught as she was pointed out and then approached by the rather oddly dressed and presented young lady. "Uhm... Me?" She asked in a more bland tone, not rightly being cold to this imposing figure just yet but still clearly taken aback by the sudden question. It was then the young woman's green eyes widened softly with the realization, this must be who Tsunade was gonna have me greet she recalled the vague details of the task she would have been told about at the Hokage's office.

"Ah! You must me Lady Mari right?" Sakura asked casually. She was dressed in a zip up red sleeveless top, black spats that clung to her flatter, thinner frame worn underneath a small apron-like skirt. Sakura's black ninja sandals covered up to just under her knees and black gloves covered her hands, her red banded ninja headband tied around the top of her head. "Sakura Haruno" she introduced politely, "c'mon, this is a ramen stand" she told her, briefly remembering her teammate's fondness for the place as she headed inside of the booth and ordered.

"Let me get a bowl for each of us" Sakura told the chef, "my treat" Sakura was instructed by Lady Tsunade and picked up some diplomatic skill at least.
Mari's entourage making its way to Tsunade with out her, she grinned and hopped after the pink haired girl with the consistancy to her figure as a board might. Not that Mari absolutely hated the shear tomboy figure Sakura was totting. "Yup, Mari Rice, or Ya know daughter of the Daimyo of a land far off from here." The young woman was 17 around 6' without her shoes, but with them she had about an inch or so more to her height. Her kimono sleeves streamed behind her like tapestry as she walked, she sits down beside Sakura at the Ichiraku Ramen shop.

The chef and owner of the place Teuchi Ichiaraku looked at the girl with Sakura. "Two orders of the house special coming right up your Highness." He'd say, "Ayame on the double." He'd say to his daughter to get her into gear to start helping him prepare. "We got royalty here gonna need to make ourselves known." With all the commotion of her being royalty Mari rolled her eyes. "Ugh..." She then looks to Sakura, who unlike her looked very plain jane. Well if someone with pink hair could be that... Apples to Oranges. Her grin grew infectious, as her eyes roamed to Sakura's boobs. "Hmmm you got a really interesting figure to you."

She said as she'd let Sakura do the talking and handling of ordering some food. "Sorry to make you do this by the way, was rushed out of the Palace real early so I missed breakfast." She flashed a dazzling smile, honestly sitting next to this girl knowing who she was made many women in Konoha realize just how plain they looked. Her teeth so neat and straight and well taken care of as if her mouth had been taken care of since infantry by the best dentists money could buy. "Hmmmm...." Mari's gaze sparkling as she reached out and pokes one of the noticable but not very eye catching sort of bulges in Sakura's upper half around her chest, there was some breast flesh there, there just wasn't enough to help anyone distinguish her breasts from her ribs. "Poke...Poke." She'd even voice the action she was doing, just because.
Sakura had to crane her neck to look up at the Daimyo's daughter and tell her to watch her head walking into the shop, but she didn't judge. In fact, she even started to apologize for being so forward, maybe this eccentric girl near her age wasn't as insane as she previously came off as. When she commented on Sakura's figure however that was a bit weird, though maybe it was just some sort of custom that-


Sakura's eyes widened into pure white circles in a near cartoonish expression of blatant astonishment as she felt the sudden poke to her small chest, the faintest bump pressed in before hitting ribs, her small breast responding to the touch. It was no accident as Lady Rice announced her actions even.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" Sakura had to restrain herself with all she had to not pummel the important foreign dignity like she would some of her male acquaintances for even thinking of doing something like that, but her reaction was all the same shocked.

The girl threw her thin arms around her flat chest and she cleared her throat, regaining her composure as she stood and hugged herself, "we uhm... Don't do things like that here" she tried to put it lightly.
"Then can I feel them more later? You can touch mine any time you like." She flashed a cheeky and adorkable smile. As Mr Ichiraku and his daughter Ayame then laid out the bowls of ramen before them. "There you go, on the house." It seems phrasing didn't work on Mari who could be considered a little bit of a ditz. Looking around, and whispering to Sakura.

"This guys crazy, its not on a house..." Mari saying as if the pot was calling the kettle black, as she then looks to Ayame, who blushed upon seeing Mari looking at her. "You got a pretty girl there Mister." Mari happily started to eat away at the ramen, and like Sakura's Ramen loving compatriot, the bowl would be emptied sooner then it got to the table. Ayame had watched as Mari then belched, a sort of way to compliment the cook where she came from. "That was delicious." She'd say instead of excusing herself for the burp. Then she leaned up kissing Mr Ichiraku on the cheek and then captured Ayame's face between her hands, and to everyone in the places surprise.

Ayame's most of all, was when Mari leaned over the counter top, and gave her a kiss smack dab on the lips tongue and all dipping into Ayame's mouth as the most erotic of kisses was forced upon her, Ayame was struggling for less then .5 seconds before her shoulders slump and she surrenders to the kiss. Mari soon pulling back and sitting back, belching a second time, and covering her lips with her manicured fingers, and looks to the group. "Scuse me, may I have more." She then acted real shy after such an audacious act in public. Then the two behind the counter just look at Mari like she'd gone completely mad, her eyes drifting to Sakura's yet to be touched bowl, "You not gonna eat that?" She points to the bowl, and licks her lips.
Sakura shied back a couple steps at the disturbing comment and offer to return the favor, "it's uh... Probably not the best idea" she brushed aside the intent before their ramen was finally delivered. When the girl misunderstood the metaphor, Sakura raised a brow, giving an exaggerated look of shocked confusing, "ehh?!" she exclaimed.

Who or what is this girl? Sakura thought to herself.

While in her thoughts however, Sakura barely caught Mari scarfing down her ramen faster than her ramen-loving teammate could before quite rudely, as far as their village was concerned, burped before exclaiming how good it was. All thee owner could do was chuckle as he thanked her for her compliment, taking his kiss on the cheek.

It was then that everyone in the area, including Sakura, burst into the same wide white eyed look of pure shock as Mari kissed the young ramen maker girl deeply.

"EEEHHHH?!" The crowds reacted.

Ayame, the Ichiraku Ramen girl, daughter of the cook himself, was forced into a deep kiss. She could barely struggle before she moaned out into the kiss, her tongue meeting Mari's until it was broken. Ayame leaned back against the counter, panting and blushing with a dazed look on her face, pleased almost. "W-woah..." Her soft, lighter voice breathed out.

What ever did Sakura just get herself into?
"Hello?" She snaped her fingers in front of Sakura's face. "Your Ramen's getting cold." She grins, and looks at Ayame and everyone around them. Blinking, "What what's everyone looking so shocked about, did someone burn something?" Mari's ditsiness was almost to much, as she looked at Sakura she grins. "So, tell me bout yourself." She turned in the seat and looked right at Sakura. Before they were going to be allowed to get acquainted though, one of her enterouge had come running and looking for her.

"Princess Mari... Princess Mari...!" The man called out Mishihara her squire came running, the man out of breath. It was a little bit of a jog from the Hokage's manor to here. The princesses expression then soured hearing Mishihara's voice, her happy go lucky attitude turning to a very stern face, she hated when this man called for her. "MISHIHARA!" She got agitated and her brow actually had a twitching vein in her brow, as he ran in she then socked him right into the kisser he goes flying, and lands with... A graceful landing, perfectly executed, as if he'd had this happen many times before and knew how to recover from it.

"What... is it... you stupid man..." The princess was pouting now, she'd just felt like she'd started to make a friend and now here he was going to pull her back to her "Duty". Mishihara sees the look on Ayame's face and everyone else and bows very formally. "I apologize deeply for the princesses behavior."

He'd say almost directly correlating the looks on everyone's faces as something Mari had caused, and not the sudden pow to the kisser that sounded like it would have broken a mans jaw, yet here he was right as rain, Mr Icihraku holding a 10 sign for some unexplained reason or other. But that went away quick before anyone noticed. As he then cleared his throat. Mishihara then spoke. "The Hokage has eh, told me that someone is to escort you to her.. One Sakura Haruno if the name is to be recalled." Mishihara then looked to the pink haired girl with his handful of a charge. "Are you her?" Mishihara asked.
"Aha..." Sakura let out a nervous chuckle as she was snapped out of her stupor by the woman, "uhm... No, no" she told her, lying about whether or not 'something happened', "you... Go ahead" she pushed the bowl towards the girl, a little too wary to eat now.

Sakura heard the man approaching but before she could register what was going on a thunderous smack of her fist sending the man flying in an arc before the ramen shop owner held up some sort of sign... Was he scoring her?! Either way... That sort of attack reminded her of how she herself dealt with annoyances, particularly a certain blonde ninja she knew to say the least.

Once the odd man returned to his odd Lady, the pink haired Kunoichi heard out his concern before he turned to her, asking if the girl with Lady Rice Mari was indeed the one supposed to be with her.

"A-actually yes! I am!" Finally, an excuse, Sakura grabbed onto Mari's hand and boldly yet politely started to lead her away, "time to go to the Hokage's office, haha..." Sakura tried to look as nonchalant as possible as she tried to get this weird girl out of her hands as quick as possible.
Mari couldn't tell that Sakura was desperately trying to get rid of her. But when Mari saw how eager she was to go and see the Hokage. Mari began to pout like a child, and refused to budge, till she finished Sakura's portion of the meal, then sets the bowl down. Dusting herself off, then moving to walk right up and take Sakura's hand into her own. "Mishihara go away, you can stay here, me and Sakura are going to see this Hokage person!" Mari then tugs Sakura along with her, did she know where she was going, no she did not.

Did she plan to let Sakura just walk away with out getting the feeling this girl may not recognize genders at all,probably not. It would become all to clear, that Mari was a professional at playing hookie. Taking her down a path and a winding one, a key note Sakura might need to make was Mari wasn't as frail as you'd think, and if that punch she'd delivered straight to Mishihara's jaw was anything to go by, and Sakura's medical training in check, that man had some broken teeth from that punch. Mari lead Sakura into a district that was 'not' going to the Hokage manor, instead off to the side one could see a store with a viewing window of lingeire.

She grins, "Hmmmm...." Walking right up in front of Sakura and palming and feeling her breasts, right in the middle of public. "Do you wear a bra to make these look bigger?" Mari asked so casually. "So this is wear cute underwear comes from." She haphazardly dusts off her hands after having just openly groped Sakura just like that, she let the blue eyes of hers scan the display manikin and then a gentle breeze flutters her kimono skirt up, showing off some cute designer panties likely way more comfortable and expensive then Sakura's entire outfit. "Should we go in!?" She asked Sakura with a friendly smile, it was... really hard to stay mad at this girl, or feel any emotion other then confused.
Who was leading who here?!

As Sakura lead, Mari lead harder and in a different direction. A back alley of sorts with only really one store front, that of a lingerie shop. It was lucky for Sakura, or maybe Mari, that they were out of the public eye as the woman so boldly reached out and groped at both of Sakura's small tits.

"Gaaaaaah!!!" Sakura freaked, scooting back so fast it seemed as if she simply surfed across the ground, her hands up in the air before covering her chest, "I told you!-... I mean... That's something different in the Leaf Village" Sakura started to snap before retaining her composure once more. She chose not to answer the question even if the answer was that no, Sakura did not wear any padding and Mari would have probably been able to feel that with the grope she took.
“Hmmmm I am going in.” She dragged Sakura with her having a look around. Gazing here and there picking out a few cute ones. There was no trying on the panties. But Mari as the princess would do whatever the hell she well pleased. As she grins and takes to moving Sakura around the lingerie store. “Sorry I was asking about you earlier. Didn’t get a chance to hear you tell me about yourself. Who you are, what it is you do around here.”

She actually moves into the changing booth with Sakura there. Taking her kimono off without hesitation. As then Sakura might notice something the princess had she probably shouldn’t. Between her legs converted still but rather easy to distinguish from just a pussy bulge was when she started to peel out of her panties to try on this really cute pokedotted pair of panties.

Her dick just flopping out before the pinkettes eyes. This girl just didn’t see the issue. That a massive dick was hanging out between her legs. She then slides the panties on even if she wasn’t supposed to try on the panties in the store before purchase as a result she was definitely showing that rebellious side.
"Waaaah!" Sakura squealed out as the eccentric, rather pushy noble woman dragged her inside of the lingerie store. There were many different skimpy articles, many advertised the village's symbol on them while others were merely skimpy kimono, fishnet materials, things their era found sexy Sakura supposed, though it wasn't her thing. Mari pulled Sakura around before doing as she did, getting personal with Sakura as she bombarded her with questions.

"Well... Uhm I'm a medical ninja and- woah!" Sakura tried to talk but was yanked behind the curtain of the changing room in the blink of an eye before Lady Rice Mari began to... Strip herself?! Down came her kimono in a flash and the girl moved to push down her panties, revealing an incredible secret.

Sakura threw her gloved hands over her face in embarrassment, "I-I don't think that's appropriate to-..." Sakura peeked through her fingers, they were girls after all, it wasn't like anything was different right?


"YOU'RE A BOY?!!!!" Sakura exclaimed loudly enough for the whole store to hear, though luckily no one was brave enough to go check out the situation.

Sakura covered her eyes again, blushing madly before the girl peeked through her fingers again. In her head a more honest version of herself shouted in her mind, holy crap that thing is huge!
"Hmmm, boy... no no no.. no....mama had one of these too, dad has one too... do you not have one as well?" Mari looked down at her cock, it was huge, as she stood there. Gazing at Sakura a moment and holds out a pair of panties she'd picked out for her. "Go on try one of these on, I bet you'd look cute in them." She'd picked out some real expensive ones.

The pushy young woman grins with her whole heart, that dick flopping about between her legs was a different story, just under the dick she had a slit like any other woman would have. In fact one might notice the dick came from the same spot on her body where the clit would have been on her pussy. Meaning it wasn't really a dick in the sense one thought, more like a really big and long cliterous that had a very phalic shape to it.

"If you don't atleast try a pair on I will tell the Hokage you weren't being a hospitable hostess." Soon Mari began to realize Sakura may not have wanted to do things with her, and apparently she was going to make Sakura do so. She holds out a cute pair of panties they had a very soft fabric to them. Sakura was not from a wealthy family, a very average one you might say, and she was not born to a Ninja clan the first in her family to actually strive to become a ninja.
"I don't... That doesn't make any sense!" Sakura gaped, staring at the girl's member whether it was for the underlying naughty thoughts she suppressed quite successfully or for the curiosity of this biological marvel. Either way, she put out of her mind for now that she was blatantly staring at another woman nude, staring at a naked cock as it just swayed with her motion.

"What no!" Sakura protested as she was presented with a small pair of panties, "we have to get to the Hokage we can't be wasting-" Sakura was cut off again by a new tactic this time... A threat.

Sakura gritted her teeth, green eyes watching Mari carefully, "you... You can't... Ugh" Sakura just sighed and gave up, she knew how these things went and knew a bratty noble like this would make due on her threats and no matter how well she knew Tsunade or how much the Hokage would believe Sakura's side of the story, the customer was right in this scenario and there was nothing the pink haired girl could do.

"Fine" Sakura grumbled and took the pair of panties, noting how soft and high quality they were. With a deep sigh Sakura turned around, she hooked her thumbs into her black spats and pulled them and her panties down her thin legs. She hid herself well, her flat backside barely visible under the pinkish apron-like article she wore over her shorts, and quickly she stepped into the dainty panties and began pulling them up.
"Pfft you are so totally shy come on they are panties nothing to hide." She flipped up the Apron and had Sakura face her butt to the mirror. "They match your hair beautifully." The princess walked up standing next to her as he had her panties on now, the light blue with the white pokedots would work well with her figure. She grins and makes Sakura turn around and show off her flat backside.

The princess had to note that despite its flatness. There was something to be said about a nice athletic backside. "You should eat more and plump up a little, boys like a little more meat ya know." She winks and gives Sakura's butt a fondle and making her show off against her will.

"By the way... this Hokage person? Man or woman, and do they have anything they particularly like. I need to thank them properly ya know, seeing as they agreed to shelter me while my father is fearing for his life that some assassins are after him and his fortune, but to keep his bloodline atleast safe, he shipped me out here and paid this... Hokage person a large sum of money to keep me safe." She delved a little into the backstory on why she was here, all while geting the pink haired tomboy to perk her butt out and wiggle it before a mirror.
Sakura jerked up the pink, lacy panties quickly over her athletic flat butt. The way she was, Sakura was bent forward softly, rear facing the mirror as Mari began to marvel rather forwardly.

When it was mentioned that she should eat more so that she could have a more plump figure, Sakura's face went bright red and she hoisted down the skirt apron roughly, "I'm doing just fi- Wahhh!" Sakura jumped when her flat, but rather tight ass was groped and fondled by the tall woman. "H-hey! I told you-!" But Mari was too fast a talker.

She mentioned the Hokage, doing something nice for her, the tone shift was so abrupt that Sakura for a moment forgot she was standing there in just panties. "Uh... Well?" Sakura on instinct turned her attention to the question as she heard out Mari's rather serious, real reason for being there, "she does like Sake" Sakura thought aloud, thinking it was a less harmful vice than gambling, which she also loved.
"Great, Mishihara!" She called out, a sudden crash through the roof as someone had seemingly came running and jumped into the building at such a pace he supermaned into the building. Soon enough he was standing outside hand over his heart. As he seemed to be ready to obey at the drop of a hat.

The woman gripped and groping Sakura's bony butt, she stops. Then peeks out of the curtain keeping Sakura hidden behind her while her head and shoulders were the only thing he could see. Her perky rear jutting right out into Sakura's face, she had to knock the girl down so she wasn't being ogled by her steward. "Go and buy the best bottle of sake you can, and make it ready in 4 minutes, we will be out, and then we can go and see this Hokage.

Also pay for my friends panties, she really likes them, don't you Sakura?" She said peeking back, if Sakura decided to complain on it, Mari was more then happy to stick her foot right into Sakura's mouth. "She really likes them, buy them Mishi darling." The woman speaking nice to her steward when she wanted something. "Yes Milady!" He said paying not only for the panties on his way out, but for the damage done to the roof when he came in, as he goes to many lengths to procure the best bottle of sake that exists in this world, or likely going on a huge quest to find the god bottle of sake which exists only in legends, Mishi was very loyal to a fault, and likely would do whatever it took to get the best for what his charge asked.
Suddenly a loud crash erupted into the building as a figure landed promptly at the curtain of the changing room at Mari's command. Sakura's face stretched into a wide white eyed expression with her mouth agape in a drastic shocked expression, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THA-Ooof" Sakura exclaimed before suddenly the tall woman's ass pressed back against her from Mari bending over to peek out of the curtain, forcing her back onto the bench.

Sakura fell on her ass onto the bench in the dressing room before hearing that these pink panties she was forced to wear were to be purchased for her. "Wa-mmph!" Sakura tried to protest before she found Mari's dainty toes shoved into her mouth to keep her quiet. "Mmph!" Sakura grabbed her ankle and tried to pull away, but she was not in the position to move much and ended up moving in a way that would simulate her sucking on the noble's toes, her tongue licking against them in attempts to avoid them.
As Sakura was licking her feet, Mari moaned. Mishihara likely running off to get a bottle of legendary sake. Then she turned and looked down to Sakura. "Ohhh my you know how to suck feet. Must have a real fetish for them huh." She popped the toes out of Sakura's mouth a trail of lewd saliva just stranding from the tips of her toes. She dusts her hands off. Pulling off the pair she was wearing. "Consider the new panties my gift to you, your welcome to wear them out when we go see the Hokage together." She smiled and redressed herself rather quickly. Moving to help her up.

"Come on, let's not keep the Hokage waiting." Mari helps Sakura to her feet, and then moved to go and make sure Mishihara was gone. "Come on." This time, if anything they'd be making their way up towards the Hokage's place finally, she'd be lead into the Hokage's office soon enough, and with Sakura by her side, certainly.

Sakura had a lot to talk to Tsunade about upon arriving back, but Mari had gotten the bottle of Sake readied just in case things were real bad. Mishihara entering the room with a giant bottle the size of a great sword of Sake, it was massive and had a golden color to it. "Lady Hokage I would presume?" Mari curtsied like a princess and looks to her. "I thank you kindly on my honor as a princess for taking me in."
Sakura panted, mostly because of being out of breath but it did seem lewd as she panted after her foot was pulled away. "Wh-what, you..." Sakura wiped her mouth with her forearm as she just glared at Mari. She was the one who moaned with her foot in Sakura's mouth, she didn't know what to make of it.

It was hard to protest, Sakura was whipped around and worn from this crazy woman, so with her actually ready to see Tsunade, Sakura jumped at the chance and hurriedly yanked up her shorts. "Y-yeah... Lets go" she said as she was quickly dragged from the store all the way to the Hokage's mansion. The large building with a rounded red roof came into view and the two entered, heading up the stairs to a small room with a desk, a female figure sitting at the desk.

"Ah, welcome" she started, her voice a stern but seductive husky tone, "Lady Rice, I am the Fifth Hokage" she said, taking a soft bow, "it is an honor to have you here" Tsunade told her. Tsunade herself was also a tall woman. She wore dark blue capri pants and sandals with heels, a white kimono top held a rather massive chest even with the loose green robe draped over her shoulders. She was blonde with long hair done back, a stern face, lipstick, and oddly a diamond shaped seal upon her forehead.

"I hope my student was as great a help as usual" she asked about her journey there while complimenting Sakura.
As they arrived, Mari got a good look at the woman, "Wow, your huge... I mean beautiful... I mean...-clears throat- Mishihara, our gift present it. And your student has been most gracious, she's helped show me around the place. We took a bit of a detour on our way here, apologize we were both hungry, and on our way here we passed this lingerie store. Found lots of cute pairs. Was a real thrilling experience."

She curtsied, also in the room was a dark haired woman holding a piglet in her arms, she was quiet. Mishihara presented to Tsunade the bottle he had been asked to deliver it was as long as Tsunade's desk from left to right and it was filled with a Legendary Sake. There was only one of these bottles in existence, "I present a gift as a token of my thanks. Oh Sakura why don't you show her the cute panties you got." Mari looked to Sakura.

If Sakura wanted any answers, it was now the time for her to let them all out. Because there would be no other chance she'd get answers that made sense.
Tsunade raised a thin brow at Mari's... Greeting, "why thank you" she answered calmly and nearly without reaction. "A gift? You certainly didn't have to" the Lady Hokage smirked softly with pink lips until she gave a chuckle, her brows raised in concern with a smile as she was told of their adventures. "It sounds like you two had... Quite the time?" Tsunade almost sounded as if she had no idea how to respond to any of that.

When the large container was presented, Tsunade was taken aback and leaned back in shock, hands on her desk as she gaped at the presented gift. "Oh... Wow, that is amazing, you honor us greatly" Tsunade regained composure as she accepted the gift.

Sakura glared at Mari with a sternly concerned look as she was addressed and asked to show her panties to the Hokage of all people. Swiftly she turned to Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade" Sakura interjected, "I have to raise some concerns, where is this person from and why is she here?" She asked, "she could get into trouble if not explained some of... Her behavior and what it means here" the pink haired girl told the Hokage.

Tsunade looked to her, "Sakura" she said in a stern voice, "she is here under our protection and supervision" she said vaguely in a tone that could only meant she felt Sakura's statements were rather judging. Sakura bit her tongue and quieted, for now.
"Thank you for showing me around Sakura. I have such a desire in my hear to show you my hospitality." She said, flashing a warm smile. As she walked right up, taking Sakura's hand gently in hers. Standing face to face with Sakura, as Tsunade didn't seem inclined to do any explaining beyond what she gave.

Mari then puts her hands to the sides of Sakura's face. Then much like she had with the Ramen shops daughter, subjected Sakura to a warm delightful kiss right in front of the Hokage and her aide. As she kissed Sakura, stealing her lips away from her Precious Sasuke. Who really wouldn't be worth all the time and pain she put into wanting to be with him, the kiss though was slapped on her, no questions asked, nothing.

She kissed, and pushed her tongue into Sakura's mouth, the lewd feeling, it was taboo, girls should not be making out with girls it was indecent, surely Sakura would be thinking this, yet she'd find it hard to stop her, if she got violent her teacher would see her assaulting their guest.
"Tch..." Sakura turned her attention to Mari when she spoke to her but said nothing. The young Kunoichi gasped as her hands were taken, and then her face...

"Mmph!!!" Sakura's eyes widened slightly as she was so suddenly kissed by Mari, so deeply. She had no time to fight the tongue that invaded her mouth and the kiss was so intense that even unwilling, it stole Sakura's breath away making it hard to fight back.

Tsunade flinched as if she was going to stand for it before she cleared her throat, "ahem... Perhaps it wouldn't be the best to do this right now?" She suggested peacefully.

Sakura growled crudely into the kiss but as her tongue was stimulated, her knees started to buckle, her amazing strength suddenly gone.
"Yes you are right Lady Hokage, tell you what, someone show me to my lodgings. And me and Sakura here will do some quality bonding." The Princess offered a smile to the surrounding.

Mishihara cleared his throat then and there. "Actually we had some lodgings procured for you here in the Hokage Manor ahead of times, one of the guest bedrooms has been remodled and refurnished to suit your highnesses tastes and interests during your stay here." With that Mari looked to Sakura with a playful smirk, "Come let's go see my room." She then dragged Sakura off with her.

Upon arrival, what had once been a very modest guest bedroom, opening the door, and inside the furnishings and art decorum as well as the bed, vanity and other things, including personal bathroom with shower and bath. It was like they had just went from walking through a building designed for the Leader of a Ninja village to seeing the inside of a princesses bedroom at a massive castle. Dragging Sakura in with her she grins, and shuts the door behind them locking out Mishihara, and anyone from disturbing them. "Now then." She licks her lips, "Ahh yes." She grabs her and goes back to kissing the strength right out of Sakura.
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