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RWBY - Dust Accident! (Koibito & Mambo3)


Jan 7, 2017
"Fwaahh~" the charmingly cute voice of the young Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY at Beacon Academy, sighed down the hall. "That was a good training session~" she spoke aloud to herself, always such the expressive girl no matter what she was feeling. This day, like most others this far into her semester was a busy day of classes and training which she had just gotten to the later half of and she had some time to kill before her next class. Ruby made her way down the hall to her room, looked in, and quickly shut the door behind her nervously as she walked into the empty dorm with the two sets of bunk beds on either side of the room. This day, however, was only the same as more recent days as far back as last week when the young Ruby had a bit of a mishap that would change her life completely. Though it had yet to be seen if it were temporarily or forever, for better or worse, but it was about to be discovered.

Ruby was a girl of shorter height and pale skin with a rather lithe yet toned body. A talented and intelligent, albeit innocent girl with wide, curious, round silver eyes and short, neck length hair that was near black red which naturally faded into a conventional red. Ruby's combat outfit as well as her usual, out of uniform attire, was a tight black short dress that covered her arms down to her wrists which at the end of the thigh high skirt-dress and sleeves bore red, ruffled trimming completely with a black, red laced corset around her waist that stopped just under her breasts. Leggings covered her creamy legs as did thick, black boots with red undersides and finally a red, hooded cape that snapped onto her dress flowed as she walked into the room.

"But... This again!..." tears dramatically flowed down her over-expressive face as she looked into the long mirror and lifted the skirt to show a rather different appendage down below her waist.

Just about a week ago Ruby had found herself sitting in the center of the aftermath of a minor Dust explosion outside where she had taken some of Weiss' Dust, the crystalline energy source of strange magics that only those of richer blood could afford, to study it a bit for her classes. She of course borrowed it without her knowing, with intent of giving it back, but keeping a couple pieces in close proximity and dropping them on herself like when those two first met, had concocted an odd mixture resulting in a warping of her body ever slightly. Dust could be absorbed into the body and used for many things, but unintentionally this time it had created something unlike any other and just a week later Ruby was staring it in the face as the object sprung forth from under her panties and leggings -- Ruby had a cock.

Pulling down her leggings followed by her black, red laced panties, her member was revealed. It seemed like it never went down and it was incredibly sensitive; it wasn't too big, only a good six inches in length with a decent girth to match but boy did it spray buckets when she came due to it's sensitivity. At first the silver-eyed girl didn't want to even touch it but as the days went on, her arousal made it impossible to think so she took to satisfying it when she could.

Today was just too much, Ruby tried to tough it out until the end of the day but she needed to cum now. Luckily no one was usually back at the dorm by now so she had some time to herself before getting ready for class. It was cute and pale like the rest of her and it pulsed intensely below the black-red pubic hair above and her tight, virgin pussy below. Cloth pulled to her thighs and skirt held up with one hand, Ruby, already sweating a bit from her training, reached a hesitant free hand towards her member and gripped it firmly. One pump, two, suddenly Ruby felt something snap and she arched hard, a thick blast of spunk splattering their mirror as she shook and shut her eyes tight -- it was getting worse.

Suppressing her sounds throughout her first, premature orgasm, Ruby went to the bed in front of the door and laid down. She arched her back as soon as she started jerking off again but at least this time she wasn't instantly cumming. Her boot heels dug into the sheets as she furiously worked her hand at her cock, grunting her cute grunts and moaning through gritted teeth as her eyes started rolling back. Ruby's thin body began to quiver and tremble as within minutes she felt another orgasm rising. It was just too much, she couldn't take it anymore, and she was in so much pleasure that she didn't even realize she had accidentally left the door unlocked, aiming her cock at the door so that she didn't get messy and she could merely wipe the door clean afterwards.

"Oh crud!!!" Ruby suddenly screamed as a thick rope of cum, the first of many, splashed out towards her target.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

A yellow motorcycle zipped through Vale City traffic. A slender figure dressed in a black and yellow riders jacket, with a pair of matching pants. Zipped and weaved among the cars and trucks along the free way. Her bike radio blaring her theme song like it was the most natural song to listen to while breaking several speed limits and traffic laws.

"Come on, come on... gotta get there in less then 30 minutes." Yang said as in a side bag slung over her shoulder a Pizza hung. Long story short Yang had taken a part time job while things were slow for during the Beacon School days. After all her hair care products and clothes weren't cheap and she didn't really like relying on her dad for an allowance.

Thus she took a part time delivering pizza to earn her spending money. The black and yellow bike helmet with visor glistening as tail lights from trucks and cats glared off it. "Screw it, taking a short cut." She'd say and vere off the road and towards the bridge side and then jumped her bike onto the street below.

If there was any law enforcement watching it be bad news bears, but all that occurred was some slight glances. Almost like the people of Vale were used to such things. Her mission to deliver the pie in less then or equal to 30 minutes cutting close. Till she pulls up to the house with 29 minutes and 15 seconds to spare. So she dismounted her bike upon pulling up to the house of the customer.

Then knocked loud on the door till the owner of the house answered. A slack jawed middle aged man answered the door, Yang with one hand pulled off her bike helmet. Shakes out her messy mass of blond hair and looks the man in the eyes holding out the pizza. "How was my time, also that will be 300 Lien." She said smiling, a little sweaty from that rush with traffic. The man looking dumb founded looked at his watch.

"Exactly 30 minutes..." He said taking the pizza from her and exchanging the money, when he did so Yang gave a loud. "Yippee Cadleburg is mine!" She said making a video game reference that only a few may have gotten. Before grinning and walking back to her bike with a little saunter. She opens the trunk compartment of her bike pulling out a hair tie and a baseball cap.

She pulled her hair back into a long streaming pony tail, then threads it out the back and making sure she looks fashionable enough when, a meow tone came from her pocket, as on the phone Blake was asking her to stop by the dorm and grab something she forgot. Texting into the scroll to her darling pussy cat, before she then hopped back onto bumble bee. Then rides back to the dorm, she'd no idea about Ruby's condition just yet, and when she arrived back at the dorm to grab the item Blake forgot, and she opened the door, the blond haired girl was surprised almost instantly when suddenly thick ropey cum just splatted right into her face. It got in her eyes, which just pissed her off a little the ends of her hair turning red a moment thankfully she had worn a hat at that moment or it'd have gotten in her hair. "Who the... Ruby what the hell is that~!" Yang, Ruby's sister looked stunned at the rod her sister was playing with... between her legs.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

The door swung open and Ruby gasped aloud mid orgasm, "Yang!" the lanky teenager exclaimed as her cock spewed a thick shot right into her big sister's face, splashing right in her eye. "Oh no!" Ruby squeaked rapidly as her hand couldn't stop, her cock twitching as the rest came full force, and even more so from getting caught it seemed.

"U-UNGH!!!" Ruby's silver eyes went crossed as her cock exploded with shot after shot. Ruby streaked across her cheek, slung a load over her hat that hung over the bill of it, her spunk patted against the jacket the blonde wore splashing loudly against the leather as she came on her chest too. The last few shots blasted over the sheets, some of the mess splattering over her hand and staining her pantyhose with her own seed.

"Ahhh... Nnhhh... Ooohhh..." Ruby's cutely hallowed voice panted out with little whines here and there at her post orgasm bliss. Something was off however... As Ruby's hand gripped her cock, instead of it going limp, it actually seemed to tense up even harder!

When Yang accusingly asked what it was, Ruby gripped it with both hands as if to hide it, doing a terrible job. "I-i-it's nothiiiING!" Her voice cracked as she covered it with both hands, her girly cock twitching in her hands.

"N-Nothing at all I-...." Ruby looked to her sister, to her hands obscuring a long object, and back to Yang again. "Okay... Don't tell anyone!" Ruby quickly answered, "I was messing with Weiss' dust and it just happened and it wont go down I wasn't supposed to be borrowing her dust don't say a word please!" Ruby blurted out in a single jumble of words as spastically as she usually was.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Sighing she was a mess now and needed a shower more then ever. She texted Blake and said a simple message of. "I might be running a little late." She then pressed send. Before gazing at Ruby. Then turning her scroll to silent, as she then walks over and snaps her fingers pointing to their dorm issued bathroom. "In there now..." She said as she peeled her hat off, and then her jacket. "Bad enough I am all sweaty from running my job..." She then shakes the gunk off the bill of her hat. "Your buying me a new hat sis.."

Then she tossed it in the garbage as the smell was never coming off. She then moved to the restroom, and began to strip her jacket completely off, underneath she was sporting a yellow tanktop, that hugged her breasts tight, her pants then peeled off revealing yellow matching boy short underwear. Her hair was let out from the binding she'd kept it in and brushed it out of her face as it waterfalls down.

"Ruby... come on." She said, trying to coax her sister to get moving to the bathroom. "We can shower together... just this once... Better find away to hide it from your wife... I mean Weiss." She used her standard issue Yang humor there a moment.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Ruby pouted with her pale face as red as could be now. As she was scolded, Ruby pointed her fingers together, fidgeting by poking the tips together bashfully. "But Yang I..." She was cut off by her sister's demand to buy her a new hat which Ruby simply backed down from and nodded too.

With slumped shoulders, Ruby went to the bathroom like a child who had been grounded. Once inside, Yang entered behind and, to Ruby's surprise, started to strip.

Ruby had been nude with her sister many times before, but something about this time was different, watching that top expose her tight midriff, those shorts hugging her thighs, it caused an even more needing tingly feeling in her new lower extremity.

"Wh-what does that mean?!" Ruby whined as Yang made her joke, picking on her little sister. Huffing softly, Ruby undid her corset, threw her dress over her head, kicked off her boots and pushed down her pantyhose. Ruby's legs were pale, skinny, and lanky, she was an awkward little teen through and through. Her butt was not necessarily flat but it was small and cute, her body was exposed except for her chest which would be solved soon as Ruby undid the red and black lacy bra, tossing it to the floor. Ruby's tits were the cutest, they pointed more than they were round, and her nipples were small and cute, pink as could be and begged to be suckled on, they were incredibly perky and at this moment her nipples were stiff.

Nothing however was as hard as that cute girl-cock she was sporting.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

"Also, you've not seen Blake's small black book she left on her bed did you? She asked me to bring it to her when I got done here.." She looks down to her sisters... Dick, well that feeling wasn't going to stop being awkward for a while. As she sees her sisters little prick, it was... kinda cute. A little pale, and.. well did she mention in her head it was cute. "Come on you get in first before you swing that thing somewhere and hurt someone."

She grins and turns the shower on as she then began peeling the sweat soaked tank top and boyshorts off. As the blonde undressed her sister could see just above her slit was a curly little trail of blond hair, her nipples rosy upon her D-cups, and her lavender colored eyes looking at Ruby.

"Hmmm, a hard little thing isn't it? Wonder how this happened... Maybe Weiss might know how to fix it, if you see her should try and ask... this isn't exactly easy to be looking at my little sister and pondering if I should be giving her little brother a check out." She'd wink as she stood stark naked, and gazing at her sister. "What's the matter Blake got your tongue?" She winks, noticing her sister was staring at her a little more then was probably healthy among siblings.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

"U-uhh... Mmnmnn" Ruby shook her head as she didn't rightly know how to respond to such a casual comment in a moment like this, but she had not seen said book. Ruby could nearly feel Yang staring at her cock and she tucked in her hips, shying away to the side just a little as her smaller, pale cock swayed with the motion. The fifteen year old's face brightened as Yang told her she could hurt someone with it.

As the water was turned on, Ruby stepped in and let the water run down her skinny little bony body. In the shower, Ruby couldn't help but watch dumbfounded as Yang's breasts bounced forth from under her yellow top. She had seen Yang's tits many times before, it was never a big deal, but somehow this time they just looked... They looked so soft, she noticed the rosy shade of her nipples, and as Yang pulled her shorts down, Ruby's cock started to ache, tensing up.

Yang started to talk about it like it was just some inconsequential thing to mention off hand, she talked about how hard it was and Ruby brought her fists to her chest as the feeling coursed through her. The younger sibling gasped as Yang mentioned Weiss, "n-nooooo you can't tell her!" she whined, worried her sister would spill the beans. Though as Yang suggested checking out Ruby's 'little brother' as Yang referred to her cock as, the member in question became so excited it was visibly throbbing and twitching, Ruby herself shaking slightly.

It seemed the answer was giving itself, "wh-what do you even mean?" Ruby asked, innocently confused.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

"I'll explain when your older, now get in." She said and noticed that little brother getting a little bit taller. Ruby had a skinny prick, much like herself it wasn't tall, and it wasn't thick. But it did exist and it was there, which all the more awkward. She got in once Ruby did, and just started to wash. But everytime she moved or bent, Ruby behind her would feel her sisters shapely ass pressed right against her.

Though Yang wasn't exactly crotch level, if Ruby got on her little tippie toes she might just be able to hot dog her little sausage between those cheeks. Yang was however not paying that much attention or rather trying to not over stimulate her sister, the innocent girl couldn't handle the teasing Yang could really do, and she was just trying to go easy on her. But when it was time to turn around and get her hair she looks down. Then at her sister. Gently shaking her head.

"That's really stiff looking." She said and squats down low, and starts wrapping her palm around Ruby's shaft and starts to jerk, and judging by her motion, might surprise or not at all surprise Ruby to know that Yang knew the proper jerk motion for a cock, not to hard, but not gentle either. Quick pumps up and down. " Take a deep breath spread your legs more and relax."
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Ruby just got in and started to wash, in locker rooms it was common to shower together and so that much didn't bother Ruby. The dorm showers were smaller though, and so Ruby, as well as her aching, sensitive cock, just barely avoided brushing against Yang whenever they had to move. Her dodging was successful, that was until she bent and Yang's plump ass pressed right against Ruby's cock.

"U-uuhhhaaa?~..." Ruby started to raise her voice as if questioning Yang before drooling out the sound at the skin on skin contact. Ruby didn't do it on purpose, but when she felt the soft, smooth feeling of her own sibling's ass against that 'little brother' of hers, Ruby couldn't help but curl her cute little toes, her feet stretching to standing on her tip toes in response which casually pushed the shaft of her twitching little dick between the busty blonde's ass cheeks, hotdogging her sister's ass almost entirely unintentionally!

Her big doe eyes watched widely with interest as her small cock spasmed against her sister's backside before she fell back to her heels and Yang pulled away, turning around to face her.

Yang commented on the stiffness and Ruby brought her fists to her chin as her knees bent, the girl nodding needingly as if someone understanding was a relief to her. Her own sibling, as messed up as it was, knelt down and suddenly without a second thought began jacking Ruby off.

"C-crud!" Gulped Ruby in a lewd sound as Yang so expertly jerked her off, beating her dick with rather incredible skill, though even to Ruby it was no surprise, Yang was known to know her way around a dick after all.

Ruby tried to relax but it just felt too good, her little cock twitched in Yang's hand as she firmly beat off her sister, the tip swelling with need already as her tight butt clenched, her small pussy soaking wet as she panted, her voice cracking at every word she tried to spill out of her drooling mouth.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Yang expertly aimed the dick so her sisters load would shoot over her shoulder and not onto her. Yang jerked slowly up and down the shaft she pressed close and moved her hand around to her sisters cute little butt, and pushed her finger inside. If Ruby had a cock she'd likely also gained a prostate. Which in that case, her fingers explore the tight orfice.

"Relax your pucker." She said softly and gripped a little tighter her face planted just a little onto Ruby's hip just right over Yang's shoulder was the dick aimed, and her fingers exploring Ruby's hole, till she found what felt like the right button. Then her finger started to push it and tease the prostate.

"Ruby you get any of it on me your going to lick it off." She was stern, Yang liked dick, she loved dick, and she loved her sister. But she hated, absolutely hated getting cum in her hair. She was very adament about that fact. "Understood?" She said as her palms soft as they were had some rough ridges to them, she'd not had time to lotion, and Yang's hands were her weapons, so they were bound to be quite rough.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Ruby watched as Yang just jerked off her little sister like it was no big deal, there was no way it was okay for siblings to just do this... Right?

"Ungh!" But it felt so good! Ruby's mouth hung agape as her tongue poked out over her bottom lip. Her little cock twitched and throbbed in Yang's rough hand, the feeling amazing as Yang just jerked her over her shoulder. Her dick was already leaking pre-cum, Ruby was not good at holding her load and was already about to cum when Yang pulled something new.

Ruby's tight butt clenched when she felt Yang's finger invading her hole and her cock visibly twitched in response. "Yaaaaaaaang!" Ruby whined, "what are you doing?!" she squealed as Yang told her to relax, it wasn't really something she could do here.

It didn't take long though, as soon as Yang found the button Ruby let out a loud, high pitched squeal. Her bony knees shook and her pussy clenched tight, her cock stiffened up more and swelled, and all at once Ruby came hard.

"Uwaaah! Ungh! Eeeh! Ahhhh!" Ruby cried out awkwardly with each shot, her cock burst thick loads that just arced over Yang's shoulder as the blonde intended, each spurt of hot, white girl cum splattered onto the shower floor behind them as Yang expertly aimed Ruby away. Her skinny body jerked with each shot until Ruby finished, a panting mess as her tongue hung from her mouth and her eyes looked forward in a daze.

Surprisingly enough though, even as Ruby had cum such a glorious and harsh orgasm, her cock... It was still rock hard, not tiring at all!
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

As Yang jerked Ruby off, she makes sure as she's pumping to get it allll out. Once every last bit had been pumped she realized this cock was a little feisty for such a small thing. Kinda like the person it was attached too. She sighed, and brushed her hair behind her ear a real sexy way, then as she was squat down like a trained stripper, she pushed her warm mouth around Ruby's dick. Gathering some spit and making sure to just coat it with saliva as she bobbed her head back and fourth along the shaft.

"Hmmmm you've got spunk dear sister, but there hasn't been a cock I haven't been able to wear out." She'd wink up playfully, she'd not been interested in doing this at first, but it was oddly mind numbingly fun to tease her younger sibling, and she made the cutest faces when she got it just right.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Ruby panted out as Yang slowly worked out every last drop before realizing that Ruby was still hard. The younger girl watched curiously as Yang simply looked to her cock, brushed her hair back, and like it was nothing just popped her cock into her mouth and began blowing her little sister.

The lanky body of the fifteen year old Ruby jerked and froze up as she felt the warmth of Yang's skilled mouth over her cock. "Crud!" Ruby grabbed Yang's head, fingers digging into her hair as she pushed forward, her stuff cock twitching inside.

When Yang nearly talked around her cock, teased her and told her she would wear her cock out, Ruby bit her lip. When yang started to suck, bobbing her head as she sucked off her little sis, Ruby's eyes rolled back into her head and she whined out in pleasure.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Yang, sucked her, bobbing her head back and fourth over Yang's cock. She hears the sound of her scroll buzzing and rolls her eyes, looking up popping her sister from her mouth for a split second. She got up a second and and clicked the scroll to speaker. On the other end, Blake was calling her.

"Yang... I really need my book, what's taking so long." Their monotoned team members voice calls over the scroll speaker, Yang made a press of her finger to her lips. As she goes back to jerking off Ruby. Ruby should know that Yang and Blake were a tight knit thing even if Yang had a habit of sleeping around her one true loves were her pussy cat, her training, and in third place her sister. How times had changed since coming to Beacon. As she jerked Ruby, her eyes drifted up.

"Don't worry I have it right here, just taking a quick shower before I head out again, do you need me to grab anything else on the way?" Yang spoke so Blake could hear her, while she jerked Ruby off, eying her, her mouth silently moving 'you squeal I will not finish this.' Then continues to speak to Blake who was on Speaker Scroll. "Maybe a fish patty sandwhich from Dust John's Silvers. "Sure sure, will get you a fish paddy sandwich, what would you like to drink?" She casually jerked off Ruby. "Some milk if you can get it in a small carton." Blake answered promptly.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

The way Yang rolled her eyes so casually despite the dick in her mouth made it twitch, Ruby didn't know why. Everything about Yang was so casual, it always was, no doubt she could give a grin and a pun even if she was the center of a gangbang at that very moment. Her eye roll reminded Ruby of this, of Yang's personality, which reminded her of the taboo thing they were doing and that it was Yang doing this, her cock swelled in response.

The scroll went off and Yang reached out of the shower to grab her vibrating scroll, she gestured for Ruby to hush as she answered. Her eyes went wide and the girl gulped as Yang answered and just casually talked on the phone while resuming beating her off. The girl covered her mouth hurriedly, shaking in pleasure as her oversensitive dick was stroked again.

Listening to her talk, like it was just some bland conversation with this going on, it aroused Ruby even further.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

"Okay, if that's all I will see you in about 30 minutes, you by the bookstore?" She said as she continued to beat off Ruby, she grabs some soap and started to rub it over the dick, the soap in this had lotion ingredients and if anyone whose ever touched a dick with lotion on their hands knows. The shit burns, and it also makes the dick stand out really on edge.

"Yes, by the book store." Blake said.

"Great, will see you then love you kitty kisses." Yang said with a completely different tone to normal as it was a sign she was teasing Blake.

"Ugh....yeah kay bye um.... honey..." Seems Yang was rubbing off on Blake and Blake's almost emotionless tone didn't seem to carry the idea that she was pulling a Yang, while still trying to be Blake.

The scroll turns off, and with a click it went silent.

"Now then where were we, ahh yes." She begins jerking her more, and this time faster. "Think we can get this over in 5 got to meet Blake as you just heard."
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Ruby listened to the conversation and tensed, eyes widening as she felt the stinging tingling around her cock, being jerked off harder and faster and all the more slippery. "Ungh! Uwaaahh!" Ruby came again just as the scroll ended the call, her jizz sprayed out wherever Yang would have her aimed, but yet still... It was hard!

Ruby blushed brightly as Yang asked if they could finish up in five minutes, "I... I don't know" she admitted, it took a lot to get her cock to rest for a little while. It was quite the active little fella, but what could she do about that? "I-I'll try" Ruby said with determination, her dick twitching hard.

Yang would have to up the game quite a bit if she wanted to keep her record of never meeting a dick she couldn't wear out.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Grimacing this dick was a stubborn one. She sighed, and maybe should have extended the period she promised Blake. She pushed Ruby up against the wall, and pressed her hips close and without much thought. Angled Ruby's dick right where she wanted it, and pushed her pussy up against Ruby's dick and shoved herself down on it. Groaning as she rode the thing with her pussy grinding rolling her hips, as she starts banging her cunt up against Ruby's dick.

"Come...on, go down stupid dick... ugh." She groans feeling the prick deep in her she gripped down on Ruby's shoulders as she pushed and thrusts her pussy down up agaisnt Ruby's cock pushing her against the panes of the shower screen her awkward little butt pressed against and being squeezed as she hammers. There was a pause, if she was gonna get this done in record time she knew only one way. "Pull my hair..." Yang stated, there was only one way.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Ruby gasped as Yang brought out the big guns. That was, Ruby was pushed against the pane of the shower door, her awkward ass flat against the glass as Yang made the both of them stand while she positioned herself over Ruby's cock before crudely shoving the thing up her tight cunt.

"Aaack!" Ruby went cross eyed as for the first time, she felt pussy. Ruby's mind went white as she felt the warmth gripping her and she nearly came instantly. Luckily she held out for now as Yang started humping up against Ruby's dick, bouncing her ass off the glass as they both stood and Yang fucked Ruby's cock.

When she told her to pull her hair, Ruby got an idea about what Yang was going for and she gulped, but as Yang rode her dick, squeezing her little cock inside as she grunted for it to go down, she instinctively reached up and grabbed hold of Yang's blonde hair, pulling hard as she awkwardly humped her skinny hips into Yang, her own sister.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

As Ruby tugged her hair, it was then clear the extra strength root protector Yang had been trying was to much for Ruby to tug.

Grimacing, Yang reached up, and plucked a strand of her hair and went red. This caused her to get real violent in her thrusting, having gone into rage mode. She was more agitated and hyped up, but also much more sensitive. She began banging into Ruby groaning, and growling as she hammered and hammered hard her pelvis smacking down into Ruby's each time as her pussy heavily sucked down on her cock.

As things were, the shower door wasn't gonna last long.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

"Ahhhh!" Ruby cried out as Yang plucked her own hair and her eyes went red, her thrusts down Ruby's dick getting stronger and faster. The shower door shook with every hard thrust as Yang started to go berserk. All Ruby could do was reach above her to grab the top of the shower door as her knees buckled, her toes spread and curling as her feet outstretched, her whole body that tense.

"Yang! Yaaang! Aaaaahhh!" Ruby couldn't hold in, her cock erupted fast inside of Yang. Ruby's hips jerked as her cock shot thick ropes of spunk into her bare pussy, she filled Yang so full so fast that her thick jizz exploded from around Ruby's cock, splashing Yang's toned thighs. It didn't stop her however.

Ruby's cock was still hard and yang didn't slow, the skinny awkward girl was getting fucked against the shower door by her sister, her dick getting fucked, her small little awkward ass flattened against the glass over and over again, the door starting to creak. Yang really was going to wear out Ruby's dick and it was only a matter of time and more cumshots until Ruby would be drained fully, if she could even survive this power!
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Yang was going to be late, it was inevitable. Her berserk powers had caused the shower door to come completely unhinged and fall back. The cum shots inside her there was so much.

Yang looked to be growing tired eventually, and it showed when even her berserk mode was having trouble draining down. Ruby's niinsatiable cock. As the cum shots filled Yang, she could easily have become pregnant from all of it but she didn't care at this point berserking her sisters cock.

She'd orgasmed several times now herself.
RE: RWBY - Dust Accident!

Ruby herself was being fucked stupid, too stupid to think of the risk of cumming inside of her sister, if she had any protection, birth control, or if she really was just flooding Yang's unprotected cunt with her load. Honestly she didn't even know if a Dust made dick could get someone pregnant, none of it crossed her mind as she busted her nut but kept going.

The shower door fell to the floor with a loud crash, Ruby falling on her back and Yang atop her, now riding her at a pressure not possible for most other humans. Yang pounded her little sister into the floor, slamming her cock that had just cum, but Ruby started thrusting her skinny body awkwardly fucking her big sis as hard as she could, watching her tits swaying above her as Yang's berserk mode fucked her cock raw.

And then Ruby started to get faster.

Ruby's bony hips began fucking up into Yang's tight pussy faster and faster, more rapid than any other no matter how many cocks her sister had taken. Even faster, rose pedals began to appear and pool over the floor - the effect of Ruby's Semblance. Suddenly, Ruby's hips were a blur, humping faster than the eye could see as she crammed her cock into Yang, she came again.

Again and again Ruby reached orgasm, blowing her load carelessly into Yang who fucked with super strength, destroying the door underneath them as Ruby's toes curled and her expression was one of pure, stupid, bliss, eyes crossed with an open mouth smile on her face, her tongue hanging out the side as she cried out in orgasmic pleasure, cumming over and over inside of her own sister - as messed up as that was, she didn't care now.
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As the case came around, she would continue to pound away at Ruby. Nothing was going to stop her, but even her rage induced form couldn't keep up with. She was then feeling her aura fade back to normal, she blows a huge orgasm all over Ruby's cock. It drenched Ruby's cock.
Groaning, she falls back a little and feels her legs quaking, and gazed at Ruby, who didn't look phased or ready to stop any time soon. She groans, and actually spat up some cum that had traveled upwards.

"God, damn Ruby, what is with this thing... its like its. -belch- its like it doesn't want to go down..." She groans feeling so much cum in her it actually bloated her belly a bit. "We need Weiss on this... now, I don't know what you did, but... its not going down."
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Ruby lay there for a moment twitching in the afterglow of orgasmic pleasure as Yang's pussy drenched Ruby's cock in her cum as she filled Yang full of hers, enough to even make a tiny bump on her tough abs. Her cock shivered and twitched inside Yang as it finished up, it wasn't going down but as Yang called attention to that, the lanky teen sat up on her elbows and perked up.

"N-no please don't tell her, I can deal with it after that" Ruby answered quickly, her cute voice strained with hollow breath as she slowly caught it and calmed down. Really she was still horny as hell but it was a lot better than earlier, she could tuck it back for a while.

"That was... Amazing" Ruby drooled out as she lolled her head back in lazy bliss, her cock pulsing in her sister's bare pussy.
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