Mx Any ♠ Black is better... An Extreme Raceplay/BBC Plot Thread - ♠ [NSFW]


Oct 29, 2017
Disclaimer: Literate writers only. I do not mean to be snobbish, but I literally can't get turned on without proper writing. :/ Some exceptions are made for talented non-native English Speakers.

In the year 2028...

A subversive cult has began to appear - The Zulu Brotherhood (ZB). Black fraternities, politicians, and celebrities have began to get heavily involved. Their goal...? To breed inferior whites, asians, and other light skinned people to extinction. Black supremacy has proven itself to be a subversive element since the ZB organized. Commercials with strong black male characters with white women subtly showing their superiority while other commercials showed white males to be meek and pathetic. The lyrics of rap and hip hop music took a strong anti-white focus and proactively encourages white women to cheat with black men - these songs making it high on the music charts.

At college campuses liberal professors that are either ZB, converted white females (Queens of Spades), or broken white males (the defeated) assist in teaching young minds about the evils of white culture and history while exemplifying black achievements and their superiority in athletics.

More and more women are being converted... Each ZB encouraged to actively convert white women to become black cock only and pledge an end to their white bloodline. All white women of breeding age are potential targets... Potential Queens of Spades (QoS) in the making.

Even more sinister the QoS are putting a newly developed tasteless medicine in their white partners' food and drinks that makes them infertile and unable to ever get an erection again. The drug has the same effect with boys 12-19, but instead begins to feminize them offsetting puberty and making them no longer attracted to women for the most part.

The ZB will continue to snuff out white bloodlines and take society... Each day the government and people in power grow darker. The white birthrate decreases. Emigration from African nations is highly encouraged and legalized.

Will you too come to obey your Black Gods and help bring more superior offspring into the world...?

Key Plot Points

Sacrifice to empower the black race
is a key part of every plot. Non-black females off their fertile bodies to be bred. Non-black males are either secretly sterilized by female recruits or compelled to consume the sterilization cocktail. Mothers and Fathers off their children, husbands their wives, and it is imperative each convert ‘help’ convert others.

The sterilization cocktail is required for all those with male genitalia. It has no effect on black males, but the small vial of clear liquid is extremely potent to all others. Upon consumption the fertility of the consumer vanishes forever, rendering them sterile. The added bonus is that their pathetic genitalia will never, ever harden again. Although males are able to still achieve orgasm through prostate stimulation, all other methods have ended for them. A rite of initiation for all Jacks of Spades is to willfully consume the cocktail and end their white bloodline forever.

Possible Scenarios

Island Bay Resort is the ideal honeymoon destination… To the outsider. This ZB controlled hotel has been known to drug white couples and separate them for indoctrination. The white brides always return to the mainland with a new black god or goddess inside of them.

NEW! Zulufest is the largest hip hop festival in the world showcasing all of the top acts from around the globe. A wealthy white young couple attend and quickly find how intimidating superior ebony men and women are. As they try to fool around in a changing room by the beach the door suddenly flings open and a Nubian stud throws the white boy out and takes his place while his posse laughs.

NEW! Hosting a Nigerian Refugee is a great way to show society how woke you are. Open your doors to him and your legs... Let him take control of your home and your family. Be progressive!

NEW! Campus Hypnosis is a rumored practice at liberal arts colleges throughout the nation. As new students watch the indoctrination video for their school they enter a hypnotic trance... Their eyes glazing over... Some drooling... Subtle commands making it clear their purpose... Rendering snowbunnies powerless to the commands of black men and women and white boys unable to get an erection or orgasm without the sight of interracial sex.

NEW! #NoMoreWhiteMen is a large movement of woke white men and women embracing a black only lifestyle. White males accept chastity and their place outside of the gene-pool.

NEW! Blackr is the latest hookup app fad. Within moments it pairs you with a local ebony stud. Bonus points if your white boy drives you to his place and drops you off.

Very Dark Scenarios

White-Boi Disposal Centers have opened up nationwide as the movement toward white extinction grows. White women and men that have accepted the inferiority of their race see the two evolutionary facts before them... 1. White women are for using and breeding. 2. White men are for disposal. Wives, girlfriends, siblings, mothers... All of them are trying to get white
bois to sign up for disposal where they meet a brutal end. All white bois must volunteer. Coercion is allowed with maybe some scenarios where they ignore him bulking in the end. ♥

White Baby Replacement by members of the Zulu Brotherhood is a more highly desired service by white women and couples alike. Why have that meek white baby...? Especially if it is a boy it will have to grow up to compete in the genepool with greater men. Why, that's simply cruel. Why not have a breeder from the Zulu Brotherhood force fuck you so hard you miscarry that white parasite and instead have a new black god or goddess growing inside of you...?

Bye, bye, love... is a deliciously evil scenario during the endgame of white extinction. Sterilized white males that were not beautiful enough to feminize are now being rounded up and replaced by black owners. Your white husband or father is being hauled away... Why not give the already broken man a show of how you won't miss him when he is gone...? Extra points if he is snuffed cleanly by his own amused white wife and/or daughter.

Here is my F-List.
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