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WWE: Beginning Of A New Era (Athene & SithLordOfSnark)


May 12, 2015
West Coast, USA

For many people, the day the Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness became officially disbanded was no doubt a blessing. But for a very specific member, one kept hidden behind the scenes and away from public knowledge, it had been the worst day of her life.

"What do you expect me to do?!"

Of course, she was met with a response only someone like the Dead Man could give; a simple glare that held a knowing look. One that, even without verbally speaking to her, implied she would find an answer.

"Things were just starting to get under way! How can you agree to quit so -- ??"

The eyes narrowing made her stop. She had been livid, most definitely. But she was definitely not looking for a suicide mission; which was a good chance of what would happen should his eyes roll to the back of his head. He made that gesture when facing foes, or when incredibly infuriated with someone.

Leilah, as the other members of the Ministry of Darkness knew her, had seen more than enough matches. Some before her covert career, but a good chunk also while she was in the stadiums, even if not rings necessarily. As such, she knew exactly what that look meant.

Her head bowed in defeat as she reluctantly turned on her feet and stormed out; wordless but still very clearly irritated.

Ever since that fateful day, she had tried to move on. For a few years, it did seem to work. Alisyn joined in some more discrete and lesser known wrestling organizations, including at least one luchador branch based in Mexico. Alas, there was always something that made her think back to her days in the WWE.

Even now, tonight was no exception. The small television in the corner was turned on. And on the screen was her Master himself. A weak smile crossed her face as she watched him. The years had been relatively generous to him, all things considered, as far as his career went.

Still, she was seeing one thing that confused and infuriated her a bit.

Why are none of the others even trying? Are they so ashamed that they refuse to be near him?

That, in her mind and eyes, was one thing tha separated her from the men. No one simply knew just how devoted she had been. Even the distance apart hadn't stopped, and certainly not resulted in Alisyn forgetting her Dark Ministry days. Engraved on her back was perhaps the most sacred - or otherwise, some could argue - choice for a tattoo.

Not too long after being forced to leave the Ministry, she had gotten the Undertaker's symbol placed upon her back ... with a few minor edits and additions. Blood, in particular, flowing near certain areas and edges of the odd-shaped brand.

"Well, Tazz, the air is pretty tense here tonight, don't you think?"

"What do you expect, Cole? We all know - as does everyone here - that the Undertaker was screwed over at Armageddon. He wants revenge for Heidenreich's interference, and I don't know if I can blame him much."

"Fair enough. I suppose that is why the Casket Match was arranged between them at the Royal Rumble ... "

Anything else they were saying was ignored. A light bulb had all but appeared over Leilah's head. She hastily reached over, grabbed her cell phone, and dialed in a very specific number. "Teddy? Mhm, I'm ready to use my free favor you promised me years ago. Make sure I can get into the Royal Rumble."

Her blue eyes rolled as she scoffed, "No, I don't mean be in an actual fight. Just the event. Pull a few strings so I can do so with as few people knowing though, please. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure. I'll handle the travel and such, can you just ... ?? Great. Perfect. I expected nothing less. I'll be there soon."

The day had finally arrived. It was the evening of January 25, 2005, and Alisyn was feeling something in between excited and nervous.

Teddy had kept his promise, and now she found herself in the backstage prop room, clad in a long, black cloak that hid a matching pair of shorts and tank top.

You can do this. Calm down. It's only for as long as the match goes on. You won't be in any serious harm.

Still, her idea was by far one of the craziest ones she'd ever had. And yet ... it was also because of that which made it one of the best ones also.

Due to watching both Smackdown! and RAW even after the Ministry ended, she knew what was going on. She therefore knew that the Undertaker had been making subtle hints about his inevitable return. It only seemed fitting now that he had arrived once more, an ally to join him - an advocate of sorts - would be the next person to make their arrival.

None of this is gonna happen if you don't hurry up and get in!

Red contacts stared at the coffin for a few more seconds before finally, she knew her inner thoughts were right. It was do or die, with the latter not literally happening. Hopefully.

Shaking the thought aside, her hand deftly reached down and gripped the lid, pulling it quickly open. Alisyn then glanced from side to side, making sure no one - not even some cameramen - were around. Carefully, she placed herself inside, using as much caution to close the lid; all while ensuring none of her cloak or other bits of evidence was left or able to be seen.

Her eyes closed as she began taking calming breaths. The match would start soon. After that, she wouldn't need to remain inside for much longer. Alisyn worked on getting into her Leilah mindset once more, unable to help but feel panic creep once more as a new, much heavier set of footfalls started approaching.

... Oh shit! Did someone else have the same idea?!

She could feel a pair of hands grip the lid. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest.

Thankfully, they never got to open it and see her.

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, Kane! What are you doing, huh?! Get out of the room! Nu-uh! You're not gonna pull that stunt off!"

If her heart hadn't been beating fast enough already, Alisyn felt certain it was ready to try to leap right out of her chest. She could hear the heavy breathing, and with the way it sounded, she was almost certain it actually was Kane.

Hooooooly shit. What luck.

A grin couldn't help but spread over the now twenty-four-year old woman's face.

Wait till he sees he got beat in his attempted ambush.

It was a dangerous thought; almost as much as purposely angering someone like the Undertaker. But there was something about knowing she'd gotten here before Kane that was ... satisfying, in quite the twisted manner. Even Alisyn - now Leilah - would agree to that much.

Minutes after the furious footsteps of Kane stormed off, a group of them arrived, all gripping the handles on the sides of the coffin. Leilah smirked as she heard them begin chanting in Latin; no doubt these were fakes. People dressed as if they were from the Ministry, and keeping up that act.

Still, as someone who had truly been in said group, she knew it wasn't the right people.

All the same, it was nice to hear hints that implied the Ministry hadn't been completely forgotten to this day.

A brief - albeit slow - walk later, she felt the coffin placed beside the ring. The figures walked away. The respective entrance songs of both Undertaker and Heidenreich started up, each followed by their height, weight, and places of origin being announced. Although she didn't hear them walk into the ring, she knew that would be the next step.

Annnd finally ....


The bell rang, signaling exactly what Cole officially announced as one of the commentators. "Without further ado, the second match of the Royal Rumble is officially underway! Here it is; the long awaited match between the Undertaker and Heidenreich!"
"You're going to pay for what you did." Undertaker said, mostly to catch his opponent off guard so he could make his move. He moved quickly, with quick reflexes, and went to pile drive his opponent into the middle of the wrestling ring. He knew he'd need to wind his opponent in order to finish him off and get him into the casket, so he would do whatever it took to win this match. He moved quickly once he'd done the pile driver, moving to the top rope and standing there, raising his arms in the air as he waited for his opponent to slowly start moving to his feet.
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