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Beasts, Monsters, Sub/Dom, Non-Con, Dark Realism and Superheros, & Plot Lines, oh my!


Feb 7, 2016
The Rules

Don't take these are rules, per say, but politely asked standards and courtesies. I'm kind, and fairly flexible, but I do have some expectations, as I prefer to invest quite a bit of time into something that genuinely catches my attention and is worthwhile! For me and for you.

Please understand the English language. I don't need a 2,000 word essay for a reply (though I greatly appreciate it), but I do appreciate captilized letters, nice punctuation, and general attempts at correct spelling. I do my best as well to return the favor; by that, expect a few errors. I do type mostly on my phone, which has recently decided to rebel against me in an attempt to auto correct as incorrectly as possible, but as you can see, that really doesn't stop me from rambling. I love writing, but we are all here for fun and relaxation (be it in the form of an orgasm or some mental relief) Nothing is more of a turn off compared to absolutely terrible writing or writing without a care.

I will do my best to reply between 1-4 paragraphs every response, unless it is a back to back conversation when we are both online and doing quick responses... I find that is commonplace here, but I do expect the same effort in return. Nothing is more sad than a huge reply with two sentences in return. I am absolutely okay with doing much more than that, it's just gotta be intriguing enough and you've got to put the same effort in too. Please do not take my very few forum RPs as examples of my writing. I have done in the past the vast majority of my very loved RPs via email and PM. I'm happy to send writing example if that's needed.

Like I said, I put a lot of time and energy and love into my stories. Please be excited, and love them with me. If you don't enjoy it, tell me. We can change it up. Make it interesting, for you and for me! It isn't just mystery. I love plot and developing characters, but if there's not enough sex, lets spice it up! Work with me. That's all I ask. Speaking of time and excitement, let's put work into these. If you have an idea, then make it happen. Plot twist; just throw it in! If you are nervous, then ask me.

That being said, it really doesn't have to be pure smut. I'm not into that, unless we specify this is just a quick one and done. Let's feel things. Even if it's just being excited for the next post, and not giant character drama or revenge and aggression, that's enough. But really, if you have a good enough story without a single breast or cock, I'm a happy camper (that doesn't mean I'm not absolutely craving some smut).

While I love fantasy, I like the elements of realism to even the oddest of things. Such as the sharpness of the scales on dragons, or the poor way of living a young student may have. People get tired and hurt. Realism is real. Make it real. Want a double digit cock with gallons of cum? Perfect, I'm in to that, but make it real for me, convince me that I actually can't swallow because that load is so real...

I try my best to do 1 reply a day, more if I can, but at least 3-4 times a week. I don't expect this from you, and can do more, but understand we have real lives. I'm busy and my type of work will always come first, but if I'm intrigued you'll get all my free time. Do feel free to remind me if I get distracted. I have a time consuming job and I tend to get busy too. But I frequently check my inbox, if nothing else, and will do my best to reply.

I will not to play with anyone under the age of 21 and I will not play a character under 18. My apologies.

Do NOT assume anything about my characters. No "he touched her where she liked it", etc, unless it's been stated that's her weak spot before. Realism, remember. Unless your character can read minds, you can't read minds! That being said, don't auto-push my characters as a response. If you're domming, that's fine, but give me the chance to reply.

Reading this far still? Okay, summary for those skimming: love the smut like the rest of us, trust me. But I LOVE story in there. Plot. Feelings, straight to the gut. I want to write stories with you. Real stories. Dark ones. Happy ones. Things that make your heart tighten and wait for the next reply, to create characters you fall in love with or absolutely hate. Let's put them in a fantasy world, in our world, in a world we can just barely imagine. Let's make them super powered, let's make them as normal as can be, let's do things we wouldn't whisper to someone in real life.

Let's make this fucking fantastic.

I'm looking for imagination. For a writer that can paint a scene in words. Length isn't as important as quality and story progress. If your progress is one sentence, that is okay, as long as each post is contributing (please don't take this as consistently one sentence is fine. It's not). This will be maybe 40-75% smut, and even then, it will be developed sex, unless we've talked differently. With appropriate moments. Sure, there can be more. It just needs to depend on our plot.

My Likes
I don't have the patience to make an F-list, so here's what I like.:

Did I mention realism? Dark themes, bondage, non-con, slavery, cum, sci-fI and fantasy, wolves, beastality, shifters, forced, blackmail, medieval, canine, slavery, tit focused, fucking, teasing, age differences (I play younger), risk of pregnancy to actual pregnancy, Dom/sub relationships, master/slave, faux to real rape scenes, cum descriptions, denial, training of a resistant sub, alien, taboo relationships, some pain play, ass play, breeding, anal, oral, breast play of all kind, incest, teasing, foreplay, etc. if it's not listed here and you like it, just bring it up.

My dislikes

I'm not terribly into really at all toilet play. If it's a must for you, let's talk about it.

On to the fun stuff, finally, you say!
My Plots

***Wolf Dog... Man?*** MC recently adopted a wolf dog hybrid from a shelter to keep her company after a break up. She and the dog click, though he's aggressive and challenges her. There's something about her smell that interests him... And he plans on taking her for his. Suddenly, the showers he watched her take in the morning, the way he stalks her around the house, and the growls he made when she put clothes on again made sense. It started small, the wolf dog simply smelling, then licking, but she was craving more, and his wolf instincts were taking over. Plot twist, he's also a werewolf and can shift into human form, if interested. This could potentially expand into a much longer story if following the werewolf plot idea.

***A Dragon's Rider**** A young archer meets a dragon, who intends to kill her. At the last moment, she finds herself speaking the words that bind the dragon to her, making him unable to resist her commands, despite his hate of her and wish to kill her. She, innately good, and he, bad, horny, and fierce, make an odd pair, as she forces him to aid her to do good, flying together. But in the nights, his rage at her and wanting to get back at her for enslaving him are slowly building, and a dragon's sexual needs cannot be ignored.

The Maze: A bit of a Hunger Games spin off, two dozen young adults are thrown into a maze with weapons and beasts for a week of killing and survival fun. Our characters meet early, either friends or forced peace teams, and have to survive. If you can last the whole week, or get to the end, you win. What happens inside, stays inside.

****Forming a Mutant:*** Captured, a girl is subjected to torture in order to create a mutant. These evil men do absolutely terrible things to force her power to awaken. This can go extremely dark, to the point of pain/sexual torture, or perhaps mental, where she even believes she owes the creators, that they aren't bad, etc. She's found by a X-Men (YC, original or cannon, really just a good guy), who brings her in to teach her to control her powers and try to teach her that the world is good again. It's a love story not fated to last, as her creators come back to claim her, turning her against the one she loves. Does she go back to those who created her, or does love win the day? This plot requires you to play at least 2 characters, both the good and the bad guy.

Forming Pack Bonds : There's been a dividing line between South and North Packs as long as any could remember. Those who crossed the line were abandoned by the pack to keep the peace. They never returned. But in the past forty years, problems were growing. The lands in the north were losing prey rapidly, the North packs becoming scrawny and much smaller to compensate for their large pack numbers. The South had a different problem; there were less and less females. South pack was shrinking in numbers, despite plenty of prey, and growing in lust and frustration. An agreement had to be reached. And the wrong she-wolf was along the border at the wrong time. (This plot can be grown from wherever you would like... in my original idea, MC the she-wolf gets caught on the border and gets taken hostage, but as she was daughter of the head north wolf, the South pack uses her as bargain to get more female wolves. In the meantime, the female MC is surrounded by many horny and desperate male wolves, and YC. )

****Heroine Changed***: The romance of a heroine and a villain. I imagine MC is a new in training heroine, perhaps under the mentor ship of a more established power-figure, or she's just received her own territory and assignment to protect. YC is the villain of sorts, played however you'd like, be it dark or almost comical, this can go both way. This doesn't jump to smut right away, instead has quite a bit of build. This is the slow and subtle turn of MC to the forbidden attraction to YC, which YC so carefully continues to build. Maybe his intentions are just to destroy her at first, and he decides just to have fun with it, or perhaps on her side there are true conflicting feelings about what is good or bad and he's playing with her doubts; perhaps its just literal attraction, it can go anyway. This could be very dark, very in depth, and long. I imagine once he gets her close enough to actually take her for the first time, it'll be a quick down hill spiral, because she will be something he can't get enough of, and she'll be doing everything she can to either go back to him or not. It can get tense because they are still at war with one another. Perhaps it is noticed. So many opportunities here. I imagine the powers aren't terribly excessive, but we can play with it.

****Dark Side: *** This is the slow telling of a Sith who finds interest in a particular nearly-Knighted padawan. This is a plot heavy story, with slow build between the young Padawan and the Sith, who is mad for possession of the girl and her potential under his teaching and control. He plays with the dark side that lies under her surface, causing doubts and more doubts in each encounter, until eventually they're close enough that perhaps, he's got her near enough to him to push her over the edge, past his own control, and see what darkness is in her. (There's a heavy story development for this me and you would need to do. Let's talk about it.)

Dystopia: This is a world where the lower class is definitively separate from the upper class. The lower class is often used to entertain the upper class in various ways. Not all of the lower class is subjected to this behavior all of the time. Generally, the world appears normal as people go about their daily business, working, getting educated, etc; however, there is a bi-yearly date at which anyone from the upper class can choose to take anyone from the lower class for whatever purposes they desire, and there is no way around it.

--- more to come ---​

General Pairings - cravings italicized
Human x Dragon
Girl x Centaur
Elf x Orc
Jedi Padawan x Sith
Jedi Padawan x Master
Girl x Wolves / Were-wolf
Slave x Master
Princess x Barbarian
Girl x Wizard/Mage
Pokemon Trainer x Pokemon
Human x Shifter
Daughter x Father
Slave x Futa Master
Captured Princess x Barbarian
Captured Spy x Enemy
Girl x Monster/alien/tentacle
Cop x Gang Member / Dope Dealers

Message me! Please! PM me first intro to the story and you'll capture my heart!
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Bump; looking mostly for stories now, not one off smits. Message me what you've got in mind!
Just a casual edit and back we go.
Do I get to bump this yet? Online, party time.
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