The Lowest Levels...


Oct 25, 2017
Current Cravings are very non-con/dub-con centric with a focus on domination and control. I am equally comfortable playing male or female characters or acting as a “dungeon master” depending on the plot. Normally I go in for fantasy and science fiction but I’m not feeling the vibes right now and would prefer to focus on more modern settings. Specifically, my current kink-craves include, but are not limited to…

  • Blackmail, Coercion, Control--Real world, long term stakes and risks for disobedience
  • Virginity
  • Incest/Forced Incest--I love the idea of forcing YC to seduce or perform sexual acts with a family member, forever changing or corrupting their relationship.
  • Lesbian/Forced Lesbian--I love the idea of forcing YC to seduce or perform sexual acts with another woman. Perhaps especially if she is straight. I especially love it if it is with a female family member, such as her sister, daughter, or mother.
  • Clothing Control.
  • Recording--more material for blackmail. More humiliation and shame.
  • Body Modification. --tattoos, piercings. Depending on your comfort level, perhaps breast enhancement. Changing YC's body in a permanent and tangible way, and declaring ownership of it is a big turn on.
  • Bestiality
  • Gangbangs
  • Impregnation--especially forced
  • Live Performance
  • Forced Sexual Relations with Rivals, Enemies, or People YC doesn't like or finds offensive. --her ex-boyfriend, her bully, her longtime hated rival who's always competing with her over everything and anything.
  • Forced Sexual Relations with Friends--maybe she's forced to seduce her best friend, who doesn't realize that it's being forced. Maybe someone she always thought was a good friend finds out about her situation and instead of helping her, betrays her and takes advantage.
  • Forced Feminization (The inherent conflict within a transgender character, willingly transformed or not, is more interesting to me than simply “futa”)
  • Interracial (women of color are gorgeous)

I have a preference for playing strong, dominant, and a touch damaged women, though I am equally comfortable playing a male. It takes something special to convince me to play a sub so please don’t ask. Likewise I am utterly uninterested in anything vanilla. I am on BlueMoon to express my darker and more devious interests. If you have a plot or concept that you would like to discuss that isn’t from my list below, please make sure that it includes at LEAST two from the list above.

I also thoroughly enjoy corrupting and dominating families. If one of the plots below appeals to you but you are not interested in playing more than one character I would be happy to play the rest.


You’re A Slutty Girl Now
You play a male student moving to a new town to live with an older relative or relatives (sister, aunt, aunt and uncle, ect) so that he can attend a prestigious prep school or university. My character has plans to transform him into a her, and her into a world famous, underground porn star, whether “she” wants it or not. If this goes well it could become a sort of split story where half is focused on your character’s time out in the “real world” adjusting to life as a girl with more secrets and changes than she knows how to cope with and her struggles with her new unwanted career and continued transformation.

Taken Over
I want to play against a family with a single Mom who has been trying to make ends meat for her daughters and maybe a son. She got pregnant at an early age, several times maybe, and for whatever reason is now barely scraping by. When my rather wealthy character offers her a job and a romantic relationship, everything seems to finally be working out—perhaps my character even has a daughter or stepdaughter of his/her own from a precious marriage.

Things are not as happily ever after as they seem however, as my character proceeds to dominate the entire family, coercing, seducing, and blackmailing them into sexual servitude. I am really liking the idea of Mom and daughter being made pregnant by the same man. You can play as just one member of the family slowly discovering that she’s not the only victim or as the whole family against MC(s).

Dom Mom
Your character’s mother, my character, was a bit of a slut growing up, getting pregnant multiple times as a teenager and giving birth to several daughters and perhaps a son. For several years they were raised by their grandparents while my character establishes a career in the world of adult entertainment. A few years ago the grandparents passed away and all of the kids went to live with their eccentric mother who’s never really told them what all she’s involved in. And now she thinks it’s time they join her in the family business, whether they want to or not.

The Contest
Your character (or characters) know that your mother has a troubled past but it’s behind her, she overcame a lot and has provided selflessly for as long as her kids have been alive. But as your character (and maybe her siblings) get ready for college, her past is about to catch up with all of them—if it ever truly left. Kidnapped by a mysterious figure for a weekend and subjected to humiliation and sexual degradation, your character is then returned home under threat of both coercion and blackmail is randomly given remote orders to perform certain activities and periodically made to return to her captor(s), who seem to be preparing her for something…

The Return
Your character was my character’s pet submissive when they were both in college. She ran away when she became pregnant and has been attempting to live a vanilla lifestyle and raise her daughter by herself. Why she left...perhaps she wanted to protect her daughter from MC, or the pregnancy was ordered by MC and YC realized she would do anything for him/her and had to get away or lose her identity, or maybe the pregnancy was completely unplanned and YC fled out of embarrassment or a fear that she would no longer be wanted. Whatever the case, MC shows up on her doorstep years later with a daughter of his/her own and every intention of reclaiming not just YC but her daughter.

You can play as both the runaway mother and daughter or as just one as my character takes over both of their lives and ensures that neither will ever escape him/her again.

The Big Move
Your character has just moved away from everything she's ever known. Maybe her mother got a job transfer if she still lives at home. Maybe she's off to college out of state. Maybe she thinks she just landed the job of her dreams. Either way, nothing around her is familiar anymore. She has no friends, doesn't know the area well, and nobody knows her. MC could be a fellow student, a coworker, her mother's boss, her next door neighbor...any number of things, but they show an interest in her, making her feel welcome and safe. She flirts a little, never imagining things might turn serious. Until they do. Either MC produces compromising photographs, evidence of something that could cost her her job, send her parents to jail, or lose her scholarship. The list goes on. It's no longer fun and games. Nobody realizes that the new front she's putting on as a slut isn't the real her and there's nobody there to save her or believe her when she says otherwise.

The New (Wo)Man
Something of an inversion of the previous idea. MC is the new factor in YC's life. Perhaps a new neighbor arrives, or a step/half-brother/sister come to live with them, or a new boss, coworker, teacher, coach, the list goes on. S/He's there and YC tries to make them feel welcome, when something happens. MC's got material that could ruin her life or the life of someone she dearly cares about, and he takes her over. Only this time, its invasive, permeating everything she holds dear in her life. None of her friends understand why she's changing. Instead of being cut off from everyone and everything familiar, all of those things are instead perverted and corrupted so that nothing she once held dear and precious remains.

The Prison PenPal
MC went to prison for reasons YC never fully understood. S/He was always sweet and kind to her as a child, making her feel special. He could be a now ex-stepfather, an uncle, a cousin, ect.. She started writing to him in prison when she was young and they became penpals. YC remembers him through the rosy lenses of nostalgia and slowly falls in love with him via their exchanges. When he gets out, he comes to stay with her while he gets back on his feet. One mistaken night of passion and he owns her. She doesn't know whether to love him/her or hate him/her anymore, but either way, she must obey and finds herself a pawn in the kind of schemes that got MC locked up in the first place.

The Parole Officer
YC is a struggling single mother. She got pregnant young and never married. She's barely scraping by with no support from her parents, either because they're dead or they disowned her when she got pregnant out of wedlock. One mistake with the local pervert and she finds herself summoned before a judge facing assault charges. She's assigned a parole officer (MC) who reports back to the judge about her behavior. He has the power to send her to jail or take away her daughter forever. And s/he's willing to exploit that fact if she's not willing to do exactly what s/he says when s/he says it. YC cannot go to jail--there would be no one to take care of her teenage daughter, who would go to foster care at best, or remain under MC's thumb without YC's protection at worst. But how much protection can YC truly offer?

Please PM if interested and we can discuss details.
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