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A fantasy adventure for morally evil characters [Interest check]

Raina Reader

Dovely Lemoness
Oct 27, 2013
Hello all

It has been quite some time since I've done a group RP but I've really been craving one lately especially one of a certain type. I enjoy medieval fantasy adventures mixed with quests, political intrigue, fighting, romance, etc. But I've really been wanting to explore these themes but from the perspective of evil characters.

Before I really get into it, I'd like to preface this with the fact that I am a queer woman and I'm not quite interested in hetero romances. So I'm either looking for a group of queer women or queer men and women.

I'm interested in brainstorming and further discussion below, but here's the idea.

Plot Hook

Disaster strikes the land, a dark necromancer has risen up and their legions of undead have taken over the land. As a last ditch effort for survival the 15 kingdoms work together to construct 5 fleets to sail off in hopes to discover a new land to inhabit. (While this will be a unique world I'm thinking we could rely on DnD style races. perhaps the 15 kingdoms are each a kingdom of Humans, dwarves, elves orcs, etc. and now they're all forced to merge into one mass group of mixed races in order to survive) The first fleet of ships is primarily military, containing most of the kingdoms armies and their important commanders. Sailing ahead of the other fleets incase this new land happens to already be inhabited. The second fleet is primarily builders and farmers. The third fleet consists of all the nobility of each kingdom. The fourth and fifth fleets are primarily the common masses, consisting of the poorest conditions. Fleets 2 - 5 have a small military presence to keep the peace during the voyage. Criminals, undesirables, the diseased or the homeless were left behind to die at the hands of the necromancer. But no system is perfect, many were able to lie or stowaway in secret.
6 months into the voyage a massive storm hit causing all of the fleets to lose their course or disappear, many ships of each fleet being claimed by the sea.

Our story follows the second fleet which finally happens upon land five months after the storm. Only two ships from the fleet survived and there is absolutely no sign of the other fleets. The land is seemingly untouched and heavily forested, with a large mountain nearby. So the builders immediately begin to set up camp, while the tiny military force attempts to keep the peace. (I imagine of the two ships they hailed form different kingomd, maybe one was human in origin, the other dwarven, but ofcoursde there were many stowaways and others, of varying background and race) The commander of the military force has taken command and puts out a request for mercs and freelanders, knowing full well there were many that had made it on the ships illegally, but at this point the commander had to use what was at hand. According to dwarven builders a cave at the base of the mountain seemed a prime location for a subteraenean mountain city, but scouts hadn't returned, so the commander requests mercs/freelanders to investigate, and their meeting with the commander would be where the story starts.

Primarilly I suppose I would be taking the role of the GM. Guiding the players along the story while playing the multitude of NPC's along the way, some perhaps tagging along or becoming recurring characters. So at minimum I'm looking for two people who are interested, ranging up to four people, with three probably being that happy center.

My hopes would be that this group of adventurers take on a polyamorous mentality forming a group relationship. So preferably I'm looking for FxFxF, being a gay woman my self. But I'm not opposed to something like FxFxMxM. The idea of gay women and gay men all travelling together is appealing. The bold male paladin flirting with male dwarf while the female rogue woos the barmaiden and they all return together for sexy times. <3 So basically I'm looking for gay shit. So while I have no problem with a male typist playing gay woman character or a female typist playing a gay male character, As I being the GM would have to play both female and male characters to accomodate the party. My hope is that whoever you are behind the screen you be okay and accepting of this. It can and will be discussed more intimately once we have our players decided upon and we can learn eachothers preferences, but my point is that if you are going into this with the mindset that gay coupling of one gender may turn you on, but gay coupling of the other gender grosses you out, this probably isnt for you.

Being queer, part of my reason for Roleplaying is to explore stories from a queer perspective as it is mostly absent in mainstream media.

Anyways now that, that is out of the way let's get into the final theme of this group roleplay and that would be the evil aspect. While I would hope that for the most part the main group get along, I like the idea of following a party with devious intent. Preferably not a group of murder hobos, but a group that has aspirations to use this world changing event in t heir favor to change and shape society to fit them. The story hires the group to clear the cavern of danger, but maybe the group will scheme to earn the commanders favor only to try and take over down the road. A story where instead of seeking to save and help people, the heroes are seeking to take over and control the world or become rich and powerful.
Backstories of your characters can serve to push the narrative as well. Characters form your past perhaps showing up at a later time to become antagonists later, etc.

Again this can be further discussed and brainstormed down below.

A couple final notes;

Platform wise Im interested in discord or skype. We can make an OOC group chat and an RP group chat. I typically use skype this way and I love it.

Rules wise we could play it loose or follow a more rigid system like DnD 5e. I'm not super interested in playing that way. I dont want to keep track of stats or constantly have to dictate spells and effects which would hamper the flow of the story telling. i'd rather us all just tell a story while working together to be reasonable with our characters abilities. But we can still discuss it below and you can tell me your thoughts.

It's been a long time since I've done a group RP and I've never technically GM'd a group RP before, but I suspect we would keep it simple with a specific turn system in place regardless of if there's a GM or not. I've been in group RP's that had no specific turn order and it was chaos/anti-fun

Also forgot to mention this would be a multi-para descriptive RP.

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing if this gathers any interest at all. Thanks for reading <3
Marking my interest down for this, as an elven healer/medic perhaps.
I'd really enjoy getting in on this. Particularly with the opportunity to write for the bad guy. I don't get to do that often enough for my tastes. Drow female, either a roguish-type or a Mystic that dabbles in blood magic would be my favorite two.
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