1x1 Long Term Role-play Recruiting: Plots included


Nov 8, 2016
Hello there all who are reading this,

My name is Beastie, I am an experience role-player who has been on a long break from it for quite some time. Though I always find myself coming back to it, as well as having trouble finding long term role-plays. This being the case I would love to find a few individuals who are willing to star long term plots that are good enough to turn into books to read on my wattpad. If that sounds like you then please PM me so we may begin. I will put my role preferences below and what I am currently looking to play as well as some plot I would like to try or simple piped in my mind.

Role Preference: I am very experience is play yaoi/BxB characters of both the seme and uke variety and am willing to play both, however would love to be an uke after such a long time. I also play as females quiet well since I am one so if you are in need of someone to fill a role, feel free to contact me and ask.

-------PLOT IDEAS--------

1. A heavily fantasy influenced plot about a young boy who awakens in the woods with no memory of how he got there. However, he could recall his own name, parents, friends, and the kingdom his village was in. But something was off, something wasn't right. His body feels... different, like it is not the one he was familiar with, not human. To his surprise as he looked down to examine himself, he was not human, but some kind of creature. His new body was long, scaly and fuzzy all at once. His eyes sensitive to the light, but his since of smell was overwhelmingly astounding. All his like he had never known such a creature with such traits, and now it seems that was now who he was. But who was he really? Was the home he remembered real? or was it some hyper realistic dream he had just been shaken out of? And further more where was he now? and what was he to do with this new form?

Request From Partner: This is where you get to great the creature you always wished you could be and play as it. Though this is a BxB plot so there will be all the good stuff of course, drama, smut, gore, ex. We can work out all the details to this mysterious and limitless land of fantasy.

2. Fantasy Yoai based in a time long ago when Dragon clans roamed and ruled the lands with iron claws. All creatures lived in fear, for they were all potential prey and the dragons not being picky eaters. Among the dragons it was forbidden to take a mate of another species, in order to keep the blood line strong. But naturally it took on small cat to stumble into a dragons den. With his silver tongue he managed to have his life spared, but he had fallen into a deeper price to pay.

(all animals in this plot have human forms so its not TOO weird and "Beastiality" oriented)

Request from Partner: Similar to the last plot but limited to only playing as a dragon, myself being the Cat character. Again the landscaping is near limitless and details can be implemented or worked out.

3. Imagine you stumble upon the most fragile, girlish looking male, homeless in the entry way of an alley one night on your way home. He has said nothing but you can tell his in not only ill, but has not even enough energy to stand. Tugging are you heart you decide to take him home to help him get back on his feet. Once you have him settled in you realize the male is eyeing you with what looks like lust. naturally one thing leads to another and in the morning you awake drained. standing beside the bed now nursing you is the very male you brought home, except he now has pointed ears, a long slender tail, and fangs as he smiles at you. You've spent the night with an Incubus...

Request from Partner: Your character may be on any species, even being a demon himself, though that would make it less fun right? lol The setting it modern and intercity which will make it a struggle to hide your new pet, whom I will play.

To be continued....

PM me if you are interested
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