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Tales of the Wolfriders (TheCorsair & SwordDippedInInk)


Fruit Bat Vampire
Dec 17, 2013
The sound of howling wolves echoed through the trees and beyond, drifting across the encampment of the People. Hunters gathered their spears at the sound while women gathered up their small children. Everyone gathered around the fires that burned at the center of the ring of skin huts, wary. Ordinary wolves were bad enough, although they were uninclined to trouble an entire encampment - in the late spring, at least, when hunting was good and the deer were growing fat. But the howling was not the howling of wolves alone.

All of the People knew the sound they heard. It was the uncanny song of the Forest Demons, filling the night with dread. Gotara had gone into his cave in the far west to slumber until dawn, and the pale lights of Golura and Gomala were veiled. Once, Demon-Tricker had kept the Forest Demons at bay when the wives of Gotara hid their faces, but he was old now. The Forest Demons no longer feared him, him or the fires he had kindled when he was strong. Now they hunted the People, striking from the shadows of the Other World and retreating.

The howling changed in pitch, and the People shivered. Would the Forest Demons come, this night? Would they brave the hunters and the fires of the People, and kill again?


Songs of the Wolfriders​

"Ayoooha, Moon-Eye!" Redbird called, laughing as he dropped from a branch and caught it, hanging by his knees. He was a rosy-cheeked young elf, although that might have been caused by the blood rushing to his head, dressed in leathers dyed crimson and brown. His coppery braid swung like a pendulum, nearly brushing the ground. "I heard your song first, silver-eye. Did you call this Howl?"

Moon-Eye turned his head slightly and regarded him from his peripheral vision. "Listen more," he replied, "and chatter less. Our Chief called us this night." With that he turned his attention back to the war club he was fastening, nible hands carefully shaping and sharpening the flint set into the oaken handle. "He hasn't said why, not yet."

Redbird watched the dark-clothed elf work for a moment, then let go from the tree. He dropped, catching himself on his hands and flipping into the air to land upright. "Oooh," he grinned. "A mystery. I do so love a mystery. Perhaps it has to do with my recent journey?" Perching on a root next to Moon-Eye, he waited for the older elf to take the bait. Moon-Eye didn't, so he continued. "Which reminds me... I was hoping you'd chip some arrowheads for me."

"Do it yourself," Moon-Eye grumbled. "Strongbow taught you."

"But you're better at it," Redbird replied. "And in exchange, well..." He produced something from his pouch. "I brought back the blackwater stone you like for your heads. More than I'd need just for myself." He grinned as Moon-Eye's silver gaze strayed back to him. "And I'd hate to ruin it. So, if I give it to you, would you mind..?"

Sighing, the older elf held out his hand. "Yes."
The night had been perfect for fishing as Fern and Rillfisher sat on the shore and admired their catch; six large silver scales and one rather large brown bottom swimmer which Rillfisher was proud to have caught without the use of a net.
**The tribe will eat well tonight.**Fern commented as she pulled her leathers back on. **Still doesn't make up for the lost meat from the hunt a few nights back.**The blonde female elf sent back with a mental sigh.
**Some food is better than none, right? Maybe we can try our hand at getting some more fish tomorrow.**The auburn haired female suggested as two wolves slipped out of the shadows and approached the two elven females.

"If Mantricker will allow for it. As it is, he'll likely be unhappy that we've been this far and for this long."Rillfisher commented while mounting on the back of one of the shaggy canines. "Ever since Moonglow..."She trailed off only to fall silent when the air seemed to resonate with an unseen force that tugged at the two females to return back to the holt.
**I wonder what our chief wants, surely it isn't because of our fishing trip.**Fern wondered silently, leaping on the back of the other wolf while grabbing one end of the net and her partner grabbing the other. **Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.**Rillfisher answered as they took leave of the river and returned to the holt.

A healer's touch could only do so much--mend broken bones, knit wounds but nothing could be done for a broken heart as golden eyes peered out from the mouth of the den and to the gathering elves below.
There'd been a time when she joined hunts and gone foraging with the others; She'd never been particularly skilled at shooting like Strongbow was or even as fearless as Solstice seemed to be.
But she'd been a good supporting member when bringing large prey down, certainly enjoyed it when she and her lifemate had gone out together and could savor the rewards of their kill.
Climbing down slowly as though she were afraid to wake the Father Tree, Moonglow silently took a seat near her lifemate and simply watched as the younger Redbird worked hard to try and get some conversation started with him. If she didn't think it would be received poorly, she might have even chuckled out loud at the amount of effort the redhaired elf was putting in to get some arrowheads made for himself.
**If you sit closer to me, he'll probably leave you alone.**She lock-sent to her lifemate, letting him know she was near him though she suspected he might have already been aware of that fact.
**He's not bothering me,** Moon-Eye answered, shifting a little to move closer to his lifemate. **Not much, anyway. Well, no more than usual.**. Moonglow's scent had been in his nostrils well before her sending had touched him, but it was pleasant to have her close again. He unwrapped the heavy leather-wrapped bundle, silver eyes going wide at the sight of the contents. A glossy, slick black stone nearly the size of four fists. "Impressive," he said, glancing up at the fire-haired elf. "I'll chip half of it into arrowheads for you."

"Done!" Redbird agreed cheerfully.

**And a new skinning knife for you, Moonglow,** he added. **Blackwater stone makes an edge even sharper than troll-blades.**. He reached out, twining his fingers with hers. **And maybe some beads from the flakes. I think they'd look good woven into your hair.**

"Blackwater stone?" came a new voice. "Where did you find that?". The speaker was a slender-built, fragike-appearing elf, dressed in a sleeveless vest of woven leather decorated with feathers and black-dyed breeches. His shaggy golden hair was cut shoulder-length, and his merry blue eyes were so pale they appeared nearly white.

Moon-Eye gestured at Redbird with his thumb. "He found it, Quickwind."

Quickwind hopped lightly, perching on the span of root so recently vacated by Moon-Eye. "Really? You've got to tell me about it!'

Redbird preened, clearly enjoying the attention. "Well, after I got Mantricker mad at me over that badger, I decided I should be gone from the Holt for a little while. So Sniffer and I headed towards the setting sun for a while..."

Moon-Eye shook his head, then slipped his arms around Moonglow and pulled her into an embrace. ""That should keep him out of my hair for a while...**

Tracker raced through the forest alongside his wolf-friend Lazybones. Normally he'd have ridden the Auburn wolf, but right now his back was being used to carry four fantails they'd caught. The large birds had been upwind, and made a welcome addition to the two hands of longears he carried over a cord over his shoulder. Not what he'd set out for, but the deer had been spooked by the recent human hunting party. He could have followed them, but it would be several days of riding. Mantricker would need to decide about that.

Still, he thought with a smile, the four fantails had nearly as much meat as a young dear. Everyone could have a taste, at least. And he'd eaten one of the longears shortly before he'd heard the howling, so he didn't mind sharing the rest. **Not long now, Lazybones!** he assured his grumbling friend. **Then you can have that nap you've been whining about!**
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