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One Lucky Hero {Grimoire}


Sep 28, 2013
While UA may have been a school for future superheroes, it still had the kind of holidays that were expected of any school. As Spring had come along, it was time for Spring Break and the students were allowed to return home for the week if they wanted. While not everyone had taken UA up on the offer, Izuku had decided to head home to catch up with his mom.

It didn't take too long for that plan to go slightly sideways.

He had only just gotten back into town when a monster had started rampaging through the shopping district, forcing Izuku to make use of One for All to put a stop to his rampage and save one of the people the beast had cornered. Much to his shock, the 'victim' in question was Mitsuki Bakugo, his neighbour and the mother of his former best friend. She had looked set to punch the monsters head out through his ass.

All the same she had been grateful and had even invited Izuku back to her place. And Mitsuki Bakugo wasn't the kind of person one said no to. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other, Bakugo-san," the short hero said, managing a tiny smile. "Are you sure you're alright? That monster was pretty nasty," Izuku added, quickly following after the attractive blonde.
Mitsuki Bakugou had managed to come out not too worse for the wear. It had been some creature more than a regular villain, some lowlife with the power to shift his body freely into that of a horror movie reject -- a wolf that had been fast, powerful, and which she had entirely tossed the day's shopping at.

It hadn't been impressed with the cabbage-clubbing, and that was when Izuku had come along.

She'd managed to come away from it no worse than with a dozen hurled expletives and with a tear on one shoulder where she had been nearly winged by the beast -- leaving some soft pale skin showing through.

"Not since you used to squabble with my idiot son," Mitsuki said with a twinge of a smile. She loved her son dearly, but --

He was in dire need of all the things he'd gone through since he had joined UA.

"I'm alright. I was about to kick his ass myself when you came through," she said. They'd arrived in short order back at her home -- and she held the door open for him as she stepped one foot inside, shuffling her bags in her arms.

"Come in. My husband's still at work, so you're fine to stay a little while. Dinner's not for hours," Mitsuki said.
Mitsuki was, for the most part, a rather nice woman. But as Izuku's mother would often say, she had a temper that only a fool would earn the attention of. It was easy to see where Bakugo got a lot of his own anger from, but Mitsuki had the maturity to keep that part of herself in check for the most part.

"Oh? Well, I guess I won't stick around too long. I wouldn't want to get in the way," Izuku said. For a young man who was technically one of the most powerful people on the planet, Izuku was indeed rather polite. "But I definitely appreciate the kindness of your offer," he added, closing the door behind him once the blonde had let him in.

The younger man followed Mitsuki at a steady rate, taking in the sights of his surroundings. He hadn't been here for years, not since he and Bakugo were friends, but it looked much the same as he remembered it. "So... how've you been lately? I guess things must have been uh... quieter, with Kaachan off at UA," Deku said, choosing the politest phrase he could think of to describe his former friend.
"You're fine," Mitsuki said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "You're a good kid, Izuku. Polite, just like your mom," Mitsuki said with a grin. It was the same grin of audacity that everyone had become so familiar with from Katsuki -- but the original version managed to still somehow look kind. Just like her son, it looked like she was ready to take on the entire world at any damn second... on the behalf of the people she liked. It was a much nicer smile.

"Yeah. Don't have him screaming his head off all the damn time. He's gotten into shouting matches with his damn toothbrush. So it's a little quieter now," Mitsuki said. She was putting away the groceries that hadn't been destroyed in her little attack on the villain -- setting some meat out to defrost, throwing a handful of vegetables in the sink to be washed, the entire thing taking her no more than a couple of minutes.

She glanced over at Izuku, giving him a carefree little twitch of a smile as she tossed an apple underhanded at the kid.

"... hey. Speaking of which. You're a lot stronger than I remember you. My son screamed for a month that you were 'hiding your Quirk' and 'making a fool out of him'. But you know what? Who the hell cares if you were. You were really something out there today. Kicked that thing's ass," Mitsuki said as she stepped toward him. "Though... I don't think you noticed this yet," she said as she reached out toward him.

She grabbed him by the shirt -- leave it to a kid like him to wear his day uniform home -- and pulled it to the side just a bit. He hadn't been hurt, but that werewolf had had sharp claws. One grazing swipe was all it had taken to tear a uniform never meant for actual exertion. It had been glancing, but it had frayed the fabric right across his ribs -- such that when Mitsuki pulled at it, it tore it another half an inch, revealing ever more pale skin and muscle beneath.

"Come on. Take that shirt off and let me mend it for you." It wasn't a request, and the spark in her eye was... an odd one.
Izuku gave the barest hint of a sigh as Mitsuki described her son. He wanted to get into specifics, that he hadn't been 'hiding' anything. But it was the kind of thing that had to remain secret for the time being. He couldn't go around blathering about One for All to people, even if Mitsuki seemed rather trustworthy.

And, fortunately, she seemed fine believing he was just some kind of late bloomer.

He felt his eyes widen as the blonde approached him, his body growing tense as she gave a sudden tug of his shirt. His eyes drifted down toward his shirt, only now seeing the gash he had taken in the fight. With how inhumanly tough he was, he hadn't even felt any pain during that brief battle. Unfortunately his clothing wasn't quite as sturdy as the rest of him, and he needed to nab a replacement at some point.

"I uh..." Izuku swallowed hard, well aware that that wasn't a request. She might not have had her sons explosive abilities, but he definitely didn't want to risk catching her ire. Felt as if his skin was already sizzling under her intense eyes.

"S-sure! I'd greatly appreciate that!" Izuku quickly said. He slowly slipped his shirt off, deciding to disrobe as quickly as he could to save his own skin, revealing his sturdy upper body. His newly bestowed quirk, coupled with the rampant training he had been doing pretty much ever since he first met All Might, had left his chest and arms quite toned with athletic musculature. It was a far cry from the scrawny boy she had known in the past.
"I guess that's why you guys all wear your costumes. I saw the one you wear at U.A. Your mom made it, huh?" she asked, giving him a vaguely contemplative look. But there was something more to those eyes of hers, dark and appraising and lacking a lot of the... prickliness that she might have expected otherwise.

As he dragged his shirt off, Mitsuki froze for a moment.

That shirt of his did a lot to hide him, hanging off of his shoulders to sweep over his muscles without clinging to them. It hid all the definition, making him look just as scrawny as ever but... She probably stared a touch too long, shock mingling with something else as she mapped every stray line of his muscled build with an observant eye.

Mitsuki wet her lips with an unconscious sweep of the tongue before she took the shirt from him and folded it over one arm. "C'mon. Come take a seat. Won't take long," she said. The Bakugou home was a fairly nicely papointed one -- they had never had much trouble with money -- it was perhaps part of which made her son think he was blessed in every way possible by life. They were well-off in a modern home, replete with comfortable couches and a modern color scheme that trended toward the black for their various amenities.

She led him to a small room -- evidently whatever passed as her own little personal room -- with a lot of little things to hint at the hot-blooded blonde's personality; there was an exercise mat and a small set of various weights, a little desktop computer, a sewing box... a mini fridge with an empty beer can sitting on top, and a little couch. She gestured for him to sit -- it was comfortable and secondhand.

"... you've sure grown up a lot since I last got to see you, Midoriya," Mitsuki murmured, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye as she dug around in a sewing kit. He had ample view of her as she did so, leaning over, causing a breezy skirt to ride up long, smooth legs.
Izuku felt a bit of tension fill him as Mitsuki's gaze roamed down his body, lingering for just a touch longer than it should have. "Er, is everyth-" As soon as he made to question it, the blonde once more led him around her home, causing him to shelve his concerns for the time. Still, in the back of his mind, he was wondering what was going through her mind.

Once she led him into another room, a cosy chamber that had all the trappings of Mitsuki and her interests, he led his gaze roam freely to take in as much detail as he could. Between the workout gear and the fridge that likely had a few extra beers in it, it seemed this was a lounge that she used for her own relaxation. While he wasn't too judgmental, he supposed a room like this was necessary for anyone who had to deal with Katsuki.

As he sat down, he felt his gaze being drawn to Mitsuki's backside. It was wholly inappropriate, but he couldn't bring himself to entirely look away from her shapely rear, or her well toned legs. He swallowed hard. Mitsuki had always been beautiful, it was something most people around their neighbourhood could easily agree on. But fear usually kept everyone from commenting a lot on it.

"I ah... w-well I did a lot of working out before I went to UA. And then a whole lot more when I got there," he said, managing an awkward smile. "I guess it all added up, but... well I prefer things this way," he said. The alternative was being powerless, and prey to everyone around him.

Izuku sank into the plush material of the couch. All he had to do was distract his mind with non-Mitsuki thoughts, and he'd be fine.
She had the body of a woman a decade younger, and it showed in all the sumptuous little curves that made themselves apparent as the skirt held to her shapely behind -- as well as the way her shirt grabbed at her, straining across large and soft-looking breasts that were perfectly eye-level as she swept back around to face him, standing straight back up to once again deny him after that momentary tease.

"It paid off. Who'd've thought that little weak Izuku would end up being so strong," Mitsuki said. It lacked all the derision he'd ever heard attached to those words -- they sounded genuinely soft and warm. The same sort of warmth that had worked its way into her eyes. They were red, much like Katsuki's... but far from the roaring inferno of aggression and probable overcompensation, her eyes were gentle embers.

Mitsuki took a step toward him, setting his shirt on the side of the couch as she swung her hips around, settling herself down on the couch next to him. The plush couch shifted beneath him with the addition of her weight, inclining him ever-so-slightly toward her.

"Maybe you should show me some tips. Hard to stay in shape at my age," Mitsuki said with a gleaming, sly little smile as she reached out toward him. There was no hesitation as her fingertips touched upon his abdominal muscles, gently sliding across the rippling and powerful flesh.
Mitsuki truly was a beautiful woman, it was something that Izuku couldn't turn his mind away from no matter how hard he tried to. When he was a kid, naturally, he hadn't thought anything like that on the occasions where he met Bakugo's mother. Now, on the cusp of adulthood and having had his attraction to the female form molded from his period at UA, it was all he could think of.

Having the blonde plant herself beside him really didn't help. It was only worsened when her palm met his carved abs and casually slid up the taut surface of his chest. The sensation sent a few shivers racing up his spine.

Was she really...? "U-uh.... Mitsuki-san?" Izuku asked, swallowing hard. Every gentle touch of her soft fingers sent electricity racing through him, his taut muscles tingling. "W-well I'd um, I'd be happy to help you out anyway I can. A-as a hero, i-it's my duty after all," he reasoned. Izuku was sure she was just messing with him, or that he was just misreading things. There was surely no way she had any impure intentions.

Though, if he was being honest with himself, he certainly wouldn't protest anything impure with her...
Mitsuki had an inscrutable and knowing little smile spread across full lips -- up close, Izuku could see she didn't wear even a bit of makeup. Perhaps it was just a sign of her powers at work, making her skin as smooth and as soft as silk to the touch. It made her seem so much younger, so much softer, and he got a very good look at all of that as she leaned a little closer.

The soft white cotton of her shirt was riding a little lower as she leaned forward, arms pressing together to plump up soft breasts, a deep crevasse presenting itself before Izuku's face. They were large, a swell of soft and smooth pale skin that she didn't seem at all ashamed about.

"Yeah? I got something you could help me with," Mitsuki said.

Her hand drifted lower this time, across his abdomen, over the waistband of his pants, gently pressing against his lap, outlining the shape of what she found beneath with gentle fingers.

"I mean, if a kid like you is up to it." She hadn't missed the feel of his eyes on her. It had been easy to feel his interest, and, well... he could feel hers now, too, in the way those amber eyes were dragging freely over his muscles.
As soon as Mitsuki's bosom got pushed up toward his eyes, his gaze was reflexively drawn to them by male instincts honed over many centuries. They were rather large, he had to admit, and since Mitsuki was voluntarily pushing them up closer he was allowed to look at them without hesitation. It was perhaps the first time he had ever openly ogled a girl in such a way.

At that point he quietly wondered if this was what it felt like to be Mineta. Minus getting slapped around by pissed off girls.

As Mitsuki let her hand roam along the outline of his heavy cock, she would be able to tell that the formerly scrawny teen was exceptionally hung. Whether that was natural, or another side effect of his freshly inherited quirk, even Izuku wasn't entirely certain. Not that he had had a whole lot of time or reason to explore his own anatomy, or make use of his own dick for any sort of pleasure.

"I've never really... done this sort of thing before," he admitted, deciding to dwell on that rather than the inappropriate nature of all this. "I don't um... I dunno if I'll be any good."
The feel of him through his trousers was enough to elicit a gentle gasp from Mitsuki. She could already feel every inch of him through the thick cotton, and her fingers wrapped reflexively around his girth. He was... impressive, the size of him causing her to gently bite at her lower lip.

"You're a hero, right? You'll be fine," Mitsuki said.

She squeezed him, fingers gently stroking him up and down through the lap if his pants, coaxing him to fullness I'm her grip. She didn't stop there either; she took one of his hands in her own, settling his hand firmly on one of her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra, and the plump flesh filled his hand capably and then some.

"Let's see what else you've been hiding," Mitsuki whispered, pressing her body all the closer to him as she began to undo the zipper of his pants.
Slowly but surely Izuku's freckled cheeks were taking on a crimson hue, brought upon by Mitsuki's practiced stroking. This was so wrong. She was old enough to be his mom (Hell, she was good friends with his Mom!), she was married, she was the mother of his former best friend... and yet for as prominent as those thoughts were, they were immediately silence when he felt her plant his hand on his bosom.

Izuku swallowed hard and gave an experimental squeeze, committing the sensation to memory like a commandment from God on a slab of stone. His mouth ran dry but he tried to keep his focus on this feeling, giving her bust an idle squeeze as he did so. So engrossed was he, that Izuku really didn't notice as Mitsuki slid his trousers down.

Sure enough her earlier teasing had done the job, and the cock that greeted her sprang up in full hardness. Given the scale, he looked about as hard as a steel pipe. A great warmth radiated outward from his cock, and a mere touch would give one a hint of the great power lurking in Izuku's unassuming body. Emboldened, Izuki's other hand reached up until he was gripping both of Mitsuki's breasts and squeezing curiously.
The sensation was warm and soft, pillowy and smooth. It seemed to fill his hand no matter which way he moved it, easily conforming to every twist of his hand or press of his fingers. They were heavy, and as his wrist rolled he'd notice the nub pressing into the palm of his hand, only growing that little bit firmer as he nervously fumbled against mature and heavy breasts.

As his cock sprung from his trousers, Mitsuki let out an outright gasp. her hand pulling from him as she was all but mesmerized at what had sprung free. It was huge, but no more than Mitsuki would be able to take. Her husband was endowed (it had to work between them somehow), and here he was... another mid-mannered and nervous young man with a heavy cock that made Mitsuki rub her thighs together in apprehension and anticipation.

Mitsuki pulled back from him, and his hands were swept away from her chest for the mere moment it took for her to pull her top off over her head, the soft material fluttering to the ground along with the little jacket she had been wearing. She was bare from the waist up, and bore... absolutely no signs of age. No stretch marks, no dryness... nothing but pure and perfectly white skin that was flushing by degrees with arousal.

Her breasts were on full display for the young man, still pert and perfectly round. Large, dark pink nipples beaded with desire, begging to be sucked or otherwise played with as she pressed back toward him, letting him take his fill of her breasts with his questing hands.

"Midoriya... Izuku," she relished his name on her tongue as she looked him over with a dark and predatory gaze. "You like what you see, right?" She was slowly drawing a finger down the bottom of his cock, idly tracing a vein on her way down, terminating when she wrapped her fingers around his heavy balls, giving him jut the gentlest of squeezes.

"It's yours if you got the balls to take it. It sure feels like you do," she said, squeezing a little more firmly as she looked at him with mischief and challenge in her eyes.
Izuku would be lying if he said he wasn't a little disappointed when Mitsuki pried her plush bosom from his capable grasp. However he was soon sated by the sight of Mitsuki removing her top, his eyes glued to upper body with a keen interest. The effect of her powers was plain as day, the way her skin seemed so utterly flawless despite being the mother of a grown young man. Time hadn't marked her in the slightest.

He swallowed as Mitsuki's hand coyly roamed down to the base of his cock, the pillar of flesh twitching slightly under the blonde's enticing grasp. It was definitely a world of difference to exploring with his own palm. Her quirk left her palm infinitely smoother, for one thing.

She had his balls quite literally in her hand, the modest squeezing making his breath hitch. He felt a strange mix of desire and terror grip his body as she spoke his name. "H-hah... easy for you to say... I don't think I've ever been more nervous than right now," he replied.

But he had come this far, and wasn't about to back down just yet. Not with how close he was to a beautiful older woman.

Gathering his courage, Izuku's grip returned to her breasts and groped them with renewed vigor, squeezing the heavy mounds and leaning in closer until his lips wrapped around her rosy left nipple. He was partially operating on instinct right now, his suckling motions swapping over to the next nipple as he maintained a rate of steady squeezes around Mitsuki's bust. Izuku's shaft throbbed approvingly, seeming to ache for more.
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