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See the light

L stared at him for a moment. He knew he was being analyzed by Light, the boy was doing nothing to hide that. That was probably also this entire 'getting naked thing' was. It was a game Light was trying to play and L wondered if he should out right tell Light that he was in fact L. "You want to much Light." L said, "First you want me to get naked, then you ask me such questions as this."

L paced the room silently for a moment thinking. "Maybe I just like you a lot." He finally said looking the boy over." It could be true, the boy was handsome and no one could really resist his looks. It was no wonder Light has had so many girlfriends.
He rolled his eyes he had though more of the man it was true he had looks that came from neither his father nor mother. "They say i am an angel, or at least look like one maybe they are really my parents" pointing outside to the points of light forming in the darkening sky he laughed as he began crawling towards the man. "But what do i care what they think, humans are bugs" he leaned whispering into the mans ear.
L looked out the window when Light pointed before looking back at the suspect. "And you think you are a god?" L asked him not letting the comment go. "You think I am a bug?" He flinched slightly at how close Light was and part of him wanted to touch him so bad.
Light had to laugh to think that any man could think he was god why would someone want to fly only to limit them self. "Maybe Kira does i cant speak for a madman or maybe he thinks he is the salvation of man" he smiled laying back on the bed his head just above L's feet. "who knows but this world has to change before it rots away to the core" he smiled looking up at the man it was an amusing sight.
"So you don't like this world either? You and Kira have a lot in common." L said as he looked over Light. He smirked slightly. If Light was trying to play a game with him by flaunting himself around. L wasn't going to let Light have the upper hand at whatever was going on. He reached out placing a finger on Light's stomach. He was trying to seem so sure of himself as he did so. He trailed his finger around the smooth skin for a moment. He was nervous despite the look he was giving Light.
He felt the finger on his stomach it was not a bad feeling not that much warmth or pressure it was just there. "Maybe he just has some good ideas, can you tell me you are not sick of the evil, the greed, the hypocrisy of this world" He smiled thinking about where he had hit the notebook. It would be safe unless someone found it just like the desk trap it would be destroyed if found. "Are you becoming aroused" he teased the man placing his head on his lap he might as well be comfortable.
"I am... sick of it all, but there's other ways to fight the bad. Not have someone going around killing people without them having a trial first."
L took in a deep breath as Light laid his head in his lap. He didn't get this close to people, he wasn't suppose to get this close to people. He flinched slightly. He couldn't let Light know that though. L was trying hard to play the role of a normal person. Playing a role of a normal person his age meant, he couldn't let others know he doesn't get this close to people.
"What if I said I was Light-kun?" He asked him trying not to breath to hard from the anxiety of this new feeling.
Light was always in control of his feeling he practiced smiling in the mirror no matter what feelings he should have had. "You know i think you do, but maybe you don't" he laughed picking up a remote and turning on the stereo. The music was something from the pop scene normally he did not bother. "I know the singer" he teased just to amuse himself it was a good day to be an evil mastermind. He looked into the mans eyes he had seen so few eyes vacant of all emotion as those orbs. "So what do you like best about me my stomach my ass my face" he asked with an impish grin.
L frowned slightly before looking away. He really wanted him to answer that? "maybe it's just the fact that you are smart..." He told him as he trailed his fingers up to Light's neck. "Or all of it..." He weakly smiled at him, "Or maybe I have a Kira fetish." He wondered how Light would react to that when he said it.
He laughed looking around the room he smiled placing his hand on his leg he could feel something on his neck. "so what do you want to do now if you like me, i mean you will have to wonder if i am Kira or not" They did not really know each other they had suspicions but they could both be right both wrong or split the difference. "So what would you do about it if i felt the same way" he asked flipping around to look up and L better.
"I wouldn't care if you were Kira or not honestly." He admitted and smiled. He looked down at Light wondering how strong is suspicion of him being L was. Did it really matter? Would Light do this even if he wasn't L? "If you felt the same way... hmmm." He acted like he had to think about it for a moment before he finally opened his mouth slowly. "I guess that would give me an opportunity to have me way with you." He said it so emotionless, but he was really unsure of himself about it.
He looked up into his eyes it was annoying the lack of feeling behind them eyes he was angry or would have been if he let himself feel that. "Well what is i did this" he began to rub his face over his boxers. Hew was trying to get him aroused trying to get a reaction out of him slowly he turned around placing his feet around his cock. "what if i did this would you be mad or would you be aroused by this" she asked with as mile looking into the mans eyes looking for something anything.
L took in a sharp breath as Light did this. He closed his eyes trying to stay calm, but it didn't not help with Light touching him like that. He opened his eyes slowly, there was really no use in trying to hide everything. It was impossible to do so when his skin was so sensitive. "Well, I'm not... mad Light-kun."
He laughed working his cock between his two feet he once used it to do homework the teacher complimented his penmanship. "come on is that all you can say" he asked working his meaty cock free from his boxers. "you look pretty hard not to be just un mad so how do you really feel" he asks.
L growled at Light. He wasn't used to talking in such away or being teased this way. He pushed Light back against the bed, holding his arms above him. "No, it's not all I can say." He smirked slightly. He really had no idea where this side of him was coming from. "How do I really feel? I feel like I want you to fuck me until I can't walk."
He tried to bite the man he did not like being held like that he did not like being controlled he was not happy. "Maybe i could fuck you have you on hands and knees like a dog" no matter how hard he tried he could not get close enough to bite the man. "So do you want it inside you or all over you" he asked with a smile.
L smirked at him. "It does not matter to me. It's whatever you choose." He looked down at Light and let his grip loos some, "Light-kun does not like this does he?" He laughed, "You don't like being dominated..." L pouted sarcastically down at him.
he shook his head "if you think you are in control then you are the one that needs help" he sat up and kissed him on the lips feeling him move back a little before her stood up shaking his nearly naked body a little for the man "you like what you see" he asked with a smile as he took of his boxers.
L smirked at Light's comment. "Oh really? I need help?" He shook his head and looked over Light, "I like what I see very much Light-kun." He smiled wide as he stared at the other man. He had to keep himself from reaching out and touching him.
He smiled it was all about power the game life it was all about power, greed , sex murder it was all the same. “You are far more eager then you seemed so top or bottom” he asked moving with exaggerated slowness towards him. After playing the game for so long he savored the power yet wondered if it was all worth it. “I mean you know what you want” he teased placing his hand on the other mans.
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