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OF EMERALD & HOPE: A Star Wars Saga [HopefulRebel x Temptationist]

Feb 26, 2013


Not all had been lost.
The death of Han Solo brought tragedy, certainly, but it also brought hope.
Hope for a better future; hope for a better fight.
His passion served only to fuel the Resistance, and its prime leader - Solo's previous lover - General Leia Organa.

Organa's eyes flickered with emerald and gold as the holographic map flashed before her tired eyes. Before her lay the region Luke had long been hiding in, a sector of the universe nearly untouched by galactic politics. It was home to a lush cluster of small planets, including Ahch-To. In order to protect the Last Jedi, his Padawan, and the relic temple of rich Jedi history, the Resistance would have to tread lightly, and tread carefully. The First Order would never retrieve the map, not physically - but it still harboured the power to find alternatives. It was not IF the First Order would find Luke and Rey on Ahch-To, it was a matter of WHEN. Kylo Ren would come looking; hunting for the last man, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and fateful uncle, in his efforts to destroy the light.

The Resistance was now faced with an arduous challenge. Defend Ahch-To at all cost, without systematically alerting the First Order of their protective efforts. In order to achieve such a task, the Resistance would have to create a home-base for their troops - somewhere just outside of planet, while also remaining hidden, and discreet. They would need basic resources like oxygen, shelter, water, and food. But more importantly, they would need a base of operations - somewhere they fleets could be stored, fixed, and prepped in the event of war. And there would be war with the First Order. It was only a matter of time.

"Ahch-To falls within an oxygen-rich galaxy." General Organa would go on to explain. Pressing on the holographic image before her, she zoomed in on the several planets that orbited near Ahch-To. "Many of their planets are capable of hosting human life, with little or no necessary equipment." Her eyes shifted as she pressed several links, leading her to review the status of many near-by planets. There was a minute of silence as she did so, a group of fellow Resistance leaders formed around her as they waited further instructions. "Here." Leia would decide. "The planet of Kaspia." The map displayed one of the largest planets within that galaxy, acting like a direct neighbour to Ahch-To simply from its sheer size. The planet glowed a haunting emerald colour, a distinct representation of the thick jungles that covered the entire Kaspian earth. Although Ahch-To was primarily aquatic, filled over 90% of just water, Kaspia held majority greenery, making it one of the most dazzling planets in the universe. Despite its immense botanical beauty, the planet remained mostly sheltered and hidden from the outside world. For hundreds of years it lingered untouched by galactic government, running solely on its own kingdom.

Organa pressed on the planet, opening up a small bio lacking much of the detailed information she was hoping for. Instead, the blurb outlined only brief details of the planet's existence. "Kaspia is home to the near-human species known as the Ka'la people. Most commonly referred to as Kaspians, they have operated primarily to ancient folklore of the divinity of their core planet." Looking over to her crew, Leia continued to explain. "Although mostly mythical, their culture is based around nature, and its holistic power. They are ruled currently through patriarchal monarchy at the hands of Emperor Lucian - who's family has been in power for centuries."

"Kaspians... I've heard of these people before." Bollie Brindel, Ground Crew Commander, added to the discussion. "My sources have reported the planet's greenery has been tarnished from a civil war that devastated the planet." Heads turned to look at him now as the amphibian went on to explain. "The rumours are that the Ka'la species possess a fierce Kaspian army - one nourished by a powerful energy source. Their technology, though advanced, lead to their demise as a society."

General Organa furrowed her brow as she looked at Commander Brindel, a trusted right-hand man and member of the Resistance. "Is the planet in ruins?" She asked, swiftly turning to her holographic map to the most up-to-date images of the planet her system contained. She opened up an snapshot for all to see before switching to another before falling to the most dreary of Kaspian imagery.

"The Kaspians have survived, as has their planet - though its vegetation continues to rot despite a diminished war. I wonder if Kaspia maintains enough resources for our fleets. Though the planet, as it appears in these photos, still seems to contain vegetation. A good sign." Bollie Brindel added.

Leia dipped her chin, "If the planet is in need of resources, then we are in a perfect place to provide it to them in exchange for terrain and immunity." Turning the situation around, Organa saw opportunity rather than despair. "-And a civil war may have weakened their defences." She stared deeply at the photo, wondering how a planet once so famously lush in fauna managed to be reduced to such ruin. Crossing her arms over, she continued to strategize. "We can capitalize on their most desperate time of need in order to gain a sound base of operations close to Ahch-To." There were several nods in agreement - most of the commanding crew in agreement with this plan. "Our fleets continue to patrol the region, but it has become exhausting without a base. And when the First Order do locate us - and they will - we need to have an army prepared."

Her eyes turned to the leading Resistance fighter-pilot. "Commander Dameron." She exclaimed, "I will send you to speak to Emperor Lucian of Kaspia. Reports do state knowledge in Basic, so language shouldn't be a problem. Their desolate condition will surely require company and aid. Convince him to give us land and refuge in exchange for coin and security. They may be vulnerable, making this prime opportunity."

Commander Brindle interjected, "And if not coin they accept, what else can we offer?"

General Organa turned her head, her deep gaze falling to the crowd. There was a moment of pause as she prepared her statement. Without further clarification, Leia simply stated, "An alliance with the Resistance."

[ * * * ]​


Little did General Organa and the Resistance know, the planet of Kaspia was far from decimation.
And the all-powerful Emperor Lucian and his ruling patriarchy?
They were all dead.
“We're just supposed to stay here? We don't even know this species,” Karé Kun's tone showed how extremely displeased she was with what Poe had told her along with the frown placed on her face.

Poe just flashed her a quick smile as he stopped, turned and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Listen Kun, out of all the things we've been through and survived I think a simple diplomatic mission to a dying planet with the promise of resources for a place to park is going to be easier than basic was,” he gave her shoulders a firm squeeze before letting her go and moving towards Black One.

“Yea, and we were there together. Fighting together. The last time you were on your own you ended up captured by the First Order and had to be freed, extremely luckily for you, by a turncoat trooper,” she argued, following him again and stopping when he did in front of Black One.

“The last time yes, but not always,” he reminded her. “How's she lookin' BB-8?”

The series of beeps and warbles brought a smile to his face. “Alright buddy, load up and we're gone,” he pulled on his helmet as he turned again and let a long breath as he looked at his second-in-command. “You're in charge of Black Squadron while I'm gone. Don't do things I'd do,” a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as he climbed the ladder and hopped into the cockpit of his modified T-70 x-wing and closed the cockpit as BB-8 got the clearance to take off.


“Run the scan again buddy,” Poe mumbled as he turned in his seat and gazed down at the very green and lush looking planet.

<No answer. Again. Shall we contact the General?>

“No, too risky buddy. Can't have the First Order tracking our signal to us or them,” he pressed the button on his radio. “Planet Kaspia, this is Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance on behalf of General Leia Organa. I am requesting a landing platform to deliver an important message.”

<No answer>

“I hadn't noticed,” Poe rubbed his jaw a moment before he took the controls and dropped the fighter out of orbit.

<I do not recommend this. There is an energy signal surrounding the planet>

“Maybe it's stopping their signal, something from whatever they did to make the planet vegetation healthy again,” Poe shook his head as they entered the atmosphere. “Or not,” he frowned as alarms began blaring and the engine stalled.

“We can fix this,” he said turned his head to glance over his shoulder when he didn't get a reply and saw BB-8 seemed to be powered down as well. Poe swore under his breath as he restarted the engine, the x-wing shuttered to life and began a decent. “What the-”

He looked ahead and saw where the fighter was being pulled towards. “Huh, you don't see that everyday,” he stared at the vegetation and mountain shaped like a naked woman until they were close enough he couldn't make out the form anymore. “Buddy, you awake?” He asked and tried gaining control of the machine up until it was on the ground and he threw his hands up.

“Karé is gonna kill me,” he sighed, dropping his head back against the seat as he pushed opened the cockpit and pulled off his helmet. He was clad in his orange flightsuit and stood with his hands raised. “I'm here to represent a peaceful diplomatic unison between your government and General Leia Organa of the Resistance,” he said before he dropped down onto the tarmac.

He grunted when he was hit with a stun blast and fell forward. “I said peaceful,” he ground out as he was felt hands grabbed pulling at him.
"Empress Ka'leria-"

"You come here in such blaphemous attire." I interrupted her before she could even so much as make a proper statement. She had just rushed in to the room, gowned from head to toe in Kaspian military attire. Above all else, she saw herself as a soldier, even on the most religious and festive of holy days.

She tried to defend by begging for my attention, "Empress, let me expl-"

"Kom'ander Typhonis!" I interjected once again. Typhonis instantly fell to her knees, as did the slew of soldiers who followed her lead. Bowing her head to me, she moved the thick dread locks of her hair to one side to reveal her tattoo. Her soldiers followed suit, bearing the same crystal-like emblem no bigger than an inch wide at their necks. It was a symbol of our people, our religion, and our divinity.

However, not even the standard practice of worship and greeting would cool the fire in my eyes. "You will bring the man to me." I exclaimed, silencing her for once and for all.

Her eyes widened as I made my demand. Typhonis had not even had the chance to alert me of an invasion, let alone a mystery man. Yet here I stood with that knowledge already implanted in my head. She underestimated my power, and that was the true insult. For hours she had held this foreigner the Tower of Kaspia. For hours she operated outside the level of her capability. She thought she could handle this on her own and keep such affairs a secret from me. But she was wrong.

Sensing her resistance, I reiterated. "That is an order, Kom'ander."

She slowly rose to her feet, slowly nodding her head in agreement.

[ * * * ]​

"Hey flighter junkie!" A guard, this time male, would shout to the prisoner. "You're being transferred." He exclaimed, opening the energy-generated laser bars of the stone and steel prison. Although the tower and structure was clearly aged and ancient, the technological advances of our species allowed for contrasting upgrades.

"You will not speak a word." Kom'ander Typhonis, now without helmet to her head, would command. "Our highness is unhappy with your arrival, so you will speak only when spoken to." Fastening the handcuffs to your wrists, her dark eyes were cold, and demeaning. "Do I make myself clear, Mr. Dameron?"

Her and her soldiers, an ambiguous mixture of masked men and women, escorted you through the sacred halls to an Aviator Flight Fighter (A-FF) unit of our kind. The spaceship was sophisticated in its armory, bearing the resemblance to an animal than more of a machine. Although it was made to seem just hours ago that this so-called highness resided within these four castle walls, the reality was far different. The ruler of these lands did not reside in the sacred castle, but rather, in a territory far, far away.


The ship traveled far and wide, though at exponentially fast speeds. It still allowed for enough calmness to relish in the beautiful sight. Upon acres and acres of greenery was fresh water, waterfalls, lush jungles and mountainous wonders. The ship followed the edge of a major dip in terrain, a rim to the territory referred to by soldiers as the "Edge of Eternity".

It would take just a half hour before the A-FF dipped over the Edge of Eternity, coming to a steep nose-dive over the waterfall. Gaining extraordinary speed in its dive, the ship fell for thousands of miles before reaching jungle territory again. As the green came to vision once more, the pilot (a female), brought the machine to level with the ground and began to cruise. It would take only a few more minutes before the true palace, one of wonder and botany, would come to life.

"These are the Sacred Grounds." Kom'ander Typhonis would announce. "If any of your fighters ever enter within a 100 mile radius of this territory, we will perceive it as a suicide; a death sentence." Any military machinery, aside from authorized vehicles, were strictly forbidden in this perimeter.

The A-FF ship would come to a hover over the top of the grass-filled steps. Without having to come to a full landing, the pilot kept the plane steady as soldiers unloaded from the lowered ramp. Kom'ander Typhonis lead the group, as per usual. And the same male guard, nearly 7 feet in height, escorted you from the aircraft and out on to the Sacred Grounds.

Against all of her wishes, military expertise, and even deepest instincts, Typhonis was forced to bring you here. She was following my strict orders, but hated them all the same. She lead you through the many halls of the palace, one that was lavish with decorations and wealth. There was the hint of music and festivities that echoed throughout the empty halls. Something more than mere monarchy and negotiations was happening in this palace. Among it's maze-like structure, there were thousands and thousands of citizens dressed in gowns and traditional Kaspian cultural attire, indulging in the festivities of the most holy of days - Day of Resurrection.

However, Typhonis did not bring you to the festival, nor the center ballroom hosting most of the party. Instead, she lead you far from the people, the sound of music and entertainment fading with every step. It would take nearly 20 minutes of walking before you reached the designated area. The throne room was breath-taking in its architectural design. From the the engravings and paintings on the walls, to the landscaping and columns by the walls. It was a sight to see - a beauty not all planets in the galactic shared.

Despite the throne being placed center stage by the arched columns at the the wide-open dome, there was no man who sat in it. It would take several minutes of approaching; of walking the long polished tile floors before you were close enough to see... something. A pinch of white fabric that poked out from the sides of the throne. Something, or someone, was standing behind there. As you were guided to the bottom of the stairs, you were forced to kneel, as did the soldiers and even Kom'ander Typhonis. They showed their necks to me, in traditional fashion, bearing the symbol of Kaspia tattooed on their necks.

It would take only a moment for me to reveal myself, stepping aside from the back of the throne to finally lock eyes with this... intruder. Adorned in an exuberant white lace gown, I bore only a simple bronze crown on my head. Taking slow steps forward, my hidden shoes clapped against the tile, echoing in the empty room with every step I took.

Looking up to me, Kom'ander Typhonis came to a stand. "Empress Ka'leria Ka'la of Emerald City and Kaspia." Empress. Not Emperor. It wasn't a male Emperor Lucian as highness, it was me; a woman. Empress Ka'leria.


"Commander Poe Dameron." My voice was soft, yet assertive. I spoke Basic with a foreign, exotic accent, much like the rest of my people. "I knew you simply by name. But now I know you by face." Taking frightful steps closer, Typhonis swallowed her tongue - unable to express her dislike for just how close I was willing to get to a foreigner. But her opinions didn't matter to me. I descended the stairs until I met floor-ground, coming face-to-face with you on your knees. "Stand, Commander. I want to look into your eyes."
“I was trying to get in contact before landing,” Poe pointed out as he was marched across the open walkway and towards a tower. He looked to the left, knowing there wasn't a real exit point from here. He could see another walkway but both were narrow, the other had columns and was a bit wider but from where he was, he'd need a jetpack to get anywhere.

“We know,” a guard answered as his hand was placed on Poe's shoulder and the pilot was pushed forward a bit. “Keep walking,” he instructed.

“Still walking. Ya know, you could have replied with a simple 'go away' or 'we're not interested in hearing from a diplomatic envoy, please leave,'” he said then turned so he was walking backwards and facing the guard. “You're welcoming skills are lacking, I could always help you out with that. In exchange for freedom, perhaps?”

“Do you shut up?” The guard huffed and grabbed his arm to spin him around. “Stay forward facing and pick up the pace.”

“And keep your mouth shut. We'd all appreciate that,” another stated.

“I'd appreciate knowing what you're going to do with my droid and my ship. I'd also appreciate a bathroom, a drink an audience with your Emperor but apparently it doesn't matter,” he said with a shrug of his shoulder.

“Keep talking and we'll stun you again. I'll drag you into your cell myself if it'll shut you up,” the second guard warned.

Poe licked over his lower lip and heard a quiet sigh from behind him. “The thing with that threat is then I don't ha-” He hit the ground with a huff as he clenched his jaw as electricity shot through his body.


Poe had passed the time in his cell staring out the window, his mind continued to drift back to his home planet of Yavin IV. The lush foliage reminded him of his home which brought on regret at not stopping by to switch out his ship like he had before travelling to Jakku.

He'd inspected the cell when he'd first arrived but there was only a stone bench with a window. Energy bars gave off their usual hum but other than that, there was nothing to be used to his advantage.

When the call came he was being transferred he stood and watched the guards, when he saw the cuffs he held his hands out and locked his gaze on Typhonis as she spoke. “So which is it? Don't speak or speak only when spoken to?” He arched a brow. “You can call me Poe if we're going to be more personal than professional.”


Once on the ship Poe got himself settled and opted to take in the scenery as they moved rather than antagonize the troops any further. The more he saw the more he thought of home, a random tree would catch his attention or way the foliage had taken over an ancient building would bring back old child hood memories.

Poe snorted when the Kom'ander spoke again. “Death and suicide go hand in hand where I'm from as well, don't need an explanation for that one,” he informed her.

Poe truly hadn't been expecting such expansive buildings when he'd been flying in but then again, he'd been expecting to find a more desolate like planet. A dying civilization.

Upon entering the throne room Poe took it all in, while this place did seem it would be easier to get out of with all the windows he'd never make it back to his X-Wing and he couldn't leave BB-8 behind. He kept his gaze ahead after the first few moments after entering and once they neared the throne itself he noticed the white fabric and continued on until he was made to stop and grunted when he was pushed to kneel. “Just gotta say, no need to be so pushy,” he stated to the guard who'd pushed him down.

When the movement in front of him caught his attention he was quick to shut his mouth and stared a moment at the woman. She was probably the biggest surprise yet. The general had definitely said emperor, last he checked that meant male. When Kom'ander Typhonis introduced her Poe gave a little nod, his train of thought being correct. This wasn't Emporer Lucian and this planet wasn't dying. Their entire intelligence had been wrong. Go figure.

Poe's gaze never left the woman's face though when she called him Commander he had to flick his gaze to the Kom'ander for a split second before turning his eyes back to Empress Ka'leria. He stood at her command, she wasn't his ruler but he knew how to show respect where it was due.

“Empress Ka'leria,” he said with a small dip of his head. “I've come on behalf of General Leia Organa. I had a droid with me, he obtains the message she has sent in hopes of breaching an alliance between the Resistance and Kaspian people.”
I took one intimidating step down, finally leveling myself on the same floor as you. Since you were already at the edge of the stairwell, my step down only closed the small gap between our bodies. I directly invaded your personal space - your personal bubble - my face just less than a inch from yours as I looked deep into your eyes. There was no where for you to go; not forward nor backward, as behind you lay a row of soldiers. You were trapped now in this position; between a rock and a hard place. Or rather, an army and a Queen.

In silence, I stared deeply in to your eyes; completely ignoring all of the explanations you gave for your presence on this Earth. My irises moved and contracted as they gazed intensely into your soul. There was a glimmer of emerald that flashed as I did so - a sort of split-second glimmer that was, by no means, normal, nor human. Blinking several times as I took a deep breath in, more than several moments of completely silence had passed. "Yes." I finally responded, taking a step back on to the stairs. "BB-8." I confirmed, soon waving my hand up in the air.

The shackles, previously binding you in a restrictive manner, ceased from their duties and fell lifelessly to the ground; releasing you. Typhonis' eyes glared at me in dismay, knowing full well I was testing her patience and her military instincts with such control. But there was no power struggle here, at least not in reality. I was the Empress and everything I said or did was of ultimate divinity and finality.

"Leave us." I demanded, my back to Typhonis and the shoulders as I made my command. I stood now at the top of the stairs again, beside my throne, staring out to the columns and arches of the throne room's structure.

"Empress K-" Typhonis tried to interject.

"I SAID..." My voice was firm, assertive, and for some, terrifying. "... Leave."

Kommander Typhonis looked back at her shoulders and gestured for them to stand. Within seconds the lot of them departed your side and within moments, they had all exited the throne room. It was left now empty and lonely, with one our two souls remaining. The moment the door clicked shut, I spoke again.


"Emperor Lucian is dead." With my back still to you, I continued to speak from over my shoulder. "I killed him. Precisely one year ago to this day." I turned slowly, my elegant white train following with every twist of my hips. My olive green eyes returning to look at you, I continued. "The Kaspian people..." I motioned with my hand for your to join me, to stand by my side. "... they celebrate his death." Assuming you were following me, I walked over to the arches, which overlooked the entire main city. Hundreds of feet below, thousands of Kaspians danced, sung, and paraded within the streets. Mass amounts of flowers, decorations and music flooded the area. Drink and food was plentiful, and people were happy. Truly happy. Seemingly free of conflict. "It is the Day of Revival; the Festival of Freedom."

Turning to face you again, my eyes fell softly to a dim gaze. "You-..." I paused, "You will let me... open your mind...?" My foreign accent was stronger than ever, as I hesitated to even ask you such a vague, yet trusting question. My hand raised to hover before your face. Even if you tried to reject my advances or tried to question my intentions, it was already too late. The moment my hand rose to meet your face, my eyes flashed that same, haunting emerald green - and you became lost to my voice; to my psyche.

"Our people; our planet and our world..."
"It survives on the energy of the Emerald Heart."
"The Heart of Kaspia."

"It acts as a lifeforce for the world around us..."
"... and harnesses great power."

"Lucian sought to take the power by force; by army of men."
"His army overthrew the matriarchy by waging an unforgiving war."
"He won the throne... but he could not win the Heart."

"Rejected, Lucian chose to eradicate it, but it could not be destroyed."
"To protect itself, the Heart vanished without a trace..."
"... leaving Kaspia to diminish to ruins."

"Darkness and despair fell upon the planet."
"Rot and ailment was the only thing that remained."
"... And as the planet of Kaspia withered, so did our people."

"Over 50 years, Kaspia would continue to diminish..."
"... Until one night, the Heart - it called for me."


The memory soon disintegrated; my naked figure and my glowing green eyes fading to darkness. I opened my eyes now and find myself standing once again before you. Lowering my hand, I detached my mind from yours completely.

Taking a step away from you, I walked over to the column to look over at my Kingdom. "In just a year, I have restored this world to its natural beauty..." There was a smile, but it was hiding sorrow. "But I am a hiding a terrible secret." Sadness filled my eyes, and for a moment, I wanted only to coil in it. Reaching my hand over to a potted plant, I tore off one of the palm's branches. Although the tree looked rich in colour and in health, it's core was black; charred to ashes. "Our world is still dying, Dameron. And not even the Heart..." My eyes seemed to gloss over as I refused to shed tears. "... will tell me why."

Taking a deep breath in, I tossed the branch to the side and walked back towards you. "The Heart chose me." I re-iterated. "It gifted me... with its power and divinity." My olive eyes peered into your dark brown eyes again.
"Why do you think it has sent me you?"​
It took nerves of steel to pilot an X-Wing. It took something more to do what Poe Dameron could do at the controls of a star fighter. He knew the queen was not one to be messed with. He could feel the power emanating from just her presence, it would rival General Organa's to be sure. But as she stood before him, a breath from touching, he met her gaze.

The only indication he saw a glimmer of emerald was a small narrowing of his eyes, searching to see if it was to happen again. When she spoke of his droid, he perked up. Nodding as he spoke.“Yea, BB-8. My droid,” he confirmed. Poe opened his mouth, about to request to see his droid when the cuffs fell to the floor. Poe's eyes snapped down and his mouth closed as he looked down at the links which had just been binding him, he let his hands come to rest at his side, his shoulders straightening a bit.

Typhonis' glare was one Poe thought people would feel through metal but he didn't look towards her, he kept his attention on the Empress. Once gone, Poe turned his head to see if they were still within the room and just at a distance of if he and the Empress were alone. Upon seeing they were alone he felt more at ease to speak freely.

At her next words he gave a simple nod of his head. “I assumed as much. He didn't sound like the sort to share a throne,” he commented. When she beckoned him to follow he did. His hands clasped behind his back, his right hand holding his left wrist as he followed. Poe's gaze met Ka'leria's as she spoke, nodding with her words. “We celebrate the death of the Emperor. Emperor Palpatine that is,” he added when she said they celebrate the death of Emperor Lucian.

Upon reaching the balcony Poe gazed down as well, he was surprised to see so many people, though his mind was still catching up with the fact this wasn't a dead or dying planet anymore. Perhaps the poison of a single leader was killing the planet.

Through his train of thought her question became clear and he caught the movement of her hand in the corner of his eye. Things slowed drastically as his chest seized and his stomach clenched into a sickened knot.

Once detached his hand grabbed for the rail and he let out an almost violent breath, his heart pounding against his chest Poe clenched his jaw and forced himself to steady the quiver in his muscles while his eyes followed the Empress as she retreated towards a column. Rather than maintaining his more militarized stance he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he removed himself from the balcony and closer, though out of reaching distance.

Her words were a bit jumbled in his mind, like she was speaking through a comm but at a distance. Though it all made sense when she tore off the branch and he could see the core. He blinked, surprised to see it in such a state though it brought him back to a moment in his childhood when he's damaged a special tree given to his mother by Luke Skywalker, one which had grown in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

He stood still as she approached though he felt the urge to step back, keep her at arms length at the very least. Poe had kept himself under control since the Finalizer for months, a momentary lapse wasn't going to jeopardize this mission.

He met her gaze and shook his head slowly. “I don't know,” he answered her truthfully and reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. “But I will help you. I promise I will help you to save your planet,” he assured her, giving her shoulder a small squeeze. “If you agree to allow the Resistance to set up a small base of operations to keep our assets on Ahch-To safe.”

The truth was he did want to help her, even though she'd taken him back to the one moment of his life he'd felt truly and utterly hopeless. A moment he relived in nightmares. It hadn't been intentional, it was obvious.

While he was no expert at biology, plants or planets in general he would do what he could to help her and use every resource which would come with having some of the Resistance here at his disposal to save Kaspia.

Poe lowered his hand from her shoulder and held it between them. "Deal? A partner at finding a way to save your planet for a small base. And my droid. I'd like my droid back as well," he added with a charming smile.
Standing next to you, I watched closely as your body had such a vehement reaction to my memories. I did not look phased, nor in dismay. In fact, I was hiding a mysterious grimace behind those plump limps of mine. With my bright olive eyes half-lidded as I looked down to you, my pupils dilated as you hunched your body over. "Hmm." I hummed under my breath, no so much as saying a single word as you gasped for air and clenched the railing. I moved towards the column as I had, each step perfomed almost systematically like a dance. There was a sort of grace about me that remained unmatched by any other woman on this planet. Whether it was the illusion provided by the ornate design of my white wedding-like gown, or the way I held my shoulder high - there was a power to me.

As you approached, even if cautiously, I did not move a single muscle. I didn't even bat an eye as you reached for my shoulder. My eyes remained fixated on yours, as if I were to use them to place a spell on you. The reality was, there was no spell; not one I could control, anyways. Instead there was just a glimmer of hope; a growing trust between the two of us. A normal man would lose his hand, if he were to so much as think of touching the Empress. But there were no guards here, no soldiers, no Typhonis. There was only you, and I... and 12 blaster-snipers hidden in every secret corner of this massive room - awaiting you to make just a single fateful mistake. Although I could easily defend myself, Typhonis was overly cautious, and overly attached to my survival. She trusted no one, perhaps not even herself.

As you lowered your hand, I followed it's movement closely; squinting as you transitioned into an open hand; a gesture imposing agreement through handshaking. I chuckled softly, though it was audible in my throat. "You mistaken my honest for trust, Commander." I responded, blatantly ignoring all inquiries for negotiations as I deliberately turned my back on your hand. Turning to face my Kingdom once more, my eyes gazed over the greenery far and wide.

"To you, to your people... it is Ahch-To." I nodded ever so lightly. "To us, to Kaspians... it is Kawatkia - giver of water." Although its name was meaningless, it's meaning was incredibly important. "These assets of yours... on Kawatkia... These objects... or people..." My head turned to briefly look at you over my shoulder. Returning my eyes to the horizon, I continued. "... they are so valuable, that you would place the whole of my planet - of Kaspia and its people - in danger just to protect it." Before you could respond, I purposely interrupted you. "That is not a question, Dameron!" My voice raised, "It is the inevitable reality of this preposition."

Twisting my body around, I took several steps to face you again. This time, I kept no personal distance. I got right up to you, right in your face as I had done before. "I do not make deals with MEN." There was an incredible hostility in that word; a deeply rooted misandry and sexism towards the male gender that would not be hidden, even in my tone.

Leaning my body back, I took a breath. "So long as there is a penis between your legs..." I boldly shifted my eyes down to your lower half. "... I cannot shake your hand." Giving a restorative smile, I tried to lighten our interaction by providing a charming grin. "But you are fortunate, Commander. Because your leader is a woman." Giving a playful wink, I stepped aside and turned to one of the exits of the great hall.

"There is one thing I will agree to, however." A loud and high-pitched whistle emitted from my tongue. It took only moments for the sound of clacking and beeping to echo against these hollow walls. In came a clumsy four-legged droid - DOG-7 - prancing his quirky self around a familiar face - your droid, BB-8. Except BB-8 was missing something notable; the dirt and stains around his freshly-polished body. Not only had he been cared for, but he was thoroughly pampered; practically brand new.

"Kommander Typhonis will assign you guards. They will not only protect you, but they will escort you to and from your room." In came Typhonis and her small militia of gender-ambiguous soldiers. "You are a guest, here. Not a prisoner." Although I was looking at you, my words were meant for Typhonis. "And as today is the Festival of Freedom, you are free to join me in our feast in two hours time... if you so please."
As the Empress turned her back on his open hand he sighed as he dropped it to his side, the hope of this going as so smoothly after such a rough start dropping drastically as well. While she looked over her kingdom Poe resisted the moment to roll his eyes. He despised the whole political front of these things. When she began to speak again he could hear the shift in her tone and his face hardened just a bit. “The-” he started before he was interrupted. He watched her closely as she came up to him, not budging as she got in his person space though there was tension in his jaw and across his shoulders.

The way Ka'leria said 'men' brought a small crease to his brow, he hadn't noticed any hostility towards him for his gender yet so it was a small surprise it was being brought up now. He couldn't help but follow her gaze down his body. “And it's staying there,” he said quickly before she informed him she couldn't shake his hand.

“I wouldn't exactly say I'm the fortunate one,” he informed the woman as the droids made their entrance.

BB-8 let out an excited squeal upon seeing Poe and rolled up to his master, warbling and chirping in swoon-like prose about their hosts until his optical sensor registered the look on Poe's face and he stopped quickly. “You got a bath and I got arrested. Glad one of us is having a good time,” he muttered to the droid.

<I did recommend against landing.>

Poe lifted his gaze from his droid toward Kommander Typhonis and her guards then back to Ka'leria and gave a small bow of his head. “If it pleases you Empress I would be honoured to attend,” he informed her before stepping back a few paces before turning to head out the exit. BB-8 followed suit, giving the Empress a little bow then followed Poe out of the throne room.

“Follow us sir,” one of the guards said before leading Poe away from the throne room. They walked down a few corridors then down and down until they reached the room. “We'll be outside if you need anything sir,” the guard gave a nod as she motioned for Poe to enter the room.

“Thank you,” Poe said as he stepped inside and looked around, BB-8 rolled up to the window and looked out at the under water views before turning to regard his owner.

<I think you've offended her.>

“I have not. They just have something against men. Or something,” he sighed and raked his fingers through his hair as he sat on the edge of the bed. “She said she wouldn't shake hands with me cause I'm a man. She's going to ask to meet the general.”

BB-8 let out a hum as he rolled up and settled beside Poe's leg.

<The general's message is for you to make the contract. You are here on her behalf.>

“That doesn't matter buddy. They won't deal with me,” he said and reached down to rest his hand on top of BB-8's head when there was a knock at the door. “Yea?” Poe called and stood as the door was opened and the droid who'd come in with BB-8 pushed into the room, nearly knocking over the guard as she opened the door.

“Sorry sir, the droid seems fond of your droid,” the guard said as the DOG-7 bolted to BB-8 and pranced around the spherical astromech.

“It's alright,” Poe said with a nod. “Hey, what's your names?” When the guards hesitated he gave them a smile and a small shrug. “I'm only asking so I don't have to say 'hey guard' when I have a question or something.”

“I'm Selonna and that's Keda,” the guard answered then stepped back and shut the door.

“Not a prisoner but not exactly free either,” he muttered and looked at the two droids as they seemed to be playing. “Alright,” he sighed and unzipped the flight suit, pulling his arms out and looping the arms around his waist as he flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “BB, can you get a message to the Resistance?” he asked after a while of staring at the ceiling.

<We will need to ask the Kaspian people to drop the interference around the planet. Or fly out of the atmosphere>

“Of course we will,” Poe frowned, standing he moved to the glass looking over vast coral reefs and other under water foliage. He crossed his arms, mind racing with a way to resolve this without getting General Organa involved.
The moment you exited, Typhonis entered. There was a fury in her step, and a darkness in her eyes. "You are betraying our people!' She barked at me as she approached. For once, she was alone. And this interaction was far more personal than it was professional. Kommander Typhonis came right up to my face, her nostrils fuming like a bull seeing red.

"Oh, like I betray you?" I scoffed back sarcastically, turning my back on her before swiftly spinning around again. "OH. That was you."

Typhonis sneered, cocking her head back and suddenly falling to shame. "I made a mistake-"

"One you're LUCKY I didn't have your head for. Treason via infidelity against the matriarchy is punishable by DEATH - need I remind you again..." I growled to her, a clear sign of my begrudging and authority here.

She lowered her head, her eyes planted on the floor. "It didn't mean anything."

My eyes widened, "Hmph..." I retorted. "It didn't have to." It only took those four words to cause the once strong and bold Typhonis to reduce to watery eyes and failed expressions.

"When will you forgive me?" She asked, trying to look me in the eyes though she had difficulty doing so. "I'm your sister, for Alda's sake." Alda, the great mother earth, was a holy and sacred name.

"And I'm your Empress." I reminded her, again and again. "Our sisterhood only made the betrayal that much worse." I sighed, moving over to overlook the festivies down below. "When you start trusting me..." I added, my voice softening, "... and telling me the truth."

Typhonis swallowed hard, sighing even deeper than I had before. "Ka'leria..." She came to stand beside me, looking down on the Kaspian people by my side. "I wish to marry her."

My head shot up to look at her. My mouth was agape and my eyes wide. I tried to speak but it felt as though something was caught in my throat. Shaking my head, I looked away, unable to bear the look in Typhonis' eyes as she admitted what I had feared most. Sucking my lips between my teeth, I took a deep breath - trying not to allow the emotions to get the best of me. Exhaling, I looked to my hands, fidgeting with the material of my dress before me. "If you promise to cherish and love her as I did..." My hear ached as I said these words. "...then I give you my blessing."

Typhonis' eyes lit up. She grabbed from my nervous hands, holding them tenderly in her own as she begged for my attention with her eyes. "Sister..." She swallowed, "Thank you!" Tears welled up in her eyes as did mine. Finally turning to look at her, we fell into an embrace... Though the only image passing through my fragile mind was the haunting memory of Nafi'lya - my lover - and Typonis - my sister - in bed.

[ * * * ]​

The doors to the chamber suddenly slid to an open, without even the slightest knock or warning. I entered your room without a single word, the guards standing firmly behind me until I waved them away with the flick of my hand. The door hummed as it closed, but once the steel was sealed again, the room was in silence once more. Only the soft sound of my gliding cloak and the light beep of my DOG-7i bot could be heard; my silence mildly alarming for it not unusual. Without formally greeting you, I came to stand by your side in front of the glass wall. My attire had changed. The extravagant lace-embroided gown had been replaced by a simpler maxi skirt and a white bralette, which hid mostly behind the great white cloak that draped my shoulders.

Looking out to the clear coral reef that livened the scenery, my eyes stayed focus on the blue abyss before us. "We are not thriving..." I spoke abruptly, as if I were talking to myself. "True, our people live... but our culture is dying." DOG-7i, who had been eagerly awaiting my attention at my side, lowered his head in sadness. A low hum of beeping emitted from him, as if his body was shutting down. "We are like a stone the ocean beats against. With each year, a little more of us is worn away."

My fell silent, still staring out to the deep blue. I let several moments of silence sit between us, knowing full well my intentions were confusing, at best. Turning my head to finally look at you, I awaited for your dark eyes to meet mine. My fingers rose to the nape of my neck, snaking themselves through the silk string holding the cloak around my chest. "Commander Dameron..." My voice was soft, smooth, and sultry. I sounded breathless as your name cross my moist tongue, my olive irises falling to the curve of your plump lips as I pulled the silk in one seductive motion. The cloak unraveled at my shoulders, the white sheet slipping off of my slim body. "Do..." My fingers did not stop at the cape. From one second to the next, they moved to release even the skirt from my hips. The thin fabric fell to my feet, revealing my shapely figure and a strappy, white bikini. "-Do you swim?"

DOG-7i had disappeared in to an opening in the wall. With him, BB-8.

Raising my hand to the glass, my olive irises became brighter and brighter. My pupil restricted to just a pin, and my palm, fixated to the cold window, began to emanate light. The wall began to splinter and splice - the cracks of the compromised glass glowing an emerald green. The alarms in the underground establishment triggered, causing the automatic lock-down of the rooms surrounding us. The guards, in a panic, tried to pry open the door - but it was no use. And there was no time.

Everything happened in mere seconds, but as my eyes focused on only you, it seemed liked time was moving in slow motion. My hand lifted from the fractured and weakened window, forming my index finger to a point. It didn't matter what you said, what you shouted, or the fear that filled the chests of the men outside of that door... With a single tap of my nail, the entire wall holding the ocean out came crashing down. The glass imploded, buckling under the weight of the ocean's heavy mass. Water tidal-waved through the room, striking with unforgivable force was it swept us into its strong, monstrous grasp. The impact of the waves formed a vacuum - sucking the two of our bodies into the ocean's deep blue.

We were nearly 100 feet below the surface, and as the water spiraled, only took us deeper. Despite the ocean of blue, there was a glimmer of light - a striking force that called to you, like a siren singing to its sailor. My body appeared just feet before you. My eyes still bright and dazzling as I looked at you underwater. My chest began to glow a deep emerald green. As if a light was being shun from underneath my skin - a pattern of green veins sprawled over my shoulders, arms and within me, like someone, something was hiding inside of me.

Reaching my hands out to you, I slid my fingers around the back of your head. Planting my thumbs firmly on your jawline, I pulled our faces together and joining our lips. The light from my chest seeped through my lips and to yours. A invigorating energy filled your chest as I breathed air, and life, back in to you. As my lips parted from their embrace, I looked into your dark eyes. You could breathe. You were breathing, underwater.

Taking your hand in mine, I pulled you towards me, urging you to follow my lead. But as I swam ahead of you it became apparent that it wasn't the light of the world above us... I was swimming further and further into darkness. It would be total blackness before you saw anything again. But when you would, it would be as we plunged to the surface. Bobbing my head up to oxygen again, I took a deep breath and looked to you as you transitioned out from underwater. As you opened your eyes, you would find yourself in another place entirely. In another world.
He didn't have to look away from the never ending vastness of water to know who'd come into the room. He had a feeling even though Typhonis held a great dislike for him she would still respect the Empress enough to knock before coming in. He saw her reflection in the glass as she approached but his gaze remained forward though he did take note of her changed attire.

Poe's gaze shifted from one plant to another, catching the movement of a random creature flitting through the gently swaying florals covering the watery floor. He remained silent, he wasn't of a political mind and never had been, nor was he even a great military strategist. He was a pilot. He held the general's trust and had handled many situations for her which wouldn't normally fall to someone with his rank or position but he had seen many previous missions to their successful conclusion. However he was finding himself thoroughly confused as he stood in the presence of this empress on this planet in this fairly uncharted system.

As the silence filled the room he turned his head just a bit to look at her, his eyes didn't stay on hers for long, the motion of her hand drew his attention for a split second to her neck then his gaze was back to meet hers. “Ummm,” he hummed out, not sure what to think about what exactly was happening as the cloak fell to the floor like a whisp of white cloud. The signals she was giving off, the way she spoke and the way she moved alerted other areas of his anatomy, parts she had once seemed not a fan of, to begin taking interest in what was going happening before him.

“Swim?” he asked, brows knitting together in genuine confusion. “Hey, what?” He watched BB-8 follow the other droid through the opening. He was about to step around her when she placed her hand on the glass. “With all due respect Empress, I...” Poe's gaze moved from Ka'leria to the fracturing glass under her palm. “Swim. Not overly well,” he pointed out, looking to meet her gaze again. His own eyes alert and fairly concenred.

“You've gotta be kidding me,” he grunted as he scrambled to get his boots off, dropping the second one just before the glass gave and the water surrounded them.

Poe didn't get a chance to take a deep breath, though the force of the water would have knocked it out of him anyway. He wasn't one to panic, he wouldn't be alive if he panicked every time something went completely awry.

When Ka'leria appeared before him, he stopped in his search for a break in the water surface and instead focused his gaze on her. While he was confused by her actions since they'd met he didn't get the feeling she wanted him dead.

When she reached out for him he let her, floating and waiting patiently for what she had coming next. He didn't exactly kiss her when her lips met his but he did react. His hands moved to cover hers, his eyes closing for a moment until she was pulling away.

The breath was instinct. The fact there was air to breath surrounded by was a shock. A welcome one but still shock. It was something he'd never heard of. A human breathing under water. He didn't question it though, instead, as she took his hand and urged him to follow he gave a single nod.

Poe followed the Empress. He didn't have much choice either way.

Once they breached the surface he gasped in a deeper breath and his arms flailed a moment as he got himself steady. “Okay, you need to give people a warning if you're going to do something like that!” he told her as he began to swim towards a set of rocks which looked like it lead somewhere. “Empress or not,” he added, huffing as he struggled with the weight of his flight suit laden with water. “Glad I wasn't wearing my fine washables either.”

Once he reached the rocks he pulled himself up and took a few breaths before pulling himself out of the water. He stayed a moment on his hands and kneed before sitting back on his knees and pushing his hair back. “I hate politics,” he muttered and pushed himself to his feet and looked around. “Where are we?” He asked, turning so he could find her and look to her for answers. “And what are we doing here?”

He turned from her, looking around some more. The cave or abyss they were in was massive. “Also, for the record. This isn't the greatest suit for swimming in," he took a few steps forward before pausing and unfastening the arms of his jumpsuit and pushing the material down his legs. It made a heavy sloshing sound as it hit the ground and he kicked his foot free. He looked down at himself. Sock feet, soaked trousers clinging to his legs. His white undershirt was transulent now it was wet and his hair curled around his ears. “Okay, you've got me all wet and not in the best attire for being around someone of your standing, your guards are going to blame me for this and your scary Kommander is gonna stun me again when she sees me, anything else I should be looking forward to?” He asked, raising a brow in question as he turned to face her.
Rising from the water, I dipped my head back to take a breath in. Arching my back, the curve of my physique became especially prominent. Using both my hands, I ran my fingers over my head and through my hair, wiping the water droplets that fell from my face. My wet hair stuck to my neck and back, still dripping wet. My eyes were to their normal state, but they still possessed the sultry look that they had developed earlier.

Looking over to you as you mutter, mumbled and complained, I couldn't help but smile and watch as you stripped down to bare minimal clothing. "I know." I confessed, knowing full well that your attire was grossly inappropriate for a mid-day dunk, let alone near-drowning. I held back a chuckle, but was unsuccessful in keeping the humming of my soft laughter trapped behind my lips. The corners of my mouth pulled from each side to curl into a devious, but flirtatious, grin as I moved towards the bedrock. My hips rocked as I took steps out of the water, swaying from side to side as I climbed effortlessly to the rocky shoreline.

As you turned to face me, I was ever so close to you again; the concept of personal space clearly distorted among our people. "So serious." I furrowed my brows looking at you. "Has General Organa sent you here because she was bored of you?" There was a cunning expression on my face - it was definitely a blatant insult, implying that you were boring, and perhaps incapable of anything fun. "Hmmm." I purred lightly, finding myself to be incredibly amusing. "I have you precisely where I want you, Dameron." Pausing as I leaned closer to you, my eyes traveled up and down your figure before turning away completely. There was a soft giggling that escaped my lips as I walked away.

"You humans are all the same. You view the world, the galaxy - in black and white." Despite speaking, my back was to you. I continued forward, towards the opening beyond the mass cobble columns. "-Good vs. Evil." Despite being barefoot in an ocean of sharp rock formations, I moved seamlessly and quickly through the maze of cave - knowing each safe step without so much as looking at my feet. "-Jedi vs. Sith." Pausing as I came to the edge of the water, I stopped at a fern bush and tenderly brushed my fingers over it. "Have you ever stopped to see the color, Commander?" Taking your hand in mine, I guided it to the fern, which looked sharp and unfriendly. But as I forced your fingertips to brush over it - it was just the opposite. It's fuzzy texture was extraordinarily soft, and the oils on the leaves left a resonating feeling on your fingers; it was medicinal, seeping in to your pores. "Do you know it even exists?"

Releasing your hand, I took a step back. Raising my arm and hand out, I gestured for something behind you. As you would turn around, you would find a virtual graveyard of Old Republic starfighters. Jedi Order ships; rusted and hardened with age - having been abandoned hundreds of years ago. The symbol of ancient Jedi painted on the front and sides of each ship. "You are not the first of your kind to travel to Kaspia." Raising my brow slightly, I searched your expression to capture your reaction. "And you will not be the last." Eluding to an alliance, I roamed the wreckage of relic ships as I traversed further out of the maze. The sound of falling water became louder with each step. Only a few more steps way, behind a wide pillar of rock, was a sight unlike no other.

"Welcome, Commander." I waved over, my toes curling to the edge of the cave as I neared a dip in terrain. "The City of Rebellion." I tipped my chin down, nodding in agreement to your proposal. "Your city, Dameron." For miles and miles, the ruins of an old Jedi colony remain intact and untouched. Bridges connected housing units, air bases, and other operational headquarters to form a unified city; one that sprawled over the beautiful scapes of Kaspian waters.
“Serious?” Poe asked, unable to keep a smile of his own from his lips. “Nobody on base would believe you even me me if they heard you use that as a description of me,” he pointed out as he raked his fingers though his dark hair, getting more damp hair from sticking to his forehead to join the rest of his unruly, dark locks. “If the General was sending me away for any reason besides a mission then it'd be because of exasperation, not because she's bored,” he explained as he began following her. “I don't think the General can get bored.”

He glanced at the back of her head as she spoke, listening to her descriptions silently. “Are we? You must not have met many of us then,” he reasoned about her assumption of humans. He let her take his hand to touch the fern, offering no resistance to her actions. He rubbed his thumb over the spot where his finger had touched the fern, interested in how fast and easily the fern had caused an effect on him. “It'd surprise you to know exactly how I see the galaxy Empress,” he informed her as he stood then turned and looked over the graveyard of starfighters.

Ever since finding out the truth out about Finn and the other stormtroopers he worried about the next time they saw combat. Could he just shoot a person who'd been brainwashed since childhood? It was kill or be killed in war but those people didn't know anything else. Didn't have a choice. He chose his side. He believed in the general and her dream of a free galaxy but there was a lot to think about, especially now.

“I never assumed I was, the General seemed to have enough knowledge of your previous Emperor I had thought her to have visited at least once,” he spoke as he looked over the starfighters. The fall of the Republic always made him sad. An old clone trooper, probably the last of his kind had fought alongside his father on Endor before they destroyed the second Death Star. He'd heard stories his father heard from Captain Rex of the way he and his brothers were 'born' and raised, of the time they'd fought alongside the Jedi and against the separatists.

Poe turned from the sight of the aged starfighters when she spoke of him not being the last human to visit. “I would hope not,” he supplied before following her as she began walking once more. Once they passed the pillar Poe couldn't help but stare at the sight before him. “My city?” Poe asked, looking at her quickly before looking back towards the city. His heart fluttered with a bit of excitement, joy just waiting to erupt at what he was hoping she meant. “What exactly are you offering me here?” Poe asked, turning from the city and looked at Ka'leria.

It was his turn to welcome himself into the Empress' person space. It was bold of him but she'd proved herself not to care much for his own and he had to know for sure what was happening. “I need to know exactly what you're offering me and what you're expecting in return,” as he spoke he stared into her eyes, searching for an honest, straight forward answer.
"I'm offering you what you want, Dameron." I shrugged my shoulders, "An alliance with the Resistance. And alliance with General Organa, her fighters, even you." I was mesmerized by the few curls that fell from your forehead still wet and relentlessness in their effort to free. And your dark eyes - I couldn't remember the last time I had seen eyes so brown before. They were an anomaly on Kaspia - most of the Kaspian people had varying shades of green and blue eyes. Sometimes hazel, but rarely, anything darker.

"Kommander Typhonis isn't scary, Poe." The subject of discussion was instantly changed in that moment. My vague answer to your question was distracted by the switch in gears. I smiled softly, raising my hand to brush the side of your face as I pushed the few loose curls aside. "She's scared... of you." My eyes lowered as I looked more intensely in to those dark orbs of yours. "... of your eyes." My hand had fallen to land on your chest; a romantic gesture I had not even conscious made on my own volition. "They are without colour. Dark, mysterious... like the ocean's abyss." Suddenly snapping out of the trance I had fallen to, I swiftly pulled my hand away from you.

"What... " Taking a deep inhale, I passed my tongue over my lips; a sort of nervous tick I displayed in times of uncertainty. "... I am offering..." Clearing my throat, I returned to the previous topic of conversation. "A colony, and a big one - property that is valuable not only to our lands but to your cause." Although I took a step back, I had not moved very far from you. "I am also offering protection, and my technology. Whatever you need, I will give it to you. Ships, fighters, rovers, soldiers - whatever you request, I will supply." This was an expansive list of resources, resources that prior to your arrival here, General Organa didn't even know we had. "Food, water, shelter of course." I continued, taking a deep huffing puff of air.

Shaking my head softly, I dipped my face into my hands - the damp hair cascading over my head as I did so. "I expect nothing." Though, I couldn't seem to look you in the eyes as I said that. It was the true, at least partly. Sighing, I took a troubling inhale, the fact that I was having difficult breathing becoming more and more apparently with every huff. Lifting my head, I moved my hands to your shoulders. "It's not what I expect...." My head was trembling, as were my hands. "It's... what I hope." My eyes began to water again. My body was having a physical reaction to whatever I was trying to say to you, but I couldn't manage to scoff it up.

Wheezing, my knees began to buckle below me. I clenched the fabric of my bathing suit's top piece with one hand, while the other grabbed harder for your shoulder; searching for support. My jaw was clenched, my eyes glossed over, and my face was turning blue from the pain and lack of oxygen. Only seconds went by before I suddenly gasped - as if taking air for the first time. "The Heart!" I called out. Taking another inhale, "... It's dying." Regaining my strength as the tightening in my chest passed, I realized I was running out of time. "I'm dying." Swallowing long and hard, my body slowly regained its once proud and tall position.

Moving away completely. "And it isn't my life I am hoping to save. Nor is it the lives of any Kaspians currently on this forsaken planet." Looking out to the vast colony, I slowly reduced myself to a sitting position. Sinking into a rock's ledge, I looked broken; empty. "It's the prospect of a future. A generation of people; descendants of Kaspia." Shaking my head, I sighed. "There has not been birth on this planet for over 50 years." Looking back to you, my eyes found comfort in your dark orbs. "All children that make it to birth die at conception. All of them."

I slipped my fingers in to the fabric concealing my chest and pulled an emerald pendant from my top. This was no ordinary emerald. This was a crystal - a KYBER CRYSTAL. Slipping it from around my neck, I handed it to you.
Poe let out a choked laugh when she told him she was offering him an alliance and bit his bottom lip to keep from grinning like a fool. “Thank you,” he breathed out, an intense emotion could be heard in those two words. They were full of gratitude and made Poe's smile even brighter than usual.

Her sudden change didn't affect his happiness but he did focus more on her as they still stood so close. As she lifted her hand and brushed the side of his face, touched his hair his face softened a bit. “None of the Kaspian people have to scared of me,” he assured her, his voice gentle as her hand fell to his chest. “Mysterious? I thought you were sure you had me all figured out,” he teased a bit, tilting his head a slightly and bit down on his lower lip, tugging it free as his hand lifted to cover her own just as she pulled it away.

Poe's gaze searched her face as she spoke, the list seeming too good to be true. His mood shifted now, concern filling his brown eyes as her physical symptoms became more noticeable. “Hope is all we have a good supply of,” he said as her eyes began to water. “What's wrong? What's happening?” he moved his hands to her hips to keep her stable. He shifted to her side, one hand moving up to keep her hand against his undershirt while the other went around her to grip her hip, pulling her against his side to keep her up. “Where's the... where's your place? Where's your people?” he asked as she turned blue before his eyes.

As she stood he let her go slowly, his hands dropping away as he stared at her when she moved away. Poe moved forward once she sat, his eyes staying locked on hers. He took a seat next to her and took the crystal from her. “Not a lot of people know what these are,” he said as he turned it around in his palm. He could feel a small warmth from it and it made him smile. “Here,” he said as he turned towards her and slipped the necklace back around her neck.

“It seems we need each other,” he said and looked out towards the city. “I don't know how well it'll work but we can try. We can hope,” he nodded slowly then looked over to her. “You need to understand though, we're fighting a war. If you bring us as a whole, we may... we will bring trouble with us,” he warned. He'd do anything for his people and the general but he wouldn't let her help them without her knowing what she was truly getting into. Even though there was obvious signs the Kaspian people had helped the Jedi once, these were people of a new generation. And a new threat.

“Will you still take us?” He asked having given her a moment to contemplate what he'd told her.
"Hm..." I mumbled, a light, yet disappointed hum emitting from my lips as you slipped the crystal back around my neck. My dominant left hand came up to hold the emerald pendant in my palm again. My eyes were half-lidded as I looked softly at the necklace. Realizing you were unable to understand the gravity of its power, and its importance, I paused a moment to think. There were several seconds of silence as I pondered, closing my eyes as you continued to negotiate with me.

"Commander..." I paused, not allowing the rest of my sentence to come to fruition. I seemed to hesitate, more so than I ever had before. Dropping the pendant from my hand, I let it dangle about my neck before looking back up to you. My eyes searched yours, wondered more and more why the Heart brought me here, to you. Or rather you... to me.

It seems we need each other. Your words rang in my ears, like soft echoes.

"War?" I recounted, finally gaining the strength to rise back on my feet. I stood before you, still wobbly although I tried to hide it. "I have lived my whole life in war." My face grew stern, the dazzling green becoming dull as the memories of violence and destruction filled my mind. "The galaxy is made up of war, Dameron."
I turned away from you, continuing forward towards the colony that lay just over the cliff-side.

I stopped for only a moment, looking up to the sky; searching for something with my glossed eyes. "Only upon death, is there truly peace."

Slowly, I moved my body around - my bare feet licking the cliff's edge as I turned to look at you once more. I was just one step away from plummeting dozens of feet down. Though I avoided your question, I made a bold reclamation. "And in a universe with hope among nothing else, there is only room for those willing to take a leap." Raising my hands up to either side of me, my toes dug into the earth's moist soil as I leaned backwards. I allowed the weight of my body to pull me down, my entire figure disappearing off the cliff's edge before you could have a chance to attempt to stop me.


It was a steep fall in a narrow enclosure of rock and weeds; a canyon outlining the layout of these lands. To break my fall lay a body of water - its form so crystal clear, the very bottom of it could be seen. It appeared as though it was only a few feet deep. As I formed my figure into a dive, my body slipped into the stream effortlessly, proving its shallow appearance to be an illusion. Moments after first jumping, I resurfaced, pulling my slim physique out of the water on to a flat rock. Sitting on its ledge, my legs from the knees down remained in water. Leaning forward, I cupped the water with my hands and drank from the spring's essence, patiently awaiting your next move.

Although it could not be seen from above - hidden in a mass of vines - behind me lay a stone-founded stairwell; a secret passage way.
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