The prophecy of Dagor Dagorath - Lord of the Rings


Jul 15, 2010
Lost in my own mind
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Character profiles Group OOC

The year is FO 212, peace has flourished in Arda since Sauron's great defeat, ushering in the Age of Men. The race of Elves has dwindled, many sailing West to Valinor. Leaving Middle Earth in the hands of the mortal races of Dwarves, Hobbits, and Men. As is often the case with mortal memory, the evil was forgotten with the passage of time, nothing but a frightening bed time story, and so it wasn't easily identified when it began to creep over Arda once more. The Elves that remained were the first to sense the familiar evil. An evil thought banished forever into the void. An evil greater even then Sauron and his ring of power. Soon his servants would wake and join their master, Sauron chief among them.

An old and forgotten prophecy is about to be fulfilled. This will be the final battle for Middle Earth. It will be a bitter fight, greater then any previous. Who is brave enough to take up arms against Morgoth and his servants?

The prophecy:

"Thus spoke Mandos in prophecy, when the Valar sat in judgement in Valinor and the rumour of his word was whispered among all the Elves of the West. When the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth, seeing that the guard sleepeth, shall come back through the Door of the Night out of the Timeless Void; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon. But Eärendil shall descend upon him as a white and searing flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the Last Battle be gathered on the fields of Valinor. In that day, Tulkas shall strive with Morgoth, and on his right hand shall be Eönwë, and on his left Túrin Turambar, son of Húrin, coming from the halls of Mandos; and the black sword of Túrin shall deal unto Morgoth his death and final end; and so shall the Children of Húrin and all fallen Men be avenged.

Thereafter shall Earth be broken and remade, and the Silmarils shall be recovered out of Air and Earth and Sea; for Eärendil shall descend and surrender that flame which he hath had in keeping. Then Fëanor shall take the Three Jewels and bear them to Yavanna Palúrien; and she will break them and with their fire rekindle the Two Trees, and a great light shall come forth. And the mountains of Valinor shall be levelled, so that the light shall go out over all the world. In that light the Valar will grow young again, and the Elves awake and all their dead arise, and the purpose of Ilúvatar be fulfilled concerning them. But of Men in that day the prophecy of Mandos doth not speak, and no Man it names, save Túrin only, and to him a place is given among the sons of the Valar."

Taken from - Dagor Dagorath

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The top post has been updated with links to the character profile and OOC sections. In OOC thread Ive posted the ideas being discussed, so anyone wanting to give input have at 'er!
YEAH! Be happy to have one more, the dang thing hasnt started yet so hop on!
We are on the prowl for new players! let us know if interested! You can post here, pm me or post in our OOC --->
Come on in. step right up. dont miss your chance. join in the adventure of a life time!

Uncle Gandalf Wants You!


Come join us and kill some orcs!
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