A few ideas if you're interested


Oct 17, 2017
Hi everyone

I'm looking for partners for my 1x1 ideas that I have below. I'm very open to customising them and changing them if the partner in question wants to make changes. I play female mostly, as I know the female characters like the back of my hand and I leave the male characters open for customization. I do like to write long replies and would expect the same in return but obviously, it depends on the roleplay, time, etc. Adult relationships are welcome as well as they are part of the story as it were.

If the roleplay isn't going where you want it to go or if you have ideas, please tell me. I'm open to ideas, suggestions and everything else. If you don't reply after 2 days, I'm going to assume that the roleplay is at a stand still. I do work and sometimes my schedule at work allows me to be online to reply but if not, I'll be replying in the morning and then all late evening but I'll let you know if anything changes.

Anyway, onto the ideas! :


The Boss's Daughter
Set in present New York City, this will be possibly a long roleplay as the story itself is set over three parts which I’ve listed below. I’m looking for someone to play Ryan Lewis, the second main character and who is also willing to play secondary characters if required.

The general synopsis and backstory is this: Set in modern day New York City and the story is based on the relationship between eighteen year old Lile O’Rourke and Ryan Lewis. The twist in the story is that Lile’s family owns one of the largest advertising businesses in the world and Ran works there, having just been made VP while her father is acting CEO. Lile was made the heiress to the business empire when she was ten years old by her grandfather and she will take over the business when she’s twenty-one, her training will begin when she’s nineteen. No one knows that she’s the heiress apart from her family.

Lile has been in love with Ryan ever since she first met him at the annual Christmas party her parents usually hold, the only problem at the time was that she was fourteen years old and Ryan was having an affair with her mother. The affair was serious to the point where Lile’s mother, Mary, was willing to break off her marriage to her husband until she found out that in her pre-nup, she wouldn’t get any money if she divorced her husband. Mar beaks off the relationship with Ryan who is heartbroken; becoming a cold person on the exterior to anyone he meets. Lile has been waiting ages for this to happen and one day, she goes into his office and admits her feelings for him which he doesn’t return.

Part One: Lile and Ryan have begun their relationship, a relationship they will have to keep secret from Lile’s parents, his parents and everyone else in the world. It doesn’t help that Ryan only wants Lile for one thing, while Lile wants Ryan for everything! This part will explore their relationship and the start of Ryan’s feelings for Lile as the relationship begins to progress.

Part Two: Lile and Ryan’s relationship has been fully recognised in public and has become very serious. However, the strain is starting to show as Lile’s future at the company is under jeopardy as shareholders look to replace Lile with Ryan, destroying the old family tradition that a O’Rourke must be head of the company.

Part Three: Ryan and Lile are now engaged to be married, with Lile being the CEO of the company.

I'll Be Waiting
Savannah has been living the highlife in Los Angeles for the past five years, leaving heartache and a terrible past back in Louisiana. However, as her career as America’s highest paid actress flourish, her past is set to make a comeback in the form of terrifying letters revealing intimate details not even her diehard fans know. Her protection now is top priority and when the protection is in the form of her ex-boyfriend, who caused all the heartache, Savannah doesn’t believe he has her best interest at heart.

Daniel Williams made the greatest mistake of his life when he let Savannah go before their prom and the military life had never fully allowed him to heal but it helped him prepare for his career in personal protection and now his services are being called upon by his high school sweetheart.

Can he protect her from this stalker while trying not to rekindle their long forgotten relationship? And how many secrets are going to revealed?

Coming Home
Eve Hatton was destined to be an actress from the moment she was born and at the age of 5, she was well known across America as one of the top child stars. The fame and fortune never went to her as she through school in her hometown of St. Michaels, Maryland. Her town was proud of her and the press never bothered her there, as the town sheriff would run them out though high school was a little different. The girls didn't like her and she only got on with one girl, who was often the troublemaker.

But it was thanks to this friend that she would later meet the love of her life. Helping her friend for parents evening, Eve was painting the 'Welcome' banner when she was approached by Joshua Wallace. Josh asked her to homecoming, to which she agreed and the rest they say is history. Hollywood paid little attention to this boyfriend as he wasn't known and a nothing in their eyes. It's what kept their relationship going and after graduating high school, they bought their own home (which was a bit of a wreck) and began doing it up. (Needs more work on this)

The Long Walk Home
Elissa Noel was use to not having her boyfriend at home, it was pretty much a given when he was the head of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit. He went looking for IED’s, sending one of his men to disarm the bomb when the robot or whatever failed to do so. He had been party of the army since he was 18 and it was all the two of them had ever known. They had a house, he the EODU and she had her bookstore in their hometown of McKinny, Texas. It was pretty much a routine that had settled into until the day the call came: Alex was coming home.

But not the way she wanted.

Alex Hunter had been the head of the EODU for the past three tours, his current one in Iraq. Pretty routine, nothing out of the ordinary. They were checking for IED’s and it had been Alex’s turn to check for them, nothing out of the ordinary…yet this time, this time was different. The bomb had gone off the moment he entered the building, had blasted him through a brick wall resulting in serious brain injury and badly broken bones. It could have been worse, he could have lost a hand or a leg or an arm like many of his men had. After several months in a hospital in Iraq, he was finally beginning the long walk home to Texas where his recovery would continue after a medical discharge from the army. But could he live a civil life? Could he finally live the life he wanted without the feeling of needing his rifle? And would this crazy feeling ever stop?
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