Best Vacation Ever {Potter}


Sep 28, 2013
Hawaii was quite a shocking shift to someone who had spent his whole life in Tokyo.

The incredible heat, the vibrant sunshine, the sea of accents that flew between the different people on the heated streets... it was definitely a shift from the uniformity of Japan's urban environment. That said, Ryuji was still finding the school vacation to be a little on the dull side. He didn't quite know why, but it felt to him as if not much had actually happened since they arrived here.

The fit blond had been hoping, ideally, to hook up with some fine American girl. But his English was so poor that he didn't want to make the attempt. He couldn't even rely on Akira to be a wingman since he was apparently dating someone these days (Though who that was remained a mystery to the group). He had been teasing Ann about something as of late, so maybe that was it?

Whatever the case, he was currently walking the golden sands at a lazy pace, looking out at the sea. Curfew would hit soon, and then he'd have to duck into the hotel again. The thought made the strongly-built boy grunt in annoyance. Their Hawaii trip was almost over, and he'd yet to make any lasting memories. He supposed, ultimately, he'd just have to hit the ground running on Phantom Thief stuff when they got back to Japan.
Just as Ryuji was getting ready to give up hope, it seemed his chance was upon him. A pair of slender arms wrapped around his waist and some sizeable mounds pressed against his bare back, molding against his chest. The hands rubbed at his pectoral muscles as a voice filled his ears.

"Hey there, tough guy.....what are you doing all by yourself...." the voice was sultry and even sounded somewhat familiar. Unfortunately for Ryuji though, it was all in English...which had never been his top subject.

As the voice finished, a pair of teeth nibbled and sucked on his earlobe, chuckling lowly. Little did Ryuji know, but the one behind him currently was Ann Takamaki, his childhood friend and fellow Phantom Thief. She had spotted him wandering alone and wanted to tease him....make him think some American bombshell was hitting on him. So long as he didn't turn around or recognize her would all be fine.
Ryuji had been all but set to head back in when he was suddenly gripped from behind, his eyes widening once he became aware of two rather large mounds pushing against his broad back. He blinked in surprise, then felt a powerful shiver race up his spine when the alluring words hit his ear. Well, he didn't understand what was said to him entirely, but it sounded rather nice.

Still, something about this did seem rather odd to him. That voice, even speaking in another language, did seem rather familiar. "Hey," he greeted, trying his best to seem casual. His hands reached down, suddenly gripping the undersides of Ann's thighs and hoisting the buxom blonde up easily in a piggyback ride. "Nice day today, eh?" he asked, as it was the best line he knew in English.
Ann let out a small gasp as Ryuji gripped her thighs and then she started giggling softly. She hoped that wouldn't give her away. She remembered when Ryuji used to do things like this with her all the time when they were younger...before things had happened with both of their family's and they had drifted apart....she missed those days. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, leaning against him, her breasts now molding against the back of his shoulders as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, careful to stay out of sight though.

"Such a strong man...." Ann spoke again in her English, her voice alluring and sultry. Even if English, she had practiced this type of voice enough to get it down. Then she giggled again slightly as her lips neared his ear.

"To bad you are such an idiot and a perv." She continued in English, with that same alluring tone, eager to see just how Ryuji would respond to her "compliment".
Whoever this girl was, she felt so warm to the touch, and the sweet perfume adorning her sent a shiver through his body. And her voice was just so damn sweet to boot... "Hehe." Well, he understood 'strong' well enough, though the rest of her words remained a mystery to the yankii. He probably should have paid more attention when Ann was trying to teach him a little extra English.

"Man this is awesome... Kinda wish I understood English, but..." Then he paused abruptly. Wait, things this good never happened for him! So either he was being messed with, or he was in one heck of a dream. Still, he decided to push his luck just a little. His hands roamed along the thighs of his 'partner', sliding backward until they met the peachy cheeks of her rear for an experimental squeeze.
Ann couldn't help but chuckle as Ryuji spoke to himself about wanting to understand English. That was when he did something she did not expect. She felt his hands slithered back to her round and bubbly rear, his hands squeeze her cheeks, his digits digging into her flesh. She let out a gasp followed by a soft moan. It felt...good. She had never expected Ryuji to do this, and she had never expected some like him groping her ass to feel so good. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt her face flush, she just couldn't keep up the act anymore.

"Je...jeez, Ryuji. Are you that desperate that you'd grope a stranger's ass." Ann huffed slightly, dropping the facade and trying to hide the fact that what Ryuji did to her was rather enjoyable. She figured Ryuji had never really viewed her as a girl or as someone he could date. She would always just be his childhood friend; even though ever since they had gotten together as Phantom Thieves, she had felt a growing affection for the boy.

"This isn't so bad though....I feel like a queen like this!" Ann chuckled as she ruffled Ryuji's hair playfully, trying to cool down the situation and make sense of her own feelings at the moment.
"AHA! I knew it was you Takamaki!" Ryuji replied. She was the biggest flirt he knew, leave it to her to play a prank on him like this. Still, he got to squeeze her butt, so it was a net gain for him. "Well shit, if you wanted me to pick you up, you shoulda' just asked. You're pretty light, even with T and A like those," he said, giving the blondes rear another eager squeeze. The other girls in their group were good looking, sure.

But there was a pretty good reason why Ann was the one making it as a model. "And yeah, I was hoping to hook up with a girl. Why not? Ain't like I got anything goin' on back home," he said. For now he seemed fine with having Ann pressed into him like this. Felt nice, made him aware that she had grown quite a lot in the last few years. "Still, you did a pretty convincing act as a hot American girl."
"Sure...of course you knew it was me. You certainly seemed to be buying into it with that broken English you were speaking." Ann teased back, liking the feeling of tussing his hair with her fingers. His hair felt surprisingly soft and was enjoyable. When he mentioned her weight along with her...."T's and A" as he referred to them, she scoffed and started bopping his head with her first, in a playful but at the same time, forceful enough to be annoying way.

"This is why you'll never get a girlfriend, Ryuji! You could have excluded that last part and just said I was light you know!" Ann lectured him, staring at the back of his head sternly to try and get the message across. Still, Ryuji would be Ryuji and that constant was one of the few things in life she could count on, so she couldn't be too hard on him. "Also, where do you think you're squeezing! Don't get too friendly with my butt! You can leave them there but no squeezing...that'll be your reward for putting up with my teasing." Ann let out a chuckle. She had managed to bite back the small moan that had wanted to arise when he squeezed again. She didn't want that surprise but she hand to admit that his strong and firm hands on her rear did feel rather pleasant...

When he mentioned not having anything at home, she chuckled. "Jealous of our Leader? Already hooked up with the Class President. Who would have thought!" Ann mentioned; she had caught Akira and Makoto together earlier, confirming her already strong suspicions. She looked down at Ryuji and softly patted his head.

"I don't think you're so bad though, Ryuji. If you just learn to watch what you said, I bet you could be a very charming're already ahead of Yusuke at least." She chucked as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, letting out a blissful sigh. "Seriously though, when did you become so strong and tall, I remember when I was taller than you and could beat you in a fight." She teased as she reminded him of their shared childhood.
"Wait, for real? Him and...?" he trailed off. Well, that would explain some things, he supposed. All this time he thought that Akira had only been heading to the student council room so often for the sake of dealing with Phantom Thief stuff. "Geez, didn't think she'd be his type... In fact I didn't think anyone would be Makoto's type, but ah... good for them," he remarked. That would explain where Akira disappeared off to an hour ago.

"Uh, puberty? Coupled with track team and a whole lot of protein... Still, kinda let myself go a bit when that bastard ruined the track team. If it wasn't for Akira, I wouldn't have gotten into shape at all." Still, he was quite admirable. His shoulders were broad, and his arms and exposed sections of his legs were rather toned. And he had worked hard to get a nice set of abs. "Still, it ain't my fault you were so tall in middle school. Only Suzui was taller."

He sighed. "Guess we better head back to the hotel before Kawakami has a fit... Guess I'm in the clear. Guy I was stuck rooming with is heading to his girlfriends room tonight. Means I got the room to myself." Ryuji paused and glanced up at Ann. "You... wanna ride over or what?"
"I suppose that's true....I just never noticed it when we first saw each other much was going on...especially with that bastard Kamoshida..." Ann dug her fingers into Ryuji's firm shoulders, her knuckles turning white. Even just mentioning him still cause Ann some stress. "Akira played a part of it.....but so did you Ryuji...I don't think I ever thanked you personally for thank you..." Ann was somber for a moment and then, with her white and porcelain cheeks tinted red slightly, she delivered a small kiss to Ryuji's left cheek. It was fleeting and only lasted for a moment, but Ann rather enjoyed the sensation of her lips pressed against his was so soft. Now that she was thinking about, she never expected Ryuji's skin to feel as smooth as it did, and she was becoming more conscious of that fact all over now.

"That's just thanks, so don't get used to it or anything...." Ann stammered, somewhat embarrassed before Ryuji brought up their heights when they were younger, causing her to grin and lighten up. "I was so proud of being taller than you, I remember that. It's a shame you had to get so tall." She pinched the same cheek she had just kissed.

Ann took note of Ryuji saying he had the room to himself...still it felt wrong to just invite herself. So when he offered a ride back, she found the perfect excuse. "Well, what a gentleman to offer me I right back. I'll accept your offer, and as thanks, I'll hang out with you in your room. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right?" Ann leaned forward, pushing her breasts against the back of his head so they could see eye to eye as she gave him a playful wink.
Ann was a hard girl to figure out, even having known her as long as he had. He went from nearly melting at the brief peck on his cheek, to growling in annoyance as Ann pinched that same cheek. Truthfully he could never tell just what she was thinking. It was probably one of the reasons why he had never tried to be more than friends. "Yeah well... with everything that happened with you and Suzui, I was hardly gonna sit back and do nothing." Even if Kamoshida hadn't ruined his life, he would have made a point of helping Akira anyway.

He made slowly back for the hotel with his human cargo perched on his back, enjoying the gentle rhythm of her bust rubbing against his back. "You uh... sure you don't wanna go and change?" he asked, seeing the tall white structure of the hotel loom into view. "I ain't complaining or nothin', that floral pattern really suits you, but... well, scantily clad girl goin' into a guys room is the kinda thing that gets folks talking."

Still... people saying he was dating Ann wouldn't be the worst rumor people had spread about him.
Ann couldn't help but chuckle as Ryuji growled when she pinched his cheek. He was just so fun to tease, she really enjoyed it though at times she did wonder if she was too forward or annoying about it. Then again, Ryuji seemed the type to speak his mind so she figured if she ever got too annoying he would just let her know.

Ann too enjoyed the ride, she enjoyed feeling herself pressed against Ryuji's strong and firm made her feel safe and protecting...know he would protect her if she was ever in trouble. Along with the lovely weather and the breeze, she nearly found herself falling asleep before the hotel came into view. When Ryuji mentioned changing, she pondered for a moment before shaking his head.

"Because you managed to say something nice about my swimsuit without sounding like a perv, I guess I won't mind staying in this. See, are already improving." Ann teased, before getting more serious, squeezing his shoulders before nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

"I know you said you don't care about your reputation....but are you sure you are already getting labeled with the rumor of dating the whore that dated Kamoshida...." Ann whispered softly, her voice sounding fragile for a change. Even though most people had dropped those rumors after Kamoshida confessed, some of them had intensified and become even worse. She hated it, but if it was just about her, she would be get Ryuji involved though...she didn't want things to be worse for him because of her.
He knew that while many of the rumors around Ann had died down after Kamoshida's arrest, some still persisted with the myths. Either out of envy of Ann, or simply because it amused them to do so. And hanging around with the two infamous 'delinquents' o Shujin likely wasn't doing Ann any favours.

Ryuji shrugged. "Ann, I've been called everything from a drug dealer to a yakuza member. People saying I'm dating one of the best lookin' girls in Shujin is definitely a good rumor in my book," he said. Truthfully, Ryuji hadn't dated anyone since the track team was dissolved. His infamous reputation meant that most girls wanted nothing to do with him.

The two walked into the lobby of the hotel, the disinterested staff not sparing a passing glance. They looked just like a normal couple as far as they were concerned. The tall blond made for the nearest elevator and cleared his throat. "You mind hittin' that button for me? My hands are kinda full." With the best butt in the world, he mentally added.
Ann couldn't help but chuckle when Ryuji mentioned all the rumors that had swirled around him. It was true that many of them were outrageous and extreme...she wondered how many of them had formed. When he mentioned how he wouldn't mind the rumor of him dating her though, she couldn't help but blush. Her heart started pounding in her chest again and she prayed that Ryuji couldn't feel it. In response to that, she simply nuzzled her face back into the crook of his neck.

Once they were at the elevator, she leaned over to pressed the button, very intentionally pushing her bust as against the back of his head as she could....she was actively trying to tempt him now. Once that was done, she leaned back.

"Do you want to make it not a you want to make it true...." Ann asked, her voice soft and uncharacteristically vulnerable... she was opening herself up to Ryuji right now, opening herself up to rejection that she feared, and she honestly had felt this scared since that time Kamoshida called her about Shiho....she gripped the back of his shoulders again, waiting for his answer.
For a moment he considered asking her if she was serious. But the tension in her body, and the softness in her voice made it clear that, for once, she was being quite sincere. "Of course I'd like that," Ryuji simply said as he strode into the elevator with the blonde vixen. He pressed a button for the third floor, raising his knee for the task. "You're the girl I know best, and you've been my friend for years but..."

The elevator lurched and started pulling upward at a steady pace. "Why would you wanna date me? I mean you're... you. The most attractive girl at Shujin, and the nicest person I know. And me, well I'm..." Ryuji trailed off, trying to put his thoughts into words. Easier said than done, he often found.

He didn't consider himself unattractive, but Ann was of a different tier in his eyes. The elevator came to a halt and opened out, and he proceeded out into the corridor. "I'm a dumb hothead. You could do a whole lot better. But... dating you would be really awesome."
Ann listened to Ryuji open up about himself and his thoughts on her. She never knew that he held her in such high esteem; as he spoke, her cheeks flushed and she felt herself warming up, her heart pounding faster as she felt her stomach doing barrel rolls. Still, when she talked about himself, she couldn't help but scowl. After he was finished, she playfully boped him on the head with her balled fast.

" might be a hot head and an idiot.....but you are also so kindhearted and would do anything for your have done anything for your friends. You stood up against Kamoshida for them...and even if it didn't work out at did that because you didn't want to see them suffer anymore..." Ann gripped his shoulder. "Even if...that part could get you in trouble or just always put others before yourself...and part of me hates that!" She let out an emotional huff, she felt some tears coming down her cheek too.

"But....I also love that part of be so selfless...I could never be a great of a person as you, Ryuji." Ann admitted honestly, she used one of her hands to tilt his chin to the side so they were looking eye to eye, her own were clouded slightly with tears, her cheeks stained lightly with the tears that had already rolled down her cheek.

"If you'll take me....I'd love to be your girlfriend, Ryuji...and even if you say no...I owe you for saying so many nice things about me, so...." her voice changed, back to a more teasing in sultry tone as she gave him a playful wink before pressing her lips up against his own. It was an affectionate and tender kiss as their lips melded together, Ann's hand gently stroking Ryuji's chin and firm chin as her other ran through his short, blonde hair, gripping his head gently on occasion.
As she complimented him, Ryuji felt a strange warmth rising through him. Other than his mother and Akira, there weren't a whole lot of people who seemed to hold him in much esteem. But with everything they had gone through together in this past half a year, it seemed Ann thought more highly of him than he expected. He welcomed her plush rose-coloured lips on his own, his first kiss in quite some time.

"Heh... you and the waterworks..." he teased, smiling faintly at the scantily clad blonde. "Guess that settles it then... girlfriend." He continued on toward his room, each step amplifying the thrill in his heart. He paused and set Ann down once they reached the door, having to spend a few moments rummaging in the pockets of his dark shorts for his keycard.

Ryuji gave it a quick swipe and sighed in relief as the door unlocked. He quickly held it open for the blonde, revealing the tidy hotel room. He hadn't bothered to unpack much, given how short the trip was. "Ladies first."
Ann enjoyed the kiss quite a bit, her lips lingering against Ryuji's lips for a few moments before she pulled away. She was getting ready to pout at him, but when he called her his girlfriend, Ann couldn't help but smile. A beaming, truly happy smile. As Ann got off, she quickly realized she missed the sensation of having Ryuji's hands on her rear....her attention was brought back to the room though.

Ann realized that the context of entering the room alone with Ryuji now was quite different than it had been just a few moments a go. She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts from her head as Ryuji held the door open for her, Ann feigning disbelief.

"Oh my....such a gentleman...keep that up and you might get something nice...." Ann practically purred, her fingers grazing across his bare pectorals as she gave Ryuji a fine few of her ass as she walked in, even giving it a suggestive shake. While she might have seemed composed on the outside, her heart was racing and she was screaming at herself in embarrassment, but she walked in, examining the nice and tidy room.
Ryuji felt his pulse racing. A few minutes ago, inviting Ann into his room would have just been normal. She was his childhood friend, someone he was pretty platonic with. Now though they had just unloaded a whole lot of feelings onto each other, and the blond was all too aware of how this situation could go. He followed after her, entranced by her pale bubble butt, and closed the door behind him.

"Hey, I'm always a gentleman," he lied, managing a wry smile. The room was decently large, the carpet plush and soft underfoot. The furniture consisted of two double beds, a large wardrobe and a heavy leather armchair in the corner. A doorway to the left of the entrance led to the large bathroom. "The guy I'm rooming with was gone all last night, so I guess we don't gotta worry about being interrupted."

A pair of strong arms wrapped around Ann's waist from behind, while the blond's chin gently rested on the top of her head. "Sooo I guess we could do... whatever in here."
"Oh? I don't know about that, if you say so though." Ann teased Ryuji, giving him a wry smile back as well before he moved into the room. When he mentioned not being interrupted, Ann seemed he was having the same kind of thoughts as she was.

She enjoyed the sensation of Ryuji's arms around her waist, her back pressed against his firm chest. She felt safe and wanted....two things she didn't feel all that often in the world. At his words though, she chuckled, leaning back into him, grinding her round and firm ass against his crotch. "Whatever....come on, can do better than that." Ann teased with a playful laugh before her voice turned sultry again, her hands moving behind him to grip his own rear, giving it a squeeze as she pushed him forward, driving his crotch against her ass again as she let out a soft moan.

"Tell me....exactly what you want to do..."
Ryuji bit his bottom lip as Ann's heart shaped rear ground into him, sending his excitement sky high. From this angle Ann would no doubt feel how hard he was but, more than that, how large he was. Her childhood friend had grown in more ways than one, with the outline of his shaft being incredibly long and thick.

"I wanna do everything," Ryuji said conidently, leaning in and nibbling the blonde's earlobe. They had plenty of time, plenty of privacy, and if this was to be his last night in Hawaii then he wanted to spend it getting to intimately know Ann. His strong hands slowly roamed up Ann's taut abdomen until they found the underside of her sizable bust. He squeezed both orbs through her bikini top, seeming quite entranced at the sight.

"Geez... you say I've grown, but these are pretty damn big..." He hated Kamoshida's guts, but he could at least understand why Ann had caught his eye.
Ann would let out a small gasp that would turn into a soft moan as she felt Ryuji's bulge rubbing against her ass. So long and hard....she hadn't seen him naked in who knows how long so this was quite the surprise. "Looks like you aren't the only one who has grown....someone is happy to see me~." Ann teased as she rubbed her rear against his shaft with eagerness, her moans slowly becoming louder.

When he nibbled on her ear, she couldn't help but gasp and giggle, she had heard his more vulgar conversations he seemed to be trying to keep that in check for her sake, and she rather appreciate that. His fingers on her slim and smooth stomach felt lovey, but once his hands squeezed her large breasts, she let out her loudest moan yet as she thrust her ass back into his massive bulge.

"Do them?" Ann asked, her voice slightly ragged as she used her own hands to guide his under her bikini.

"Touch them directly, Ryuji....please...." She plead with him, wanting to feel more pleasure...more of this heat that was building inside her.
By the time his palms slid under her bikini top Ryuji thought he had briefly died and gone to heave. Her skin was so smooth and soft, and he couldn't help but give her naked bosom a squeeze. He reached down and gripped the thin strap in his teeth, giving a tug that unlaced the flower-patterned garment and let it fall away. "Course I like 'em... I keep tellin' you you're gorgeous."

The blond gave her bust a few more squeezes before sliding his hands down and unlacing her bottoms. He could almost feel his hands shaking in anticipation as he slid her bottoms down, leaving her fully exposed to him. "Really... really gorgeous," he said, feeling his tone growing slower as he went nearly slackjawed in delight. She looked even better than he'd expected, and that was really saying something!

He reached down to his own shorts and slowly slid them down until his heavy shaft sprang up, stiff as a board. It was shockingly long and thick, his heavy balls looking to be equally potent. "S-so uh... this is... me too. F-fair's fair, ya know?"
As Ryuji squeezed her breasts, her flesh molding beneath his digits, Ann moaned in delight. She noted how he managed to get her top off with just his teeth...she wondered through a lust hazed mind if that meant he was deft with his mouth...she would have to test that later.

For now though, his hands wandered downward, gripping her bottom and finally removing them, leaving her completely exposed and in the nude. It felt liberating in a way...she was embarrassed to be naked in front of someone, but at the same time, happy that the person she loved enjoyed the sight.

When Ryuji pulled his own shorts down to reveal his massive and throbbing cock, she couldn't help but gasp. It was one thing to feel it, but to actually see it like this...Ann licked her lips as she leaned back into Ryuji's chest, but opened her legs slightly so his cock wouldn't be touching her. One of her hands ventured down one and gripped the was so firm. She started stroking it, clumsy at first, but she soon had a rythem and was pumping it like a pro.

"So manly...just like the rest of you~" Ann cooed as she looked down, feeling his hot rod between her fingers felt invigorating and she herself was starting to get wet with excitement. "What could you possibly want me to do with such a manly cock, Ryuji?" Ann teased as she tilted her head back to give him a flirty and teasing wink.
Ryuji tried his best to stifle his moans as Ann's soft digits caressed his cock. She seemed a novice, dispelling a lot of the rumors that circulated around her, but with how soft her touch was he really didn't mind. "It really says a lot about you when I dunno if you're being playful or not," he said. Even Akira had trouble figuring her out at times, and he was the smartest guy Ryuji knew.

"Buuut... well I figure we could take our time and try a lot of stuff. Usually takes a while for me to tire out," he said. Granted that was when he used his hand, but he was sure it would be the case here. He wanted to work hard to prove he was good enough for this.

"I guess we could start slow... see you put that pretty mouth of yours to work," the blond said, grinning wickedly. "After that... I figure I'll be good and ready to go all out." His right hand reached around and settled between Ann's silky thighs, giving the pink lips of her pussy a playful stroke. "If ya get my meaning."
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