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The Power Of Love (NSFW CONTAINS IMPLIED RAPE) Chapter: 1

Lady Alexx

Oct 15, 2017
In A Pineapple Under The Sea
The Spring Ball: A dance to celebrate the season of spring.

The ball was in full swing; the fair-folk of the Fairy Kingdom were gathered in the ballroom of the royal palace, and whilst they were all having fun and dancing around, they were still waiting on the royals to appear. King Dagda soon entered the ballroom with his two youngest daughters Princesses Dawn and Marianne, causing the fairies to mutter amongst themselves about how gorgeous the two princesses were, even if Marianne was considered strange.

One of the male fairies approached the royal trio, quickly bowing to the king and pressing a kiss to the hands of the youngest princesses. Once he straightened, he looked Dagda in the eye.

"If I may ask your highness, where is Princess Alexx?" He asked.

Dagda gave a forced smile. His eldest daughter was always taking her sweet time with things like this. He knew that Alexx didn't really like to be seen in the public eye, which was why he'd had to nip her intention to abdicate the throne in the bud.

"She will be here Zephyr, I promise," he replied.

Zephyr nodded and bowed his head again, before backing away and waiting for the older princess. It wasn't long before her voice was heard through the doors.

'Gotta make a move to a place that's right for me
place to keep me moving
keep me grooving with some energy.'

The doors to the ballroom flew open, the knights on the other side seemed to be shocked at the way the older princess had just burst in. The fairies all muttered and murmured about exactly how the Princess had entered. At the side of the crowd, Zephyr and Dagda were shocked not only at the way Alexx had entered, but also the way that she was dressed.

“Oh Alexx,” Dagda muttered.

‘Talk about, talk about, talk about mooooving.
Gotta move on
Gotta move on
Gotta move on.’

The older fairy princess started to dance with any male who was closest to her, eventually making her way to Zephyr, her fiancé and began to dance with him, swinging him around the dance floor whilst still singing.

‘Won’t you take me to…
Funky Town
Won’t you take me to…
Funky Town
Won’t you take me to…
Funky Town
Won’t you take me to…
Funky Town.’

Zephyr shook his head as he danced with Alexx, but it was a good natured gesture as he was having just as much fun as his fiancée was. In the end, everybody joined in with the dancing as the crown princess and her consort continued to have some fun.

The Power Of Love.

As the ball continued, Zephyr took his fiancée out of the castle for a moonlit stroll in the light fields. It wouldn’t be long until the two of them were married, and he would have this rambunctious woman under lock and key, and hopefully tame her. However, there was no reason to say that he couldn’t start now.

“This was very kind Zephyr, the moon’s so beautiful,” Alexx said.

Zephyr smirked.

With unfathomable speed, he caught her elbow and turned her to face him. Immediately his lips were on hers and his hands were running up her body, coming to a stop on her breasts. Alexx gave a squeak and pushed him away.

“What’re you doing?” She squealed.

Zephyr’s face fell and he pulled her back to him again, baring his teeth at her like some kind of animal. She continued to struggle, causing him to flare out his emerald wings to keep them both steady.

“You’re gonna learn some manners young lady!” He hissed.

He then went in for another kiss, but Alexx slapped him around the face and began to fly off. Zephyr however, caught her foot and pulled her down again. She fell to the ground, twisting her ankle and falling onto her knees.

Zephyr pounced on her, pushing her onto her front and laying himself on top of her.

“I’m going to tame you my beast,” he snarled.

As he put one hand on the back of her head, she felt his other one scrape across her backside, and then he was slicing the crotch of her tights. He pushed her head down hard, and the last thing she saw was a rock rapidly coming up to her face, before everything went black.

The Power Of Love

When Alexx woke up, it was to the sound of a deep voice giving orders. Her eyes cracked open and she saw her father stood at the end of the bed, a bed that decidedly wasn’t hers.

“Where am I?” She asked.

She didn’t know how long she had been out, but if the slight croak in her voice was any indication, it was a day at least. Dagda turned towards her and hurried to her side, where he picked up her hand and sat on the edge of the bed, tears in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry Alexx,” he said.

The older princess looked at him and shook her head. It was obvious that he knew something of what had happened to her, and she couldn’t fight the tears that filled her own eyes.

“It’s not your fault dad,” she whispered.

Dagda looked down at her, his own tears rolling down his face. Alexx sighed and turned her face away.

“Who else knows?” She asked.

The king blinked and sighed, before he squeezed her hand and brought it up to press his lips to it.

“Just the knight who found you,” he replied.

Alexx nodded and gave a shuddering sigh.

“Good. I want to keep it that way,” she stated.

Dagda went to say something, but as soon as he took a breath, the glare that his eldest daughter gave him reminded him so much of his late wife, that his mouth snapped shut with a click. He gave a sullen nod and stood from the side of the bed.

“The doctor will be back to check on your in a bit my dear. But for now, I have some things to attend to,” he said.

Alexx nodded, then lay her head on the mossy pillow and closing her eyes.

The Power Of Love

Alexx woke with a start, sweat running down her face and neck, tears in her eyes and she was panting hard. Her wide eyes looked around the room, but upon seeing that she was still in the hospital wing of the palace, she slowly started to relax.

That is until she caught movement in her peripheral vision. A small squeak escaped her as the figure got closer, and she tried to move away.

“Alexx! Calm down Alexx, it’s just me! Marianne!

The older princess opened her eyes again and looked at the form of her younger sister. She sighed in relief and started to breathe normally again, before relaxing back against the pillow.

“What’re you doing here?” She asked.

She could tell that it was night, by the way the lanterns were all lit. Marianne gave a bit of a smile and sat in the tulip chair that was next to the moss bed.

“Dad wanted someone with you when you woke up. He said that you don’t need to be alone right now,” she replied.

Alexx gave a slight nod and then closed her eyes again, silently thankful that her father hadn’t actually said anything to Marianne about what had happened, she didn’t need her younger sisters to know and to be put off of love.

“What happened Alexx?” Marianne asked.

The older princess’s eyes shot open, and green met brown, before Alexx shook her head.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” she said.

Marianne sighed, but Dagda has told her not to push Alexx for information that she wasn’t ready to share, so she didn’t push. The older fairy princess could tell that her younger sister was worried, so she put her hand on the younger’s and gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

“I’ll be alright Mari,” she said.

Though it was more to reassure herself than her sister.
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